Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 141 President of the Golden Monkey Protection Association

Xu wish followed the instructions of the two big monkeys and walked into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, under the illumination of the flashlight, what appeared in front of him was a statue as roughly carved as the cave.

It's a monkey standing upright!

It's just that more of the features on the statues are that of people walking upright, and only a small part of them still retain the characteristics of monkeys.

No gender characteristics.

Well, although the details are rough, the charm is full of charm.

But this is not what surprises Xu Wishan the most.

What surprised him most was the power of faith permeating the monkey statue!


Have these monkeys evolved to the point where they can generate the power of faith?

When a population has exhibited the behavior of worshiping or worshiping beliefs, it means that this population has evolved to a highly social level.

From the moment I saw this monkey statue, I had already roughly guessed what was going on.

Both this cave and the monkey statues in the cave came from the monkeys outside the cave!

They worship this statue because they want to become a person who walks upright like this monkey statue?

Although Xu Wan had guessed part of the truth, he still didn't understand what the two big monkeys were doing by bringing him here, despite the language barrier.

However, none of this matters.

Because it has existed here for decades, and because of the large number of monkeys, the power of faith permeating the statue has accumulated to a certain extent.

Although monkey minds are not as smart as humans, the power of faith contributed by individuals is varied and rare, but it can at least support a directional lottery!

Xuanyuan glanced at the number of draws he had accumulated and had accumulated 11 times. There was nothing to hesitate about.


Of course, it’s still a single draw.

Make a wish and click on the lottery light curtain, click on the lottery.

The lottery light screen flashed quickly.

There is nothing to be nervous about making a wish. The hero related to monkeys is nothing more than [Monkey King - Monkey King].

There is no other choice at all!

I wonder which Chinese child doesn’t like the Monkey King?

That is the superhero who has accompanied all Chinese people throughout their childhood!

Not to mention children, men also like it!

Leopard print, short skirt, stockings, boots, steel pipe...

Sun Wukong has all the qualities that men like.

Under the wishful gaze, the flickering frequency of the lottery light screen gradually slowed down, and finally stopped, locking on a hero's portrait.

But Xu Yuan stayed in place.

It’s not the Monkey King, the Monkey King, but the Son of the Forest, Aguduo?

Wishing looked at the hero's portrait locked on the lottery light screen in disbelief, then looked up at the statue.

The power of faith on the statue has indeed been exhausted.

What happened?

I can't figure it out no matter how much I wish.

But now, he has no good solution, and the lottery cannot be withdrawn, so he has to accept it calmly.

Fortunately, although Aguduo is not as popular as the Great Sage, he is not weak either.

It's even better than Sun Wukong in terms of functionality!

There's healing, there's control, there's displacement, and there's summoning.

The vision of making a wish is focused on the passive [Mountain and Forest Romance] of [Son of the Forest - Agudo].

The effect of [Romance in the Forest] is slightly different from that in the game.

[Romance in the Forest: Release special animals within the range and turn them into partners, and gain the effect of partners assisting in combat. 】

Very simple sentence.

Punishment skills are not required, and of course there will be no buff effect after release.

However, the effect of partners assisting in battle has changed. No matter what ability you wish to use, all partners can be converted.

Now he really became a summoner!

The first people to target when making a wish are the monkeys in the cave!

[Jungle] Such a powerful ability is not without limitations. The special animals released must be exotic animals, that is, animals that have mastered the power of energy!

This kind of special animal is not common, and can even be said to be very rare. After all, the number of aliens is extremely rare compared to the huge base of human beings, let alone these special animals that can move and are born by chance.

Maybe being taken away by him using [Forest Adventure] might not be a bad thing for these monkeys.

After all, the influence caused by the Qi of the Twenty-fourth Section Tongtian Valley has already penetrated into every part of the body.

They are the same as ordinary people who are affected by the twenty-section Tongtian Valley stripes and have mastered the means of Qi. They are unable to leave the valley. Once they leave the valley, they will die due to various reasons.

That is the curse in various legends!

Make a wish and walk out of the cave.

The two big monkeys were still waiting outside the cave.

In the mountain col slightly further away, there are still a large number of monkeys waiting eagerly in the canopy of the trees, as if they are waiting for an ending.

When Xu Yuan walked out of the cave, he noticed the expectant eyes of the two big monkeys outside the cave at first sight.

His scalp was numb.

Until now, he has not figured out the intentions of these two big monkeys, and now he has absorbed all the power of faith from the statues enshrined by others.

Although for the monkeys, the power of faith does not seem to have much effect, making a wish will still inevitably make these innocent and simple animals feel guilty.

Xu wish subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the cave again.

And it was only now that he saw a line of small characters carved above the entrance of the cave, three very inconspicuous characters.

Mountain temple.

This line of characters was carved crookedly. If he guessed correctly, these monkeys should have copied it from the mountain temple they saw somewhere...

Make a wish:…

Now he finally knows why what he extracted after consuming the power of faith on the statue was not [Monkey King, Monkey King], but [Aguduo, Son of the Forest]!

Sun Wukong is indeed the only hero among many heroes who has a direct relationship with monkeys.

But what these monkeys worship is not monkeys at all, but mountain gods...

The influence of the power of faith on the lottery results is entirely due to the nature of the power of faith, not the appearance of the statue enshrined.

It's just that after Xu Wan figured out the whole story, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that a statue resembling a monkey would be enshrined in the mountain temple...

But now is obviously not a good time to worry about this.

Xu wish bravely walked up to the two big monkeys, and still conveyed his meaning to the two big monkeys by talking and talking.

"Although I don't know what you want to do by bringing me here, the only thing I can do now is to take you out of here..."

While Xu Yuan was gesturing with the two big monkeys, he pointed at the group of monkeys hidden in the tree crown in the distance.

"They can also come together. If you agree, then call them here..."

"But I want to make it clear to you in advance. If you use my method to leave me, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave my side in the future..."

Xu Wishan didn't care whether the two big monkeys understood it or not. Anyway, he explained the real situation to the two big monkeys.

I don’t know if the two big monkeys understood it or not. Anyway, after making a wish and making gestures, the two big monkeys actually whispered to each other and exchanged something in a low voice.

They have their own way of communicating.

Next, they squeaked a few times at the monkeys hiding in the canopy of the trees.

The monkeys climbed down from the tree crown in an orderly manner, and then under the command of the two big monkeys, they came to sit around the place where they made the wish.

As the saying goes.

There were over a hundred people, a huge crowd.

In fact, the same is true for monkeys.

When I made a wish, I looked over and saw that the entire mountain col was almost full of monkeys!

Although those monkeys are not as good as the two big monkeys that walk upright, they are also strange beasts that have mastered the method of moving Qi!

Wishing also saw a very familiar figure among the monkeys.

A monkey with big ears.

This one should be Zhang Chulan's elder brother or younger brother.

Under the command of two big monkeys, the monkey group sat around the wishing place.

Since the monkeys themselves have no objections, they have no objections even more to making a wish.

He activated the godhead mask, and under the gaze of many monkeys, the goal of becoming a god was [Son of the Forest - Aguduo]

A huge slingshot appeared in the wishing hand.

At the same time, a huge creature appeared in front of Xu Yuan.

Ball balls.

A companion beast that appears with Agudo's heroic character!

It is a cute and exotic beast that looks like a big bear.

He is as tall as a person, with snow-white hair all over his body. Only his ears and the tops of his limbs have a gradient of light blue.

Although Qiuqiu is not a real creature, it is just made of Qi, but it is lifelike.

As soon as it appeared, the monkeys around Xuyuan were startled.

Even many monkeys in the monkey group were so frightened by the sudden appearance of the giant creature that they bared their teeth and let out threatening roars.

However, after Qiuqiu bowed his head and made a wish, the monkey group became quiet again.

Just like the old village chief Genghis Khan who transformed into a god before.

The strange beast Qiuqiu also showed amazing intelligence. As for the specific reason, Xu Wan didn't know it, and he didn't know it either.

The power of faith itself is very magical, not to mention the golden fingers mixed into it.

He just needs to know how to use this power!

Wishing turned over and rode on Qiuqiu's back, and then he activated [Romance in the Forest]!

He shook the slingshot in his hand.

The huge slingshot half a man's height is like a staff in the wishing hand.

Green rays of light representing the mountains and forests were continuously generated with the movement of making wishes, and then slowly fell on the heads and bodies of the monkeys.

Although these monkey groups are highly organized and obedient to the two big monkeys.

But they are a group of individuals after all, and the fear of unknown things still exists. The green light caused a brief commotion among the monkeys.

And when this green light gradually integrated into the bodies of these monkeys, the commotion was quickly calmed down.

If these monkeys can clearly express their feelings in human language at this time.

They will definitely describe this feeling as being in a hot spring!

Also as these green lights merged into the bodies of the monkeys, a scene beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding also appeared!

These monkeys among the monkeys, including the two big monkeys standing upright, their bodies gradually became insubstantial!

Until the bodies of the monkeys in the entire col were completely transformed into a point of light!

These light spots flew towards the wish, and then converged into the body of Qiuqiu who was making a wish... and sitting down!

As the giant ball absorbed all these light spots, the mountain col that was slightly crowded just now suddenly became much emptier.

But soon, the mountain col became lively again.

Because after wishing to release these monkeys with [Romance in the Forest], he immediately used [Savage Growth] in the valley!

[Savage growth].

Spawn plants in a certain area to help heal allies, slow down and imprison enemies in the area, and obtain partner assistance effects.

As the wish was made, a green light emitted from the slingshot in his hand, and the plants in the entire mountain col began to grow crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, the monkey group also turned from virtual to real, emerging in the green light at an extremely fast speed.

The monkeys appeared again in the mountain col, causing a howl immediately.

Even the ability of these monkeys to move Qi was obtained through the patterns on the walls of the valley. They had never eaten such fine chaff.

This magical experience made the monkeys scream strangely, including the two big monkeys.

But making a wish did not interrupt them.

After all, after he leaves today, these monkeys will not be able to return to their hometown here in the future!

After the excitement of the monkey group completely subsided, Xu wish collected the monkey group again - canceling [Barbaric Growth].

The entire mountain col once again completed the transition from noisy to silent in an instant.

This transition from extreme movement to extreme silence reminded Xu Yuan of the "joke" he said when he beat Nathan Guard Elijah...

Have you really become a member of the Animal Protection Association? President of the Golden Monkey Protection Association?

Now that one pot is served, I'm afraid there are not as many golden monkeys in the zoo as I have on hand, right?

Xu wish took one last look at the cave on the wall of the mountain col, and then walked towards the outside of the mountain col.

It wasn't until he walked out of the mountain range that he made a wish.

Then activate the godhead mask and transform into a god [organ creation - Luban No. 7].

【Air support】!

As a large amount of Qi was drained from the body, the cute pufferfish airship took shape in the sky again.

The shape is cute, but the power is not cute at all!

As the puffer airship slowly advanced, the mountain col began to suffer brutal bombings.

For such large, immovable targets, [Air Support] is undoubtedly the most lethal ability!

Wishing now at the edge of the mountain col, he saw that the entire mountain col was turned into ruins by the bombing, until the hole in the mountain wall also completely collapsed under the bombing.

Only then did he turn around and leave with relief.

He just wants to completely destroy this mountain col.

They are not the first people to come to the Twenty-Fourth Section of Tongtian Valley. The first person to come here is Wugensheng.

It's even possible that Wugensheng had been to this mountain col before him.

After all, these monkeys in Tongtian Valley on the 24th were brought in without roots!

Although Wu Gensheng has been missing for many years now, most people in the alien circle speculate that he may have died long ago.

But for the leader Quan Xing, who was known as the troublemaker to the whole world, Xu Wan didn’t believe that he would die so silently!

The Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley, the Hewei Man Cave, and the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave all point to the Ziyang Mountain man who once became an immortal.

I don't know if there will be any unknown means.

Therefore, without knowing the enemy or friend, it is better to completely destroy this place just in case!

Hearing the rumbling sound of the mountain collapsing from the mountain col behind him, he made a wish and rushed back.

In this situation, let alone a stranger, even an immortal would not be able to restore the mountain col to its original state.

Building is always harder than destroying!

Xu Yuan followed the road he had taken and rushed all the way back to the Twenty-Fourth Tongtian Valley.

The only difference from when he went to the mountain col was that he was alone, and the two big monkeys were completely missing.

When Xu Yuan rushed back to the 24th Section of Tongtian Valley, the others were looking in the direction of the mountain col with worried faces.

They are not deaf. Just now, whether it was the bombing of the puffer airship or the collapse of the mountain, it was not small.

They may not be able to feel it outside the Qinling Mountains, but if they can't notice it at such a close distance, they are really deaf!

No one knows what happened over there.

Even if he made a wish to fight with those monkeys, it wouldn't cause such a big commotion!

In this ghostly place called Tongtian Valley, anything can happen!

Barron wanted to go and investigate, but was stopped by Wang Zhenqiu and Wang Ye.

"Believe him. Even if something unexpected happens, making a wish won't leave you with no room to escape."

Wang Ye said calmly.

Although he is equally concerned about the comfort of wishing, he also believes in the power of wishing.

Without him, I am familiar with you!

When did you make a wish before without making too much noise?

I’ve long been used to it!

In fact, there is one thing that Wang Ye has not said yet, that is, if something unexpected happens, Wish will not even have a chance to escape, and it will be in vain for others to go!

According to his understanding of making wishes, compared to the extent to which a wish can be made, it is obvious that making a wish will make you more alive!

Even if the Heavenly Master comes, it is impossible to make a wish instantly with just one move...

Sure enough, Wang Ye is worthy of being a good gay friend who makes a wish.

Soon the wishing figure appeared in everyone's sight again.

"Eh? Where are the two monkeys?" Wang Zhenqiu asked Xu Wan curiously.

Xuanyuan shook his head.


After hearing the wish, everyone present frowned.

A fight started?

It was Grandma Jinfeng who finally spoke to Xu Yuan and asked, "Wu Yuan, what happened over there just now when you went there?"

"The mountain over there collapsed, and those monkeys are gone."

Xu wish still said ambiguously.

It did collapse, and those monkeys became his "summoned beasts".

However, in other people's ears, these words took on a different meaning.

That is, the group of monkeys just wanted to make a wish, but in the end, all the monkeys were killed by the wish.

Even Grandma Jinfeng couldn't say anything at this time.

After all, she couldn't just let Xu wish stand there and let the monkey kill her, right?

Besides, what she cares about is the leader Wugensheng, not those monkeys.

A group of people immediately gathered together and continued walking out of the valley.

After a long journey, everyone left the 24th Section Tongtian Valley again.

It's time for everyone to part ways here.

Barron, Wang Zhenqiu, and even Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao also said goodbye to Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing in turn.

Although they haven't left the Qinling Mountains here yet, they don't need to walk too long if they want to leave here and return to the city.

Because of the topography of the Qinling Mountains, if they want to reach the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley from outside the mountains, they can only enter through the same road they came from before.

And if you want to rush from the 24th Tongtian Valley to the city, it will be much more convenient.

Xu Wan stayed with Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo until the end.

"Wish, are you still not leaving?" Grandma Jinfeng frowned and asked Xu Wish.

Xuanyuan shook his head.

Although he gained a lot this time in the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley, he still had one last thing to do before leaving.

"Grandma Jinfeng, have you ever thought about destroying this place?"

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