Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 140 Ziyang Shanren who loves foot massages

"This should be an institution..."

While talking, he made a wish to circulate the Qi in his body, directly through the Yongquan point on the sole of his foot, and injected Qi into the Yongquan point between the two footprints!

Since I already know the answer, I can hand in the paper faster!

But fortunately, the power of the godhead mask used in wishing practice is different from the power of faith used by Old Man Xia's traditional godhead mask system, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to operate.

With the injection of wishing energy, the two seemingly ordinary footprints on the ground finally took on new changes!

Two blue light spots appeared at the Yongquan point of the footprint, and then the blue light spots spread little by little to the entire footprint.

"Ah, this..." Granny Jinfeng looked at the scene in front of her in shock. "Wish, how did you find out?"

She has explored the entire Twenty-Four Sections of Tongtian Valley countless times in the past few decades, including these two footprints on the ground.

But nothing has been found.

As a result, as soon as Xu Wish came here, he found a way to crack it?

Zhang Chulan was also stunned.

He was the first to enter the "treasure cave". He had naturally noticed the footprints before, but he only had some guesses...

If anyone here has the closest relationship with Thirty-Six Thieves, he is the only one!

Zhang Huaiyi is his biological grandfather!

But now that Xu Wish shows his familiarity with this place, Zhang Chulan wonders whether he is a descendant of the thirty-six thieves, or is it Xu Wish?

When Xu Yuan heard Grandma Jinfeng's question, he turned his head and glanced at Wang Zhenqiu and Wang Ye who were thoughtful.

"Old Wang, please explain to Grandma Jinfeng, don't say you didn't see it."

Wang Ye:......

Did Co-author bring me here not only to see the formations, but also to let me be the commentator?

Although Wang Ye complained in his heart, he still explained it to everyone.

"Why is this cave called a human? What is a human? The so-called standing upright with the sky and the earth..."

Wang Ye, as a highly intelligent academic master, especially a genius who has practiced Qimen formations such as Fenghou Qimen, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is as smart as a demon...

In fact, not only Wang also saw it, but even Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu found a certain way to solve the problem. If they were given a while, it would not be difficult to solve this puzzle.

I just wish I didn’t feel the need to waste more time here.

As for making a wish to himself, he did not listen to Wang Ye's explanation, but stared expectantly at the mechanism that was being gradually activated.

Because just now, the moment these two footprints were activated, his world compatibility jumped again!

Increased from 47% to 48%!

The number of draws has also accumulated to 7 times!

Jiuqu Panhuan Cave!

This is also a key check-in point!

In fact, if we really talk about the world compatibility that key locations bring to us, the Twenty-Four Festival Valley is the biggest gain so far!

At the beginning of the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao, the world's compatibility increased rapidly, mostly from many key figures in various alien circles.

Tongtian Valley on the 24th Festival is indeed the cave left by the legendary immortal!

I am looking forward to making a wish. What surprises the real Immortal Cave Jiuqu Panheng Cave below can bring to me!

This is the real Immortal Cave!

On the other side, Wang also explained the mechanisms here clearly.

"...So, sincere man, the way of heaven is to stand upright to the sky and the earth. Standing up to the sky refers to the Baihui point on the top of the head, and standing up to the ground refers to the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet."

"Yongquan Point is known as a bottomless cave. Even if a stranger is exposed to the cold air here, it will cause physical problems..."

As Wang Ye finished speaking, the mechanisms on the ground were completely activated.

A pattern of a Tai Chi yin and yang fish suddenly appeared on the ground that was originally tightly sealed, and slowly split into two halves, revealing a hole with neat edges.

"Wow! The ground is cracked!" Old Man Xia exclaimed in amazement at the miraculous craftsmanship in front of him.

Zhang Chulan:......

I was also torn apart!

The leader of Quanxing Wugensheng likes to collect rags and engage in the waste resource recycling industry, and then the owner of this cave likes to wash and massage his feet, right?

Although he had some ideas before, he had not figured it out. If he had figured it out, he would definitely go in first!

I don’t know how Xu Wish figured it out so quickly! Does he also like to wash his feet?

The only thing he can do now is to pray that there are no other clues about Sister Baoer's life experience under this hole!

As the ground cracked, a dark hole was revealed.

Xu Wan took out an outdoor flashlight from the bag he carried with him and took the lead down the steps.

And others followed suit.

Including Grandma Jinfeng.

Everyone is very curious, what secrets are buried here?

This is probably Wugensheng’s real hidden “treasure”!

In the middle of the cave entrance is a spiral staircase that goes straight down, and the sound of everyone's footsteps echoes in the neatly decorated cave.

As they continued to go down, everyone's expressions became more and more surprised. Judging from the scale of these steps, even in modern society, large-scale construction machinery is used to completely excavate a building of this scale in the barren mountains and wild mountains like the Qinling Mountains. The underground space will probably require a lot of effort and a lot of time.

Is the owner here really rootless?

At the end of the spiral steps is a stone wall with a simple door.

There are four traditional Chinese characters engraved on the door.

Human life is rare!

Xu Yuan, who was walking at the front, stood still and looked up at the four words above the stone gate.

He was silent for a moment, and finally suppressed the surprise in his eyes!

Just these four words.

Once again, it provided him with a little world compatibility and a chance to win a lottery!

It rose from 48% to 49%.

The number of draws has also accumulated to 8 times!

The ten consecutive draws are getting closer and closer!

These four words should have been left by Zhang Boduan, a former Ziyang Mountain man!

As for what secrets there are, Xuanyuan doesn't care, and he doesn't rely on these things to practice.

Just like he only cares about the number of draws and world compatibility that Baqi Skill gives him.

Only opportunities that can bring him compatibility with the world are good opportunities.

"Let's go! Just go in and take a look and you'll find out."

Xu wish once again took the lead and walked into the door.

Entering the door, a completely empty room.

There is only a rectangular stone platform in the middle of the room.

Then, when I made a wish, I saw two different fonts engraved on the wall of the room at a glance.

"This is the calligraphy of the leader! I recognize it!"

As an avid fan of Wugensheng, Granny Jinfeng recognized this line of font immediately!

The wishing gaze was placed on another stone carving that was mostly smeared.

Because the first time his sight touched this stone carving.

The degree of world compatibility has increased a little again!

Increased from 49% to 50%!

The number of draws has also been increased once again! Accumulated to 9 times!

This is the stone carving left by Zhang Boduan, a native of Ziyang Mountain!

At this time, other people who were investigating in the cave also discovered the stone carvings left by Zhang Boduan, and immediately began to discuss it.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xia Liuqing began to educate others present about the Ziyang Mountain people.

"If it is said that this place was built by the people of Ziyang Mountain, then everything makes sense! It is the legendary being who became an immortal!"

"Moreover, mother-in-law, why do you think Wugensheng would modify the content on the mountain wall outside?"

Wang Zhenqiu's brain started working rapidly.

Wishing did not participate in their discussion.

He retreated to the center of the room and leaned against the rectangular stone platform.

And just when Xu Yuan's body touched the stone platform, his eyelids jumped!

His world compatibility is actually...

It’s up a bit again!

The number of draws has also increased a bit again!

World fit: 51%

Number of draws: 10 times!

The achievement of ten draws in a row has been achieved again!


Xu Wish was a little shocked.

Any surprises?

What's so strange about this rectangular stone platform?

Xu Wishan took another look at the surrounding environment, and finally came to a conclusion that was a bit outrageous, but also somewhat reasonable.

That is……

This stone platform was left by Zhang Boduan, a native of Ziyang Mountain, before he ascended to immortality in this cave.

Maybe all the things left by the Ziyang Mountain people can provide him with world compatibility!

After Xu Wish came to this conclusion, his eyes immediately lit up.

But after he took another look at the environment in the room, it dimmed again.

Because in the entire room, except for the rectangular stone platform and the words engraved on the wall, there is nothing else...

At this moment, Wang Zhenqiu also made an inference for everyone.

"...So, Wu Gensheng not only modified the patterns and stripes of the valley outside and left the name Jiuqu Panhuan Cave in this cave, he should have also cleaned up a lot of things in the cave! He was there It is a satire that the people of Ziyang Mountain are in chaos and become teachers of others.”

Make a wish:…


Originally he had no grudge against Wu Gensheng, but now he does!

What a waste! What a waste!

Just when Xu Yuan was heartbroken, the king also came over.

"What's wrong, Xu Wish?" Wang Ye looked at the complicated expression on Xu Yuan's face curiously.

"It's okay, Lao Wang..." Xu Yuan gathered his thoughts.

Now let alone the Ziyang Mountain man who only exists in legends, even Wugensheng has been missing for many years!

"Old Wang, what did you discover?" Xu Yuan asked Wang Ye out of curiosity.

The king also nodded.

"Well, I said before that the twenty-four-section Tongtian Valley outside symbolizes the spine of the human body. I was wondering, what does the terrain in the human cave above symbolize? Is it possible that it symbolizes the meridians in the human body?"

Make a wish:! ! !

Lao Wang’s words wake up the dreamer!

Xu Wan recalled the complex terrain in the man cave, took out a pen and paper, and roughly copied it on the stone platform.

As the pen in Xu wishing's hand traced on the paper, he soon drew out the complicated passages in the man cave.

A map with an overall circular shape.

The channels represent meridians.

Isn’t this the core of the Slimming Furnace! Although it's not exactly the same, it's pretty much the same!

After collecting the core of the self-cultivation furnace in Biyou Village, Xu wish secretly opened the iron ball.

Inside is a disgusting lump of flesh and blood!

What on earth is Qu Tong going to do?

In order to collect all eight magical skills? Obviously that's not right. According to the current information, everything Qu Tong does now vaguely points to Wugensheng!

The function of the Self-cultivation Furnace that she cares most about is similar to the valley's function of helping ordinary people transform into strangers, and the core of the Self-cultivation Furnace is similar to the terrain of the Man Cave...

Could it be that she wants to use the Self-cultivation Furnace to follow the old path of Zhang Boduan from Ziyang Mountain...to become an immortal, right?

"What's wrong?" Wang also silently watched the wishing action and asked curiously.

Xuanyuan shook his head.

"It's nothing. Let's study it when we get back."

Of course he didn't want to hide anything from Wang Ye, but this was not the place to talk at the moment.

There are too many outsiders here.

"According to the information that has been speculated so far, and according to the original process of Immortal Ziyang, people walking in the valley outside are just admission tickets. The stone carvings that were erased during the movement of the nine curves below are the real gift of Immortal Ziyang!"

After seeing the real truth, everyone once again returned to the ground through the rotating steps.

Wang Zhenqiu said while looking towards Xuanyuan.

"So, what do you think the erased stone carvings in Jiuqu Panhuan Cave could be?"

Although Wang Zhenqiu asked everyone.

But in fact he was observing the wishing expression.

Through the exchange just now in the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, he could already confirm that the people present did not actually know much more than he did.

The only person he was not sure about was making a wish!

It's not because there's anything unusual about Xu Wish's performance, but because Xu Wish has done too many incredible things before.

Wishing does have some conjectures about this point.

He didn't hide anything and directly expressed his guess.

"Perhaps those erased stone carvings may be the Eight Wonders of Skills, or at least they are information related to the Eight Wonders of Skills." Xu Yuan shrugged, "But now they have been erased, who knows?"

Wang Zhenqiu was thoughtful.

He was also not sure about the authenticity of the information Xu Wish said, but logically speaking, it was indeed possible.

Granny Jinfeng had told them before that the place where the thirty-six thieves worshiped was here, and before the sworn vows, Wugensheng asked those people to search for the secrets in the valley...

However, these cannot be confirmed and can only be regarded as a conjecture.

Just when everyone was leaving the He Man Cave.

Two weird-looking monkeys suddenly blocked their way!

The two monkeys are as tall as a human being, and they stand upright. Their behavior is almost the same as that of humans!


Two monkeys blocked everyone's way and barked twice in their direction.


Everyone said and looked at the two weird monkeys.

I saw the eyes of the two monkeys falling on the wishing body.

"Make a wish... I seem to be here to find you." Zhang Chulan said. "Do you know these monkeys?"

Make a wish:…

"I don't know him, but even if he does, it should be you. There was a monkey named Zhang Huaiyi before." Xu Yuan complained.

Zhang Chulan:......

Which pot should not be opened and lifted, right?

Although Xu Yuan said this, he still walked out from everyone.

Because just when these two monkeys appeared, his world compatibility and number of draws each increased a little again!

World fit: 52%

Number of draws: 11 times

He wanted to see what the secrets of these two monkeys were!

He is willing to try anything that has the potential to increase fit in the world.

"Are you here to find me?" Xu Yuan stood opposite the two monkeys, talking and gesticulating.

Xia Liuqing grinned, showing her only two teeth.

Make a wish for this child, how come that Feng Baobao was infected and became stupid?

Although these monkeys learned to practice Qi due to the influence of the valley, they are still just monkeys. They have no one to teach them and cannot understand human language.

As a result, the next moment, Old Man Xia's smile froze on his face.

Because the two monkeys actually nodded towards the wish.

And while squeaking and making gestures.

It is exactly the same as the gestures and gestures he made just now when he made a wish.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Xu Yuan asked tentatively.

The two monkeys nodded again.

I didn’t refuse even if I made a wish.

Although these two monkeys are special, they are just monkeys after all. What else can they do?

No matter how cautious he is, he will not be afraid of two monkeys.

"Then let's go."

Xu Wan gestured to the two monkeys, and then followed them forward.

Liao Duoduo was naturally the first to make a wish.

However, the two monkeys turned away from their peaceful and friendly attitude and bared their teeth at Liao Duoduo who followed them, making threatening noises.

This is true for Liao Duoduo, let alone others.

Make a wish:…

"Duoduo, everyone, please wait for me here. I'll take a look with these two monkeys and then come back."

Xu wish stopped and said to everyone.

Since Xuanyuan has said so himself, others will naturally not have any objections.

As for worrying about the safety of making a wish?

Along the way, they have witnessed the power of Wish. If the person with the least obvious ability shortcomings among the people is probably Wish, it is better to worry about their own safety...

I wish to walk alone in the valley with two monkeys.

The two monkeys are very fast.

But Xu Wish can easily keep up. If he encounters a dangerous place such as a cliff, he will directly transform into a spirit and ride on Hot Wheels to follow.

Gradually, these two monkeys actually brought the wish to the outermost edge of the twenty-fourth festival!

It was not outside the valley passage where they came in, but on the side of the Twenty-Four Knot Valley.

In a mountain col!

As soon as Xu Wish entered here, the howling of monkeys suddenly sounded in the mountain col!

"Zhizhi, Zhizhi..."

Countless monkeys appeared on the treetops all over the mountains and plains.


Should it be those golden monkeys outside Tongtian Valley on the 24th?

The monkeys in the col are different from the two monkeys standing upright. They do not have the same form as humans, but maintain the shape of monkeys themselves.

But didn’t Grandma Jinfeng say before that in order to compete for the territory inside the valley, the monkeys on the outside of the 24th Section Tongtian Valley always fight with the monkeys inside, are they mortal enemies?

What's going on now?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Wishing to look at the two monkeys walking upright leading the way.

The two monkeys were considered as a sign of respect. They bared their teeth and barked at the group of monkeys in the col.

The entire mountain col quickly became quiet.

The two monkeys turned their heads and glanced at Xuanyuan, then continued walking towards the inside of the col.

Make a wish and follow quickly.

He is really getting more and more curious!

These monkeys seem to be really capable!

Two large humanoid monkeys walked directly into the deepest part of the col with their wishes.

There is a huge cave on a stone wall here.

But unlike the caves in the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley, the edges of this cave are not so neatly repaired, but obvious claw marks can be seen.

Is this a cave dug by these monkeys?

The two big human-shaped monkeys stopped moving forward when they reached this point. Instead, they waved to Xu Yuan at the cave, beckoning him to enter.

He made a wish without hesitation and stepped directly into the cave.

The cave is very shallow.

The wish came to an end within two steps.

When he saw the statue in front of him, he finally understood what these monkeys were doing...

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