Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 139 A kind man makes a wish and sends you on your way

"Moyou of Jianghu Inn, please see the Heavenly Master."

Mu You explained his purpose to the disciples of Tianshi Mansion.

The little Taoist boy from Tianshi Mansion couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

Do you still dare to come to Tianshi Mansion?

The punishments imposed by the Ten Guys Association on Lao Tianshi's massacre of Quanxing had been spread before, especially Mu You who was the first to propose abolishing the old Tianshi. It is not known which ten guys the news came from.

So it's no wonder that this little Taoist boy doesn't want to see Mu You.

Although the little Taoist boy rolled his eyes at him, he still went to report to the Heavenly Master honestly after rolling his eyes.

Whether Muyou comes to seek death on his own or to seek atonement from the Heavenly Master depends on what the Heavenly Master wants.

Of course, Muyou didn't care about Xiao Daotong's reaction.

In other words, Xiao Daotong's reaction was already what he expected!

Sure enough, not long after, the little Taoist boy came out again.

"Let's go! Mr. Muyou, the Grand Master is waiting for you in the back mountain." The little Taoist's tone was cold, mixed with some confusion.

He didn't understand Grand Master's attitude at all. If it were him, he would definitely shock Mu You with a little thunder!

Mu You walked into the Tianshi Mansion and walked towards the back mountain amid many hostile eyes.

Finally, he met the Heavenly Master in the pavilion on the back mountain.

Of course, due to some reasons, the pavilion of the old master was not demolished by Mr. Lu Jin, so the pavilion is still full of the texture brought by time.

However, the behavior of the old master at this time formed a strong contrast with this antique look.

This old man is playing games on his mobile phone...

"Hey! Why don't you have a crossbow? How can you be the sixth one without a crossbow..." the old Heavenly Master muttered.


Being the sixth child is still your specialty.

"Master Tian." Mu You said, drawing Master Tian's attention back from his mobile phone.

"Hey, little Muyu, you're here." The old master looked at Muyou and casually put the phone in his hand upside down on the table. "Sit down quickly."

Although Mu You and Lao Tianshi were both among the top ten before, in terms of seniority, Lao Tianshi was really higher than Mu You.

"Yes. Heavenly Master," Mu You sat across from Old Heavenly Master, "I'm here to talk to you about the punishment that the Ten Guys will decide."

"Tsk, Xiao Muyu, speaking of this, I heard that you guy proposed to abolish me at the meeting of the ten men. Do I have any grudge against you?"

Muyou smiled and touched his bald head.

"There is nothing we can do about this, Heavenly Master, public is public, private is private, from the public perspective, no matter how you are dealt with, no matter how you deal with it. But in the end, everyone's decision is still made by the minority and the majority."

The old Heavenly Master snorted coldly and rolled his eyes quietly.

"Okay, little fox, don't think that I don't know that you did it on purpose!"

The Heavenly Master is like Ming Jing in his heart.

It’s nothing more than the broken windows theory.

The old fox and the little fox Shi Lao can naturally also figure out things that they can figure out.

No matter what the outcome of the discussion between the ten guys is, the company will not really abolish itself.

Although he is known as the best in the alien circle with his force, his cleverness is no weaker than those other old foxes.

After all, they are all old guys who have come through that turbulent era.

"Yes, Heavenly Master, I have already done the experiment for you, and none of the members of the Shilao Society are hostile to you."

The Heavenly Master was disdainful and snorted coldly, "These guys all look like characters, but in the end, they are not as good as that little guy who made a wish when he came across some tricky ideas."

Mu You raised his eyebrows when he heard that the Heavenly Master mentioned making a wish.

"Oh? Make a wish? Temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters? The leader of the newly established inspection team?"

"Who else could it be but him?"

"This kid hasn't been quiet recently. It's rare that you always have such a high opinion of a young man. Why don't you elaborate on it?" Mu You asked with interest.

A series of things that happened after he met Xuanyuan flashed through the old master's mind.

In addition to the opponent's astonishing talent and ability, he always felt that making a wish seemed to predict many things in advance, but this was completely impossible. Even those Qimen warlocks could not predict anything... …

He is involved in almost all major events that have an impact on the alien world, or is he himself a major event in the alien world?

This is difficult to comment on.

In the end, the old master could only shake his head and refused to continue talking about making a wish.

"Forget it, Xiao Muyu, instead of talking about making wishes, why don't you tell me why you came to see me?"

"That's it." When talking about business, Mu You's face became serious. "According to the current intelligence, people from Nathan Island are here, and your old friend, Dean Flamel of the British Academy of Magicians, has just been confirmed to be dead. The specific cause of death is still under investigation..."

The old Heavenly Master stiffened when he heard this.

Another old friend dies?

In fact, when Tabor brought Victor to ask for help during the Luo Tian Dajiao last time, he knew about the difficulties faced by the magic academy. However, he was also unable to do anything at that time because his disciples Zhang Chulan and Luo Tian The Dajiao matter cannot be resolved...

But he didn't expect that the situation would be so bad, and that it would change so quickly.

And now...

I can't even leave!

As for whether the information Mu You said was wrong, he would never doubt it.

Jianghu Xiaozhan is one of the largest unofficial intelligence organizations in the alien world. Its history can even be traced back to before the establishment of Nadutong Company.

Although Jianghu Inn's main sphere of influence is still the domestic alien circle, and there is not much foreign involvement, as long as the information comes from Muyou's mouth, it will definitely not be wrong.

"Alas..." The old Heavenly Master sighed with a complicated mood. "Okay, I understand, Xiao Muyu, you came to me just to prevent me from going down the mountain, right?"

"Yes." Mu You didn't hide anything and admitted directly, "Last time Mr. Tian's death directly caused you to almost kill all the people. This time your old friend Dean Tabor is still a stranger from abroad, so I must Come."

Master Tian:...

He gets so angry when he mentions that bastard Lao Tian!

Although he was very happy that Lao Tian was not dead, the fact that the other party was still alive and pretending to be dead made him sad for a long time.

Fortunately, the old guy agreed to play games with him, otherwise he would never be spared!

"Don't worry, Xiao Muyou, I will abide by the punishment imposed on me by the company, and I will not go down the mountain this time." The old Heavenly Master shook his head.

"Then I'm relieved." Mu You nodded, feeling relieved.

He is afraid!

The last time Mr. Tian was killed by Quan Xing, the old Heavenly Master went down the mountain and almost killed Quan Xing. If this time because of the death of Dean Tabor, the old Heavenly Master went directly to England to kill him, it would be a big deal!

After all, if the Heavenly Master really wants to hide in the city and just keep an eye on people to assassinate him, unless the missiles clear the ground, there is really nothing he can do...

To be honest, although modern firearms such as missiles are not helpless against Lao Tianshi, if it is not really to the point of death, no one will use missiles to deal with Lao Tianshi.

And which country is willing to pay such a high price of missiles to clear the land to kill the Heavenly Master...

The diplomatic pressure at that time may even make Nadutong Company suffer!

After seeing off the bald brother Muyou, the Heavenly Master sat back in the pavilion again.

He poured himself a cup of tea with mixed emotions and fell into deep thought.

First, there was a big riot in Longhu Mountain, and people came to the alien island Nathan Island, and now something happened at the British Academy of Magic...

He had a premonition.

This time the fluctuations in the alien world may be like the "Jiashen Rebellion" of that year!

It is even hard to say that the impact of this setback will be greater than the impact of the Jiashen Rebellion that year!

The scope needs to be wider!

After all, the impact of the Jiashen Rebellion back then was only limited to the country, but this time, it has now affected foreign countries.

Although this series of events seemed unrelated, he always felt that the boy who made a wish might be the key figure...

What an eventful time!

Crisis is both danger and opportunity!

I have already said hello to the boy who made a wish. Lingyu should be able to learn a lot when he goes down the mountain.

Thinking of this, the old Heavenly Master waved over a disciple of the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

"Daozhen, has your uncle Lingyu come down the mountain?"

"It's already down the mountain, Master." The disciple of Tianshi Mansion said respectfully, "It's just that I can't figure out why Uncle Lingyu must be expelled from the school. Xia He is Xia He, and Master Uncle Lingyu is Uncle Lingyu... "

"You." The old Heavenly Master sighed and raised his hand to look at the sky, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Why is it that from Lingyu's generation onwards, will the Tianshi Mansion become an ancestral home?

Fortunately, there is also Zhang Chulan!

"Your brain is the same as Lingyu's, otherwise you should just go down the mountain."

"No, Master! Then I won't ask..."

But Zhuang, the sophomore in high school, was a little anxious at this time.

Previously, the company asked her to track down the true identity of the islander named Nathan Island.

After finding out the true identity of the other party, Gao Erzhuang immediately wanted to inform him about making a wish.

After all, Wishes is now over there in the Qinling Mountains.

However, at this time, the wish was already deep into the Qinling Mountains, and the person making the wish was not using a satellite phone.

Therefore, even if the second-year high school student is omnipotent on the Internet and radio channels, there is no way to make a wish in the no-man's land deep in the Qinling Mountains.

As for Professor Baird, the only one in the foreign expedition team who carried a satellite phone...

He and his satellite phone had long since died under the "suicide truck" that made a wish!

Make a wish and don't know the ups and downs of the outside world.

At this time, he was watching Zhang Chulan acting with a "crying" face.

He entered the rootless treasure cave first. When others rushed here, the treasure cave was empty.

The others didn't have any special feelings. They already knew that Zhang Chulan didn't want the nickname Bilian.

But only Grandma Jinfeng and Wang Zhenqiu criticized this!

Granny Jinfeng simply couldn't accept the complete disappearance of the rootless treasure, so she focused her suspicion on Zhang Chulan, the first person to enter the treasure cave.

But Wang Zhenqiu is completely different.

What he cares about is not where Wugensheng's treasure went, but what Zhang Chulan planned to do before they came in?

He could feel that Zhang Chulan must have had his own purpose in coming to this muddy water.

But he couldn't guess the specific purpose.

Zhang Chulan was also generous. He directly showed everyone present what the ancestral secrets of Tianshi Mansion were.

The tiger knelt down from the mountain.

With a plop, he knelt down directly in front of Grandma Jinfeng.

"Grandma Jinfeng, I know, I'm sorry for leaving everyone behind and entering the cave first. Others have no right to blame me, but you have..."

Zhang Chulan tells lies without blinking an eye.

He directly attracted all suspicious eyes to himself, claiming that he came here to find out the whereabouts of "The Origin of Qi Ti" before everyone else...

Make a wish:…

If you think about it, the lies Zhang Chulan spun in this situation do have some credibility.

If I hadn't already known the truth, I might have been fooled by this guy.

Didn't you see that Wang Zhenqiu has been temporarily fooled...

"...Mother-in-law, I want to believe you, but I don't believe Wang Zhenqiu! So I have no choice but to sneak in first."

"I testify! This little bastard Wang Zhenqiu is this kind of person!" Old Man Xia was frantically finishing off the attack.


Wang Zhenqiu looked confused.

Are there any experts? Coming for me?

Zhang Chulan...is trying to divert trouble to the east, right? It must be, right?

Then why don't you two bring your wish with you? This guy came all the way from Kyoto to join in the fun. Who would believe him if he said he had no purpose?

Even persimmons are picky and soft, so am I a soft persimmon?

"It's done, mother-in-law, everything here is missing, it's definitely not Zhang Chulan's fault." Xu Yuan also helped in time.

After Zhang Chulan made such a fuss and Xu Yuan helped, everyone present calmed down.

In fact, in the final analysis, everyone present believed that Zhang Chulan did not steal Wu Gensheng's "treasure".

After all, among the people present now, there are indeed three people who have bite bags.

Make a wish, Wang Ye, Liao Duoduo.

But Zhang Chulan is not included.

"So, mother-in-law, just tell me, what is the treasure of Senior Wugensheng?"

Zhang Chulan was still pretending to be confused.

"In fact, it's not a treasure, it's just some insignificant things. For strangers, they are just ordinary things, clay figurines, cicadas, conches..."

Grandma Jinfeng sighed, and finally explained truthfully to the others.

Xu wish did not pay attention to what Grandma Jinfeng said.

He had long known that Wu Gensheng's so-called treasures were all "junk", and Qu Tong took those things away first!

After Qu Tong cleaned up like this, to be honest, Tongtian Valley was much cleaner on the 24th...

I didn’t expect that I would be good at cleaning with both hands!

Except for Liao Duoduo, who didn't care at all, and Feng Baobao, who looked silly and cute, everyone present was not a fool, but at least there were no fools.

Soon they were able to deduce the purpose of the previous foreign expedition from the collected information.

That is to let them fight with that foreign expedition team!

"Hey, didn't Xu Yuan just bring that living person here? We can ask him."

Everyone turned their attention to Jin Bao, who was still in a coma.

Xu Yuan shrugged upon hearing this, and then threw the gold treasure in his hand to the ground among the people.


The sound of his butt hitting the ground echoed in the cave.

Jinbao, who was originally knocked unconscious by Feng Baobao's sneak attack, woke up from the severe pain after such a fall.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw several faces surrounding his head.

"Xiao Heizi, are you awake?" Wang Zhenqiu said with a smile.

The smile on Wang Zhenqiu's face looked particularly sinister.

Well... Jimbo is a small black man, so there's nothing wrong with calling him that.

Jinbao was just an ordinary person before entering the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley. He had never seen such a battle.

Along the way, his nerves had been stretched to the extreme, and he had also experienced Feng Baobao's sudden attack in the darkness not long ago.

Jinbao's mood collapsed instantly!

He stared at the blond "beauty" who just spoke, and shouted in fear.

"Sister Goddess, don't kill me! Don't kill me! I will never come back again..."

In a moment of urgency, the cave was so quiet that it was as if you could hear the beating of your heart.

Wang Zhenqiu:......

There are many ways to insult me, why choose the one that seeks death the most?

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!" Zhang Chulan laughed first, breaking the deathly silence.

The others couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

Only Jin Bao was stunned in place without knowing why.

He was very puzzled by the scene before him. Didn't they say that Chinese girls like to be called goddesses...

"Um...did I say something wrong?" Jinbao asked cautiously.

Wang Zhenqiu took a deep breath and decided not to argue with the little black guy in front of him.

After all, it's just an experiment and a "tongue".

"What are you doing here?" Wang Zhenqiu asked.

"I don't know, I don't know..." Jinbao explained hurriedly, "I just came with Professor Baird to conduct scientific examinations."

"Then how did those people with strange abilities in your team get mixed up with you?"

"I don't know, Professor Baird said they are protecting our safety..."

Jinbao asked several questions in a row, but Jinbao didn't know anything about them.

Everyone present could see that Jin Bao was completely insignificant in the foreign team, and they turned their attention to Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, you captured person..." Wang Zhenqiu's expression was complicated.

"Eh? Didn't you ask me to catch a living one? Is there any problem?"

Wang Zhenqiu's expression is wonderful.

In theory, it is indeed no problem.

Alive, people in the team...

"Forget it, it's okay, Sister Bao'er." Wang Zhenqiu shook his head.

When he was in Biyou Village, he knew that Sister Baoer's brain was not normal, and it was not an unacceptable thing.

Then, he looked at Jinbao again.

"From now on, whatever I say, you do, otherwise...hehe."

Wang Zhenqiu threatened Jin Bao.

Since we can’t get any information out of the other party’s mouth, let’s do the experiment first!

Jin Bao nodded crazily to show that he understood.

Next, Wang Zhenqiu began to take action himself and instructed Jinbao how to spread his kung fu.

There is no problem with Wang Zhenqiu's teaching.

But Jinbao still couldn't let go!

The people present, except for Granny Jinfeng, who is a natural stranger, are all experienced practitioners.

Even Xia Liuqing, who practices the Divine Mask, is no exception.

Although the systems were different, he could also tell that Wang Zhenqiu was teaching the other party to spread kung fu.

People who become strangers in the valley cannot lose their power!

This is the final conclusion!

Several people present looked at each other and drew conclusions from each other's eyes.

Xu Wan knew that if Sister Baoer could help, Jinbao might still be saved.

After all, Sister Baoer can even "cure" Qi, who went crazy in the interior scenes.

But why?

These foreigners, neither relatives nor friends, will die when they die.

"...Well, Jinbao." Xuyuan stood up, "You go, I'll take you on your way."

When Jinbao heard this, he rolled and crawled out of the cave.

The other people in the cave looked at each other's panicked back with pity.

According to their understanding of Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan said that when he was sent on his way, it should be Huangquan Road...

However, what happened next was exactly as they expected.

A giant arrow flew out of the wishing hand and passed directly through Jin Bao's chest.

Even Elijah couldn't bear the wish of [Khan's Wild Hunt], let alone the golden treasure that had just stepped onto the threshold of aliens!

Immediately, Jinbao lost his vital signs before he could even take two steps.

To make a wish, you still have to eat and wipe it clean, and provide one-stop service for destroying corpses and eradicating traces.

"Since he is going to die sooner or later, rather than die in pain without being able to let go of his energy, it is better to give him a happy life. I can also be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating merit."

After Xu Yuan completed his "good deeds", he canceled the godhead mask and said while walking towards a pair of footprints in the middle of the cave.

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu Yuan's back timidly.

Why did he see the shadow of the great philanthropist Brother Xiao in Xu Yuan, but he couldn't refute what Xu Yuan said...

The wishing feet stepped on the footprints on the cave floor and said to everyone.

"This should be a mechanism..."

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