Xu Yuan and others are all strangers, and their physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people.

The rugged dense forest could not slow down their speed much, and now their speed has been increased by the wishing [Running Wolf].

They quickly shuttled through the jungle and soon arrived at the mouth of the 24th Section Tongtian Valley.

Upon arriving here, the first thing everyone saw was the corpses of golden monkeys scattered all over the ground at the entrance of the valley.

"This group of poaching gangs dare to kill our country's first-level protected animals! It's so lawless! They must be brought to justice!"

Xu wish angrily yelled.

Wang Ye:? ? ?

Wang Ye looked at Xu Yuan with questions in his head.

Under the current circumstances, is it appropriate to suddenly talk about poaching gangs?


How could the other party really be a poaching gang?

Wang Ye's observation skills can be considered meticulous. He was keenly aware of the blood stains on the ground and the panicked footsteps left on the ground.

It seems that the group of people who were here before were attacked by a group of monkeys, and it seemed that they also suffered some damage!

Now when the wish came up, that group of people were labeled as a poaching gang...

With his knowledge of making wishes.

Something's wrong! You must know something when you make a wish! And he decided to kill the other party!

It has to be said that Wang does know enough about making wishes.

Of course, even if he sensed something was wrong, he didn't say anything.

Everyone else also looked at Xu Wish a little strangely. There was no fool present, and everyone could tell that something was wrong with Xu Wish's reaction.

Well...except Feng Baobao.

But no one else said anything. Now is obviously not a good time to talk about this.

Because not long after they arrived at the mouth of the valley, a group of short figures appeared on the cliffs on both sides of the valley.

It's a group of golden monkeys!

The leader of the monkey group is a golden monkey with a pair of big ears!

Everyone looked at the monkeys and got ready to fight.

But at the next moment, Grandma Jinfeng waved to the monkey above the valley.

The big-eared monkey jumped down from the top of the valley, then quickly ran to Grandma Jinfeng and squatted down.

This scene was enough to surprise everyone.

When did Grandma Jinfeng learn the ability of the beast master?

But what surprised them even more was what came out of Jin Feng's mouth next.

"Zhang Huaiyi? No, you are a descendant of Zhang Huaiyi, right?"

Zhang Chulan, who was in the team, had questions all over his face.


My grandfather?

So this monkey is a descendant of my grandfather, what am I? Monkey?

"Grandma Jinfeng, what did you just say? Zhang Huaiyi?"

Grandma Jinfeng's expression was a little subtle.

"Oh, by the way, Zhang Huaiyi is your grandfather's name..."

"Then is this my brother or not?" Zhang Chulan's expression collapsed.

He could accept that his grandfather was one of the Thirty-Six Thieves, but he really couldn't accept that his grandfather was a monkey...

"This matter starts from the first time the leader brought me here..."

At this moment, Grandma Jinfeng was no longer anxious.

As a frequent visitor to the Twenty-Knot Tongtian Valley, she knew very well how big the valley was. With the speed of the group of people in front, they would not be able to reach the innermost part in a while.


The most important thing is that she knows very well that this valley has only one exit.

Those who covet the master's treasure...

All must die!

A look of reminiscence appeared on Grandma Jinfeng's face, and she began to tell the story of why Wu Gensheng named the monkey Zhang Huaiyi...

Grandma Jinfeng told the story of the first time she was brought to this valley by Wu Gensheng, with a look of happiness constantly appearing on her face.

Xia Liuqing, on the other hand, stared blankly as she listened.

He was almost jealous!

Others listened to Grandma Jinfeng's story with weird faces on their faces. They didn't expect that the legendary head of the Quanxing Sect, Wugensheng, would have such a bad taste...

Only Wang Ye was the only one. He glanced at Xu Yuan in astonishment. It was just as he expected. There was no trace of surprise on Xu Yuan's face, as if he had expected all this.

Wishing indeed knows something!

Wang also understood.

On the contrary, it was Wang Zhenqiu who approached Zhang Chulan with a mean smile.

"Zhang Chulan, your grandfather is a monkey!"

Wang Zhenqiu did it on purpose.

He had already seen that except for him, the fun-loving guy, and Barron, the gringo who was joining in the fun, everyone else came here for their own purposes!

It's just that he hasn't guessed the other people's purpose yet...

However, he didn't dare to provoke Xu Yuan, so why didn't he dare to provoke Zhang Chulan?

There is no problem in picking out the soft persimmons and pinching them.

After Zhang Chulan heard Wang Zhenqiu's provocation, his face suddenly darkened.

"Grandpa You is the monkey! Your whole family is a monkey!"

Wang Zhenqiu raised his eyebrows. He remembered the new transformation form of the Godhead Mask that he had recently obtained, and he was about to speak.

But at this time, the monkeys jumped down from the top of the cliff on both sides.

Then, under the leadership of the big-eared monkey, he bypassed Granny Jinfeng and walked directly to Feng Baobao, then squatted down and looked at her quietly.

Even Grandma Jinfeng didn't expect this scene.

Although she had successfully passed through this valley once, these monkeys would not attack her.

However, these monkeys had been quite entangled with her before, and they had never been so respectful to her before!

Grandma Jinfeng looked at the picture of Feng Baobao and the monkeys in surprise.

She always felt that this scene was inexplicably familiar in her mind.

Suddenly, an image of an old friend flashed through her mind!

Wasn't it the same scene when Wu Gensheng got along with these monkeys?

"Feng Baobao...who do you study under? Who are your parents?" Grandma Jinfeng asked Feng Baobao in a trembling tone.


Feng Baobao was a little confused. He reached out and touched the head of the big-eared monkey, then subconsciously glanced at Zhang Chulan before replying.

"Master didn't let me say it."

Zhang Chulan had anticipated this question before, so she had already told Sister Baoer how to answer it.

Grandma Jinfeng's face looked a little happy and a little disappointed, but in the end she didn't mention the issue again.

Wishing didn't pay much attention to the negotiation between Granny Jinfeng and Baobao Feng.

These developments were all within his expectations!

His attention at this time has been focused on the light screen in front of him!

After coming to the Twenty-Fourth Festival Tongtian Valley, his world compatibility increased again!

It increased from 44% to 45%.

The number of draws has also been increased to 3 times!

Apparently this is a key location too!

This trip to the Qinling Mountains...

What a great harvest!

But soon, Xu wish had to withdraw his attention from the golden finger light curtain.

Because after those monkeys stood in front of Feng Baobao for a moment, they actually walked up to Xu Yuan.

He also looked at the wish with the same eyes as before!

This scene was not even expected by Make a Wish.

The reason why the monkeys treat Feng Baobao like this is because Feng Baobao has some connection with Wugensheng.

The monkeys had the opportunity to enter this valley because they had no roots.

But now the monkeys are looking for me...

Why is this?

I have a lot of questions about wishing myself, let alone others.

"Let's go, don't stay here for too long." Zhang Chulan said.

"Let's go, let's not let those people in front cause any damage in the valley..." Granny Jinfeng also agreed.

Everyone continued to move forward.

The monkeys did not stop everyone's footsteps, they just followed them silently.

"They...why are they still following us?"

"The leader said that they probably regard us as their support..."

"What to rely on?"

"You'll know in a moment..."

While Zhang Chulan and Granny Jinfeng were asking and answering questions, everyone quickly rushed towards the depths of the valley.

Just when they were at the entrance of the valley, the [Running Wolf] effect that had been promised to bless everyone had reached its time limit, and everyone's speed also slowed down, no different from normal aliens.

But the only thing that makes Xu Yuan confused is these monkeys. It seems...

Should you mainly follow yourself?

He has never been here before, let alone have any connection with these monkeys. It makes no sense at all!

Amidst this confusion, everyone finally came to the first key point of the valley.

A narrow stone bridge.

In fact, the entire valley is very large, and not the entire valley is called the Twenty-Four Sections Tongtian Valley.

Only after passing this stone bridge is the core of the entire valley.

This stone bridge is also the starting point of the real Twenty-Four Sections of Tongtian Valley.

At the moment, the bodies of several monkeys are scattered across the stone bridge, while there are still flames that have not been extinguished on the ground.

None of the people present were mediocre, and it was easy to deduce what had just happened based on the situation at the scene.

The group of people who entered the valley before them were attacked by a group of monkeys and pursued here.

During the process of walking all the way from the entrance of the valley, those people had been resisting the attack of the monkeys with the help of thermal weapons and firearms they didn't know where they got.

The stranger in the team did not take action.

And on this stone bridge, relying on the excellent terrain, the stranger in the team finally took action and forced the monkey group back!

This flame is evidence. The monkeys probably want everyone to help them get rid of these flames blocking their way.

On the one hand, even if these golden monkeys evolve further, they will never be able to completely overcome the animal's natural fear of fire.

On the other hand, the power of the flames displayed through alien means obviously cannot be measured by common sense!

Wang Zhenqiu and Barron stepped forward and took a closer look at the remaining flames on the ground.

Among the hundreds of arts that Wang Zhenqiu practiced, he happened to have the method of Fire Dezong, and he could be regarded as an expert in controlling fire!

He carefully observed the remaining flames on the ground and finally came to a conclusion.

"Although the power is a bit unsatisfactory among other people's methods, the method is very magical. The flames made entirely of energy can actually remain on the ground for such a long time."

Then he looked at the wish.

"Make a wish, I wonder if you can make it happen?"

Wang Zhenqiu was very impressed by the method Xu Wish used to beat him when they first met.

But Xu Wish was a little confused.

How can everything have anything to do with me?

But he had another thought.

It seems that I can really do it... The prerequisite is that I can draw [Iron-Blooded Dudu - Zhou Yu]!

As for now.

Not yet!

Xuanyuan shook his head, and Wang Zhenqiu was not surprised. After all, Xuanyuan couldn't be omnipotent!

This kind of method can be regarded as high-end goods even in Huodezong!

"Okay, let's move on!" Wang Zhenqiu eliminated the remaining flames on the ground with a wave of his hand.

Although the method of the person who left this flame before was relatively magical, its power was indeed average, and now the flame was still uncontrollable. It was not difficult to do this with Wang Zhenqiu's method.

After the flames were wiped out, everyone continued to move forward, and the monkeys just now, especially the big-eared golden monkey at the head, squeaked at Xu Yuan and others to express their gratitude.

Then, they climbed up the canyon again and disappeared under the night.

And the foreign expedition team on the other side.

At this time, we have entered the real Twenty-Four Sections of Tongtian Valley!

Although they had just repelled the group of golden monkeys that attacked them.

But they also suffered heavy losses from attacks by monkeys.

Because of the alien attack and the assistance of firearms, they killed many monkeys.

Others only felt happy and puzzled. They didn't understand why these monkeys were staring at them.

But one person is an exception.

Nathan Guard - Elijah!

He had long sensed something strange about those monkeys.

Rather than saying that the monkeys that attacked them were monkeys, it would be better to say that they belonged to strangers like themselves...


There is Qi flowing in those monkeys' bodies!

This is why those monkeys are far more powerful than normal monkeys!

Elijah never figured out why.

But it wasn't until he stepped into this valley area that he finally discovered the reason!

Here, it gives him the feeling that he is still on Nathan Island!

He was born in Nathan Island and naturally knew how Nathan Island was called the Island of Strangers!

I'm afraid it's also possible to artificially interfere with the appearance of strangers here!

"Be careful, Professor Baird and Matthews' bodies are changing..."

After Elijah's reminder, the "similar people" who came with him from Nathan Island all noticed something strange about the ordinary people in the team.

These ordinary people are going through the same experience as when they embraced pain and gained strength on Nathan Island!

But Elijah didn't know enough about this ancient eastern country. He kept exploring the surroundings. No matter how he looked, he couldn't detect where this strange feeling came from.

He could only feel the energy in his body surging in a weird way, which made him very uncomfortable.

In the end, he could only temporarily attribute this abnormality to the special features of this valley!

And on the side of the Make-A-Wish team.

But the moment they stepped into this real Twenty-Four-Section Tongtian Valley, they discovered something strange!

"Why does my butt feel a little hot?" Wang Zhenqiu touched his butt strangely.

He doesn't know anything about formations, aura and the like.

But his talent is outstanding!

Practicing Baijiayi may not necessarily lead to good popularity, but it will definitely lead to good materials!

Sister Baoer also noticed something strange.

"Yao Yu..."

"There is a wind here..."

Sister Baoer's words were confused, but Wang Ye understood them!

The Fenghou Qimen he practices is exactly the same formation!

The whole valley is a huge atmosphere!

"Make a wish, do you feel it?"

Seeing that there was no surprise on Xu Yuan's face, Wang Ye quickly asked him.

"Well... the aura here can make ordinary people become strangers. The patterns on the walls on both sides of the valley here can help ordinary people use their energy and open up the world through similar psychological suggestions."

Xu wish said as he walked.

He has known this for a long time. Before coming here, he even thought about whether this would be a place for "hanging up and practicing".

But it wasn’t until I actually walked in here that I realized that I was overthinking it!

Although the patterns carved on the walls on both sides of the 24th Tongtian Valley can help ordinary people use Qi to open up the sky.

But the effect only goes so far!

After all, aside from his unique golden finger, he still practices the special system of the Godhead Mask.

Not to mention helping him "hang up to practice", he didn't respond at all!

Even if Xu Wan stared at the lines on both sides of the valley, he almost put his face on them to observe, but there was no reaction.

The same goes for Xia Liuqing on the side!

As for Wang Zhenqiu, he felt this discomfort purely because he practiced not only the godhead mask, but also other sects' methods.

And for those ordinary people who set foot here, if they don't have the skills to advance or the qualifications that are incredible, this place can only allow them to learn the most basic skills, and be strong and strong enough to step into the threshold of becoming a stranger. That’s it!

However, I made a clear wish. The complicated pattern that originally allowed people to step onto the path of spiritual practice without distinction was modified by the head of Quanxing Wugensheng decades ago into a dead place that can only be exited but not entered!

It's okay for aliens. After all, most aliens have their own teachers. The patterns here will only make those aliens feel uncomfortable. As long as they are not stupid, no one will commit suicide according to the Xingqi method here.

But for ordinary people, as soon as they step into the valley, they have already embarked on a one-way train to the Netherworld Ghost Mansion!

You can only move your energy, but you can't disperse it!

After refining the energy and transforming it into energy, one will eventually die because the energy cannot be dissipated and the energy is completely consumed!

However, this is enough for making a wish.

After all, who says that only those who have mastered superpowers can be considered aliens?

As long as a stranger who can use Qi dies within a certain range, the passive ability of [Alchemist Master Taiyi Zhenren] can be used to increase his Qi energy!

Since those kind of gringos are destined to die, let them contribute their remaining value!

Who asked them to kill the first-level protected animals...

"Hehe, yes, your senses are very keen..."

Grandma Jinfeng explained to everyone while continuing to rush forward.

"The function of the lines on both sides of the valley is to help living beings move around and gain Qi, which is called Sancheli. These twenty-four valleys symbolize the human spine..."

At the same time Grandma Jinfeng was disseminating information about this valley to everyone.

Xu Yuan did not listen to the information that he already knew.

Because just when he was carefully looking at these lines, his world compatibility jumped again!

Increased from 45% to 46%!

The number of draws has also been accumulated to 4 times!

These textures that have been modified without root in the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley can actually provide themselves with world compatibility!

This was something I never expected before making a wish!

What an unexpected surprise!

It seems that during this twenty-fourth trip to Tongtian Valley, there may be other surprises waiting for me!

"Make a wish..."

While Grandma Jinfeng was explaining to everyone the origin of the old and new patterns on the walls on both sides of the valley, Wang also walked up to Xu Yuan and said to him.

"The atmosphere here is a bit strange. It's not that simple. I can feel that if you don't walk in the right way, even strangers may be affected by their fate and die for some inexplicable reasons, just like Like a curse.”

By now, if Wang Ye could no longer guess why Xuanyuan had to bring him along, then he would be too stupid!

However, no matter how Xu wish was able to know the information about this valley in advance, Wang did not intend to ask, he was just playing his role.

Wang Ye's words sounded a bit arrogant.

But it's not surprising, as long as it involves such an elusive and very abstract concept as fate, it seems to be confusing.

However, Wang Ye's words were heard in the wishing ears.

But it was like a thunder!

A flash of light arose in his mind!

He seemed to have figured out a problem!

Why did the mysterious man who controlled Daluo Cave, who was suspected of being Gu Jiating, attack him and Wang Ye!

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