Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 136 If a friend comes from afar, he will be killed even though he is far away! (Ask for mont

Wang Ye's words made Xu Yuan think of the connection between Daluo Cave Temple and Qi situation!

This valley is a kind of atmosphere.

If we look at it enlarged, isn't the whole nature or the whole world a bigger atmosphere?

The same is true for the human body!

It can even be said that the circulation of Qi in the human body is the most precise Qi pattern.

After all, the human body can become stronger through cultivation and exercise.

Since it is a Qi situation, it will definitely be affected by other Qi situations when it comes into contact with other Qi situations. The only difference lies in the consequences of the influence.

It is the curse-like effect caused by not following the correct path into the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Valley that Wang Ye just mentioned!

The impact of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley on the human body's energy situation is not limited to the current individual, but also affects the future or past of the same individual on the timeline, forming an effect similar to a curse!

This is also why Daluo Cave Temple launched an attack on its own king!

He should want to use his own individual aura to have an impact on his and Wang Ye's future!

This will affect certain developments in the future timeline!

Although Da Luo Cave Observation's ability is temporarily unclear, the only thing he can be sure of is that Da Luo Cave Observation can travel through space and reach a state similar to the fourth dimension.

When you are in a qi situation, you must abide by the rules of the qi situation itself. However, in the "four-dimensional" state of Daluo Cave, there is no need to abide by the rules of the qi situation.

As the saying goes, if you jump out of the three realms, you are not in the five elements.

Pure cheating!

But fortunately, the Daluo Cave user's two attacks on himself and Wang Ye were not completely successful.

The other party understands Wang Ye very well. After all, the Feng Hou Qi Sect that Wang Ye practices also has the means to affect time - Luan Jin Tuo.

As for targeting myself...

There is only one wish I can think of.

That means you are a time traveler!

His appearance will obviously change the original direction of some timelines in this world. With enough brewing time and big enough "wings", the impact of the butterfly effect on the future will definitely be beyond imagination!

Xu Yuan briefly told Wang Ye his conjecture.

Of course, he didn't say anything about the time traveler.

Although the conjecture of making a wish sounded very abstract, Wang Ye also understood it!

After all, Wang Ye was a top academic who got into Tsinghua University in order to become a monk and practice Taoism.

He looked at Xu Wish in disbelief.

If what Xu wish said about Da Luo's ability to move the pass is correct, then the whole set of Xu wish's guesses can actually achieve a logical closed loop!

As for the ability of Daluo Cave View...

Judging from the limited information currently known, Wishing should be right.

As for what events on the future timeline the Daluo Cave user wanted to influence, the two of them had no clue.

Fortunately, Wishes has a way to restrain Daluo Cave. Next, they just need to be careful and stay the same to cope with all changes!

The conversation volume between Xu Yuan and Wang Ye was very low.

And the other people present were not Zhuge Qing.

So others could only see what Xu Yuan and Wang Ye whispered, and others did not pay attention.

Then, the team moved on.

Although Granny Jinfeng said that their destination was not far away, after all, this was the Qinling Mountains spanning more than a thousand kilometers, and it would not be much shorter no matter how short it was.

Everyone hurried on until nightfall, and then they arrived at the destination mentioned by Grandma Jinfeng——

A cave at the end of a valley.

Above the entrance of the cave are written three large characters with flying dragons and phoenixes.

What a human being!

At this time, Nathan was guarding Elijah's expedition team.

They had already entered the cave first.

It has to be said that Qu Tong has taken a different approach to the staffing of this expedition team.

Although the aliens in the team had not been here before, the hints from the patterns on the walls at both ends of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley helped the ordinary people in the team to run the Zhoutian and get Qi!

There is no exception whatsoever because they are foreigners.

It's quite akin to Village Chief Ma's self-cultivation furnace - it means teaching without distinction.

These ordinary people also followed the hints of those patterns and chose the correct way to enter.

Under the command of Team Leader Liu, the strangers in the team followed closely, allowing them to enter the human cave without realizing the danger at all!

This is the role of these ordinary people in the team!

However, just before they entered the What Man Cave, they once again encountered two monkeys...

But this time, the two monkeys did not block their progress like the previous monkey group, but ran away after being discovered by everyone.

But what alarmed Elijah was that the behavior of these two monkeys was different from the previous monkey group, and their state was also different from the previous monkey group.

Not only are these two monkeys huge in size and look like adults, they can even walk upright, and their speech and behavior are almost the same as humans!

Except for that golden hair...

However, the foreign expedition team, which had a smooth journey, entered the He Wen Man Cave.

Then they encountered a problem.

Because the He Man Cave is not a straight line, and the terrain of the entire He Man Cave is complex. If you don’t know the specific route, you can only use the elimination method and try it one after another to find the final destination.

However, the expedition team had been running around for a full day at this time, and the strangers were okay, after all, they had good physical fitness.

However, ordinary people in the team such as Professor Baird, even though under the influence of the valley, learned the method of operating the three-car force and initially set foot in the world of aliens, their physical fitness cannot be cultivated in one day. Become.

So these ordinary people have already been working extremely hard.

Seeing this situation, the bald guide Liu who led the team had no choice but to order the team to find an open space to rest temporarily, and then continue to investigate the road in the cave after everyone recovered their strength.

At this time, Xu Yuan and others also entered the He Wen Man Cave!

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer!

The moment he made a wish and stepped into the What Man Cave, his world compatibility jumped again!

World fit increased from 46% to 47%!

The lottery opportunities have accumulated to 5 times!

What is the man cave check-in point? Check-in is successful!

Unlike the foreign expedition team, the team that made a wish and others, because of the existence of Grandma Jinfeng, the terrain in the He Wei Man Cave could not hinder them at all.

They quickly traced the location of the foreign team's camp based on the footprints and clues left on the ground.

Everyone watched the foreign expedition team from a distance in the darkness at the corner of a passage in the cave.

Because the foreign expedition team knew nothing about Xu Yuan and others who had been hanging behind them.

So they didn't have much vigilance.

The so-called camp is just to prevent strange creatures like those monkeys in the Qinling Mountains from suddenly attacking them.

The most essential difference between guarding against humans and guarding against animals is light. Animals' fear of fire is an instinct in the seal-cutting genes.

The brightly lit camp is in sharp contrast to the dark passage where Xu wish and others are.

The enemy on both sides is overt and we are covert!

In the passage, Xu Yuan and others could clearly see that the ordinary people in the foreign expedition team couldn't wait to devote themselves to training after they set up camp.

For these ordinary people from overseas, this strange air flow generated in their bodies is regarded as a strange opportunity!

But little did they know that this weird air current was a life-threatening sign from the King of Hell!

"Everyone, what do you think? How about taking action directly?"

Xu wish lowered his voice and asked the others with a smile.

"Well, if possible, I would like to catch someone alive, just ordinary people who have just become aliens. I have some ideas that I want to test."

Wang Zhenqiu scratched his head, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Because the wish was still there, he couldn't take it too seriously, but now he discovered another interesting thing!

Xuanyuan thought for a while.

Now that the enemy is overt and we are hidden, they attack to gain the upper hand.

Logically speaking, the best way is to let Liao Duoduo take action and use the silent original poison to kill this foreign team!

But among this foreign team was Elijah.

The "insiders" who came here to make a wish know that this Nathan King Wei is related to the plot of Nathan Island!

After this guy goes back, he will break the golden branches of the sacred tree and trigger a battle for the throne!

And I can also take this opportunity to land on Nathan Island!

The world compatibility that Nathan Island can provide for you is absolutely massive!

If Elijah hadn't broken the golden branch of the sacred tree, given the special nature of Nathan Island, it would undoubtedly be difficult for him to land on Nathan Island!

Even if he does get there by some means, if there is no battle for the throne, the benefits Nathan Island can provide for him will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, under the current circumstances, it is not suitable for Liao Duoduo to trigger an indiscriminate "biochemical weapon" attack.

Everyone in this foreign expedition team can die, but Elijah cannot die today!

After clarifying his thoughts, he made a wish and agreed to Wang Zhenqiu's proposal.

"I have no opinion."

"I don't have any objection either."

"Me too……"

In fact, not only Wang Zhenqiu, but also everyone else present was very curious about this kind of strange person transformed by the guidance of the valley's hints.

Only Grandma Jinfeng herself seemed to disagree with this.

For her, what she cares more about is the "treasure" left by the leader Wu Gensheng.

Since this foreign expedition team dares to covet the things left by the leader, then they all deserve to die! And the sooner you die, the better!


Now she can only obey the majority. The only thing she can do is to deal with this foreign expedition team as soon as possible, and then go to confirm that the "treasure" left by Wu Gensheng is correct...

Now that everyone has agreed, the next step is to agree on a plan of action.

Granny Jinfeng briefly explained to everyone what the topography of the man cave is.

Over the years, she has been here many times, and has long been familiar with the terrain of a man cave.

According to the information provided by Grandma Jinfeng, everyone was divided into several directions, striving to keep all the foreign expedition team here!

Regardless of whether everyone came to the Qinling Mountains and the 24th Section Tongtian Valley with various purposes, they were still Chinese after all.

Well... except for Barron.

But Barron can be considered half Chinese.

Therefore, they will never allow these foreigners to take away things that originally belong to the land of China.

Even if these things are not popular in China!

Because professionals like the clarinet did not come with them this time, the task of formulating an action plan naturally fell on Xu Yuan.

In order to ensure that Elijah would not die here today, Xu made a wish and left Elijah as his opponent.

Of course, if you make a wish openly, you will definitely not say this.

As for other people’s opponents?

Nothing to worry about at all.

Although they are not as great as Lao Tianshi, nor are they like Na Ruhu and Ding Zhangan, who are tied for second place in the world.

But the opponent is weaker.

The most powerful among this group of people was Elijah, the Nathaniel guard.

Action plan finalized.

Xu Yuan and others are all veteran aliens. Although they have consumed a lot of energy while running around, they don't need too much repair.

The task of catching him alive naturally fell into the hands of Sister Baoer.

It's better to leave things like sneak attacks and knocking out sap to professionals.

Sister Baoer quietly lurked through the intricate cave terrain to a member of the expedition team with a mushroom head.

This team member was originally just an ordinary person. Even though he has now learned the Yunqi method and stepped into the threshold of aliens, he still has no experience fighting against aliens.

As for strength, he is even more different from Feng Baobao!

In the darkness, Feng Baobao exploded instantly!

The team member with the mushroom head was directly pulled into the shadows!

The rest of the team only saw a figure flashing away in the darkness, and then Jinbao was completely dragged into the darkness!

After not long ago, they were attacked by a group of monkeys and met the two suspicious human-looking monkeys on the road.

The nerves of the members of the expedition team have already been stretched to the extreme!

"Monkey! The monkey is here again! Jinbao was captured by the monkey!"

A member of the expedition team broke down emotionally and shouted!

"This valley can turn those monkeys into supermen!"

With the disappearance of the team member named Jin Bao, and the yelling of the expedition member.

The entire expedition was in commotion.

This is the difference in mood.

If it is a foreigner who has practiced through normal channels, even if faced with such an unexpected situation, his state of mind and emotions will never be destroyed so easily.

These expedition members, who were originally just ordinary people, could not keep up with their mental state even if they obtained the Qi Qi method.

The other normal aliens in this expedition team are very calm.

Elijah stared at the dark cave where Jinbao disappeared and frowned.

He is different from the types of Qi-refining strangers in China. He was born in Europe and America before entering Nathan Island.

His occupation is a cowboy, and his weapon is the rune revolver in his hand, which belongs to the alchemy school.

Therefore, he not only has good physical skills, but also has strong eyesight.

After all, when it comes to shooting, the most important thing is your eyesight.

The sneak attack just now suddenly took action, and he was indeed unprepared, but with his excellent eyesight, he still caught the opponent's fleeting figure in his sight.

The other party has long hair, there is absolutely no way he is a monkey in the valley!

There are others besides their team in this valley!

It's a pity that the sneak attacker was also very fast. When Ilya wanted to launch an attack, the opponent had already dragged the knocked out Jinbao and completely disappeared into the darkness!

Elijah turned his head and greeted a companion beside him in a low voice.


Ilia didn't need to say anything more. They were all islanders from Nason Island, and the two sides had already developed a certain tacit understanding.


The strong man named Vesta nodded, then took out a thin needle and pricked his finger.

Then he used the blood on his fingers to carve a strange-looking rune on the back of Ilya's neck.

As this rune took complete shape, Elijah's eyes glowed with an inconspicuous light.

Night vision!

This rune gave Elijah the ability to see at night.

The cave was originally dark and lightless, but now in his eyes you can no longer hinder his sight!

If there is still someone trying to sneak attack now, he will definitely find it before the other party takes action!

If you are here to make a wish and wait for someone.

Sister Baoer only left for less than five minutes before returning to everyone through the passage in the cave.

This also includes the time she spends traveling back and forth!

At this time, Jin Bao, who was a prisoner, had been covered by Feng Bao Bao's mouth with transparent tape and tied up. Even the newly born Qi in his body was blocked by Feng Bao Bao.

"Hey, cockroach girl, you are very professional!"

Even Barron was a little amazed at Feng Baobao's skill in knocking out sap sneak attacks.

"Nothing but familiarity with your hands."

It’s rare for Sister Baoer to be literate.

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu's eagerness to experiment with this prisoner, Xu Yuan quickly interrupted him.

"Qiu'er, let's get rid of that foreign team in a moment, and then you can do the experiment."

If I remember correctly, the ordinary members of this expedition team should have been cast a spell called the protection of the forest god by the black woman named Mambo in the expedition team!

Once these ordinary people are in danger, the spell will be activated, summoning Emru to protect the person being cast...

It's better to deal with the others first!

Since Xu Wish said so, it was not easy for Wang Zhenqiu to refute.

Everyone took action in the dark cave according to the previous plan!

As for the prisoner, he was handed over to Grandma Jinfeng who stayed behind to guard him.

Although Granny Jinfeng is the weakest in the entire team, that is relative.

As a veteran alien and a veteran Quan Xing, this prisoner who has just stepped into the threshold of aliens has absolutely no chance of escaping.

Everyone found the opponent they had planned before.

Even Chen Duo is no exception.

Now that she wants to take action, Chen Duo naturally does not need to forcibly suppress the original poison in her body. She only needs to slightly control the spread of the original poison!

And the wish went directly to Elijah!

Just as Wishes stepped around the corner of the passage, Elijah, whose eyes had been given the ability to see at night, spotted Wishes immediately.

"There's someone there!"

Without any hesitation, Elijah directly raised the rune revolver in his hand and fired three shots in the direction of the wish!

He was already ready to make a wish. He instantly activated the godhead mask and transformed into the god Genghis Khan!

There is a giant wolf on his crotch, and a big bow as tall as a person in his hand.

Borrow the power of heaven to level Europe and America!

In the name of Khan, a killing spree!

If a friend comes from afar, he will be killed even though he is far away!

Faced with these three incoming bullets, Xu wish pulled the bow string three times in succession!

Three giant arrows flashing with white light were fired at the bullets that were flying towards him!

The battle begins instantly!

It’s the last two days. Bosses, please give me your monthly tickets~

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