Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 134 Any questions? Kill it and it will be gone!

Elijah on the other side only heard a loud noise, and then a busy signal came from his phone.

He couldn't get through if he called again.

And the same goes for another companion’s phone number!


Although he didn't know what happened to Alang on the other side of the phone, he knew that the two companions who had gone to the destination first had probably encountered something unexpected.

This is the world of aliens.

Even if you are powerful, accidents will happen due to various unexpected circumstances.

Elijah was a blond man with an unshaven beard. His face darkened slightly when he heard the busy tone on the phone.

He walked to another companion and said to him.

"Campbell and Aaron are dead."

The other companion also had a look of surprise on his face.

Including Elijah, there were five companions from the same place.

The outside world has a special name for them.

Nathan Islanders!

Among the five Nathan Islanders, apart from Elijah, Campbell and Alang are the strongest.

It was precisely because of this that Campbell and Alang dared to take one step ahead of the large army and go directly to the destination of their trip. However, they did not expect that these two people would directly lose their lives!

It is enough to see the danger of this trip.

Just as the two were talking, the person in charge of the team appeared.

In other words, the commander appointed by the financial owner - Liu Mingyuan suddenly opened his mouth and gave orders to the expedition team.

"Everyone, let's set up camp here today and take a short rest!"

Elijah was speechless and watched as the others in the team put down their luggage and prepared to set up camp.

Only then did he find Liu Mingyuan.

The other person was a fat man with a bald head, as smooth as a peeled egg. His slender mouth and flat nose seemed to be squeezed together.

It seemed extremely weird.

But Elijah had never seen any weirdo, so how could he care about his appearance?

He cared about something else.

"Liu, my two companions who went straight to their destination have met with something unexpected. Alang said he was cursed. What's going on?"

Elijah asked the bald Liu Mingyuan in a low voice.

Bald Liu Mingyuan glanced at Elijah from the corner of his eye.

"Elijah, right? Tell your companions one last time that following my command is for your safety. If you don't want to waste time, you can go straight to your destination on your own."

"As for the curse? There is no curse at all. I have said it many times."

Elijah did not continue to pester, turned around and returned to his companions.

But something strange arose in his heart.

No, very wrong!

Liu Mingyuan was sent by his employer, so it was not surprising that he knew something about this mysterious Qinling Mountains.

But what felt wrong to Elijah the most was...

The other party’s eyes were so calm!

Not to mention there were no surprises at all, not even any unnecessary fluctuations!


Like an emotionless robot, without any extra emotion!

The other party's mood swings were only one aspect, and the personnel composition also puzzled Elijah.

They are not the only Nathan Islanders in this team - all Nathan Islanders are aliens.

More are ordinary people!

There are professors who specialize in biological ecology, and there are also so-called wilderness survival experts...

Since the other party's employer can invite Nathan Islanders like them, the other party can have access to the alien world even if they are not aliens.

Why don't all the people in the team use aliens?

Even the so-called wilderness survival experts cannot compare with aliens.

The whole team is full of weirdness!

No matter how it looked from any aspect, Elijah felt that this task was by no means as simple as his employer said!

"Everyone, please be careful."

Elijah returned to his companions and reminded the rest of them.

"Yes, I understand, King Guard... Elijah."

His companion responded subconsciously, but fortunately he changed his words in time under Ilya's stern gaze.

And behind this team were Xu wish and others.

"Everyone will settle down and have a rest here tonight. After adjusting, we can reach our destination tomorrow."

Grandma Jinfeng greeted everyone.

"If the other party really comes here, there will probably be a fight tomorrow."

Along the way, everyone also learned a lot of information from Grandma Jinfeng.

They naturally knew that what Grandma Jinfeng said was true. Even though they cleared an area in the woods as a camp and set up camp,

After Xu Yuan installed his tent, he silently walked to the edge of the camp, sat here and looked into the distance.

Although Xu Wish seems to be meditating on something, in fact, Xu Wish is looking at the camp in the distance that is beyond the sight of normal people!

After making a wish to draw Nuwa, although his energy is not yet enough to transform into the goddess Nuwa.

However, the [Super Intelligent Life] ability given to him by [Supreme Creation—Nuwa] passively [Brilliant Guidance] has already acted on him.

One of the bonuses brought by [Super Intelligent Life] is that the vision of the wisher will improve and grow as the wisher's cultivation level increases.

Xu wish's current cultivation and energy have accumulated to a certain extent, so his sight range also surpasses most aliens!

Although the other team is still far away, Wishing can see it clearly from this high point.

Therefore, Wishes knows the dynamics of the other team very well!

Especially the King Guard Elijah from Nathan Island!

Because the team that Elijah was in was not only composed of strangers, except for the strangers, most of them were ordinary people.

Because of the existence of these ordinary people, the team's marching speed was naturally not much faster.

Even in the Qinling Mountains where they made a wish and waited for others to enter, the distance between the two teams is gradually shortening.

Now that the distance between the two sides has shortened, Elijah, the King of Nathan Island, has provided a little increase in world compatibility for the wish.

At this time, the wish-making world compatibility has increased from 43% to 44%.

The lottery opportunities have also been increased to 2 times.

Just as Xu Yuan was observing the movements of the other team, Wang also finished setting up the tent and walked over.

"Make a wish."

Wang Ye's voice called Xu Wish's attention back.

"Eh? Old Wang?" Xu Yuan moved his buttocks and made room for Wang Ye.

"What are you looking at?"

The king also looked forward in the direction of the wishing sight, but saw nothing.

Obviously, Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen cannot allow him to break through the limits of ordinary people's vision.


Xu Yuan shook his head and looked away without explaining it to Wang Ye.

Not that he had any concerns about the king.

The two parties have been in contact for so long, and Xu Wan still has great trust in Wang Ye's character.

It's just that he has his own plans.

Speaking of which, his plan is indeed not very friendly to those foreigners or ordinary foreigners in the other team.

If the king, who doesn't like committing reckless crimes, really knows about it, maybe something will go wrong again.

Therefore, Xu Wan had no intention of telling him that everything that went with the flow was the best outcome of his plan.

The king can't read minds, so it's naturally impossible for him to know the wishing plan.

He glanced at the deep woods, turned around and asked Xuanyuan a question.

"Make a wish, do you think there will be any surprises when you go into the mountains with Grandma Jinfeng this time?"

He had previously performed a divination on this operation in the interior scene on the plane.

All he wanted to know was whether there was any danger in this operation.

But the result is such a simple problem, but what is shown in the interior scene is still a big fireball that cannot be solved!

Although Wang Ye didn't know what would happen, it was obviously not normal to be so calm right now, so he had no choice but to make a wish.

"Is it an accident?" Xu Yuan touched his chin, "Probably not. With so many of us here, we can't have another Ma Xianhong, right? And this time we are not asking for anyone to be captured alive. If there is any problem, just kill him. , what kind of surprise could there be?"

Wang Ye:......

The accident he and Xu Yuan were talking about were not the same at all!

Seeing that I didn’t get any clues from the wish.

The king simply stopped asking and turned back to the camp.

Destiny is destiny, no one can firmly grasp every step of destiny.

Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up. Compared with him, Xuanyuan will be the taller one.

The night was uneventful.

Except that Old Man Xia was kicked out by Granny Jinfeng because he wanted to sneak into Granny Jinfeng's tent.

However, Xu Wan noticed the good ecosystem of the Qinling Mountains.

After all, the jungle outside the camp didn’t stop all night!

Birds as small as the crested ibis and golden monkeys, to giant pandas passing by in the dense forest, and finally Xuanyuan even saw a huge antelope in the jungle!

The expression of making a wish is a little subtle.

He had a very "tortureable" idea, and he didn't know if [Agudo, Son of the Mountain and Forest] could "release" these wild animals...

However, there is no way to prove the wish now, because he has not yet drawn Agudo.

Early the next morning, at the greeting of Grandma Jinfeng, everyone packed their bags and set off again!

And another team belonging to Nathan Island King Guard Elijah has also set off under the greeting of the guide Liu Mingyuan!

The distance between the two teams is getting closer and closer.

Before the two teams came into contact, the foreign expedition team walking in front was the first to encounter an accident.

A golden monkey with shiny fur appeared on the rocks on the side of the road in the direction of the team's advance.

This golden monkey looks slightly different from the other monkeys.

The two ears are extremely large.

Moreover, this golden monkey remained silent and unusually quiet.

"Oh oh oh~"

At this time, it was Baird, the biologist in the expedition team, who let out an excited howl.

"This is actually..."

Other foreigners and ordinary people from overseas may not all know the specific types of monkeys, but the furry little animals always make most people feel affection for them.

They also moved closer to the golden monkey, trying to tease it.

Just when biological ecologist Baird was planning to introduce the types of golden monkeys to everyone in detail.

This big-eared golden monkey suddenly burst into flames!

It pounced directly on the team member closest to it!

No one expected that this golden monkey would suddenly attack them for no reason.

For a moment, not even the foreigners in the expedition team reacted!


It wasn't until the expedition member covered his bleeding eyes and let out a scream that the rest of the expedition members reacted.

"Kai! Your eyes..."

A black man stepped forward to check the team member's injuries, but all he could see was the empty eye sockets of the attacked expedition team member and the bloody monkey's paw of the golden monkey.

The monkey's paw also holds a fresh eyeball!

For a moment, the entire foreign expedition team fell into silence.

The ferociousness of this golden monkey far exceeded their imagination!

And what happened next shocked the foreign expedition team even more!

At this time, they had just passed the entrance of this canyon.

And among the lush branches and leaves on both sides of the canyon, there was a sound of rustling!

Immediately afterwards, nearly a hundred golden monkeys of different sizes jumped out from the branches and leaves on both sides of the cliff.

These golden monkeys launched an attack on this foreign expedition team as if organized!

They are very skilled in attacking people, and they don't even have the instinct of other animals to fear humans. They scratch directly at the faces and eyes of the expedition team members.

Most of the expedition team were ordinary people. They were caught off guard by such a large-scale attack by golden monkeys, and screams could not be heard.

But soon an Asian man stood up.

He took out a pistol from his arms and started shooting at the golden monkeys that attacked the expedition team!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of gunfire is endless!

The other expedition team members with guns in their hands also reacted and immediately formed a line of defense with the Asian man, and together they launched an attack on the golden monkeys.

Even though the attack power of these golden monkeys is extremely fierce, they are still flesh and blood and cannot match the power of modern firearms.

Soon, under gunfire, these golden monkeys had to temporarily retreat to the top of the cliff after throwing away more than ten corpses!

"Hey! Ben, you are really amazing. You can actually get firearms in this country..." A member of the expedition team said to the man.

Ben was also a little lucky.

"Compared to people, having these things in hand makes me feel more at ease."

Ben sighed.

In fact, only he himself knows how difficult it is to obtain these thermal weapons on the territory of this country.

Even these old firearms were obtained by chance!

The members of the expedition team fought off the group of golden monkeys. Just as they were sighing, Ben suddenly saw a dark eye from behind the stone at the top of the cliff.

It's exactly the eyes of the big-eared golden monkey at the beginning!

When Ben's eyes met its eyes, he was suddenly shocked!

And at the next moment, a fist-sized stone came towards Ben with the sound of breaking wind!


Ben didn't have time to react. The flying stone hit his chest instantly, causing him to vomit blood and his eyesight went dark!

The strength was completely beyond Ben's expectation!

This is simply not the power that a small animal like the golden monkey can possess!

Then, overwhelming flying rocks flew from both sides of the cliff, and the force carried by each flying rock was no weaker than the one that just hit Ben!

At this time, the expedition team in the canyon has completely become a living target!

Even if the team members with firearms tried to fire back, due to the terrain, their bullets could only hit the bunker in front of the golden monkeys!

It’s not surprising that these monkeys can throw rocks, but they actually know how to use cover to shoot from a distance!

The high intelligence and highly organized scale displayed by this group of monkeys completely exceeded the cognition of the members of the expedition team!

It even gave them the illusion that they were facing opponents who were also human beings!

But the flying stones thrown by these monkeys are so powerful!

Seeing that the expedition team was at an absolute disadvantage, the expedition team could only rush wildly towards the valley ahead.

As for why the escape direction is not outside the valley...

Unless they are crazy, even if they abandon this mission, there is a vast jungle outside the valley, where monkeys are the home of creatures like this!

The monkeys can attack them at any time in the forest and can evacuate at any time.

As long as they find a favorable terrain in the valley, they can rely on the terrain to face the attack of the monkeys from one direction.

Amid the strange screams and chases of the monkeys, this overseas expedition team gradually penetrated deep into the valley.

In the process of escaping, the members of this expedition team apparently did not notice the hidden lines carved on the stone walls on both sides of the valley...

On the other side, Xu wish and others.

At this time, he was also rushing towards the valley quickly.

The sound of the gunfire fired by the expedition team just now spread far across the Qinling Mountains, and naturally reached the ears of Granny Jinfeng who was behind them.

When Granny Jinfeng heard the gunshots coming from the front, her face immediately darkened.

Because she knows what's out there!

That's where the leader originally hid the treasure!


The only ones who might be able to hear the sound of gunshots are humans!

There must have been a fight between humans and monkeys!

Sure enough, things developed in the worst direction!

Grandma Jinfeng was very concerned about the "treasures" left by Wu Gensheng, and she didn't care about anything else at the moment. She directly called on everyone to rush forward as quickly as possible!

"Hurry up, I'm afraid they've reached the valley now!"

Grandma Jinfeng's words made everyone present have serious expressions on their faces.

Including Zhang Chulan, they all knew that these people must have been instructed by the forces behind Ma Xianhong!

Except for making a wish.

Xu Yuan knew from the beginning that most of the so-called "treasures" left by Wu Gensheng were the rags he collected, and now they had been moved away by Qu Tong, with the intention of leaving them at the end of the man cave. I bought an oil painting with the exact same face as Sister Baoer...

It doesn’t matter if we let the foreign expedition team go in first!

However, Xu Yuan saw that everyone was obviously impatient, and he didn't look at it well.

With a thought in his mind, he activated the [Running Wolf] effect of [Jiying·Running Wolf·Xingquan]!

A burst of white light flashed, and then this burst of white light wrapped around everyone's legs.

Everyone in the team can clearly feel that their speed is increasing rapidly, and the increase is getting faster and faster!

Wang Ye had seen this method of making wishes as early as when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain, so it was not surprising.

But others had never seen it before. This terrifying increase in speed made them all look at Wishing in horror.

"Make a wish, this..." Barron looked at the white air wrapped around his legs in surprise.

"Look what I do! Let's go!"

Make a wish and rush in immediately!

Now that the foreign expedition team has entered the 24th Section of Tongtian Valley, he has nothing to be afraid of!

The plan is done!

Just waiting for it to bloom and bear fruit...

Harvest is coming!

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