Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 133 Broken! What a stroke of luck! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Although after experiencing the last kidnapping, Grandma Jinfeng changed her residence immediately.

But because it is located in the southwest region, it is not a secret to Wang Zhenqiu.

Wang Zhenqiu went straight to Grandma Jinfeng's residence.

This is a small courtyard in the forest.

With foreigners' methods, it doesn't take much effort to build a yard like this.

As soon as Wang Zhenqiu arrived here, he happened to see Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng sitting in the yard drinking tea.

"Eh? Qiu'er? Why are you here? Come on, come on in."

Across the fence and courtyard wall, Grandma Jinfeng smiled and waved to Wang Zhenqiu, gesturing for him to come in.

Because of the last operation in Biyou Village, Grandma Jinfeng was also familiar with these temporary workers.

Especially for Wang Zhenqiu and Xu Yuan, two disciples of Xia Liuqing.

Although she has been in love with her former head of Quanxing Wugensheng all her life, and there is no love between a man and a woman between her and Xia Liuqing, people's hearts are made of flesh. Over the years, Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing have developed a kind of friendship. More akin to the feelings of a loved one.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xu Yuan are naturally regarded as juniors by her.

Wang Zhenqiu smiled and walked slowly into the small courtyard.

"What are you doing here, you rebellious little bastard! I didn't cook for you tonight! If that kid came to make a wish, it would be more like..."

Xia Liuqing, who was drinking tea, couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

Although Xia Liuqing said so, it could be seen from his big mouth showing only two front teeth that he was very happy about Wang Zhenqiu's arrival.

At his age, he has no children, and his life is nothing more than these disciples of the younger generation...well, and Jinfeng.

Wang Zhenqiu didn't bother to pay attention to Old Man Xia, whose mouth was tougher than his kung fu, and looked directly at Granny Jinfeng.

"Grandma Jinfeng, I'm here this time to ask you about something."

"Oh? You said it." Grandma Jinfeng pushed up the reading glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"You were arrested last time by Village Chief Ma and his men. Do you know why?"

When Wang Zhenqiu asked this question.

Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing, who were drinking tea leisurely just now, looked a little solemn.

"I don't know about this either..." Grandma Jinfeng shook her head, "I've thought about this too, but I checked carefully after I got home and there was nothing strange about her body."

"What about at home? Did you lose something?"

"No." Grandma Jinfeng pointed to the thatched hut behind her, "I actually don't have anything to throw away. This is all I have, and those people don't like me either."

Wang Zhenqiu was also speechless at this time.

Could it be that Village Chief Ma arrested Granny Jinfeng out of nowhere just to lure these temporary workers to demolish his Biyou Village?

No matter how you think about it, it’s unreasonable!

However, Wang Zhenqiu quickly thought of someone else!

Chen Duo!

That is Liao Duoduo today.

She is the person involved in arresting Granny Jinfeng!

"Grandma Jinfeng, wait a moment, I'll find a wish and ask him to ask Chen Duo..."

Wang Zhenqiu was just about to take out his cell phone to contact him to make a wish.

But he suddenly heard a familiar sound of footsteps coming from a distance, and the sound of making a wish also rang out.

"No need, Qiu'er, I'm coming."

Wang Zhenqiu raised his head and looked into the distance, just in time to see the wishing figure.

Next to Xu Yuan, there are four familiar figures.

Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Wang Ye, Liao Duoduo...


Make a wish and this belongs to Cao Cao?

As soon as you say it?

Wang Zhenqiu was caught off guard by the sudden arrival of the wishing people.

"Make a wish? Why are you... here?" Wang Zhenqiu looked stunned.

"We are also here to find Granny Jinfeng." Xu Yuan came over with a few people. "Old man Xia, you have been very quiet recently!"

"Hehe, of course, Heavenly Master went down the mountain before. Fortunately, I listened to your advice and didn't go out..."

Xia Liuqing chuckled, with some lingering fear in her eyes.

The news that the old Heavenly Master came down from the mountain to challenge Quan Xing was so loud that even he and Jin Feng were living in seclusion and heard about it.

He, Xia Liuqing, is considered to be one of the top fighters in the world. If he really wants to fight, Ding Shi'an is not the best. However, as a contemporary of the old Celestial Master, Xia Liuqing knows very well that in front of the old Celestial Master, there is really not much difference between him and Xiao Ding. .

After exchanging pleasantries, Xu Yuan looked at Granny Jinfeng.

"Grandma Jinfeng, Liao Duoduo doesn't know about this either. She is just following orders. The alien's methods are very strange. Is it possible that he is attacking something you cherish?" Xu Yuan followed the instructions.

Xu Wan naturally knew why Qu Tong kidnapped Granny Jinfeng in the first place.

It was nothing more than a "treasure" left without roots in the Tongtian Valley of the 24th Section of the Qinling Mountains. It was also the destination of his departure from Kyoto this time.

But Grandma Jinfeng still had to tell the truth herself, otherwise it would be difficult for him to explain to other members of the supervision team why he knew about the forces behind Ma Xianhong...

The eyes of everyone present were focused on Grandma Jinfeng.

Only Liao Duoduo glanced at Xu Yuan beside him with a strange look. How did Xu Yuan know? He didn't even ask himself!

However, Liao Duoduo did not ask further questions. To her, these were not important matters.

Under the gaze of everyone, Grandma Jinfeng thought for a moment.

Finally he muttered to himself.

"Things I value..."

"There is only that person in my heart, and it should be related to him..."

Hearing this, everyone present had different expressions.

Zhang Chulan was a little excited. He knew that the person Granny Jinfeng was talking about was Wu Gensheng, the former head of Quanxing!

Exactly what he came here for!

Xia Liuqing's expression was a little distorted.

OK OK! I've become a clown, right?

Still in front of my two disciples!

"After all these years, Jin Feng is actually just that in my heart..." Xia Liuqing muttered sourly from the side.

Make a wish:…

Wang Zhenqiu:......

Are you really not considering going back to Gotham? Standing tickets are now half price.

Grandma Jinfeng kicked the sour Xia Liuqing away, and then looked at the others.

"Hmm...I still don't have any ideas."

Zhang Chulan, Wang Ye and even Wang Zhenqiu looked at each other, and they all saw the clear look in each other's eyes.

Grandma Jinfeng is lying!

However, none of these three people exposed Granny Jinfeng.

As for making a wish, he had already known how things would develop, so there was no surprise.

"Okay, Granny Jinfeng, Old Man Xia, let's go first."

Xuanyuan said nothing more and bid farewell to the old couple with a smile.

Old Man Xia also unusually did not hold back and just waved his hand.

"Get lost!"

"By the way, Xia Liuqing, get out of here too!" Granny Jinfeng also drove Xia Liuqing away.

Xia Liuqing's expression suddenly changed and she said with a playful smile.

"No, Jinfeng~ I'll stay with you."

"Jinfeng, I can just sleep outside the thatched hut..."

Xu Wan couldn't bear to see Old Man Xia's dog-licking behavior anymore, so she turned around and left.

Seeing Xu Yuan leave, others followed suit.

After getting out of the sight of Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, Wang Zhenqiu quickly caught up with Xu Wish.

"Hey, Xu Wish, are you going to leave just like that?" Wang Zhenqiu asked Xu Wish with interest.

Xu Yuan shook his head, but did not directly answer Wang Zhenqiu's question.

Instead, he turned and shouted towards the surrounding woods.

"Barron, come out too!"

Everyone present was shocked when they heard the wish.

Barron here?

They had also had contact with Barron when they were in Biyou Village before.

A very strong foreigner, um, plus he speaks Chinese very well.

But the last time they had contact was very short, and they didn't know much about Barron in detail.

That's all the information we know.

But no one present expected that Barron could lurk around them silently. This was a very scary thing!

If Barron made a sudden attack on them...

But there is one other exception.

That is Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao had fought against Barron before when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain.

To be precise, I should have been beaten...

When she heard the wish saying that Barron was nearby, she was like a kitten that had encountered a natural enemy, and her fur suddenly exploded!

However, Feng Baobao did not run away directly this time.

Instead, he ran behind Xu Yuan and completely hid his body.

At the same time, she whispered to Xu wish.

"Make a wish, quickly, quickly, return my shovel to me! I can't do this..."

Make a wish:…

I really can’t figure out whether you are reluctant to part with your weapon or you want to face the “enemy” with everyone.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, he still returned the two kitchen knives and a telescopic engineer shovel that Sister Baoer had left with him.

"Okay, cockroach girl, I'm not here to beat you this time."

As Barron's voice sounded, his figure also appeared in the woods.

He walked towards the crowd step by step.

"Make a wish, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. I'm very happy."

Barron was the first to say hello to Xuanyuan.

"Hey~" Xu Yuan shook the goosebumps on his body. "Barron, if you put it like that, I might easily misunderstand your orientation."


Barron shook his head.

"I'm not from Chengdu. But I want to ask, how did you discover me?"

"Guess." Xuyuan smiled mysteriously at Barron.

How did he know Barron was nearby?

It's definitely not because something went wrong with Barron's Liuku Immortal Thief.

The Liuku Immortal Thief is indeed worthy of the "wonder" of the Eight Magic Skills. Even now that Barron is standing in front of Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan has not noticed any trace of Barron's aura leaking out.

simply put.


But looking at Barron who was lost in thought, he obviously didn't think so.

Who knows what weird things he was thinking about. After a while, Barron raised his head and looked at Xu Wish, with a smile on his face.

"Make a wish, I am becoming more and more interested in you."

Xu Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to the old man, shook his head, and changed the topic.

"Since everyone is here, I won't talk nonsense, but before I say anything, does anyone want to leave?"

Silence, silence.

Apparently, no one wants to leave.

Even Barron is no exception.

It is true that Grandma Jinfeng's acting skills just now were so bad. Anyone who is not a fool can tell that Grandma Jinfeng has other plans.

"Okay, since no one wants to leave, we can be considered to be in the same camp for the time being." Xu Yuan spread his hands, "My suggestion is that Barron follows Old Man Xia and Grandma Jinfeng first, and it will be clear what they want to do. "

"I have no objection!" Sister Baoer was the first to raise her hand in agreement.

She is the one who can best appreciate the power of Barron's concealment ability.

"I don't have any objection either."

"me too……"

Everyone present had no objections, after all, they had just personally witnessed Barron's hiding ability.

Obviously, Barron also knows where his advantages lie.

"Okay, I don't have any problem with that."

Everyone has their own plans in mind.

Wang Zhenqiu and Barron are people who have fun, and Zhang Chulan is trying to trace the life experience of Sister Baoer.

The purpose of making a wish is to gain compatibility with the world.

As for the king...

He was purely drawn here by the wish to join in the fun.

Despite this, this team is surprisingly harmonious.

And then, under Barron's tracking, Grandma Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing went to buy outdoor mountaineering equipment.

Others followed suit and bought outdoor mountaineering equipment.

And on the second night, when night fell completely.

When Grandma Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing left the hut carrying outdoor hiking bags.

Then I saw Xu Yuan and other people waiting outside the door of Grandma Jinfeng's thatched shed.

Xia Liuqing:......

Grandma Jinfeng:...

The silence was deafening.

If there is anything in the world that is more embarrassing than having someone catch you out on a lie, it would be when you lie and get caught out and then spread it out loud.

It was obviously more appropriate for Wang Zhenqiu, who was born with a sarcastic face, to do this kind of mocking thing.

"Hey! Old Man Xia, Grandma Jinfeng, where are you going to travel? Please be sure to take us with you!"

Xia Liuqing was also an old man in the world. Just because these people showed up together and stopped him and Jin Feng, he had already roughly deduced the process.

Xia Liuqing became a little angry.

"You bastard!" Xia Liuqing cursed at Barron, and then turned to Wang Zhenqiu, "And Qiu'er, you little bastard! You, you..."

Seeing Xia Liuqing being so angry that she couldn't speak, Granny Jinfeng finally spoke.

"Qiu'er, how did you know?"

"Old man Xia once tried to invite me to join Quanxing. He told me many past stories about Quanxing."

Grandma Jinfeng turned to Xia Liuqing beside her with an expressionless face.

"Lao Xia..."

"Ah, I, I..." Xia Liuqing scratched her head and couldn't say a word for a long time.

In the end, in order to solve the current predicament, he could only look to Make a Wish.

"Make a wish, are you going to follow this little bastard Qiu'er and do all the mischief?"

Xu wishing, this direct disciple, is different from that bastard Wang Zhenqiu.

He is still very considerate of himself!

And Xia Liuqing actually saw very clearly that since Xu Yuan appeared, he was the core of the people in front of him.

"Old man Xia, of course I can leave." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "But I can't control the others. I'm afraid they won't give up. If that's the case, then they shouldn't mind having me one more..."

Seeing that everyone's attitude was already obvious, he made up his mind to set off with the two of them.

Grandma Jinfeng did not continue to uselessly stop her, but said to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, I know I can't stop you, but if you really want to take away what the leader left, please kill me first."

"Harm! Grandma Jinfeng, what are you saying?" Xu Yuan put his hand on Wang Zhenqiu's shoulder, "You don't believe this bastard Qiu'er, and you still can't believe me?"

Wang Zhenqiu:......

What do you mean? Do you really seem more reliable than me?

But after Grandma Jinfeng heard the wish, she actually nodded after hesitating for a moment.

This made Wang Zhenqiu's face darker.

Making a wish is like a mirror in my heart.

What good things can be found in the treasures left by rootless people?

And even if there is something really good, I’m afraid Qu Tong will have already taken advantage of it!

Now there is probably only one portrait of Feng Baobao left in the treasure cave!

"Okay, let's set off."

However, Granny Jinfeng did not resist in vain.

He directly explained the destination of his trip to everyone.


To be precise, it is deep in the Qinling Mountains!

Even in today's society with such developed transportation, the distance between Liupanshui and Qinling Mountains is not close, not to mention that due to inconvenient transportation, vehicles cannot drive into the Qinling Mountains at all.

After more than ten hours of turbulence, Grandma Jinfeng, Xia Liuqing, Xu Yuan and others finally reached the deepest point in the Qinling Mountains that they could reach by means of transportation.

However, this is only the periphery of the Qinling Mountains.

Next, if they want to go deeper, they can only go there on foot!

If it were an ordinary person, after more than ten hours of running around, let alone continuing to advance deeper into the mountains, I'm afraid he would be exhausted as soon as the car stopped.

Fortunately, the people here this time are not ordinary people, and even among strangers, they can be called experts.

After giving up transportation, everyone continued to head deeper into the Qinling Mountains.

In fact, in the current area, they are not the only ones hiking, there are also groups of ordinary people.

Although the composition of the Make-a-Wish team looks a bit weird, there are old people, foreigners, young guys and beautiful girls (Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao).

But it's not too eye-catching, more like a group of well-off mountaineers.

Everyone is a stranger, and their foot power is naturally not slow.

As they go deeper into the Qinling Mountains, there are fewer and fewer climbing teams around.

Until it disappears completely.

Those who can travel here are definitely not ordinary people!

Even if they are not strangers, they are definitely a very professional team!

But at this moment, Xu Yuan noticed that there seemed to be light flashing far ahead through his vision far beyond that of ordinary people...

At the same time as Xu Yuan and others were moving forward in the Qinling Mountains.

At the entrance of the Qinling Mountains, a foreign man was panting and running out of the Qinling Mountains.

He leaned against the pillar of a huge billboard to catch his breath.

"Elijah, I am Alang, and I have been cursed by that valley! Ask the Chinese how to break the curse, and you must do what they say..."

And just as Alang was calling his companions, the billboard bracket he was leaning on suddenly broke!

The huge metal billboard crashed down on Alang!

"Boom!" Smoke and dust flew everywhere.

But fortunately, Alang himself was also a strange person, and he reacted very quickly, retreating and jumping to avoid the smashed billboard.

"Huh~" Alang breathed a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I hid in time. It's really good luck..."

But before he could finish his words, a truck came roaring towards him!

Amidst the shrill honking of heavy trucks.

Alang only had time to turn his head and look at the heavy truck.

His last sight was only the brand marked on the front of the truck - [Dayun·Heavy Truck], and the panicked eyes of the truck driver.


This time I really got lucky!

This was Alang's last thought before losing consciousness...

Thanks for the 3700 point coins rewarded by calling me Boss Ai Xi~

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