Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 132 Something is wrong, nine out of ten is wrong!

Wang Ye looked at Feng Baobao curiously from the corner of his eye.

He once tried to explore Feng Baobao's life experience in the interior, but the scale of the fireball was simply beyond his ability to crack!

Maybe what Feng Baobao said is true?

Wang Ye suddenly had such an idea in his mind!

Although Wang Ye doesn't know the truth as well as Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan, don't regard this genius as a fool.

Zhang Chulan also noticed that Wang Ye looked at Sister Baoer from time to time.

However, Zhang Chulan didn't care, it could even be said that he did it intentionally.

After all, it has been decided to go to Liupanshui with Xuyuan and Wang Ye.

Then it is only a matter of time before Wang discovers something strange about Sister Baoer...

Several people were led by Sister Baoer to an inconspicuous shop in Jinmen City.

There are many people in the shop.

Pancake fruit is very characteristic of Tianjin.

From the way Feng Baobao greeted the boss, it could be seen that the two were very familiar with each other. The boss even stepped in for Feng Baobao and made a set of matching pancakes and fruits for each of them.

He even gave Liao Duoduo an extra bowl of soy milk.

Wang Ye was a little confused when he saw this scene.

Could it be that Feng Baobao really lived for several generations?

But if this is true, isn't the boss's reaction too calm?

Zhang Chulan's timely explanation on the side made Wang Ye suddenly realize.

"Sister Baoer comes here for breakfast almost every morning, and she even has a card."

Wang Ye:......

Save your card at a pancake and fruit shop...

It’s strange that the boss can’t remember!

Feng Baobao didn't think too much about it. After treating a few people to eat pancakes and fruits, she took a few people to wander around Jinmen City.

Everything he does is unexpected.

Anyway, with Wang Ye's brain circuit, he couldn't see how Feng Baobao looked like a person who had lived for decades or even hundreds of years.

After all, who can live for decades to entertain guests, treat them to pancakes and fruit, or go fishing in a children's playground...

But I had a lot of fun making a wish.

His love for Sister Baoer is not the kind of love between men and women, but it is very relaxed and there is no intrigue.

But then, something happened that was beyond Xu Yuan's expectations.

The office of the North China Branch is located in Jinmen City, so naturally there is also a corresponding reception office in the North China Branch.

People from the company can live directly in the company's reception office when they come here.

It's okay to make a wish, but Wang is not so good at it.

After all, although Wang Ye joined his inspection team, the identities of the members of the inspection team were kept secret. Naturally, Wang Ye was not a member of the company. There was no way they could live in the company in the North China Region.

However, just when they were about to check in at the hotel, Zhang Chulan received a call.

It was Xu Si calling.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chulan looked up at Xu Yuan and Wang Ye.

"Xu Si asked you to stay at the company's guest house tonight."

Let's just handle this matter flexibly.

In principle, no.

But that's only in principle.

As the person in charge of the North China Region, Xu Si still has the right to be flexible in this regard.

Xuanyuan also frowned.

What he was thinking about now was not the superficial question of where to live.


What does Xu Si want to do?

Although he knew in his heart that as long as he maintained contact with Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan, he would inevitably avoid the two brothers Xu San and Xu Si one day in the future.

But...if possible, he didn't want to have too deep contact with these two brothers so early!

These two brothers are not simple.

Moreover, Xu San is the person in charge of the region after all, and his identity is very sensitive, even though he is the most junior among the many persons in charge of the region.

But now that they have sent out an invitation, there is no reason for me to avoid them on their territory.

Let’s go and see what he wants to do first!

Even worse, he still has the status of leader of the inspection team, which is not inferior to that of the regional leader, and is even half a level higher than the regional leader in name...

After all, after the board of directors approved the proposal of the supervision group, Zhao Fangxu announced the identity of the leader of the wishing supervision group to the heads of each region. The duty of the supervision group is to monitor the situation in each region.

Of course, it is only a half-level in name only. These regional leaders have been operating in their respective territories for so many years and have long been entrenched.

After agreeing to the wish, Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo, who came to Jinmen City with him, naturally had no objection.

Several people, led by Zhang Chulan, returned to the North China branch.

When we came here, the staff naturally arranged for a few people to stay at the reception area.

Although the reception office is located inside the company branch, it is actually not much different from the hotel. Xu wish lives in the middle, while Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo live in the rooms next to him.

And just after a few people settled in, it wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that there was a knock on the door of the wishing room!


Make a wish and your spirits will rise.

He stepped forward and opened the door. The two brothers who came were Xu San and Xu Si.

"Mr. Xu." Xu Yuan greeted with a smile.

"Wish Team Leader, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

This is the first time that Xu Yuan and the Xu family brothers have faced each other alone.

Xu San was unexpectedly friendly, which was different from the Xu San in the wish-making impression!

Xu Yuan is very clear about Xu San's feelings for Feng Baobao. As long as it involves Feng Baobao, Xu San will take it seriously and be very nervous.

At the same time, Xu Yuan could also feel that Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo, who lived next door to his left and right respectively, were not sleeping.

After Xu San and Xu Si knocked on his door, a different atmosphere rose in the two rooms on the left and right.

They are the auras belonging to Gu Du and Fenghou Qimen respectively...

And next, Xu San and Xu Si's reactions were even more unexpected to Xu Yuan.

The two of them just chatted with Xu Yuan about the recent situation of the company's North China branch, as if they really just regarded Xu Yuan as the leader of the supervision team.

Of course, the person speaking most of the time is Xu San, and Xu Si, the real person in charge of the region, only adds a few words from time to time.

Make a wish:…

He really didn't care about these things.

As the nominal leader of the supervision team, he didn't care about these things. Fatty Zhao naturally had channels to know the status of each branch.

However, before Xu San and Xu Si finished their "report" and left the room, Xu San couldn't help but made a seemingly unintentional sentence, but it completely exposed the two people's true intentions.

"Wish-making team leader, you must pay attention to safety when you go to Liupanshui tomorrow, Feng Baobao..."

Before Xu San could finish speaking, Xu Si covered his mouth. He smiled apologetically at Xu San and then dragged Xu San out.

Are you here to test yourself?

Looking at the door that the two brothers closed conveniently, Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

This Xu Si is indeed much better than his brother Xu San!

No wonder he could only be designated as the head of the North China branch by Fatty Zhao!

Moreover, he seemed to be able to feel that although Xu Si didn't talk much, he was not idle either. This guy wanted to explore his bottom!

I don’t know what the means are, but he is definitely not idle.

As for Xu Si’s gains...

Basically nothing gained.

According to the heroic abilities and various equipment that Xu Si now possesses, let alone Xu Si, even he himself doesn’t know where he is...

Xu Yuan shook his head, returned to the bed and sat down cross-legged.

He begins his daily routine gradually, then prepares to rest and sleep.

As for the two brothers Xu San and Xu Si, it is enough for him to know that the two brothers have no ill intentions towards him at the moment!

In another room of the North China Branch.

The two Xu brothers are here.

"Third brother, you just said too much." Xu Si's tone was a little dissatisfied. "What did the two of us say before?"

"I'm worried too..." Xu San was a little embarrassed, "But, Fourth Brother, what did you see?"

Xu Si didn't bother to argue with him. Lao San's character has been like this since he was a child, and just like a dog that can't change from eating shit, whenever it comes to babies, Lao San's brain is like a short-circuit.

"I didn't see anything..." Xu Si's expression was a little solemn.

Just like the wishing guess.

If Xu Si can see it, he is really seeing a ghost!

"Huh? You didn't see it either?"

This time it was Xu San's turn to be surprised.

The fourth child didn't notice anything?

The reason why Xu Six was the one to take over the position of head of the North China Region from their father Xu Xiang, instead of him, the third child, was partly because of his personality, and partly because of his strength!

As brothers who grew up together, Xu San knew very well that the fourth child was very strong and his actual combat ability was much better than him!

The most important thing is that Xu Si's vision and combat ability in the alien world are absolutely incredible!

Although Xu San was quite critical of the "Awei Eighteen Styles" developed by Feng Baobao, a gangster from the Fourth Gang, but he had to admit Xu Si's actual combat experience!

"Wishing should have gone his own way with Divine Mask, and he is obviously different from that old man Quanxing Xia Liuqing..." Xu Si pondered for a moment before continuing, "The old Tianshi on the forum was captured by Wishing Although the company’s statement is exaggerated, Make a Wish’s combat effectiveness is definitely not weak, and it is definitely among the best or even the top among temporary workers in various regions!”

If Xu Yuan knew that Xu Si could give such an accurate evaluation after just meeting him for a while, he would definitely be shocked by Xu Si!

Not to mention strength, based on this vision alone, Xu Si can be regarded as one of the top people in the alien circle!

"That's good, the baby's safety should be guaranteed this time..."

Xu San's words made Xu Si feel helpless.

It is true that wishing is very strong, but do you think that Feng Baobao is too weak?

Care leads to chaos. Does Feng Baobao really need protection?

On the other side, after Xu Yuan completed his daily practice, he also fell into sleep.

Two consecutive large-scale "monster fighting upgrades" - Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, and the Heavenly Master came down to massacre Quan Xing.

In addition, the upgraded auxiliary equipment [Jiying·Ranglang·Xingquan] brought him an additional 60% practice speed.

The power of making a wish is no longer what it used to be.

Although he still couldn't support his transformation into the goddess Nuwa, it was enough to support other heroes in transformations that were not extremely fierce.

And if Xu Yuan’s guess is correct, he should be able to reap a big wave of energy growth this time when he goes to the 24th Festival Tongtian Valley...

Early the next morning, Xuyuan, Liao Duoduo and Wang Ye left the North China branch early and went to the high-speed rail station to meet Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

As for the two brothers Xu San and Xu Si coming to see him last night?

Isn't that just a report on the work? The two parties talked about nothing except work!

There are some things that can be tacitly understood. As long as there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, there is no need to point it out.

After the five people reunited, they took the high-speed train to the airport.

Zhang Chulan had already purchased tickets to Liupanshui for the three people making a wish yesterday.

At this point, Zhang Chulan's arrangements were quite detailed.

After all, regardless of whether Xu Yuan and Wang Ye were willing to go to Liupanshui, at least Zhang Chulan proposed it first...

Of course, Zhang Chulan bought economy class.

While waiting for the flight, Xu Yuan suddenly remembered something.

He suddenly turned to look at Feng Baobao, who was playing with Liao Duoduo on his mobile phone.

"Sister Bao'er, um... do you have any weapons on you?"

Zhang Chulan is not worried, this guy is very clever.

But Sister Baoer...

There are quite a few criminal records!

I guess she is now on the list of the Tianjin Airport Security Office!

This time Xu Si didn't come to help get people!

However, Sister Baoer's next words also confirmed that Xu Yuan's worries were true.

"Bring it with you! What if I get into a fight when I'm out?"

Xu Yuan, Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan all had black lines on their foreheads.

"Sister Bao'er, Zhang Chulan, you two come with me..."

With a wish full of black threads, the two of them were brought to a secluded area of ​​the airport.

As for Wang Ye, he looked at Liao Duoduo and their luggage.

"Sister Bao'er, give me the things you brought with you. I'll keep them for you first and return them to you after we get off the plane."

In a quiet place at the airport, Xu Yuan said to Feng Baobao.

"Don't worry, Zhang Chulan is here to watch. I don't want your things."

Feng Baobao turned his head and looked at Zhang Chulan beside him. After hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded.

"Oh well."

Next, Make a Wish was finally an eye-opener.

Feng Baobao took out two extremely sharp kitchen knives and a folding engineer shovel from her body.

Although the engineer shovel is foldable, it is not small in size.

Who knows what happened to Sister Baoer, hiding it on her body without any trace!

Two kitchen utensils and a labor protection tool.

But the lethality is unquestionable.

When Xu Yuan held these three things in his hands, he could clearly feel that these three things were filled with Qi that belonged exclusively to Feng Baobao!

Royal thing!

It is obviously impossible for Sister Bao'er to master such a complicated technique. She simply uses a large amount of Qi to warm up, thus achieving the effect of controlling objects!

Xu wish put these two weapons into his pouch one after another. These two things would definitely not pass the security check!

However, what Sister Baoer took out next made Xu wish somewhat unexpected.

A gilded handle.

If the wish is correct, this thing should be a high-end magic weapon that Sister Baoer picked up from the back pocket of that guy Qiurang when she was in Biyou Village.

At that time, Feng Baobao also asked him how to use this wishful thinking, but unfortunately there was no good way to make a wish.

"Sister Bao'er, why are you bringing this thing? Can you use this thing?"

"Yes, this baby can be used to smash walnuts. The fourth child told me to eat more walnuts to replenish my brain." Feng Baobao scratched his head. "But it's really impossible to use it like Qiu Rang."

Make a wish:…

If you can smash walnuts, it comes in handy...

"Okay, take it, you don't need me to keep this treasure for you."

Make a wish and return the gilded Ruyi to Feng Baobao.

Sister Baoer once again hid the gilded Ruyi on her body like magic. Then she thought about it for a moment, took off the string of Buddhist beads around her neck, and shook it to make a wish.

"What about this? Is this useful?"

Make a wish:…

If he read it correctly, Sister Baoer was tricked into buying this rosary by the stranger pretending to be a monk on Longhu Mountain.

But now it is obvious that the shotgun has been replaced by the gun!

Several beads on the rosary make wishes look very familiar, as if they come from the high-end magic weapon worn by Village Chief Ma - Wu Doukai!

This thing was actually collected by Sister Baoer.

However, just like Gilded Ruyi, no one else can use this thing except Ma Xianhong himself.

Sister Baoer, you just like collecting treasures!

Xuanyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"No, just wear it."

Feng Baobao, on the other hand, focused on the bite bag in the wishing hand, and she spoke frankly.

"Make a wish. This baby in your hand seems very powerful. I want it too..."

"I'll get one for you next time I see Ma Xianhong."

He didn't hesitate to make a wish and agreed directly.

Space magic weapons like the Capture Capsule may be rare treasures for other weapon refiners.

But for Village Chief Ma, who is a skilled worker, it is just an ordinary large-capacity backpack...

"Okay! Thank you, make a wish." Sister Baoer immediately became happy.

After confirming that Feng Baobao would not be detained by security again, Xu Yuan took Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan back to the departure hall.

And just when everyone was following the instructions and preparing to board the plane and go through the security check.

As expected, the wish was guessed correctly.

Feng Baobao has registered at the airport security office in Jinmen City, and the female security guard is supervising her very carefully.

This female security guard was the one who was shocked when Sister Baoer took out a kitchen knife when she went to the Luotian Festival!

It's hard not to be impressed...

But this time, to her surprise, except for a strange golden Ruyi found from Feng Baobao's body, no other strange items were found.

Feng Baobao successfully passed the security check at Jinmen Airport for the first time...

As for the other four people, they all boarded the plane smoothly.

The plane took off smoothly under the control of the tower!

Five people, including Xu Yuan, once again set foot on the journey to Liupanshui...

While they were heading to Liupanshui.

Wang Zhenqiu, a temporary worker in the Southwest Region, is also on his way to find Xia Liuqing!

The area of ​​Liupanshui originally falls under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Region.

In fact, after Wang Zhenqiu passed the review of the company's Kuanbei system and returned to the Southwest Branch.

He realized something was wrong!

When Biyou Village was destroyed and Chief Ma Xian was captured alive, everyone's attention was focused on Chen Duo.

So, all temporary workers miss one point.

That's why Ma Xianhong wanted to arrest Granny Jinfeng?

And after they arrived at Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong returned the wish to Granny Jinfeng.

But there was nothing strange about Granny Jinfeng!

just like……

It was like Granny Jinfeng deliberately lured them to Biyou Village!

Wang Zhenqiu felt like he had found something interesting!

Something is wrong, nine out of ten is wrong!

But if you want to find out what's wrong, you still have to look for clues from Grandma Jinfeng...

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