Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 131 and Chapter 129 One treasure is passed down to three generations, but the treasure still

Wang Ye suppressed his physical discomfort and sat cross-legged on the bed, running the Fenghou Qimen and entering the interior scene.

This time Wang Ye entered the interior with a very clear purpose, which was to find the identity of the mysterious man who attacked him in the sea!

But when Wang Ye asked the question he wanted to know in the interior scene, what appeared in front of him was still a huge fireball!

Just like his reaction when he tried to calculate Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao!

Wang Ye:......

Okay, okay, another one that is even harder to calculate than a double-colored ball!

Why is it so difficult to calculate this for an individual!

Logically speaking, as a descendant of Fenghou Qimen, one of the Eight Miracles, his weight in destiny should not be so low!

Pooh! unlucky!

What bad luck!

Xu wish, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao... As long as you want to calculate it, any one you choose will be more important than your destiny!

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Wang Ye had no intention of trying to crack the fireball in front of him this time.

Even if I try my best to vomit blood, I may not be able to decipher any useful information.

Moreover, he has a physical problem now. If he really has to endure the backlash, he might easily kill himself!

He cursed secretly, turned around and left without any hesitation, exiting the scene directly!

Let’s wait until the wish comes later...

However, Wang Ye had already made a guess in his mind, although he had not figured out the true identity of the mysterious man.

But according to the scale of the fireball shown in the interior scene, the weight of the opponent's destiny is at least the same level as that of the master of the Eight Magic Skills!

Calculated in this way, the range is much smaller!

Wang Ye was not kept waiting for too long.

Soon I made a wish and came out of the traffic jam in Kyoto outside the Wang Ye family's manor.

"Brother Du, I'm here to see Lao Wang!" Xu Yuan shouted to the camera.

The housekeeper Du Ge was also an old acquaintance. He knew the relationship between Xu Yuan and Wang Ye. When he saw that the person was Xu Yuan, he opened the door directly.

Xu Wan stepped on the accelerator and charged towards Wang Ye's room in a menacing manner.

"Old Wang!"

When Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo kicked open the door of Wang Ye's room, they saw Wang Ye lying on the bed with a sick look on his face.

"Make a wish, you are here, and you have seen my body..." Wang Ye said weakly.

Make a wish:…

It’s really a matter of life and death!

Seeing Wang Ye's appearance, Xu Yuan estimated that he was suffering from the sequelae of his frequent use of gold and gold.

Without waiting for the king to finish speaking, he made a wish and directly activated the [Starlight] effect of [Jiying·Ranglang·Xingquan].

A green light was thrown directly towards Wang Ye's face.

At this time, many days have passed since the last time the [Starburst] effect was used after destroying Biyou Village, and the number of [Starburst] has long been restored.

The green light flashed several times quickly, and Wang Ye's aura returned to its peak at an extremely fast speed.

Although the godhead mask technique of making a wish only cultivates the nature and not the life, the cultivation of the life is weak.

But he couldn't stand it, and the equipment bonuses he drew had been stacked up!

And the life cultivation brought about by Zhong Kui devouring the spirit body...

Added up, not only did he catch up with him in terms of life cultivation, but he even surpassed Wang Ye, who was born in the Wudang sect, several times!

After all, no matter how talented Wang Ye is, his time for cultivation is here.

After completing this series of actions, Xuanye asked Wang Ye.

"What's wrong, Lao Wang?"

Wang Ye felt that his body had returned to its peak state again, and was speechless for a moment.

He had been suffering from various illnesses inexplicably before, and he didn't know the cause or how to solve them. He was originally in distress!

But as soon as the wish came true, all diseases disappeared...

What a simple and crude solution!

Although I don’t know if it can cure the root cause, there is absolutely no problem in treating the symptoms...

"It's okay." Wang Ye shook his head.

"Then what was the private matter you were talking about before?"

"It's like this. I originally didn't want to bring trouble to you, but now that you're here, I guess I can't hide it anymore..."

Next, Wang Ye told Xu Yuan everything that happened to him.

During the period when he made a wish to go to Xilin Gol Grassland, although Wang Ye had only told him that he wanted to go home for a visit, in fact, Wang Ye also quietly returned to the Wudang Sect.

It was because of this trip to the Wudang Sect that Wang Ye was finally approached by Chen Jinkui, the leader of the Shuzi Sect.

Chen Jinkui was quite magnanimous. Not only did he apologize for sending people to harass Wang Ye's family before, he even knelt down directly to Wang Ye, a junior, to beg his master.

To be fair, Chen Jinkui, as the leader of the Shuzi Sect and a member of the Shilao Society, is a high-level member of the alien world, and being able to do this is enough to express his sincerity.

But what about Fenghou Qimen...

Everyone who understands understands.

Just like a stubborn donkey, if you can't lead it away, it will drive you backwards!

When Chen Jinkui coveted Fenghou Qimen, he was destined to be unable to master this eight magical skills.

In order not to harm him and make him become as crazy as Mr. Lu, it is naturally impossible for the good old man to teach him.

However, due to Chen Jinkui's entanglement, Wang Ye still made a "three promises" with him.

This one is nothing.

After all, Fenghou Qimen can be called the nemesis of most warlocks!

Even if Chen Jinkui, as the master of the Shuzi Sect and an older generation of masters, can't get rid of this mutual restraint.

But accidents happened. First, Wang Ye suddenly became seriously ill and was taken to an isolated island by Chen Jinkui to take care of him. Then after Wang Ye got rid of Chen Jinkui's entanglement and escaped from the island, he was attacked by a mysterious man in the sea...

When Wang Ye talked about this, Xu Yuan already understood the development of the whole thing!

Chen Jinkui, the mysterious man...

This mysterious man should be the mysterious man who had beaten him before, and then was controlled and beaten by him using Zhang Liang's ultimate skill [Speech Spirit Manipulation].

According to the inference of the wish, even if this guy is not Daluo Cave Temple, he is at least the descendant of Daluo Cave Temple!

Before I made a wish, I occasionally thought about how this guy completely disappeared after being beaten.

I originally made a wish and thought that if this guy showed up again, I would kill him completely!

That guy is indeed strong, but to be honest, he is not as strong as the old Heavenly Master, which makes people despair!

Just like the ability of Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen to restrain most warlocks and mysterious people in the alien circle restrained Wang Ye's Luanjin Tuo.

After making a wish, Zhang Liang also defeated the opponent.

This kind of restraint is enough to smooth the gap in strength between the two sides, and even surpass the opponent in combat power!

"Is this the troublesome private matter you're talking about?" Xu Wan looked strange, "If it's this guy, then you don't have to worry at all."

"Ah?" Wang Ye looked a little confused.

Wish-making didn't show off and said directly.

"Since you know the Eight Wonders, you should also know that Daluodong Guan Gu Jiating, who mastered one of the Eight Wonders, is this guy either Gu Jiating or the descendant of Daluo Dongguan..."

Wang Ye has naturally heard of the legend of Gu Jiating.

If the opponent's ability is Da Luo Cave Observation, then the opponent's elusiveness is reasonable!

But he still couldn't figure it out.

"Make a wish, how did you know?"

During the Jiashen Rebellion, Gu Jiuting naturally did not escape the pursuit of the sect family.

Hu Tu, the previous head of the Shuzi Sect, once led people to block Gu Jiating, but in the end Gu Jiating disappeared out of thin air in full view of the public.

Not long after that, the Hutu leader went completely crazy.

Since then, Gu Jiuting has not appeared again, and Daluo Cave Temple has become a legend of the Eight Wonders.

Even the company doesn't have any information on this, let alone Xu Wish, a person who has never experienced that era!

"This guy used to spy on me, and after he was discovered by me, he tried to attack me, but unfortunately he ran away in the end." Xu Yuan smacked his lips twice, with a bit of regret in his tone.

He didn't say anything shocking and would not stop until he died, but he was directly silenced by Wang Ye.


I'm still afraid of bringing you trouble, you are that guy's trouble...

Wang Ye also keenly captured the words used to make a wish.

Instead of fighting back, he ran away!

Wang had also fought with that mysterious man in the sea, so he naturally knew how strong the opponent was.

He thought that it was the first time he met Xu Yuan at the Luotian Dajiao. Although Xu Yuan was very strong at that time, he still had the power to fight with Fenghou Qimen, and he might even have the upper hand.

But how long has it been now?

Wang has also witnessed the growth and incredible experiences of wishing. He must admit that wishing is very strong now.

But he didn't expect that he would be left far behind by the wish...

Fortunately, Wang Ye himself has a free and easy character. He just sighed in his heart for a moment, and his mentality returned to calm.

"Then why is he causing trouble for me?" Wang Ye spread his hands helplessly, "You can't just beat me because I'm your friend and you can't beat me, right?"

At the end of the sentence, Wang also laughed himself.

This is obviously impossible.

No matter whether that mysterious man is Daluo Cave Guan Gu Jiating or a descendant of Gu Jiating, they will never be so boring!

And making a wish obviously cannot answer this question.

The specific ability of Daluo Dongguan has always been a mystery. Even after Xu Yuan has fought against the opponent once, the only thing he can know is that the opponent is somewhat resistant to beatings, and can escape into another space or dimension at any time.

Otherwise, Xuanyuan would have been discovered by him long ago!

No one likes a guy who might be spying on him at any time...

After making a wish, I unexpectedly got answers that I had never gotten in the interior scenes, and all the problems with my body disappeared.

Wang Ye's mood finally returned to calm.

However, after this incident, Wang Ye's understanding of Xu Yuan deepened.

You can always believe in making a wish, there is always a way to make a wish!

No matter what you do, there is always a reason for it.

At the same time, Xu wishing told him about taking him to Liupanshui again.

The king agreed without much thought.

Although he didn't know why he had to take him with him when he made a wish, but...

There must be a reason for making such a wish!

As for the so-called trouble...

The mysterious man's view of Daluo Cave is indeed tricky.

Although Wang Ye couldn't find the other party, this time he and Xu Yuan acted together. If the other party dared to come out and jump around again, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't be able to leave this time!

Wang Ye, like Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo, had nothing to pack.

When he was "undercover" in Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong also gave him a bag containing various supplies.

Thanks again to the honest village chief!

Wang Ye directly called Brother Du, sent the three of them to the high-speed rail station, and headed straight to Jinmen City!

Although the time previously agreed with Zhang Chulan was tomorrow, it's better to go a day earlier than to be late, right?

Now that Wang Ye has been expelled from the Wudang Clan and returned to the Wang family of the China Shipping Group, Wang Ye, who has a richest father, naturally has a lot of money. Naturally, he no longer needs to sit in a second-class seat when going out.

"We're going to the business class seats in Jinmen City! One ticket per person!"

Wang Ye's voice came from the ticket window of the high-speed rail station, and it sounded particularly tough.

And at the same time that the three people who made a wish boarded the high-speed train to Jinmen City.

Among the North China branch.

Zhang Chulan was beaten violently by Xu San just now!

If Xu Si hadn't stopped him, Xu San might have been able to fight for at least half an hour!

"Fourth brother, why are you trying to stop me!" Xu San was still angry, "This bastard Zhang Chulan just took the baby to Liupanshui to look for clues, but why are he still looking for Xu Yuan and Wang Ye!"

"The more people know about the baby, the more danger the baby will face! Not to mention that I can't even see through that guy who made a wish..."

"The third child..."

Compared with the angry Xu San, Xu Si, who still looked ruffian, was calmer.

He lit a cigarette.

"I know you like babies, but considering your age, you should be called Tai Nai."

Xu San:......

"I, not, I..." Xu San looked a little embarrassed.

Xu Si didn't listen to his excuse.

"Moreover, Zhang Chulan also asked the baby for his opinion on the baby's matter, and the baby also agreed."

Xu San was still a little unconvinced.

"The baby just agreed to bring the wish, but he didn't say to bring the king!"

Xu Si glanced at Xu San as if he was looking at an idiot.

You’ve brought all the scammers who made a wish, but what’s left is Wang Ye?

However, in order to make Xu San give up completely, Xu San still nuzzled at Feng Baobao.

"Baby, do you think there is a problem with Wang also going to Liupanshui with you?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head.

"Master Wang Ye... Although he is a bit boring, he is still okay. If there are more people and it's more lively, let's go together!"

Xu San:......

"Lao San, times have changed. You can't always look at your baby like a child..."

Zhang Chulan, who had a bruised nose and face, did not continue to participate in Xu Si's persuasion to Xu San.

Seeing that Xu San no longer wanted to argue with him, he turned around and walked to Feng Baobao's side.

"Sister Bao'er, Xu Yuan and Wang have also arrived at Jinmen City. Let's go to the station to pick them up together..."

"Okay! Let's go now!"

As soon as he heard that the wish-maker who was as "witty" as himself had come, Feng Baobao jumped three feet high, excitedly picked up Zhang Chulan and walked out the door.

"Just in time, let's go eat delicious food together!"

Feng Baobao was very strong, and when he pulled Zhang Chulan, his injuries were immediately affected.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help grinning in pain.

But at this time, Zhang Chulan didn't have any resentment towards Xu San.


The reason why he told Xu San about Xu Yuan and Wang Ye also going to Liupanshui was because he did it on purpose!

He even predicted that Xu San would fight against him because of this!

Xu San is a congenital alien whose ability is telekinesis, which he has known for a long time.

But he didn't have any idea of ​​how strong it was.

But after these several high-intensity missions, his vision finally rose to a certain height!

It was through Xu San's attack on him that he discovered that Xu San's telekinesis was stronger than he imagined!

Perhaps, Xu San's combat effectiveness is no longer weaker than Wang Ye and Ma Xianhong!

This is Zhang Chulan’s current assessment conclusion.

As for whether it can compare to making a wish...

He didn't know.

Not only could Xu San not see through the wish, he also couldn't see through the wish!

Zhang Chulan did this intentionally, just to accumulate a certain amount of information first.

If the camp of most of these temporary workers is the company, Zhang Chulan’s camp is Sister Baoer!

Now there are clues about Sister Bao'er's life experience pointing to Quan Xing. Although Xu San and Xu Si are still with Sister Bao'er now, if the worst happens one day in the future, he can't guarantee that they will be with these two. Will the Xu family brothers become enemies?

It was better to make plans early, but Zhang Chulan found that it was more difficult than he imagined!

Not to mention that Xu Si seems to have never taken action. The only time he takes action is to either shake someone off his own legs or find someone to fish for Sister Baoer...

He knew nothing about Xu Si's abilities.

It can’t be from the summoning system...

Sister Bao'er doesn't know Zhang Chulan's thoughts, or no one else knows Zhang Chulan's thoughts.

Sister Baoer pulled Zhang Chulan straight to the high-speed rail station and waited eagerly at the exit for the arrival of Xu Yuan and Wang Ye.

To be precise, it should be looking forward to the arrival of the wish.

Ever since the Luotian Dajiao, Feng Baobao has been trying to invite Xu Wan to visit Jinmen City.

Just because the tasks came one after another and various reasons, the wish never came.

Not long after, Xu Yuan and Wang Ye appeared at the exit.

Before they could make a wish to Zhang Chulan, the two of them saw Feng Baobao jumping three feet high.

"Make a wish! Make a wish!"

Seeing the energetic Feng Baobao, a smile appeared on Xu Yuan's face.

No wonder the Xu family father and son from Xu Xiang to Xu San would like Sister Baoer. Who would hate Sister Baoer who jumps as high as a cockroach...

The innocent heart is most appropriate for Sister Baoer.

She has obviously lived for so long, but she has not been affected at all by the passage of time.

"Sister Bao'er." Xu Yuan greeted with a smile, "And Zhang Chulan."

"Let's go, let's take you to eat delicious food!" Sister Bao'er didn't wait for Zhang Chulan to say anything, and walked out of the high-speed rail station while making a wish. She said as she walked.

"Make a wish, let me tell you, this restaurant is simply the best restaurant I have ever eaten at. I have eaten at his restaurant for many years, ever since his grandma opened the restaurant..."

Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye looked at their backs and smiled helplessly.

But the two of them quickly followed.

But Wang Ye had some doubts in his heart. He was not sure whether he heard it correctly.

Feng Baobao just said that she has been eating at that store since the store owner’s grandma’s generation?

How old is Feng Baobao this year?

Asking for a monthly pass~

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