The person who opened his mouth to rescue Wang Ye was none other than Zhou Meng, the contemporary leader of the Wudang Sect!

He is also the master of Taoist Master Yunlong.

Now that the master has spoken, Taoist Master Yunlong naturally can't say anything more.

He didn't even ask why Zhou Meng was so sure, and silently retreated to Zhou Meng's side.

Zhou Meng looked at Yunlong, who was trying to minimize his presence beside him, and twitched the corner of his mouth meaningfully.

He just waved to Yunlong.

"Okay, Yunlong, you go down first. I have something to say to Wang Ye."


Taoist priest Yunlong, who had been very irritable just now, was as obedient as a student. He bowed obediently before leaving Wang Ye's courtyard.

After Taoist Priest Yunlong left, Zhou Meng didn't mind the messy courtyard and randomly picked a step to invite Wang Ye to sit down.

"Wang Ye, don't blame your master. He has been watching you since you began to study as a master. He knows who you are better than I do."

"I don't blame the master." Wang also smiled, but the injury on his face caused him to grin. "According to my master's temper, if he really thinks that I did such a thing, I'm afraid he will I will be expelled from Wudang as soon as possible."

Zhou Meng looked at Wang Ye with a vague look of grievance on his expression, smiled and shook his head.

"Xiao Wangye, you, although you seem to have an easy life, you are actually very stubborn. Now you can't figure out why your master wants to beat you first instead of letting you explain first?"

Wang Ye didn't speak this time.

Anyone who was beaten for no reason would feel very upset, but that was the master, and he couldn't fight back or say anything.

"Your master is here to protect you..." Zhou Meng sighed, "Don't forget, Yunlong is not the leader yet. It's useless to believe him. It only works if I believe him. If he makes a big fuss, I have to show up. …”

Wang Ye himself is not a fool, on the contrary, he is still a genius, but he has never been a master, so naturally he cannot think in other people's shoes.

Now that I heard what Master said, it was natural that it came to light.

In fact, the entire Wudang sect is full of understanding people. Foolish people cannot practice Tai Chi well, and are more suitable for horizontal practice!

"Master, how should we respond to the next post?" Wang Ye asked cautiously.

"Response? Why respond? When have we ever cared about other people's opinions?" Zhou Meng smiled heartily, "As long as we have a clear conscience, you can go to the Luotian Dajiao in Tianshi Mansion after a while..."

"Although I don't know why the person Miss Xia He mentioned knows our Wudang Tai Chi, but such a person appears suddenly and is probably heading to the Luotian Dajiao. Maybe we will know his identity by then. "

Wang Ye's temperament was originally very cold, and he was not interested in things like Luotian Dajiao, Tianshidu, and the Eight Wonders.

His first reaction was to reject Master Zhou Meng's proposal.

Zhou Meng didn't force it, he just let Wang Ye make his own decision.

After Zhou Meng left, Wang Ye entered the interior to investigate the person pretending to be him.

But he was shocked to find that what appeared in his inner scene was an overwhelming fireball that looked like the sun!

Not to mention his current ability, even if he practiced for hundreds of years, he still wouldn't be able to crack this big fireball!

Who is this person!

Why is the weight of fate so terrifying!

Speaking of which, I have to mention the special features of the Warlock's interior.

After entering the interior, the warlock can perform divination to obtain the information he wants to know, and he can even predict the future!

Of course, the premise is that it must be powerful enough to overwhelm the weight of the information you want to know in the long river of destiny!

Otherwise, take the "sun" that Wang Ye is facing now as an example. If he wants to forcefully crack it, the backlash alone will be enough to kill him on the spot!

Never underestimate the IQ of a top student!

Wang Ye did not risk his own life by trying to crack the fireball, but asked another question - about the changes that might have happened at the Luotian Dajiao.

This time, what appeared in front of Wang Ye was still the overwhelming "sun"!

In this way, Wang was sure that the person pretending to be him would also go to Luotian Dajiao!

Moreover, the changes that occurred at the Luotian Dajiao must be related to this person!

After all, the scale of the "sun" just now is unique in the entire history of warlocks, let alone him!

It is incredible enough for one person with such a weight of fate to appear. How can two people appear in the same era?

Wang Ye stared at the "sun" in his inner scene. In the end, he couldn't hold back his strong curiosity. He activated the Fenghou Qimen, gritted his teeth and tried to touch the fireball!

Fenghou Qimen is one of the eight magical skills!

Also has a high fate weight!

He thought it might be able to help him withstand some backlash!

As soon as Wang Ye made contact, he felt a completely irresistible force coming from the "sun"!

This backlash instantly knocked Wang Ye's soul incarnation out of the interior scene, and even knocked him out of the interior scene!

The fact is just as Wang Ye expected, Fenghou Qimen is indeed the magic technique created by the ancient saint Fenghou!

It really helped him block part of the backlash!

If it hadn't been for Fenghou Qimen, the backlash just now wouldn't have caused his body to bleed and his soul to be seriously injured, but his body would have exploded and died on the spot!

"It seems that it is necessary for me to go to the Luotian Dajiao!"

The seriously injured Wang Ye struggled to get up from the bed, and with difficulty raised his hand to wipe the blood flowing from the corner of his eye.

Although just a moment of contact caused him to be seriously injured, he did not gain nothing.

In that moment of contact, he saw a message.

It's not the other party's identity, but...

The ultimate answer to the transcendence he has always wanted to pursue lies in that person!

Although because of the appearance of the wish, Wang did not see the master's plan in advance.

But he still chose to go to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Festival.

As for the post about Xia He, the bone scraper, Wang Ye finally chose to listen to his master Zhou Meng's advice and not make any response.

But Wang would never have imagined that the blame he took for Xu Yuan was far from over.

Don't forget, there is a disciple of Tianshi named Zhang Lingyu in Tianshi Mansion who is having an affair with Xia He...

As for Wishes, they knew nothing about what happened on Wudang Mountain.

"The bad navigation reminds you that you are about to reach your destination ahead."

With the navigation sound coming from his mobile phone, he had already driven to the destination of his trip - Zhuge Bagua Village, Lanxi City, ZJ Province!

An old man with white hair was sitting at the entrance of the village, half-squinting his eyes and dozing off.

Xu Yuan stopped the car next to him, then got out of the car and spoke politely to the old man.

"Hello, uncle, I am a wisher from Nadutong Company, and I am here to visit Zhuge Qing at Zhuge's house!"

But what Xu Yuan didn't expect was that the unfolding of his trip was completely different from what he imagined!

The uncle seemed a little deaf and still had his eyes half-closed.

"Zhuge what?"

"Zhuge Qing!"

"What Qing?"

"Zhuge Qing!"

"What? You want to park? The ticket does not include parking. You have to pay for parking!"

The old man finally raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Xu Wish, then pointed to the side and threw a sentence to Xu Wish.

"The entrance fee to the scenic spot is 100, the parking fee is 50, and there is no time limit. Is prestige still a treasure for getting rich?"

Looking in the direction of the uncle's finger, I saw a billboard standing next to the entrance of the village with one line of words written on it.

Zhuge Bagua Village - a national tourism key village and town scenic spot...

Make a wish:…

This is the case in Longhu Mountain, and the same is true in the Zhuge family!

He now extremely doubts that the usual source of income for these legendary alien sects or families is ticket money!

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