Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 14 Witch’s Cloak, the southern wall of magic!

Under the old man's pretending to be deaf, Xu wish finally took out his cell phone and scanned 150 yuan for the old man.

After hearing the payment notification, the old man seemed to be instantly cured by a miracle doctor. He jumped up from the recliner and diligently led the way for his wish.

"Mr. Xu, please come inside and follow the road signs. Otherwise, it is very easy for outsiders to get lost. Zhuge's house is at the end of the village."

Xu wish nodded, parked the car at the entrance of the village, and then entered the village on foot.

As soon as he entered the village, he instantly understood why the old man said that.

Because the entire Zhuge Bagua Village is completely built according to the layout of the Nine Palaces Bagua Array!

The buildings in the village form a unique layout!

Eight array diagrams!

According to rumors, Zhuge Liang used eight formations to resist Wu's pursuing troops. Once he entered this formation, if he was not proficient in the art of Qimen Dunjia, he would definitely get lost in the formation and be unable to escape!

But at this time, Xu Wish had no intention of paying attention to these things.

Because the moment he stepped into Zhuge Bagua Village, his world compatibility jumped twice in succession!

It actually rose two points in a row!

This is simply an unexpected surprise!

While making a wish, he followed the road signs in the village and called up the system interface in his mind.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[Host: Make a Wish]

[World compatibility: 6%]

[Number of draws: 2]

[Already have heroes: Lord of Thunder Sikong Zhen, Heart of Freedom Zhao Huaizhen]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage’s Asylum]

The moment I made a wish, I felt energetic.

This one hundred and fifty yuan is really worth it!

It’s not that the Magic City is unaffordable, but the Zhuge family is more cost-effective!

Just one hundred and fifty yuan, in exchange for two lucky draw opportunities!

I wish he could directly buy 100% world compatibility at this price!

But he also knew very well that this was completely wishful thinking!

He can probably guess the source of the two points of world conformity that have risen this time.

Zhuge Bagua Village itself is built according to the eight formation diagram and is also owned by the Zhuge family.

Definitely a key location!

Another source of increase should be Zhuge Qing!

He is definitely a key figure!

If you follow this logic, then the Zhuge family's secret technique - Zhuge Qimen should also be able to improve your compatibility with the world...

Make a wish and start the lottery while thinking about it.

Two draws in a row!

The lottery screen began to flicker, and various equipment and hero portraits flashed by.

This was the first time that Wishes had performed two draws in a row, and he was looking forward to any surprises!

The frequency of the lottery light curtain's flashing gradually slowed down, and finally it was locked on a piece of equipment.

Witch cloak!

Xuanyuan frowned, it was defensive equipment again?

Including the witch's cloak, he now has three pieces of defensive equipment!

What he wants more is a new hero, an attack, or equipment that can provide him with battery life!

But it doesn’t matter, there is still one chance to draw the lottery anyway!

The lottery light curtain flickered again.

Xuanyuan also took advantage of this time to check the properties of the witch's cloak.

[Witch Cloak: +200 spell defense, +1000 health, +100 blood recovery speed]

These attributes are normal.

Then the passive effect of the witch's cloak surprised Wish.

[Passive - Mist: Gain a spell shield after leaving combat. The strength of the shield is determined by the strength of the user's Qi.

Passive - Demon Control: Gain a certain amount of spell defense. The strength of spell defense is determined by the strength of the user's Qi. 】

This is also the first time that Wishes has seen non-fixed values ​​among the attributes of equipment!

In other words, it is better to understand.

The witch's cloak is a growth equipment!

As long as his Qi continues to increase, the spell defense value added to him by the witch's cloak will continue to increase!

This is a very scary thing. Even if he wishes not to use the godhead mask, as long as his Qi is strong enough, he can become the nemesis of all warlocks in the alien circle with just the witch cloak!

Another form of Qi body source!

No no no!

Xu Yuan shook his head and got rid of this idea from his mind.

The Eight Magic Skills are the art of causing chaos, but this is not the art of causing chaos. No one will know if he doesn’t tell!

Moreover, Qi Ti Origin is known as the end of art, and the witch's cloak should be called the south wall of art - the unbreakable south wall!

Of course, I know very well in my heart that there are no shortcuts to spiritual practice!

Regardless of good or evil, for those with a solid foundation, cultivation is something that requires years and months of perseverance.

He is still far, far away from becoming the southern wall of art...

Wishing quickly calmed down the impetuousness in his heart and returned his attention to the lottery light screen.

The light curtain was still flickering at this time, but the frequency of flickering gradually slowed down.

Just when the flickering of the lottery light screen was about to stop, Xu Wishan raised his head like a ghost and looked directly in front of him.

This glance just made the wishing eyes meet another pair of eyes!

Unknowingly, he had already reached the Wuhou Ancestral Hall in the village!

The owner of those eyes is the statue of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, who is enshrined in Wuhou Temple!

Although it is just a statue, it is painted so lifelike that the eyes even give people the agility of a living person!

However, Xuanyuan was not afraid of this. He practiced the Godhead Mask and studied this way the most.

People cannot be resurrected after death, and there are no ghosts in the world.

This is true even in the alien world.

The reason why the statue of Prime Minister Zhuge can be so vivid is not only the exquisite carving, but also because the descendants of the Zhuge family have worshiped it all year round, and the statue has been blessed by the power of faith.

This power of faith with a specific goal has no other effect besides making the statue more vivid, and it is even more useless to him.

Xuanyuan shook his head and returned his attention to the lottery light screen.

But when he saw the lottery screen again, he was stunned in place!

Because the lottery light screen has stopped flashing at this time, the lottery results have also come out.

Be a hero.

What shocked Xuanyuan was the identity of this hero!

Unparalleled ingenuity - Zhuge Liang!

His prototype is none other than the ancestor of the Zhuge family—Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty!

After Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment, he raised his head and looked at the statue in Wuhou Temple again with strange eyes.

Even if Zhuge Liang is one of the greatest strangers in history, it is absolutely impossible for him to violate the laws of heaven and earth and come back from the dead after more than a thousand years!

Is it really a coincidence?

Or can the power of faith even affect the lottery results of the system?

If the power of faith can really affect the lottery results of the system, then there will be too much room for maneuver!

The land of China does not support idle gods. Those "ancestors" who can be enshrined in temples by future generations are not existences with explosive combat capabilities!

However, this point needs to be verified slowly by Xu Wish when he has the opportunity in the future. He has to deal with a more important matter now.

At this time, Wishes had followed the road signs to the end of the village.

This is a low-rise courtyard connected together, still in the antique architectural style.

There was just a sign in front of the courtyard saying it was not open to the public.

This is the real Zhuge family!

What I wish to do is to visit the most outstanding contemporary descendant of the Zhuge family - Zhuge Qing!

as well as……

Meet the real Wuhou Qimen!

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