Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 12: Spreading rumors will break your legs if you believe them

"Zude Map is guiding you and is planning the route. It is expected to arrive at the destination in three hours and thirty-three minutes..."

After Xu Yuan left the East China Branch, he opened the navigation and went straight to Zhuge's house.

Xiao Zi was here. As soon as he returned to the company, he was called into the office by Dou Le again.

"Mr. Dou, are you looking for me? Do you have any new tasks?"

Xiao Zizai's eyes were full of expectation, and he couldn't help but push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Finally it’s time to add another meal!

But Dou Le shook his head.

"No, Lao Xiao, there are no new tasks yet. I called you here to ask you, what do you think of this person Xu Wishan?"

What do you think?

Xiao Zizi was a little confused.

But he still said what he thought truthfully.

"Mr. Dou, make a wish that this man is a good person, has Buddha nature, and is very strong. He is definitely ranked high among the younger generation. If he has not committed any heinous crimes, I am willing to be friends with him..."

Dou Le nodded, a smile appeared on his face, and he joked.

"It's really rare that you are willing to make friends, Lao Xiao."

Xiao Zizai:......

I'm just a natural-born murderer, not a loner by nature. I used to worry that I would accidentally hurt my friends if I lost control of myself, but I wish I could protect myself when I lose control of myself!

Xiao Zizai saw that his leader seemed to be in a good mood, and finally couldn't hold back his confusion and asked Dou Le.

"Mr. Dou, isn't Xu Wish a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters? Is there something wrong with him?"

This is what Xiao Zizai least wants to see, and it is also his little selfishness.

On the one hand, it's because he feels that Xu Yuan is one of his few friends, and on the other hand, because of Xu Yuan's strength, it will be very difficult for him to fight against Xu Yuan!

Dou Le shook his head again, his face serious.

"No, there is no problem with making a wish, but it is precisely because of his good strength that I have to make sure that there will be no problems with him!"

"Old Xiao, remember, the most important thing for the company is stability!"

In fact, the status of temporary workers in each major region is very special. Although they are not officially established, they are regarded as direct relatives by the heads of each major region.

This is why Dou Le is willing to talk so much to Xiao Zizai.

He was also insinuating Xiao Zizai. He knew about Xiao Zizai's situation. It was okay to kill evil people, but don't do evil!

Xiao Zizai just nodded silently and didn't say much.

Hubei, the back mountain of Wudang Mountain Scenic Area.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the front mountain, the back mountain is inaccessible and extremely quiet.

In the deep forest at the back of the mountain, there is an ancient Taoist temple.

This is the real home of the Wu-Tang Clan.

After passing through the main hall dedicated to Emperor Zhenwu is the residential area of ​​the Wudang Sect. On weekdays, the Wudang Sect disciples live here after completing their homework.

In one of the courtyards of this residential area, a young man was lying leisurely on a deck chair in the courtyard and basking in the sun.

The young man was wearing a robe as white as snow, with a Taoist haircut, and a handsome appearance.

It's just that the expression on the young man's face at this time is really unflattering. He looks lazy and lazy, as if nothing matters.

Just when the young Taoist priest was about to fall into a nap, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the courtyard gate.

"Wang Ye! You little bastard!"

Immediately, the courtyard door was kicked from the outside and fell directly to the ground of the courtyard.

A middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a Quanzhen Hunyuan scarf broke into the door. At the same time, he was still yelling at Wang Ye.

The identity of this middle-aged Taoist priest can be seen from his tall and round figure.

It is Taoist Master Yunlong, the contemporary martial arts leader of the Wudang Sect, who is also Wang Ye's master.

When Wang Ye, who was originally in a lazy state, saw the master breaking in through the door, he was so frightened that he jumped up from the recliner.

"Master, master, calm down! Although I don't know what my disciple did wrong, I will admit it now!"

Wang Ye begged for mercy and began to escape in the courtyard.

Taoist Priest Yunlong was chasing Wang Ye crazily from behind with murderous intent!

It's not that there is any deep hatred between the master and the disciple. On the contrary, Taoist Master Yunlong, as Wang Ye's mentor, values ​​​​and loves Wang Ye, a talented disciple.

Well, it is indeed "love". Whenever Wang Ye does something to make Taoist Yunlong angry, Taoist Yunlong will always beat Wang Ye with his superb Tai Chi and run away...

At this time, Taoist Master Yunlong was so angry that he had no intention of listening to Wang Ye's explanation. He stepped on the Nine Palaces and Bagua steps and caught up with Wang Ye in a few steps.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate on what happened next.

Wang Ye was once again pinned to the ground by Taoist Priest Yunlong and beaten violently.

Fortunately, Wang Ye practiced martial arts and was strong and resistant to beatings. Another person would have been beaten to death by Taoist Master Yunlong and vomited blood.

Taoist Master Yunlong beat Wang Ye violently and cursed at him.

"Little bastard! Don't you know the true rules of our Wudang? Don't be lewd by women!"

"I know your Wang family is rich. Since you want a woman, then go down the mountain! There are plenty of women for you to choose from!"

"Little bastard, now the entire alien circle knows that your king has broken our rule of not being lewd with women!"

"Tell me how to explain to the Patriarch!"

At this time, Wang, who was being beaten, began to hear that something was wrong!

Although he is always beaten by his master for being lazy, he has nothing to do with women!

"Wait, wait, master..."

Wang Ye quickly waved his hand to stop Taoist Master Yunlong's iron fist. He raised his bruised and swollen face, which was full of question marks.

"Master, what on earth is going on?"

Seeing how angry he was, Taoist Master Yunlong threw a mobile phone in front of him and cursed angrily!

"You little bastard! See for yourself! If you don't give me a reasonable explanation for this, just go down the mountain!"

Wang Ye picked up the phone and looked at the content on the screen. He finally understood what was going on?

The cause came from a post on the alien forum.

The poster is Xia He, a bone-scraper known as the omnisexual demon.

Xia He claimed in the post that she had met a special man named Wang Ye, who was good at Tai Chi, handsome in appearance, and unfazed by his charm. Now she is posting this post to woo Wang Ye...

Because of his special abilities and outstanding appearance, Xia He is considered a celebrity in the alien circle, so as soon as this post was posted, it attracted a large number of people.

Except for some newbies who have just entered the alien world, no one knows Xia He's "reputation". Naturally, these melon-eating people understand that Xia He's move is just to put Wang Ye on the fire.

Bone Scraper Xia He may not care about reputation, but Wudang Quanzhen Sect cannot!

After all, the only ones who are proficient in Tai Chi are the Wudang Quanzhen Sect!

The Quanzhen sect's rule of not being lewd with women was set by its founder, Wang Chongyang. They wanted to see how Wudang Quanzhen would deal with it!

And they were also very curious about this previously unknown king. What kind of person was he that could actually make Xia He do such a thing!

There is no shortage of fun-loving people in any world or circle.

Wang also finished reading and fell into silence.

If you go by what this post says, it is indeed reasonable for Master Yunlong to be so angry.


What does this have to do with me?

Not to mention that he has never seen Bone Scraper Xia He at all, he has not even gone down the mountain recently!

"Master, I said this is not me, do you believe it?" Wang Ye said with a bruised nose and a swollen face, his face full of grievances.

"Fart! I know how to use Tai Chi, and I'm handsome! With these two characteristics, who else in our Wu-Tang sect besides you can do it? Could it be me?"

Taoist Master Yunlong was still angry. In anger, he even pointed at his nose and asked Wang Ye.

Wang Ye: Master, you don’t have to belittle yourself like this. You are not ugly at all...

"But I haven't gone down the mountain recently. This is something everyone can see..." Wang Ye continued to explain weakly.

"You? You and your master always go to the cave in the back mountain mysteriously. If you want to take the opportunity to go down the mountain, there may not be no chance!"

Wang Ye:......

Now he finally understands what it means to spread rumors with only one mouth, and then refute the rumors and break your legs.

No, he should have his legs broken...

Just when Taoist Master Yunlong rolled up his sleeves again and planned to continue beating Wang Ye violently, an old voice suddenly intervened.

"That's enough, Yunlong, that's not Wang Ye, it's just someone else pretending to be..."

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