Director Su, a member of the board of directors, is a thin old lady. She entered the conference room and sat down.

"You are all members of Shilaohui. How to deal with Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei? Please discuss today and come up with a result..."

After saying these words, Su Dong sat on the sofa and looked at his nose and heart without saying a word.

This is also the result of the board meeting. Zhang Zhiwei is more difficult to handle regardless of his strength, influence in the alien world, or identity in the secular world. Moreover, the company must not interfere with any party's position in the management of the alien world. .

If the company takes the initiative to severely punish Lao Tianshi, it will most likely make the alien world think that the company is biased towards Quan Xing. After all, Quan Xing caused trouble in Longhu Mountain and assassinated Tian Jinzhong first.

However, if the company advocates a non-painful and non-itching penalty, it will easily be interpreted by some people in the outside world as that the company is biased towards Laotianshi because of its strength.

Therefore, the board of directors decided to let these people within the Shilaohui give their opinions on how to deal with it. After all, Zhang Zhiwei was also a member of the Shilaohui.

To put it simply, it’s just kicking the ball.

Even if there are people who are dissatisfied with the final punishment decision, then you can go to the ten guys to discuss it.

As for why she came instead of Zhao Fangxu or Bi Youlong, it was entirely because she was usually responsible for the communication between the company and the alien world.

Because what the Ten Guys meeting will discuss this time is how to deal with Zhang Zhiwei, and Zhang Zhiwei is also a member of the Ten Guys meeting.

So this time only nine of the ten came.

Everyone except Zhang Zhiwei rushed to Kyoto.

One of the two heroes is Na Ruhu, the world's most upright and flawless Lu Jin, Master Jiekong, the head of the Lu family Lu Ci, the head of the Wang family Wang Ai, the head of the Shuzi sect Chen Jinkui, the shopkeeper of Jianghu Inn Mu You, the Northeast Shen Poguan Stone flower!

The nine people sitting in the conference room had different expressions, each with their own plans in mind, and they were all silent.

Little Su Dong was not surprised by the current scene. It could even be said that he had expected it.

She can afford it, but she has already expressed the company's attitude. Today, the Ten Guys Association must discuss a result.

There are ten people in the Ten Guys Association, and everyone has different interests and positions. With nine minds, well... Lu Jin owes one.

This cannot be decided in a short time.

On the other side, Zhao Fangxu immediately called Xu Yuan to the office after finishing the board meeting.

"Make a wish, you did a really good job with Heavenly Master this time! I didn't expect you to be brought back to Heavenly Master safely."

Zhao Fangxu said to Xu Yuan with a smile.

"Director Zhao, about the establishment of an inspection team..." Xu Yuan rubbed his hands expectantly.

Although the supervision group has now taken shape under his invitation to operate, as long as the board of directors fails to pass the proposal for formal establishment, the supervision group will always be unjustified.

The main reason is that there are no reimbursement items, so you can’t pay for them yourself, right?

"I knew you had to ask about this." Zhao Fangxu waved his hands with a smile, in a good mood, "No problem, the proposal to establish an inspection team was just approved at the board meeting."


Make a wish and think for a while.

"Isn't anyone stopping me?"

If under such circumstances, there are still people trying to prevent the establishment of the supervision team, I am afraid that they are highly suspected of being an insider!

Obviously, Fatty Zhao also understood this truth, and he shook his head with regret.

"No, it went unexpectedly smoothly. I'm afraid the mole has noticed it and is extra careful."

"Slowly look for opportunities to deal with the mole. The most important thing right now is how to deal with the old master. What advice do you think the Ten Guys Council will give?"

While talking, Zhao Fangxu turned on the computer and randomly called up a screen on the computer.

It's the surveillance picture in the conference room.

As the chairman, Fatty Zhao naturally has the authority to access all monitoring!

"What's your opinion? Let me tell you, if each person kowtows to the Heavenly Master, the matter will be forgotten." Xu Yuan curled his lips. "Do these old fritters really dare to touch the Heavenly Master?"

If the company doesn't come forward, what will these ten guys do to Master Tian?

Unless they sleep in the same bed from now on, even if the Heavenly Master doesn't care, the people from the Dao Sect and the Heavenly Master's Mansion will not be able to cause trouble.

Of course, although he had already guessed the outcome, he didn't tell Fatty Zhao too harshly.

Fatty Zhao smiled at Xu Yuan and said nothing.

As for Xu Yuan's nonsense about kowtow, he just pretended not to have heard it.

Then the development of the facts was indeed as promised.

The ten elders remained silent at the beginning of the meeting, and no one was willing to be the first to speak.

After all, it was Master Jie Kong who spoke first.

“The top priority is to find the key issue, and the key issue is to find the key to the problem…”

As soon as Master Jie Kong opened his mouth, the other ten men immediately understood what the old monk meant.

Master Jiekong obviously doesn’t want to get involved in this matter!

"Okay, Master Jiekong, stop talking nonsense. I think you seem to be from Wudang. You are really good at Tai Chi..."

Another bald man - Mu You, the shopkeeper of Jianghu Inn couldn't help but speak.

"In my opinion, since no one is willing to be the first to speak, let me make a suggestion... Destroy the Heavenly Master!"


Sure enough, Mad Dog Lu Ci jumped out first and squirted at the other ten guys present.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that the first person to be a good person was not Mr. Lu Jinlu, but Mad Dog Lu Ci."

Fatty Zhao took a sip of tea and made it clear that he was just enjoying the show.

To him, the Ten Guys Association was indeed important, but that was all.

Some fights and conflicts within the Ten Guys Association are more conducive to balance.

If it were so easy to unify opinions, he would be worried!

Then he should consider whether the "tools" should be replaced...

Xu Yuan was watching from the side, not surprised at all by this development.

Master Jie Kong was obviously unwilling to get involved in this matter.

As for Jianghu Xiaozhan Muyou, although that guy said that he had destroyed the Heavenly Master, he was an intelligence officer, so he was going to destroy him!

You can talk, but when it comes to actual action, whoever wants to go will go, anyway, he has no ability.

His initiative to propose this is nothing more than the broken window theory - if you want to open the window, lift the roof first...

And the mad dog Lu Ci...

This guy has been an ardent fan of the Heavenly Master since he was young. Regardless of this point, he is a mad dog, not a stupid dog, and he does not want to become a dead dog...

This is also the thought of most members of the Ten Guys Association. Anyway, it was Quan Xing who died, and he was not one of theirs.

On the other hand, Lu Jin was indeed the most careless among the members of the Ten Guys Association. He hesitated and thought that this was not good, and that was not good either, and he could not make a decision.

Yu Qing, he has the strongest relationship with Lao Tianshi, Yu Li, Lao Tianshi has indeed violated the company's regulations...

"Tsk, tsk, Old Lu, you have a perfect life. Who was made to cry by that slap in the Lu Family Courtyard..." Lu Ci, an enthusiastic fan, even stabbed Mr. Lu Jin's lung tube directly.

In the end, the other members of the Shilaohui didn't bother to ask for his opinion anymore and voted directly. The minority followed the majority and made the decision!

The result was no different from what I expected.

Kick the old master Zhang Zhiwei out of the Shilao Association, and unless he obtains the full consent of the Shilao and the company's board of directors, Zhang Zhiwei will not be allowed to leave Longhu Mountain for the rest of his life.

"Finally, the result of the discussion has been reached." Zhao Fangxu stretched out and said disapprovingly, "These old guys are really cunning, they have to go around in such a big circle."

Make a wish:…

Co-author: Did you also guess this result from the beginning?

In the end, it doesn't matter what the outcome of the Shilao Association's deliberations is.

The important thing is to give the results in the name of the Shilaohui.

The company's ruling power still dominates the entire alien world.

Even if the result of the discussion by the Ten Guys Association is really "unsatisfactory", wouldn't it be better to let them change their decision?

Do you really want to destroy Master Tian, ​​the most powerful person in the country?

Unless Zhao Fangxu has lost his mind or he is the undercover agent installed by Qu Tong in the board of directors...

Seeing that there was no excitement, Fatty Zhao waved his hand to Wish.

"Okay, make a wish, you go and do your work."

But the wish did not move. He looked at Zhao Fangxu with a smile.

"Director Zhao, it just so happens that I don't have anything to be busy with recently. Why don't you let me send the Heavenly Master back to Longhu Mountain? After all, I was the one who brought him the Kyoto headquarters."

Zhao Fangxu frowned when he heard the wish.

"Make a wish, are you sure? The Heavenly Master is banned in Longhu Mountain. Maybe he is angry right now."

"No problem, Heavenly Master will definitely not care about a junior like me."

"Okay, then go ahead."

When Xu Yuan came out of Fatty Zhao's office, he had already taken over the task of the supervision team - to escort the Laotian Master back to Longhu Mountain.

It's called an escort, but it's actually an escort action.

Of course, Zhao Fangxu is not a fool.

It would be weird if this guy who didn't even work overtime for a minute took the initiative to take on this task. It would be weird!

However, for him, it doesn't matter what he wants to do when he makes a wish. What's important is that he can do what he needs when he needs it!

To put it simply, it just works!

However, if Zhao Fangxu knew Xu Yuan’s plan this time, he might not think so...

Make-A-Wish will show him what it means to be bold with practical actions!

How bold a person is and how productive the land is!

Xu Yuan found Master Laotian in the reception room and conveyed to him the decision of the Shilaohui in a tactful manner.

"Okay, no problem. I'll accept whatever the company does. It just so happens that I'm old and can stay in the mountains for retirement."

The old Heavenly Master's expression was not surprising at all, and he still said with a smile.

"So, Heavenly Master, the company asked me to take you back." Xu Yuan spread his hands.

"Let's go, let's go. If it's late, maybe we can catch up for dinner at Longhu Mountain..."

In fact, whether it is Wishing, Laotianshi, Shilaohui or the company, they all know that this so-called ban is just that.

Is it possible that who can still or dare to send people to Longhu Mountain to stare at the Heavenly Master every day?

It’s just an explanation to the alien circle!

Xu Yuan called Chen Duo, and after leaving the company with Lao Tianshi, he still went straight to the airport.

This time they returned to YT City, JX Province through the company's special channels.

Otherwise, it would be like making a wish to go to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Festival, and I don’t know how much trouble it would be!

Arriving at the airport, while waiting for the "logistics plane" to arrive, Xu Yuan took out his mobile phone and opened the Yiren Circle Forum again.

Sure enough, he saw his mission again on it - "Latest news, make a wish to escort the Laotian Master back to Longhu Mountain..."

However, this time it is not gossip revealed from within the company, but information released publicly by the company.

After all, Lao Tianshi violated the company's regulations without concealment, and the company must respond.

There were divergent opinions on the forum again, discussing the comparison of combat power between Wishing and the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei.

Although these strangers surfing the Internet love to spread rumors, fortunately they are not brainless.

Finally, after hundreds of attempts, I came up with a plausible answer.

In terms of combat power, Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei is definitely stronger.

Previously in the Xilin Gol Grassland, the reason why the wish was able to bring the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei back to the company was simply because the Old Heavenly Master gave the company face.

Now the company has given Lao Tianshi enough face and symbolically made the decision to ban visitors to Longhu Mountain.

It has to be said that the three stooges still stand up to one Zhuge Liang, and the results discussed by these strangers are indeed very close to the truth.

Perhaps the only discrepancy is that on the Xilin Gol grassland, the Heavenly Master did not give face to the company, but gave face to Wishing because he owed a favor to Wishing.

But none of this matters, and Xuanyuan doesn't bother to argue.

Anyway, as long as these "bar friends" don't set things up for him!

Xu Yuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and he suddenly remembered the one who claimed to be his fanatical fan [Ye Aonai Wo He Xian]...

I don’t know what this guy’s expression will be now?

However, just after making a wish and refreshing the forum again, he just breathed a sigh of relief and mentioned it again.

Because he saw a recent post.

The person who posted the message is exactly that [Ye Aonai I He Xian]...

[Weizi has sentenced him to make a wish...]

That's the title!

My scalp went numb immediately after I made a wish.

Damn it!

One pink and ten black, right?

He turned to look at Lao Tianshi, but fortunately Lao Tianshi did not see the screen of his mobile phone at this time.

Xu wish secretly clicked on this post, and saw that this post copied the news that the company had just announced to the alien community.

These are nothing, and there is no deletion from the news announced by the company.

But the most fatal thing is that I don’t know how [Ye Aonai I He Xian] did it. He actually found the old reply from the tens of thousands of previous replies, and uploaded the screenshot to in this post.

[Longhushan Zhang Zhiwei: I testified with my real name, and it was because I promised to take the company back. 】

Now, the discussion on his combat power in the forum had just subsided, and now it has once again fallen into doubts due to this post.

Making a wish is a bit of a headache.

This guy is indeed his ardent fan and can really attract fire to himself!

To make a wish, you can only click on the chat history with Senior High School Zhuang.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, do me a favor and check the address of the person named Ye Aonai, He Xian in the forum. 】

[High school sophomore in the Northeast Region:●)o(●Brother Xu Wish, this matter is not easy to handle. Although I can do it, Dong Zhao has banned me from doing so...]

Wishing without saying a word, he directly transferred a full amount of red.

【Northeast Region High School Second Zhuang:(-^〇^-)Wait a moment! immediately! 】

Xu Yuan put down her phone and rubbed her forehead.

And not long after, his cell phone rang again.

It's news from the sophomore year of high school.

But this time, the tone of high school sophomore Zhuang was a little strange.

[Second year high school student in the Northeast Region: Brother Xuyuan, the location of my He Hao account is right next to you (_|||), but the identity is a bit unexpected...]

Immediately, High School Senior Zhuang sent another photo.

Judging from the angle, it should be that Gao Erzhuang hacked into the other party's mobile phone through the Internet and took the picture with the front camera.

In the photo, it is Liao Duoduo who has been making a wish...

Make a wish:…

Senior High School Zhuang:......

Make a wish:…

At this moment, the silence between the two was deafening.

[High school sophomore in the Northeast Region: (ω) Wishing brother, our store does not support refunds without reason within seven days! 】

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Forget it, Erzhuang, it’s okay. I’ll go find Liao Duoduo myself and say, you can go play. 】

Putting down his phone, Xu Yuan turned his head and glanced at Liao Duoduo beside him.

At this time, Liao Duoduo was playing with her phone as usual, with a smile on her face.

Xu Yuan knew that her views were different from ordinary people, but in order not to infringe on Liao Duoduo's privacy, Xu Yuan never looked at her mobile phone.

He never expected that Liao Duoduo would actually register for the forum and even have such a damn ID as [Ye Aonai, I, He Hao]!

The anti-fan is actually next to me?

What on earth does she watch every day?

"Um, Duoduo." Xu Yuan hesitated for a moment and then said, trying to find the words, "Let's try not to post unverified rumors in the alien circle forum."

"But what I said is true." Liao Duoduo raised her head and said doubtfully.

Make a wish:…

This time he was really speechless.

Yes, Master Zhang Zhiwei did indeed sentence him, and he himself admitted it on the forum. He was captured and brought back to the company by a wish...

However, in order to prevent the Heavenly Master "Wei Zi" from hitting Liao Duoduo with his thunder in the future, he could only persuade him to make a wish.

"Well, anyway, from now on, try not to post on the forum."

"Oh fine."

Liao Duoduo did not argue, but nodded obediently.

Xu wish just breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, Liao Duoduo's words made him feel excited again!

"Hey, Weizi! Let's play games!"

Liao Duoduo trotted all the way to the Heavenly Master with those mobile phones and said.

The most unexpected thing for Xu Wan was that the Heavenly Master didn't feel displeased with this title. Instead, he took out his cell phone with a smile and joined Liao Duoduo's team.

Make a wish: Weizi?

Xuanyuan can't understand the world at this moment.

The world finally turned into what I imagined?

Xu Wan sat in the waiting room in a daze until he boarded the plane in a daze, landed in a daze, and then followed the old Tianshi back to the Tianshi Mansion in a daze.

"Make a wish, make a wish?" It wasn't until Liao Duoduo stretched out her hand to push him that she woke him up from his trance.

"Ah?" Xu Yuan looked around and realized that he had arrived at the Tianshi Mansion.

The old Heavenly Master was sitting on the chair opposite him with a smile.

Xu Yuan shook his head and got rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

Next, he will have a showdown with the Heavenly Master!

After all, as Mr. Tian is the senior disciple of the old Celestial Master, the news that Mr. Tian is still alive cannot always be hidden from the old Celestial Master, right?

Moreover, he can also invite the Heavenly Master to join the supervision team!

Such a top-notch combat power cannot be missed!

Wei Zi has sentenced him, and he has really sentenced it to me...

Thanks to boss 20231220889 for the 200 book coins~

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