Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 127 Let’s quickly sentence the Heavenly Master!

Hear the clarification of the wish.

Laotianshi, who was also waiting in the waiting room, happily took out his mobile phone.

Use your own account to find this post in the forum, and then reply to it.

[Tianshi Mansion Zhang Zhiwei: My real name proves that the wish indeed captured me back to the company. 】

Make a wish:…

No, Heavenly Master, why are you joining in the fun?

Did I lay a finger on you?

He witnessed everything with his own eyes.

Xu wish now feels that this old man is just watching the excitement and doesn't think it's a big deal.

Otherwise, the company's board of directors should sentence him! Immediately sentenced to life!

The most important thing is to take away this old man’s mobile phone!

Just after he made a wish to take Liao Duoduo and Master Laotian away from Xilin Gol Grassland, he called Zhao Fangxu directly and prepared to use the company's special channels to return to Kyoto.

In fact, the original wish I made was to ask Wang Ye to borrow his private jet, so as to avoid giving the Heavenly Master the illusion of being arrested and brought to justice.

However, Wang Ye's phone number never got through. In desperation, Xu Wish had no choice but to use the company's special channels.

That is, they are now waiting for the company's logistics plane in the terminal...

But now it seems that the wish was unfounded.

The Heavenly Master had no consciousness of committing any crime, and was surfing the Internet in the forum with a smile.

Liao Duoduo, on the other hand, continued to indulge in games on her mobile phone and was unable to extricate herself.

Fortunately, the identity information that Zhao Fangxu gave Liao Duoduo was an adult. Otherwise, according to Liao Duoduo's method, the anti-addiction mechanism would have been triggered long ago...

I was just idle when I made a wish. I was simply waiting for the arrival of the logistics plane and sorted out what I had gained from this trip to Xilin Gol Grassland.

Two points of world fit.

[Descendant of the Blue Wolf - Genghis Khan] and the remaining number of draws.

And in the end, he almost completely killed all the elders of the whole sex and gained the life cultivation level!

Speaking of the life cultivation he gained, although the people who died this time were not the same group of people as those on Longhu Mountain, the life cultivation he gained was comparable.

He is worthy of being a father or a master!

The family must be neat and tidy!

With the "assistance" of Master Tongtian, I wish to double my life again!

However, Xu Yuan did not swell at all. It was entirely due to the wave of killings by the Heavenly Master on the grassland not long ago that Xu Yuan was soberly aware of the gap in strength between the two sides.

Even doubling it is not enough!

Just like what was summarized in the post on the alien forum.

The reason why Old Heavenly Master is at the very top is because the upper limit of Yiren’s path is at very high point, and there is no one on it. It’s not that Old Heavenly Master can only reach the very top…

It has to be said that as a state-owned enterprise, Nadutong Company is very efficient.

Especially the chairman Zhao Fangxu personally ordered it.

The three people who made a wish only waited in the waiting room for about an hour before a "logistics plane" arrived at the airport.

Xu Yuan, Liao Duoduo and Lao Tianshi successfully boarded the plane and flew to Kyoto.

And at the same time.

The company can be reached anywhere.

After receiving the call from Wishing, Chairman Zhao Fangxu quickly arranged a special channel for Wishing to take the Master back to Kyoto.

Then they urgently summoned the board members and the ten members to come to the Kyoto headquarters!

Because various things have happened one after another recently, the board members have been in Kyoto, and it will take some time for the Juluohui members to arrive in Kyoto.

Now that Make a Wish has fulfilled the conditions set by the board of directors, no one can stop the establishment of the supervision team!

Moreover, according to what Xu wish reported on the phone, Quan Xing was not completely wiped out by the Heavenly Master this time.

The leader of the company controls the order of the entire alien world, but it is just like the art of ancient emperors balancing civil servants and generals.

The forces in the alien world also need to be balanced!

There can’t be only righteous sects!

There is a need for such evil ways as complete sex to exist!

Otherwise, once the whole nature is completely extinct, I am afraid that disputes will soon arise between the righteous sects.

They need an imaginary target.

This is one of the reasons why the company must intervene in this Laotianshi battle with Quanxing.

As for the Heavenly Master who used thunder to kill all members of the sex industry in the downtown area?

Although it does violate the company's regulations, it can be explained to ordinary people as a thunderstorm...

This is indeed something that makes Fatty Zhao happy.

However, he soon realized that he was happy too early.

Because the next problem he has to face is how to deal with the Heavenly Master!

Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei is not just a little white guy with all his fighting power!

He is not only the head of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, but also a member of the Shilao Society. He is also the president of the Secular Taoist Association...

There are more identities than buffs!

It's true to make a wish to bring someone back, but if one thing isn't handled well, it can easily cause other troubles...

On the logistics plane back to Kyoto.

Except for the three people who made a wish, there were only the staff of the aircraft.

After more than an hour of sailing, the logistics plane finally landed at Kyoto Airport.

Zhao Fangxu indeed attaches great importance to the old Heavenly Master.

He sent a special vehicle to take Lao Tianshi and Xu Wish back to the company headquarters directly at the airport.

Of course, there is also Liao Duoduo, the little follower who makes a wish.

Master Tianshi didn't show any signs of stress along the way. Although he was nominally a prisoner captured by the company, his condition seemed more like he was on vacation...

The staff at the headquarters don't have the brains of a retarded villain, and they all treat the Heavenly Master with great respect and courtesy.

Even the company's board of directors members personally went to the company gate to receive Master Tian. Even Bi Youlong, who offered to make a wish to bring Master Tian back, was very polite.

Xuanyuan smacked her lips twice.

Tsk, if Bi Youlong is really Qu Tong's undercover agent in the company, then this guy is simply bad, not stupid.

Stupid people really can't be undercover!

"Director Zhao, as well as all the directors of the company, old man, I have indeed violated the company's regulations, and I am willing to accept any penalty decision from the company."

The old Heavenly Master was the first to express his attitude.

"Well...Master Tian, ​​let's face it, we still need to have another meeting to decide on this matter. Now we have to ask you to stay at the company headquarters for a while."

Zhao Fangxu spoke in an official tone.

Zhao Fangxu then called on several staff members to come over and lead the Heavenly Master to the headquarters building.

Of course, unless Fatty Zhao’s brain was caught in the door, the place where the Heavenly Master would be placed would definitely not be a prison cell...

As for making a wish.

After he "handed over" Laotianshi to the company, Fatty Zhao hurried to the conference room with all the board members, not having time to make a wish.

At this time, all the members of the Jilaohui are rushing to Kyoto. He needs to completely kill the proposal to establish an inspection team before that to prevent anything from happening again!

Now that Wishing has brought Master Tian back to the company, no one on the board of directors should be able to stop this!

Xu Xu, who had nothing to do, simply took Liao Duoduo directly to the underground of the company building.

Zhuge Qing and the superiors who were captured by Biyou Village were receiving ideological education and training from the company in the underground training base.

Now the time calculation should be almost done.

Speaking of which, he had indeed not seen Zhuge Qing for a long time. He even did not invite Zhuge Qing to join the supervision team because Zhuge Qing needed to receive training from the company.

As a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, Wishing naturally has corresponding authority.

Liao Duoduo's current identity in the company has also been entered into the system by Fatty Zhao - Wishing Assistant.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Liao Duoduo's situation is quite special, so it is better for her to stay with Xu Yuan.

When Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo to the training base underground in the company building.

Just then I heard the sound of "Youth Learning".

Make a wish:…

If I heard correctly, was this Zhuge Qing's voice?

I don’t know how Lao Qing is doing lately?

After all, he burned the company's multi-million-dollar wide stool system to ashes. Life must not be easy, right?

Xu Yuan followed the voice and successfully found a classroom.

I saw Zhuge Qing scolding Fang Qiu on the classroom podium.

"This time, I will definitely get first place in the company's assessment!"

Zhuge Qing's face glowed with confidence.

The other Shanggenqi, who also came from Biyou Village, sat silently under the podium, listening to Zhuge Qing's speech.

Among these root tools, the most conspicuous one is Fu Rong...

"Wow! Brother Qing is so great! I believe you can take first place!"

Fu Rong applauded wildly in the audience.

But it's hard to say that Fu Rong is really just trying to cheer her up, after all, the little stars in her eyes can't be faked.

This love brain...

Did Lao Qing really come to the company to pay off his debts? Instead of going on vacation?

The company provides food and accommodation, as well as salary, and even the young man has his girlfriend to accompany him...

Wishing: ...Maybe Lao Qing burned down the leniency bench system on purpose?

After Xu Yuan was silent for a moment, he opened the door and walked in, saying jokingly.

"Brother No. 1, it seems like you are having a good time recently."

Zhuge Qing's old face suddenly burned up!

This feeling is no less than when he was in the second year of high school and posted a post on Moments saying "I'm walking on thin ice in my life", and then the next day his best friend called him Brother Bo Bing in a weird way...

The reason why Zhuge Qing was able to speak so arrogantly to these Shanggenqi who also received training.

It's entirely because he is indeed a top student. Among these top students, he ranks first in all grades.

Even his most powerful competitor, Hari Chagai, is on par with him in terms of force value assessment, but as for "liberal arts", he is far behind him!

Don't underestimate the cultural heritage of the Zhuge clan for thousands of years!

Even though the Zhuge family has never been involved in the company before, there are many things in the world that are all covered.

But pretending to be cool in front of the wish...

Wasn't it enough that he was slapped in the face before?

Zhuge Qing had already made up his mind and would never give Xu Yuan any chance to slap him in the face!

"Ah haha, make a wish, long time no see." Zhuge Qing walked down from the podium with a dry smile. "Why do you have time to see me today?"

"Well, there is indeed something wrong, but when you come out with me, I will tell you in private..."

Just when Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing were chatting.

The eyes of other superiors were focused on Liao Duoduo behind Xu Yuan.

"Master Chen Duo?"

The superiors present all stared at Liao Duoduo with different eyes.

Although they didn't get very close to Chen Duo in Biyou Village before, they were certainly not strangers.

After all, if you don’t look down, you won’t see you when you look up.

They spotted Chen Duo at first glance.

But because of this, they became even more confused.

After all, everyone knows that the reason why the temporary workers from those companies found Biyou Village was Chen Duo!

Because Chen Duo killed Liao Zhong, the head of the company's South China region.

But as a result, instead of dealing with Chen Duo, the company now allows her to move freely?

After this period of training, the root implementers present have a deep understanding of the company's internals.

This is completely impossible!

Liao Duoduo glanced at the old acquaintances present. She did not have any friendship with these people, but she had met them before.

"Ah?" Liao Duoduo's face still showed no expression, "I am Liao Duoduo, assistant to the leader of the wishing team. Who is Chen Duo you are talking about?"

All the superiors present had black lines on their heads.

Liao Zhong, Chen Duo, Liao Duoduo...

Even if you think we are fools, you can at least act like us!

They were all sure that the Liao Duoduo in front of them was Chen Duo!

Although it is unclear why Liao Duoduo is safe and sound now, it must have something to do with making a wish!

However, to these former superiors, these are not important, as long as they know that Chen Duo is still alive.

Zhuge Qing naturally noticed Liao Duoduo's poor performance.

But his ideas were different from others.

Um! As expected of someone who follows Wishing, it’s only been a while now, he’s learning so fast!

Although Liao Duoduo's acting skills are very poor. But when she was in Biyou Village, she couldn't even act!

As for Chen Duo being able to change his name to Liao Duoduo and survive, Zhuge Qing was not surprised at all. In his eyes, as long as something was linked to a wish, he could accept it calmly no matter how outrageous the development was.

"Old Qing, come out with me."

Make a wish and call Zhuge Qing out of the classroom.

"What's wrong?" Zhuge Qing looked at Xu Yuan with some confusion.

"Old Qing, show me your phone." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

But Zhuge Qing felt the smell of a knife hidden in his smile.

However, Zhuge Qing thought about it carefully and found that he had indeed not done anything to deceive his wishing recently.

Finally, he calmly handed the phone to Xu Wan.

After Xu Yuan took Zhuge Qing's cell phone, he directly opened the Yiren Forum.


[Ye Aonai, I am He Xian] Not Lao Qing?

Xu Wan still had some disbelief and turned on the switching function of the account background to prevent Zhuge Qing from repeating his old tricks and using the trumpet to cause trouble.

But in the end, there were still no clues!

"Make a wish, what are you looking for?"

Seeing this act of making a wish, Zhuge Qing asked with some confusion.

"I've been receiving training from the company recently and haven't logged into the Yiren Circle forum at all. Has something big happened recently?"

The wish was in vain and no clues were found, so he just assumed that he had wrongly accused Zhuge Qing.

"Well, two things now."

"The first thing is that the old Heavenly Master came down from the mountain, and started a war with Quan Xing on the Xilin Gol grassland, and was directly destroyed by the Quan Xing group..."

Xu Yuan suppressed his smile and briefly told Zhuge Qing about the Heavenly Master.

Especially after Zhuge Qing heard that Lao Tianshi had voluntarily been brought back to the company by his wish, his jaw almost hit the ground.

But Zhuge Qing didn't have time to be surprised when he made a wish. He directly talked about the second thing.

"The second thing, which is also the main reason why I came down to find you, is that the company recently plans to set up a secret inspection team..."

"...I would like to invite you to join my inspection team."

After getting along for such a long time, although Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing often cheated on each other, they were not outsiders. Xu Yuan simply spoke directly to Zhuge Qing.

But Zhuge Qing hesitated.

"Make a wish, it's not that I don't want to join your inspection team, but there may be other arrangements after the company training is over..." Zhuge Qing pointed to the classroom in embarrassment. "I don't have the final say in this matter."

"It doesn't matter," Xu Yuan smiled and waved to Zhuge Qing, "You definitely can't choose."

"Ah?" Zhuge Qing was stunned. "I don't even know what to choose, so you know I can't be selected? Coach Liang said that this selection will select a particularly outstanding student."

"Well, this training is to select someone to do work like a spy or undercover, not a temporary worker. With your face, do you think you are suitable for this kind of work..."

The wish made Zhuge Qing silent on the spot.

He himself knew his situation.

He has indeed always ranked first in various evaluations, but...

Damn it!

He was actually disqualified from the assessment from the beginning because he was too handsome!

It took Zhuge Qing a long time to calm down the fluctuations in his heart.

"So, can't that stupid big guy Hari Chagai also do it?"

"Of course, your appearance features are too obvious, and you are not suitable to be a spy from the beginning."

Xu wish said calmly.

Of course, this kind of information is considered confidential within the company, especially since it has no overlap with the temporary worker's job as Xu wish, so it is impossible for Xu wish to get the information from within the company.

"So, what will happen to those who are not selected?" Zhuge Qing asked nervously. "Fu Rong, she..."

"Ah, you don't have to worry about this." Xu Yuan waved his hand. "If you are not selected, the company will not kill you, it will just give you another job. It should be under Bi Youlong, but it is not a secret agent."

"That's why I'm here to invite you to join my supervision team. The identities of the team members will be kept confidential. You can still do your own work. As for the specific tasks, I will tell you through my mobile phone after you agree to join."

After Zhuge Qing thought for a moment, he finally nodded and agreed.

The reason why Zhuge Qing wanted to tell Zhuge Qing the specific content by sending a message on his mobile phone was just to prevent the walls from having ears.

With the two strong men here, the mobile phone information channel is actually the safest!

And when Zhuge Qing accepted the wishing invitation and joined the group chat.

When he saw the members of the inspection team, he froze in place.

Temporary workers in various regions, Feng Zhenghao, one of the ten men, and Mr. Tian who was already "dead"!

Although he still doesn't know what the specific mission of the supervision team is, Zhuge Qing can already clearly have a premonition that the wish is going to be something big!

And after he learned from the wishing information that the supervision team existed to uncover the insiders in the board of directors, and that he wanted to lurk under Bi Youlong to pay attention to whether Bi Youlong might be an undercover agent, Zhuge Qing felt a little nervous. Living.

The co-writing company eliminated me because I was too handsome and refused to let me work as an undercover agent.

So you asked me to be an undercover agent again?

And he still went to work as an undercover agent next to the undercover leader Bi Youlong?

Are you playing nesting dolls or using reverse thinking?

I have been working as an undercover agent since Biyou Village. How can I have nothing to do with being an undercover agent?

So am I suitable to be an undercover agent?

And at the same time that he made a wish and invited Zhuge Qing to join the supervision team, all the members of the Shilaohui also arrived!

Director Xiao Su, a member of the board of directors, also attended on behalf of the board of directors, and called all the members of the Shilaohui to discuss in the conference room how to deal with the old master Zhang Zhiwei...

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