Xu Yuan collected her thoughts, cleared her throat, and finally tentatively spoke to the Heavenly Master.

"Master Tian, ​​Mr. Tian...you know, right? Do you know where he is?"

The old Heavenly Master glanced at him and made a wish, his tone as usual.

"Lao Tian? Isn't Lao Tian dead? Where else can he be? Of course his remains are buried in the back mountain. What's wrong?"

I feel some inexplicable tightness in my scalp when I make a wish.

"Master Tian, ​​what would you think if I said that I could still let you see Mr. Tian?"

The Heavenly Master's already half-closed eyes narrowed even further.

But Xu Yuan could clearly see a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Make a wish... Do you think I won't dare to touch you because of the company's background? If you have something to say, if you dare to bring the topic to Lao Tian again, I will send you down to talk to Lao Tian in person."

Tian Jinzhong is the last junior disciple of Master Tian. If he hadn't considered that he had a good relationship with Xu Wish, those people on the Xilin Gol grassland would have suffered the same fate as Xu Wish!

Making a wish also makes me want to cry without tears.

Let’s revive this matter. After all, it’s too terrifying and goes against the will of heaven!

Especially for an existence like Lao Tianshi who has reached the "full level", he can better understand the operating laws of "Tao". If he is caught off guard and speaks out, who knows whether Lao Tianshi's Taoist heart will collapse!

In order to ensure that he had enough time before telling the truth, he made a wish and activated the Godhead Mask.

The target of becoming a god was [The Art of Speaking Spirits - Zhang Liang].

Wearing a gorgeous golden robe, a floating book engraved with mysterious spells.

The Heavenly Master has seen the heroes Zhong Kui, Jiang Ziya, and Taiyi Zhenren who were used to make wishes last time on Longhu Mountain, but this is the first time that the Heavenly Master has seen the wish-making god Zhang Liang.

The old Heavenly Master looked up and down the wish with strange eyes. It was not until a moment later that the Old Heavenly Master asked with some uncertainty.

"Liuwen Chenghou Zhang Zifang?"

Zhang Zifang is Zhang Liang, and Liuwen Chenghou is Zhang Liang's posthumous title.

"Well...yes, Heavenly Master. I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry. Can you patiently listen to what I have to say now?"

At this moment, the Heavenly Master's silence was deafening.

Although Zhang Liang is not a Taoist, he still has Taoist gods.

But its status is very special among Taoists.

From a certain perspective, it is even higher than the Taoist deity Zhong Kui who transformed into a god before making a wish!

After all, the founder of Tianshi Mansion is the ninth generation grandson of his family. This is a purely direct ancestor...

A god of faith, a pure direct ancestor, distant and distant relatives can be seen clearly.

Although the Heavenly Master has never seen Zhang Liang like this, as a master among masters, not to mention the Heavenly Master, all the famous masters have some methods of identifying people with their Qi.

The Heavenly Master is naturally no exception.

At this time, the aura on the wishing body cannot be faked.

After a long while, the Heavenly Master finally spoke and broke the silence.

"Make a wish, what are you going to say? Lao Tian is already dead..."

"But what if I want to say that I gave Mr. Tian a good job?"

"Make a living? Are you going to make a living out of a dead man?"

Seeing that the old Heavenly Master was getting irritable again, Xu Yuan quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Mr. Tian is not dead!"

"Impossible! Heaven reincarnates, and people cannot be resurrected after death!"

Although the old Heavenly Master said this, the look on his face was faintly shaken.

It's not that he believed the lies about making a wish, but...

What if?

What if there really is a miracle?

People always have expectations for what they want to happen.

Xuanyuan smacked her lips and made no excuses.

This kind of thing is really outrageous. Since Heavenly Master is mentally prepared, let’s let things speak louder than words!

Xu Yuan took out her mobile phone and directly initiated a video call with Mr. Tian.

After just a moment, Mr. Tian, ​​who was watching "The Dragon King's Son-in-law", picked up the video call.

"Hello? Xiao Xu? What's wrong?"

"Mr. Tian, ​​I'm at the Tianshi Mansion. Can you say a few words to the old Tianshi?"

When the old Heavenly Master sitting nearby heard Mr. Tian's voice coming from the speaker of the mobile phone, his whole body suddenly froze!

Although he said he didn't believe it, in his heart he didn't hope it was true!

Xu Yuan felt the gaze that Master Tian was looking at him. Instead of showing off, he directly handed the phone to Master Tian.

"Old Tian..." There was an imperceptible tremor in the old Heavenly Master's voice.

"Ah! Senior brother..."

Naturally, Mr. Tian also wanted to contact the Heavenly Master, but before that he had to consider keeping the wish secret.

But now since it was requested by the wish maker, there is no problem!

Xu Yuan did not disturb the long-awaited reunion of the two senior brothers, but waited silently aside.

Master Tian talked a lot with Mr. Tian.

He also learned from Mr. Tian’s mouth all his experiences since Mr. Tian came down from the mountain.

He recovered his missing limbs, went down the mountain to Tianxiahui, and embarked on the path of spiritual practice again. Then he was invited to join his supervision team by making a wish.

However, the Heavenly Master did not get any clues from Mr. Tian about the original riot in Longhu Mountain. Lu Liang was still very cautious at the beginning. After stealing Mr. Tian’s memory, he used Mr. Tian’s mind about himself. The memory fragments have been completely deleted.

As for Lao Tianshi, although he felt that resurrection from the dead was completely impossible to happen, when the facts were placed in front of him and passed his various verification methods.

Even if the Heavenly Master has practiced for a lifetime, he has to take the actual situation as the criterion.

After confirming that everything was fine with Mr. Tian, ​​Master Tian hung up the video call, looked at Xuanyuan, and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Make a wish, how did you do it? I personally inspected Lao Tian's body, and I also saw it buried with my own eyes. How did you change it?"

"Who said I made a mistake?" Xu Yuan shrugged, "The corpse buried in Houshantian is also real, and the one just now is also real..."

Now that he has had a showdown with the Heavenly Master, he did not hide his wish and showed enough sincerity.

He roughly told the Heavenly Master about his ability to resurrect, including the shortcomings of this ability.

Of course, it should actually be called scapegoat!

After listening to the explanation of the wish, a rare expression of wonder appeared on the old master's face.

"Although there are many restrictions, it is still against the will of heaven! There is such an ability in the world!" The old Heavenly Master praised, "Okay, make a wish, now you can say, what exactly do you want to do?"

The Heavenly Master has already seen through everything.

Although in general, the young man who made a wish is not bad, but there is no love for no reason in the world.

Xu wish to resurrect Tian Jinzhong without the risk of exposing his ability to resurrect the dead. Naturally, it cannot be just because of something as ethereal as friendship.

What's more, let alone friendship before the Luotian Dajiao, Xu wish and they didn't even know each other, how could they have friendship?

"Well, Heavenly Master, that's it. I want to invite you to join my inspection team."

"Is this the inspection team that Lao Tian just mentioned?" Master Tian raised his eyebrows.


Next, Xu Wan told the Heavenly Master about the supervision team again.

The Heavenly Master looked at the wish and felt a little emotional.

Although this kid is a bit dishonest in concealing the fact that Lao Tian is still alive, at least he can face himself.

That boy Zhang Lingyu...


Thinking of this, the Heavenly Master sighed silently in his heart.

"Make a wish. Originally, as the contemporary Celestial Master of the Celestial Master's Mansion, I am absolutely not allowed to get involved in the company's affairs. However, I can agree to join your supervision team in my personal capacity. However, I have one more request..."

"You say!"

Make a wish and immediately became energetic.

Let alone one request, he would be fine even if it were ten requests!

If Lao Tianshi can be included in the supervision team, although this boss cannot be easily used on weekdays, at least if we encounter any unsolvable problems, we can definitely invite this boss out!

As for the company’s punishment for the Master’s ban from Longhu Mountain?

The one who was banned from Longhu Mountain was the Celestial Master from the Tianshi Mansion, and the one who came down was Zhang Zhiwei from the supervision team. Is there any problem?

If you don’t believe it, you can go to Longhu Mountain to talk to the Heavenly Master alone!

The high-end combat power is completely completed!

"I have been banned in Longhu Mountain by the Shilao Society and cannot go down the mountain easily, but I want Lingyu to go down the mountain to experience..."

"Yes! It's no problem at all. It just so happens that Master Lingyu can also join the supervision team and get a salary. Otherwise, he would have suffered a lot if he didn't have the temperament of Master Lingyu."

Make a wish and smile.

What kind of conditions did Heavenly Master impose on himself? He was clearly sending people here for him!

The Heavenly Master opened his mouth, he wanted to say something.

The fact that you can get paid by making a wish can indeed solve Lingyu's livelihood problem after he comes down from the mountain.

However, does this really mean that Zhang Lingyu will not suffer?

Make a wish for this kid...

Playing so dirty! And he’s so bold!

He even dares to scheme against himself! Is there anything else he doesn't dare to do?

To be honest, if I hadn't always had a good sense of the boy Xu Wish, and Xu Wish was indeed kind to Lao Tian and myself, no matter who else came to do this, I would have been slapped to death by myself!

However, the old Heavenly Master then thought again and asked Zhang Lingyu to go down the mountain, wasn't it just to let him experience it?

Maybe it’s not necessarily a good thing to make a wish and see what is so sinister about people’s hearts!

"Okay, but you still have to tell him about letting Lingyu join your supervision team. That bastard sneaked down the mountain on his own." The old master took a sip of tea and said, "Wait until he comes back. After that, I will expel him from the division.”

"no problem."

Xu Yuan and the Heavenly Master looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

After the two parties reached a tacit understanding, Xu Yuan also brought Lao Tianshi into the group chat of the supervision team.

As the master entered the group chat.

The originally lively group chat suddenly fell silent.

Have all the Heavenly Masters been invited in by making a wish?

But then the members of these inspection teams regained their composure.

After all, at least there is a precedent.

I wish that this guy could even bring in Mr. Tian who was already a "dead man". Although the appearance of the old Heavenly Master did surprise them a little, that's all...

The members of these supervision teams are gradually moving closer to the status of Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye.

They gradually developed a big heart...

Even if one day I wish to bring in Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadaotong Company, and say that Fatty Zhao is also a member of the supervision team, I'm afraid they won't be surprised...

No matter what you wish for, there is nothing strange about it.

"Hello, Master Tian."

"Grand Master, are you coming in too?"

"Hello, Heavenly Master..."

Of course, in the group chat, these group members still said hello to the Heavenly Master honestly.

They still have to be polite, they don't want to become those omnipotent people on the Xilin Gol grassland...

But among these team members, one person thought more!

The president of the world will be Feng Zhenghao!

There is no doubt that among the members of these supervision groups, he is the most "smart person" who is good at maneuvering and looking at the overall situation.

And smart people often think a lot.

He felt numb when he saw that all the Heavenly Masters had been invited in by making wishes.

What does this guy want to make a wish for?

Reorganize the Shilaohui in the inspection team?

Now the members of the supervision team not only include temporary workers from all company branches across the country, but also two senior officials, including him and the old master Zhang Zhiwei...

Oh, by the way, it's him, the Shilao, and Zhang Zhiwei, the former member of the Shilao Guild. The old master was kicked out of the Shilao Guild not long ago.

Although there are only two of them now, don't forget how long has the inspection team been established?

According to the efficiency shown by the wish now...

If Feng Zhenghao's previous comment about the possibility of forming a shadow company within the company was just a joke, then Feng Zhenghao now feels that this possibility is getting bigger and bigger!

And don’t forget it!

Zhang Zhiwei is the ceiling of combat power in the entire alien world!

Without Lao Tianshi, can the Shilaohui really be called a Shilaohui?

Feng Zhenghao secretly made up his mind that he should make some contribution to the supervision team, but what should he do...

Xu Yuan didn't know that Feng Zhenghao was extremely frightened after thinking about it carefully. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he was about to be included in the ranks of rebels.

After he brought Old Heavenly Master into the group chat, he said goodbye to Old Heavenly Master and left Longhu Mountain directly.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no point in him continuing to stay here.

After leaving Longhu Mountain, Xu Yuan once again used the company's special channel - the logistics plane, and took Liao Duoduo on the journey back to Kyoto.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to catch fish and visit the Shaolin Temple. The string of Buddhist beads that Master Jie Kong gave him before is now hanging on his hand. This thing can be used as an admission ticket to the Bodhidharma Academy.

Bodhidharma Academy has gathered the power of faith for thousands of years, which is perfect for the lottery!

But Xu Yuan took a look at the number of draws he had left, and finally gave up on this plan.

It would be more appropriate to wait and save more times before going...

Liao Duoduo is still addicted to games and can't extricate herself.

And her teammates are Lao Tianshi who is banned in Longhu Mountain and Tian Lao who is hiding in Tianxiahui.

I'm afraid these guys will be having fun next time...

And at the same time.

In the distant South China region.

A seemingly inconspicuous village on the border was silent.

With the arrival of a person, the silence of the peaceful village was broken.

Ma Xianhong has changed into casual clothes!

Although the company has listed him as a wanted target, he cannot take any public transportation at all.

But after Ma Xianhong's meridian blockade was unlocked, he obviously would not be stumped by this problem as he had the bite sac.

After several days of traveling long distances, he finally returned to this border village.

This is……

It was his home before establishing Biyou Village, and it was also the location of his "sister".

The truth he wanted could only be found here.

However, Ma Xianhong thought about what he had said to himself before making a wish, and still put his mobile phone in his pocket before entering the village.

in his memory.

This village was founded by my sister Qu Tong, and there is almost no communication with the outside world.

The people in the village were all strangers who had been helped by "sister" Qu Tong, and he was the first one.

This was one of the original intentions of establishing Biyou Village.

He wants to help more people like a "sister"!

At least that's what he thought before the company destroyed Biyou Village and captured him.

But after he heard Xu Yuan raise a series of doubts that he could not refute at all, Ma Xianhong's heart was shaken...

After Ma Xianhong made all preparations, he sorted out the expression on his face, and then stepped into the village!

And just after Ma Xianhong stepped into the village, he immediately noticed that someone was looking closely at him.

Ma Xianhong didn't care. These guards were all from the village. According to "sister", these villagers volunteered to defend the village.

Of course, Ma Xianhong now has doubts about this statement.

However, Ma Xianhong still followed the "Secrets of Old Sixth" taught to him before making a wish, and walked toward the center of the village with a calm expression on his face.

Sure enough, before he could reach the center of the village, his "sister" Qu Tong, wearing white pajamas, appeared in front of him.


"Sister!" Ma Xianhong remembered the instructions before making a wish, and his expression still showed no abnormality. "I escaped back, and Nadoutong Company should still be looking for me. Is that okay?"

Although Chief Ma is honest and kind by nature, he is not a fool.

It can be seen from this that he learns things really quickly!

At least Qu Tong didn't see anything strange in Ma Xianhong's demeanor.

Then, the suspicious look on Qu Tong's face turned to calm.

"Xianhong, I am also planning to organize people to rescue you. Don't worry about the company's wanted order. I will naturally have a way to solve it." Qu Tong comforted Ma Xianhong. "But come in with me first, tell me how you escaped, and I'll help you see if there are any mistakes..."

After finishing speaking, Qu Tong turned around and walked towards the room.

Ma Xianhong followed closely behind. He remained calm on the surface, but he was awe-inspiring in his heart.

The development of things was indeed very different from what I told him before I made a wish!

"Sister" will definitely find a way to carefully inquire about the process of her escape!

After arriving in the room, Ma Xianhong took the initiative to speak.

"Sister, it's thanks to the Slimming Furnace core you gave me before..."

He told Qu Tong according to the rhetoric designed for him by Xu Yuan.

Xu Wan knew more than anyone else, and he personally participated in the "rescuing Ma Xianhong" operation. Naturally, Qu Tong would not find any flaws in Ma Xianhong's words.

Especially when Qu Tong saw the core of the self-cultivation furnace that Ma Xianhong took out, he couldn't find any doubts!

However, Qu Tong always felt that something was wrong, but she could not find out the specific problem. In the end, she could only attribute it to Ma Xianhong being the first person to escape from the company.

"Well, Xianhong, you're doing a good job. There's no problem for now, but just in case, it's safer for me to change your face."

Ma Xianhong actually wanted to refuse, but when he thought that his purpose was to find out the truth, he no longer hesitated and walked to the bed nearby.

But before lying on the bed, he asked Qu Tong seemingly unintentionally.

"By the way, sister, where is Guo Liang? Why didn't you see him?"

Ma Xianhong knew that after her "sister" Qu Tong used her abilities to help her change her appearance later, she would let him recreate the self-cultivation furnace.

Theoretically, as long as you have the core in hand, it is very simple to recreate a Slimming Furnace.


How "sister" Qu Tong answers this question is the key to determining the difficulty of rebuilding the self-cultivation furnace...

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