"Master Tian, ​​stop it."

At the same time as these words were heard, a figure walked out from the grass on the side that was as tall as a person.

"The person you are looking for is me, there is no need to commit murder...Master!"

This figure is Gong Qing, the head of Quanxingdai!

At the same time, he was also the Xiao Yuzi who took care of Tian Jinzhong’s food and daily life on Longhu Mountain!

Although Gong Qing still called Zhang Zhiwei "Master" at this time, he had already changed out of his Taoist robes and changed into casual clothes.

The moment Gong Qing appeared, an overwhelming murderous aura emerged from the old Heavenly Master's body!

Incomparably pure, extremely strong, soaring into the sky!

Even from the perspective of Xu Wishan on the side, the murderous aura in the old Heavenly Master seemed to have turned into reality!

The entire grassland seemed to be frozen in time and space at this moment, and even the chirping of insects completely disappeared!

Xu Wan looked at Gong Qing with some pity.

Last night, he heard that the old master was killed by Lao Liuyin countless times while playing games...

Gong Qing was already on the old Heavenly Master's must-kill list, and now he appears in this way...

The Buff stack is full!

I hope Gong Qing’s death will not be too tragic!

But at least one thing, Gong Qing was right.

That was the reason that prompted the old Heavenly Master to come to Xilin Gol Grassland to carry out a massacre this time!

Because after Gong Qing showed up, the old master got rid of Ding Shian's control of his right hand with his neck, and threw the second best person in the world into the grass aside.

Then the Heavenly Master didn't speak, and stared at Gong Qing silently with half-squinted eyes.

There was no trace of fear on Gong Qing's face, but he looked at the Heavenly Master calmly.

Time passed like this bit by bit in the silence of both parties.

It wasn't until a long while that the old Heavenly Master spoke.

"Gong Qing, I thought you didn't dare to come out, and you don't deserve to call me Master!"

Gong Qing's expression finally changed a little at this time, and his face looked a little sad.

"Old Heavenly Master, you are right. I killed Mr. Tian, ​​and I really don't deserve to call you Master anymore..."

Xu Yuan watched this scene silently from the side without saying a word.

How should we evaluate this guy Gong Qing?

He has a humble destiny but has great ambitions.

In addition, Gong Qing's conduct can barely be called correct.

He wanted to know that the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion was true, and that his relationship with Tian Jinzhong, Mr. Tian, ​​was also true, otherwise he would not have used his last opportunity to command all members of the Quanxing to pay filial piety to Mr. Tian. !

However, no matter what, since Gong Qing dares to come today, he is already a dead man.

"...Old Heavenly Master, I am here today just to lead you to death. This war begins with me and ends with me. However, before I lead you to death, I have something to talk to you about."

Gong Qing has already used the word war to describe the battle between Old Angel and Quan Xing.

However, neither Tu Junfang, who had been beaten to pieces, nor Ding Shian, who had lost the ability to resist, or Xu Wish, felt there was anything wrong with this description.

Quan Xing, who is now almost dead, is enough to prove this point.

"For the sake of you once calling me Master, I will give you a chance to leave your last words."

The old master glanced at Tu Junfang and Ding Shian, who were still alive in the grass, and did not continue to kill them.

Instead, he took the lead and walked away.

Gong Qing also consciously lowered his head and followed closely.

And just when Gong Qing passed by Xu Yuan, he suddenly raised his head and said to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, come too, I also have something to say to you."

Make a wish:…

Brother, don't hold me back if you want to die!

I just gave you some money, nothing more! Not really!

The moment Gong Qing showed up, Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo tried to reduce their presence as much as possible. What they were afraid of was that Gong Qing would think of them!

Don’t forget, after the final match of Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain, Xu Yuan and Gong Qing met in advance in the main hall of Tianshi Mansion.

Although the wish he made at that time was not stated clearly, it was revealed in his words that he had probably guessed Gong Qing's plan.

Now if Gong Qing plots against him before he dies, it will be very difficult!

"What do we have to talk about! I promise to abide by the law and I will be sworn in with your wanton behavior..."

Just when Xu Yuan wanted to refuse Gong Qing's invitation with a righteous expression, the Heavenly Master suddenly spoke up and interrupted Xu Yuan's words.

"Make a wish, you come too. After I go back to the company with you, you also need to have an explanation from the company. At least you need to know what Acting Director Quan Xing told me."

Make a wish and feel like crying without tears.

As long as I don't stop him from destroying his whole nature, the Heavenly Master is really considerate!

Not only was he willing to go back to the company with him and complete his tasks, he even considered how to write his task report.

But you don’t have to be so considerate...

Although Xu Yuan refused in his heart, now that the Heavenly Master has spoken and he has no legitimate reason, in order to avoid arousing the suspicion of the Heavenly Master, Xu Yuan can only take Liao Duoduo and follow him honestly. Behind the two people.

If it really doesn't work

"Speak, Gong Qing, what exactly do you want to say?"

The old Heavenly Master stopped and turned to Gong Qing and said.

"Old Master Tian, ​​are you really going down the mountain just for Master Tian's death?" Gong Qingyu said unsurprisingly, "Or is it to seal the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion?"

The person making the wish next to me was numb.

Of course he knew why the Heavenly Master came down the mountain this time.

Has no one known the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion for so many years?

Obviously not!

Many of those who know the truth are still alive in the world.

But why didn't anyone mention it? Even Xu Yuan couldn't find any information related to the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion in the company's documents.

Everyone kept it secret!

Wishing only saw this analysis in the company's information - in addition to the restrictions imposed on the Eight Magic Skills comprehenders themselves, the Tianshi Mansion may take the initiative to block the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion.

Gong Qing asked the Heavenly Master if there was any problem.

But don't let it get to me! At least don't ask in front of me!

It’s okay for you to check the truth. Zhang Chulan and even the alien world don’t know how many people are looking for the truth. Even making a wish itself requires the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion to unlock world compatibility.

You might turn a blind eye if you secretly check the Master, but asking such a question in front of the Master is no less than a slap in the face!

You are not looking for death like this!

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and making a wish is just to let Zhang Chulan find out the truth.

"Master Tian, ​​how about I stay away and come back after you guys finish talking? I definitely believe what you said. I will write the mission report how you say." Xu Yuan laughed dryly.

The old master fell silent again.

"No need." The Heavenly Master waved his hand, "I am indeed here for this. I think many people have already guessed this."

"So, Gong Qing, what exactly do you want to say?"

Gong Qing smiled.

"Old Heavenly Master, regarding the truth I learned from Mr. Tian, ​​I have not told anyone, including those members of the All-Sex family, so I just want to ask you for a favor. My life, plus those who are now dead, are all The lives of the sexual members should be enough to calm the anger in your heart. As for the remaining full-sex members, please show your respect and don't commit any more crimes."

"As for Mr. Tian, ​​since I have carried his life, one life is worth another life."

After hearing Gong Qing's confession, the Heavenly Master was also a little touched.

But it's not because Gong Qing sacrificed his life for charity, but because Gong Qing mentioned Tian Jinzhong.

As a senior who had been with Tian Jinzhong day and night, Master Tian just didn't say anything. How could he not see how painful it was that his junior brother had persisted for so many years.

His body was mutilated and he didn't even dare to sleep. He could only pretend to be practicing meditation. For this junior brother, death might really mean liberation.

"Okay! Gong Qing! For Lao Tian's sake, I promise you to let those Quanxing horses go!" The old Heavenly Master nodded in agreement. "Do you have any other last words?"

"For you, no, but I have something to say to Xu wish." Gong Qing turned around and faced Xu wish.

Xu Yuan originally thought that Gong Qing would mention what he said in the Tianshi Mansion Hall, and he was even ready to say that everything was a coincidence.

But contrary to Xu Yuan's expectation, Gong Qing asked a question that caught both Xu Yuan and Lao Tianshi off guard.

"Make a wish, are you interested in taking over as the next acting head of Quanxing? If you are interested, I think you should be able to become the official head of Quanxing soon."

Make a wish:? ? ?


Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

The acting leader of Quanxing?

Not to mention that now there are only three or two big cats and kittens that Quanxing can fight. Even in Quanxing's heyday, I have no interest in being a bullshit boss!

The head of Quanxing needs to be recognized by all Quanxing members before he can serve.

Full sex! Everyone in the world wants to punish them. I have nothing to do and I am full to support myself. I want to find a way to gain the approval of all members of the whole sex, so I will make enemies for myself? Do you think I am Ding Shian?

The Heavenly Master also looked at Xu Wish with a rare look of surprise.

"That..." The corners of Xu wish's mouth twitched twice. "Does Master Quanxing have eight insurances and four golds?"

Gong Qing:......


"Can travel expenses be reimbursed?"


"Are there housing benefits and a car for work? Can the annual salary reach one million levels?"


The more Gong Qing spoke, the softer his voice became.

He really has no confidence.

"I'm sorry, I have all these. Do you think I will become the leader of Quanxing?" Xu Yuan spread his hands.

Now that his life is coming to an end, he no longer has the heart to complain about making a wish for money.

"Well, I'm not too surprised that you would refuse," Gong Qing shook his head and left a somewhat meaningful sentence. "However, I believe that there will always be latecomers in the world who will continue to search for the truth!"

After saying this, he walked up to the Heavenly Master, opened his arms, and went to die calmly.

"Is it worth it for the so-called truth or secret?" Golden light appeared on the old master's hand, and the golden light spell was still there, and he asked the last question.

"Of course it's worth it!" A look called faith appeared in Gong Qing's eyes. "If it's not from ancient times, then it's from me! Hahahaha..."

Amid Gong Qing's laughter, the Heavenly Master activated the Golden Light Spell and directly invaded Gong Qing's body, turning his internal organs and brain into a puddle of mud.

Gong Qing, completely dead!

"Make a wish, and his soul will be given to you..."

The old Heavenly Master seemed to be in a bad mood, but he still waved to Xuanyuan and fed him.

Make a wish to transform into Zhong Kui and absorb Gong Qing's soul.

However, it is difficult to say whether the Heavenly Master asked Xu Wish to devour Gong Qing's soul to prevent someone from obtaining the "secret truth" from Gong Qing's soul or to feed Xu Wish...

Maybe a little bit of both, who knows?

At this time, the last trace of Gong Qing's existence in the world has completely disappeared!

But he knew one thing about making a wish.

That is, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. This sentence does not apply to Gong Qing.

This guy didn't tell the truth until he died.

The memory gained from Mr. Tian should be in Lu Liang or Zhang Chulan at this time.

The so-called sacrifice of life is just to leave a trace of fire for the whole nature!

However, what does this have to do with making a wish? Some people are willing to continue to find out the truth, and I just need to wait and pick up the ready-made ones.

It doesn't matter whether this person is Lu Liang, Zhang Chulan, or even Wang Zhenqiu...

"Let's go, make a wish, and I'll go back to the company with you."

After completely killing Gong Qing, the Heavenly Master didn't even glance at the still-surviving Ding Shi'an and Tu Junfang, but turned his head and said to Xu Yuan.

"You don't need me to wear handcuffs, old man?"

"Harm! What the hell, Heavenly Master, what are you saying! My request for you to return to the company is just a request of some people on the company's board of directors. Personally, I still respect you very much."

While wishing to smile playfully at the Heavenly Master, he also secretly applied eye drops to the mole in the company.

He knew that even if the old master was brought back to the company, the company would not and could not deal with the old master too harshly.

It's nothing more than that the Old Heavenly Master is banned from Longhu Mountain, and can only leave Longhu Mountain with the consent of the Shilao Association.

However, I can take the opportunity to turn Master Tongtiandai into "one of my own". It is better to have a good relationship now...

Xu Wan took Liao Duoduo and Laotianshi and left the Xilin Gol Prairie without caring about Ding Zhangan and Tu Junfang who had escaped.

Just like when they arrive for their appointment in the morning.

The only difference was the body left on the grassland.

And not long after the three of them left.

The aliens who had been following the city before finally found this place in off-road vehicles.

Although they didn't have any information about the location of the decisive battle between Lao Tianshi and Quan Xing, they couldn't resist the huge commotion just now, so they were able to find this place so quickly.

When these people found this place, they saw corpses strewn across the grassland at first glance!

At this time, neither Lao Tianshi nor Xuanyuan had disappeared.

Everyone fell into a brief silence.

They couldn't imagine what kind of battle had just happened here...

"Look! Ding Shian is still alive..."

As a sharp-eyed stranger exclaimed, the silence on the grassland was broken.

Ding Shian, who had just been seriously injured, had slightly recovered from his injuries. Although his combat effectiveness was still stretched, he at least regained his ability to move.

At this time, he had already staggered up from the grass.

Although Ding Shi'an was in a very miserable state after being beaten, his eyes were full of excitement and fanaticism.

He finally saw what the mountain looked like at the end of the road!

Ding Shanan finally understood how arrogant and ignorant what he said to Xu Yuan at the airport exit was.

At the same time, he also knew why he turned around and left after making a wish!

However, he did not forget his good gay friend Tu Junfang.

"Come on, help me..."

Ding Zhangan greeted these strangers.

Ding Shi'an, one of the two heroes, still has some charisma, and this guy is really popular. Even though his fighting power is running low at this time, there is no enemy that jumps out to take advantage of the situation.

In other words, this guy doesn’t have any enemies!

With the help of these strangers, Ding Jianan placed Tu Junfang, whose bones were broken, into an off-road vehicle and prepared to return to the city for treatment.

As for the other full-sex members…

Sorry, Ding Shian is really not familiar with them, and they are already dead, and he has no ability to bring them back to life.

However, in return for the help, Ding Shian still told these people what kind of terrifying opponent they had just faced on the grassland!

The words spoken by Ding Shian, the second best person in the world, have enough credibility!

During his narration, the aliens finally realized what kind of terrifying fighting power this supreme master possessed!

One of the two heroes, Ding Shian, the "Three Corpses" Corpse Demon Tu Junfang, and the older generation of the Six Demons of Quanxing, plus other masters of the older generation of Quanxing...

These people put together are not enough for Heavenly Master to beat with one hand!

Ding Jian'an did not force his respect, he told the truth.

But even so, it also proves that Ding Shanan and Tu Junfang are not in vain.

The two of them each withstood a slap from the old Heavenly Master and survived under the old Heavenly Master's hands.

This is a master!


Ding Shian did not forget to answer the topics that these people were most concerned about.

The whereabouts of the Heavenly Master and the wish.

The Heavenly Master was taken away by a wish!

Soon, the information obtained from Ding Shian'an spread to the forum of the alien circle!

Most foreigners are actually paying attention to the development of the battle between Lao Tianshi and Quan Xing. The appearance of this post once again detonated the entire forum!

"Slap a child and make a wish to capture the Heavenly Master!" 》

The terrifying combat power of the Lao Tianshi made the aliens give a more appropriate description.

——If the full level of Yiren's cultivation path is level 99, then the master of heaven is level 99.

It’s not because the Heavenly Master can only reach level 99, but because the full level is only level 99…

This is exactly the shadow in the hearts of the older generation of strangers of the same era as the old Heavenly Master!

However, after being shocked by the terrifying strength of the Heavenly Master, the other aliens thought of something that made them even more unbelievable.

That is--

How strong is the ability to make a wish? How could he actually capture such a terrifying Heavenly Master and bring him back to the company?

If it is true, it seems reasonable that there was no fight between Lao Tianshi and Xu Yuan in the hotel yesterday.

In the midst of such imaginative comments, the wish was once again blown to the sky...

At the same time, in the waiting hall of the airport.

[Make a wish come true: No, buddy, you are just bragging, don’t brag on me! 】

Xuyuan used his forum account to clarify the actual situation.

[Ye Aonai, He Xian: Don’t think that if you change your ID to make a wish, you will really make a wish! You know nothing about wishing! I am a big fan of Make-a-Wish...]

Make a wish:…

Me, don’t you understand me?

"Old Heavenly Master! This is clearly spreading rumors!" Xu Yuan yelled while holding her cell phone, "Which bastard made up the rumors? Let me know that even if I don't beat him up, he will be clean!"

Thanks to the 100 points of book coins rewarded by the boss of q book friend 20231220889~Thank you to all the bosses for your monthly votes~Mommy

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