Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 125 Ding Shian has controlled the Heavenly Master!

After hearing what the old master said, Xu Wan smiled awkwardly.

He reached out and took out the tea cup in the old master's hand and replaced it with a bottle of unopened mineral water, and threw the pot on Wang Ye without hesitation.

"Taoist Priest Wang Ye asked me to do it. Taoist Priest Wang ate all the ingredients you put in the instant noodles last time. He asked me to give you laxatives next time I see you."

After throwing away the pot, Xuanyuan shouted to the next room.

"Liao Duoduo, I'm fine, you can go play!"

"Oh." Liao Duoduo's voice came faintly from the other side of the wall.

The matter of laxatives was indeed done by Xuanyuan.

But he didn't expect that Liao Duoduo would also take action!

In fact, for Liao Duoduo, she didn't understand the Heavenly Master or anything. She only knew that this old man suddenly came to make a wish, something was wrong!

As for what's wrong...does it matter if the old man dies?

It has to be said that Liao Duoduo's unusual outlook on life also gave her extraordinary courage, and she actually dared to take action against the Heavenly Master!

After receiving the instruction to make a wish, Liao Duoduo didn't care and used Qi to control the original Gu to take back the poison!

In the wishing room.

After hearing the explanation of the wish, the Heavenly Master burst into laughter.

"This little king actually holds a grudge?"

"Yes, yes, Lao Wang has a grudge. This guy wanted to trick me before..." Xu Yuan agreed while laughing dryly.

Anyway, Lao Wang didn’t come this time, so the Heavenly Master shouldn’t be able to hold grudges, so let’s temporarily trouble him to take the blame!

"But having said that, Xu Wish, your technique is not very good. Now, old man, I will teach you how to use both skills." As he spoke, the old master took out a small paper bag from his arms and handed it to Xu Wish, "This is Shenxian Pills, even gods have to finish the Shenxian Pills. This stuff is colorless and odorless, so it’s easy for old people to fall prey to it, and the traces of laxatives are too obvious!”

Make a wish:…

By the way, Master Tian is not going to explain why you, the best in the world, still carry such despicable poison with you?

And it looks like you are very skilled...

Of course, Xu Yuan complained in his heart, so he still reached out to take the small paper bag and silently put it into his pouch.

This is really good stuff!

It’s not something you can get through ordinary channels!

Because Wishing had reached an agreement with the Heavenly Master, the atmosphere between the two had relaxed a lot.

I just made a wish and helped Heavenly Master open a room next door.

Anyway, travel expenses can be reimbursed.

Nowadays, Xilin Gol is experiencing an undercurrent due to the arrival of the older generation of all-sex masters!

Although on the surface everyone abides by the company's regulations and does not fight in the city.

But who can guarantee that unexpected situations will not happen?

Don't think that these older generation of all-sex masters are like Xia Liuqing, or like Ding Shian, and they abide by the rules.

The reason why Quan Xing is known as unscrupulous or demonic is because of the way these older generation masters acted when they were young!

What's more, now in Xilin Gol, there are not only those who are omnipotent, but also many people from other forces!

Either they have evil intentions, or they are secretly observing the situation and gathering information...


With Heavenly Master here, there are no surprises!

When Xu Wan took Lao Tianshi to eat the breakfast takeaway that had just been delivered to him in the room, Lao Tianshi also saw Liao Duoduo.

"This girl..."

The Heavenly Master saw something unusual about Liao Duoduo at a glance.

"Is it related to those beasts from the Yaoxian Society?"

Even with the cultivation of the old Heavenly Master, he couldn't help but frown when he mentioned that the Medicine Fairy Club was coming.

"Well...she used to be a Gu body saint child trained by the Medicine Fairy Society, and now she is my assistant."

Liao Duoduo, who had been immersed in cooking, raised his head and glanced at him when he heard the wish, and then continued to immerse himself in cooking.

After hearing Xu Yuan's vague explanation, the Heavenly Master did not continue to ask more questions, but just nodded.

"Well, anyway, you can figure it out yourself. The Gu-body Saint Boy is easily susceptible to the backlash of the primitive Gu. If you need any help, you can go to Lingyu. His current cultivation of Golden Light Curse should be able to help you temporarily as an assistant. Protect the internal organs from being corroded..."

At this moment, the old Heavenly Master really looked like an elder when he was chattering away, instead of the crooked old naughty boy before.

Xu wishing naturally knew why the Heavenly Master said this.

In fact, Lao Tianshi was already prepared to be dealt with by the company after destroying these quanxings. When he mentioned Zhang Lingyu to him, it was somewhat like explaining the funeral...

However, Xuanyuan didn’t know what to say.

Could it be that he told the Heavenly Master now that the company would not do anything to him and would only confine him to Longhu Mountain?

And even if you say it yourself, Heavenly Master still has to believe it!

However, Xu Wish has different plans regarding the fact that the Heavenly Master is banned in Longhu Mountain...

But now is not the time for a showdown...

Nowadays, Xilin Gol has become the focus of attention in the alien circle because of the Master's appointment with Quan Xing.

Even the old Heavenly Master cannot completely hide his traces in plain sight.

Especially now is the information age.

Soon, someone found out about the situation where Master Tian took the initiative to come to the door to make a wish, and exposed it on the forum.

But it was beyond everyone's expectations.

There was silence in the hotel, making the strangers who had been staring at the hotel look at each other.

This is wrong!

Aren’t you here to catch the Heavenly Master? Now that these two people are face to face, how can they be at peace with each other?


It must be that the old Heavenly Master is too strong, and he instantly killed the wish!

Even under such public opinion, even members of the supervision team couldn't help but take the initiative to @make wishes in the group.

Wishes only replied to a photo in the group chat.

In the photo, it is the photo of Xu Yuan, Lao Tianshi and Liao Duoduo...

And if they read it right...

Liao Duoduo seems to be playing black and white on the mobile phone with Master Tian?

All members of the inspection team are full of questions.

Different from those strangers outside, as members of the supervision team, they know very well that the mission of making a wish is to catch the old Celestial Master back to the company.

But it is precisely because of this that they can't figure out why Xuanyuan, Liao Duoduo and the Heavenly Master get along so harmoniously!

However, although they can't figure out how to make a wish, at least they know that the safety of the wish is no problem!

Make a wish here.

In fact, getting along so harmoniously with the Heavenly Master is really not the result of making a wish.

There is really nothing fancy about making a wish this time.

It's Liao Duoduo.

It is hard to imagine that Liao Duoduo, an internet-addicted girl, could hit it off with Master Tian...

Throughout the whole day, Xuyuan, Liao Duoduo and Laotianshi didn't leave the hotel at all, they were all busy playing games.

Even until night...

The rooms arranged by Wishing for the two of them were on the left and right next to him respectively. The sound of gunfire coming from playing games on both sides directly allowed Wishing, who was caught in the middle, to enjoy the surround sound treatment...

"On the left, there's Lao Liu on the left!"

"Old man! Qiaotou, there are people blocking the bridge in front of you! Oh, he's dead again, you're so good!"

Until he made a wish and fell asleep, the Heavenly Master was still staying up late with Liao Duoduo...

And when he got up the next day.

I happened to see Master Tian, ​​who was already furious with the game, put down his cell phone.

Make a wish:…

Did you always play all night?

However, I didn't care about making a wish. The strength of the Heavenly Master cannot be weakened by just staying up all night for a day...

Now he was starting to worry about those full-sex members.

In this state, Lao Tianshi is obviously jealous in the game. Well, it may also be because Lao Liu is jealous.

I hope they don't die too tragically...

After the three of them had breakfast together, they left the hotel and headed straight to the Xilin Gol grassland.

According to the time of the previous battle scheduled by the Heavenly Master, today is the moment for the decisive battle between the two sides.

And when those strangers who had been watching outside the hotel all night saw Xu Yuan, Liao Duoduo, and the Heavenly Master coming out of the hotel safely, their jaws almost hit the ground!

Many people had already concluded that Xu Wan had died at the hands of the Heavenly Master!

In just one night, those people's faces were slapped!

Moreover, isn’t Xu Wish here to catch the Heavenly Master? Why can the two sides still be so peaceful?

Countless question marks appeared in their minds.

But at this time, they had no time to think so much, because Lao Tianshi and Xu Yuan had already set off for Xilin Gol Grassland, and they would continue to report in real time on the Yiren Forum. It was time for them to set off!

These following strangers originally wanted to follow Laotianshi and Xu Yuan.

But as soon as these three people left the city, they lost sight of them!

Even though many of these strangers drive large-displacement off-road vehicles, they still cannot catch up with the speed of these three people!

Although the speed of making wishes was not as fast as that of the old Celestial Master, after he activated the mask of godhood and transformed into the god Genghis Khan, the giant wolf under his crotch exploded on the grassland at a speed that made the old Celestial Master look at him.

Of course, it's just a sideways glance.

Xuanyuan's current speed has completely exceeded the upper limit of his cultivation level!

The old Heavenly Master's eyes were very poisonous, and he could see the nature of the giant wolf under Xu Wan's crotch at a glance.

With energy! Even if it looks like it, it is not a real creature, and it is only supported by the energy of making wishes.

In order to fulfill his promise to let Xu Yuan play in the autumn wind, the Master also slowed down his speed.

"Make a wish, this should be the special ability of your strange godhead mask again, right?"

"um, yes……"

And the other side.

All the experts from Quanxing also gathered early and headed to the agreed-upon location for the decisive battle.

The uninhabited land of Xilin Gol Grassland.

This is also the reason why the Heavenly Master chose this location.

Although now with the development of science and technology and society, many modern cities have appeared on the grassland.

But because the grassland area is indeed vast enough, there are still no man's lands even in modern society.

Just the right place for a showdown!

After all, with the strength of Laotianshi and the number of members of the whole sex, if both sides start to take action, the movement is bound to not be small.

Only this kind of no-man's land will not attract the attention of ordinary people.

As for whether they will happen to be bumped into the scene of the duel between the two sides by those off-road people who like to play off-road...

Do you really think that the North China Branch is vegetarian?

Xilingol Grassland falls under the jurisdiction of the North China Branch.

Although the North China Branch did not officially take action, it also blocked those cross-country players who had recently tried to enter the Xilin Gol Grassland from outside the grassland.

A group of all-round experts arrived at the no-man's land on the grassland first.

At this time, the Heavenly Master has not come yet.

The members of all genders have different expressions.

Ding Shian looked forward to the distance with expectation. He was now looking forward to competing with this legendary figure!

He has been competing with another two heroes, Na Ruhu, who is as famous as himself, for more than ten years, and the two have always been indifferent.

Ding Shian wanted to see a higher peak!

But it was contrary to Ding Shimaan's full expectations.

Tu Junfang, the corpse demon known as the "Three Corpses", was full of worries at this time.

He and the old Celestial Master were not of the same generation. When he debuted, Zhang Zhiwei was already the Celestial Master of the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master's Mansion, and he had never seen the old Celestial Master do it himself.

However, when his master's elders were still alive, they warned him more than once not to provoke the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, especially Zhang Zhiwei, under any circumstances!

Even this time, if it weren't for the fact that almost all the masters of Quan Xing's generation were killed and injured on Longhu Mountain, and Ding Jian'an, who was of the same generation, insisted on dragging him along, he wouldn't even have come to Xilin Gol!

As for other masters of the older generation of omnisexuality, such as the fathers or masters of the six contemporary omnisexual demons...

Their ideas are different from those of Ding Shian and Tu Junfang!

They came to Xilin Gol just to kill the Heavenly Master! Kill the wish!

It is true that you, Zhang Zhiwei, are powerful, but now one of the two heroes, the three corpses, and us, the six demons of the previous generation, are all on one side. You, Zhang Zhiwei, are only one person. Is it possible that you can kill us all?

As for making a wish.

In their eyes, he is already a dead person!

What's more, Xu Yuan and the Heavenly Master are not on the same side, he is here to arrest the Heavenly Master!

And when the figures of Lao Tianshi and Xu Yuan appeared together in the sight of all members.

All the members present were dumbfounded.

The Heavenly Master came here with Xu Yuan, not the Heavenly Master who came here after Xu Yuan!

And it seemed that the atmosphere between the two was very peaceful, and the Master even talked and laughed about making wishes.

Even Ding Shian and Tu Junfang, who had no ill intentions towards the wish, were full of question marks.

Heavenly Master, are you out of your mind?

Wishing is here to catch you!

As for Xu Wan, who is dressed as a nomad and rides a giant wolf, there is nothing surprising in this kind of impact.

However, the doubts in their hearts are destined to be answered by no one.

Because as soon as he arrived at the scene of the decisive battle, Master Tian's face, which was still chatting and laughing about the wish, suddenly became calmer.

It turned into a face filled with murderous intent.

"Make a wish, just wait for me here. After killing them, I will go back to the company with you."

After the old Celestial Master said a word, he strode directly towards the Omni-Sex members. At the same time, the old Celestial Master's body was filled with bursts of golden light.

Seeing that the Heavenly Master was about to start a killing spree.

Make a wish and quickly change the target of becoming a god to [Master of Alchemy—Taiyi Zhenren].

He also didn't forget to use [Jiying·Ranglang·Xingquan] to surround the old Heavenly Master among friendly units.

Although he wants to fight the autumn wind on the side, he can't do it without exerting any effort, right?

The effect of [Jiying·Ranglang·Xingquan] is a noble percentage strengthening equipment.

The stronger the target, the greater the bonus it will bring!

Now it is acting on an extremely old Celestial Master, and the powerful bonus it brings even makes the old Celestial Master pause for a moment!

He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the wish, feeling a little horrified.

You know, at his level, any improvement in strength can only be achieved through persistent practice and a bit of luck!

This is probably another wish for those weird abilities!

However, with the bonus of wish-making ability, I can end this farce earlier!

The old Heavenly Master came to the crowd and looked at the people in front of him with half-squinted eyes.

"Old Master..."

Although the members of the All-Sex Group have different thoughts, they are at least certain about the strength of the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei.

Out of respect for the strong, these all-sex members still clasped their fists and saluted the Heavenly Master.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go together!"

Xu Wan, who was watching the excitement on the other side, keenly discovered something unusual.

That was the "Three Corpses" Corpse Demon Tu Junfang. The old man cupped his fists and saluted with his left hand pressing down on his right hand!

In other aspects, the right hand suppresses the left hand!

Don’t underestimate the difference in just the order of the two hands!

This can be regarded as a traditional etiquette in the alien world!

Holding the fist with the left hand and pressing the right hand is called "Ji Bai", which shows respect and is also a salute to the elders.

If placed in a fight, it is considered a sparring match.

When holding the fist, the right hand presses the left hand, which is also called "fierce worship".

The meaning is very simple.

Either you die or I die today!

Even if it's a battle, it's life or death!

Tu Junfang, the sixth child, actually... Tsk, tsk, this is leaving a way out for himself. It's rare that there is an understanding person among these people.

There is no nonsense to talk about between the Heavenly Master and this group of all-sex members.

Both sides take action directly!

What happened next was within the expected range of the wish.

But it was completely beyond the expectations of all the members present.

Never mind two heroes, three corpses, six demons and the like...

The Heavenly Master is just one move!

Golden light curse slaps you!

One palm per child!

It is completely different from the development that these comprehensive experts at least expected!

No! It can even be said to be the complete opposite!

There is no resistance under the big slap of the Heavenly Master!

Just a palm!

One of the six demons, the mourner of the previous generation had his heart pulse cut off directly and died on the spot spewing blood!

There was another palm, and the corpse demon Tu Junfang tried his best to resist it. The bones of his limbs were instantly shattered, and the three corpses were instantly scattered!

The three corpses are like this, not to mention other so-called omnisexual masters!

In front of the Heavenly Master, he is like a miscellaneous soldier, one slaps at a time!

He couldn't even stop the Heavenly Master!

On the other side, Xu Wish's life cultivation level is also rising!

These omnipotent old men have finally contributed their final value...

Seeing this, one of the two heroes, Ding Zhangan, tried his best to launch the strongest attack. However, when he hit the golden light spell as thin as cicada wings on the old Heavenly Master, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to move at all. !

But at this time, the old Heavenly Master directly stretched out a hand and pinched Ding Zhangan's neck.


The effects of forces are reciprocal!

"Old Ding is worthy of being one of the two heroes. He is indeed very strong!"

"Now Lao Ding has used his neck to control one of Master Tianshi's hands. If the other of the two heroes, Naruhu, comes, the two of them should be able to control both of Master Tianshi's hands together!"

While Xu Wan was taking advantage of the situation, he also did not forget to provide a live commentary on the live battle situation in the group chat of the supervision team.

Just as the members of the supervision team were eating melon with gusto, a thin and short figure suddenly walked out from the grass not far away.

"Stop it, Heavenly Master, I'm here, the person you are looking for is me..."

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