Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 124 Heavenly Master, have you ever been defeated?

In fact, Gao Erzhuang has been following Wishes by constantly switching between commercial satellites.

It wasn't that the company or Zhao Fangxu had any instructions for her to do this, but that she was just bored.

The Internet is wonderful, but it can’t stand up to a high school sophomore who spends 24 hours a day on the Internet!

Everyone will get tired of it.

On the contrary, she felt that the life of making a wish was wonderful and magnificent. She could not have such a life, so it was good to be an audience.

Xu Yuan didn't think much about it after receiving the warning from Er Zhuang, a senior high school student. What bad intentions could Er Zhuang have?

But for the car behind me, wishing was not very friendly.

They can escape their own perception, but can still track themselves. It must be said that they have something.

But that’s it!

Just use them to test the power of Genghis Khan you just obtained!

Xu Wan used her mind to command the giant wolf under her crotch to stop, waiting for the off-road vehicle behind her to catch up.

After a while, I saw a speeding off-road vehicle in my sight.

Liao Duoduo, who was also sitting astride the giant wolf, naturally saw the two beams of light approaching rapidly from a distance.

Her face was calm, but her words were filled with murderous intent.

"Make a wish, do you need me to kill them?"

Although Liao Duoduo has different ideas than ordinary people, she is also unhappy that her wolf riding trip was interrupted.

"You don't need to take action, you can just play your own game." Xu wish comforted him casually.

"Oh." Liao Duoduo then restrained his murderous intent and continued to take out his mobile phone and play with it.

He naturally believed that Liao Duoduo had the ability to kill these two people. In other words, as long as his strength was not as strong as that of the old Tianshi and Master Lu Jinlu, there were very few people who could withstand Liao Duoduo's original poison.

After all, Liao Duoduo is a Gu-body holy boy created by the Medicine Fairy Association with all his strength. Even the company can only deal with it by treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, such as isolation suits.

But if Chen Duo takes action, he will have no chance to test Genghis Khan!

Xu Yuan rode the giant wolf and watched the off-road vehicle getting closer and closer.

He held Genghis Khan's giant bow and arrow in his hand, then bent the bow and nocked the arrow, aimed and shot, all in one go!

At this moment, making a wish is as if Genghis Khan was still alive. Even though he was not good at bow and arrow before, he is still as skilled as an old hunter at this moment!

A special-shaped arrow was shot out with the action of making a wish!

【Khan’s Wild Hunt! 】

The arrows shot towards the off-road vehicle rapidly!

At this time, the distance of the off-road vehicle was enough for the two people on board to see the wishing face clearly.

They can be sure that the person coming is making a wish!

But when the two of them saw Xu Wish riding a giant wolf on his crotch, dressed in traditional nomadic costumes and holding a giant bow and arrow in his hand.

Even though they had solidified a peaceful mentality on themselves, they still fell into a state of astonishment when they saw this scene.


Getting excited?

Have you seen the nomadic ancestors?

These two people did not come to Xilin Gol from other places, but they are nomads themselves and are resident in the Xilin Gol area.

When Xu Wan came out of the airport in a casual outfit, he was already spotted by two people.

The one of the two who could use his sense of smell to track the scent remembered the scent of the wish.

After Xu wish took the little girl out of the airport, the two of them did not get close to Xu wish in order not to be noticed by Xu wish.

I just kept using my sense of smell to judge the location of the wish, not to mention seeing the process of the wish transformation!

Now I suddenly see Xu Wan dressed in a nomadic costume and holding a decent-looking big bow in his hand. It would be strange not to be confused!

And then, when the two of them saw the act of making a wish, bending the bow and setting up an arrow, they couldn't help laughing.

Is there anything wrong with this wish-making brain?

They do know that Wish is very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you can't shoot an off-road vehicle made of steel with a bow and arrow, right?

Moreover, because of sufficient funds, their off-road vehicle has been specially reinforced, and its defense power exceeds that of conventional civilian vehicles.

If Wishes used a gun, they might hesitate or dodge, but if Wishes casually shoots a long arrow, they are really too lazy to hide!

Today let Xuyuan take a look at what it means for modern industry to beat primitive people!

The two of them rushed straight towards Xuanyuan who was riding a giant wolf!

Now that the leader has issued an order to kill Xu Wish, he will kill him no matter what. If he can kill Xu Wish directly, it will save them the trouble of cleaning up the traces.

If they don't kill him right away, it won't be too late for them to take action!

However, while they did not dodge or dodge, they crashed towards Wishing, and the arrow that Wishing had just shot also flew in front of the off-road vehicle and accurately collided with the front of the off-road vehicle.


As expected, there was a sound of metal colliding.

Just before the two people in the off-road vehicle had time to laugh.

next moment……


There was an explosion!

In the explosion, the entire off-road vehicle fell apart instantly!

Together with the two people in the car, they were also torn to pieces by the explosion!

The last thing they could see was their body fragments a few meters away...

And the last thought in their minds was doubt.

What was shot out after making a wish... was it an arrow?

Are you sure it's not a rocket launcher?

Xu Wan was also a little dazed when he saw the explosion caused by his attack.

He didn't think the power was too small, but that it was too powerful!

In fact, with that arrow just now, he just wanted to blow out the tires of the off-road vehicle. In the advance of the arrow, he even took into account the angle at which the off-road vehicle avoided the arrow!

If the other party had a normal mind, he should be able to shoot out the tires of this off-road vehicle, and by then capturing the two of them, he might be able to torture out some information.

But he never expected that these two guys were not in their right mind, and it seemed that the information was not very timely. After a series of posts on the alien circle forum, there were still people who dared to directly attack him. He was really surprised. Are you a heavenly master?

As for how the off-road vehicle was shot...

It's bad luck for those two people.

Normally speaking, even if the wish is strengthened on the grassland due to the passive nature of [Hunter], Genghis Khan's arrows can at most penetrate the target without causing an explosion.

The arrow that Wishes just shot was attached to the power of the magic ball brought by the equipment.

Fire, frost, thunder and lightning...

This arrow directly penetrated the outer shell of the off-road vehicle and hit the engine. Then the magic ball attribute attached to the arrow was directly detonated with the help of the fuel in the car's fuel tank!

Those two unfortunate guys were like sitting on a walking bomb.

Xu Wan looked at the car wreckage left behind after the explosion in the distance. Under the blazing flames, after a moment of silence, he drove the giant wolf under his crotch and walked slowly to the vicinity of the explosion point.

"Bah!" Xu Yuan spat silently.

He didn't waste any time and directly switched to Zhong Kui to absorb the souls of these two strangers, contributing their residual value and once again increasing his life cultivation for making a wish!

Afterwards, Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo and rode the giant wolf again and turned around to leave without any hesitation.

These two guys have now been bombed to pieces, leaving only wreckage all over the place.

If you want to find clues about their identities from them, let alone the high probability that they will not be able to carry clues about their identities with them. Even if they did carry them with them, they would probably have been destroyed in the explosion by now!

However, although Xu Yuan could not verify it, he had some guesses about the identities of these two people.

Either it's the tricks of Qu Tonghe and the gangsters in the company, or it's the arrangements of the Wang family who want to fish in troubled waters!

But the probability of coming from the Wang family is extremely low.

After all, the Wang family is a mess now, and Feng Zhenghao is also gradually infiltrating. It is unlikely that Feng Zhenghao can completely avoid Feng Zhenghao's sight. He should not be able to care about himself now.

But if Qu Tong arranged it...

Qu Tong, a boss behind the scenes who is so smart, can he send these two idiots?

There was also a big question mark in my heart when I made a wish...

He had never thought before that he would one day doubt the villain's origins because he was too stupid!

Because of the appearance of these two idiots, Xu Xu and Liao Duoduo were no longer in the mood to continue wandering and simply returned to the city.

The second-year high school student Zhuang, who had been watching the "live broadcast", felt the same confusion as the two unlucky guys.

Make a wish... Are you sure that the rocket fired just now was not a rocket launcher?

Not sure, take another look!

Of course, Gao Erzhuang did not make a small report about Wish to the company to collect materials. Even if Wish really violated the company's regulations prohibiting the use of thermal weapons, she would try her best to hide it for Wish within the scope of her ability.

At this point, we have to mention the company’s regulations.

The company does allow disputes in the alien world, but in order to prevent the scale of the dispute from escalating, guns are not only banned among ordinary people, but also the rules of the alien world. Even temporary workers of the company are not allowed to use thermal weapons when performing tasks in the country.

The last time he was in Biyou Village, the method he used to bomb Biyou Village was finally turned into a large-scale killing method in Gao Erzhuang's mission report.

She just wants to watch the show...

Xu wish took Liao Duoduo and rode the giant wolf back to the edge of the city. Xu wish canceled the godhead mask and walked into the city again.

The company's regulations do not allow the use of alien methods in front of ordinary people.

I am a temporary worker at the headquarters and the leader of the supervision team that is about to be established. Naturally, I have to lead by example and abide by the law!

As for the two unlucky guys who just died outside the city?

Their own car spontaneously ignited and exploded while walking on the grassland. What does it have to do with my wish?

I just happened to be passing by, and it was not my turn to make a wish and collect their corpses!

After the two returned to the hotel, they quickly went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

It wasn't until early the next morning that Xu Yuan got up from the bed and opened the Foreign Circle Forum again.

He just saw from the forum what happened that night!

There are a lot of all-sex members coming!

In other words, almost all the older generation of all-sex masters came out in full force!

This matter still needs to start from the time when Quanxing caused a big fuss in Longhu Mountain.

Because of Xu's intervention during Quan Xing's last riot in Longhu Mountain, except for a small number of Quan Xing's members who invaded Longhu Mountain and escaped at first sight, all the other masters who could be counted were killed. Stayed at Longhu Mountain.

For example, Yuan Tao, Han Dan'er, the four crazy...

Except for Xia He, the bone scraper, who escaped due to some reasons that no one dared to explain, almost all the masters of Quan Xing's generation were promised to have their heads taken away on Longhu Mountain!

This will directly lead to the end of the entire generation of contemporary high-end combat power!

Falling into an awkward situation where no one is available.

There is no way, now the Old Heavenly Master is coming menacingly, and Quanxing is no match for the Old Angel whether in terms of intelligence network or individual combat power, one on one.

There was no way they could let the Heavenly Master come to their door one by one and be killed.

In the end, only these older generation of all-sex masters can take action!

Of course, these older generation of all-sex masters take action not just to deal with the attacks of the Heavenly Master.

Although the Quanxing organization has existed for a long time, it is a loose organization after all. There are rarely times when they share the same hatred. Quanxing does not even prohibit members of the organization from killing each other.

These all-sex masters of the older generation also seek revenge for their juniors or disciples!

Because their younger disciples are all the members of Quanxing who died in the hands of Xu Yuan on Longhu Mountain!

They want to kill Xu Wan on the Xilin Gol grassland!

Of course, the wish-making master Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng did not participate in the fun.

So many all-sex masters from the older generation have come out in force.

Naturally, he cannot escape the eyes of other strangers.

Soon someone deduced their purpose based on the connections!

Make a Wish, this name was once again mentioned in the circle of strangers!

Follow the information available in the forum.

Xu Wan is here to catch the Heavenly Master, so naturally he and the Heavenly Master have a hostile relationship.

And these older generation of all-sex masters came to wish for revenge, and they were also hostile.

Therefore, someone quickly came to a conclusion in the forum.

Make a wish this time...


For Xu Yuan, everyone in the Xilin Gol Grassland is an enemy!

They can't think of any reason to wish for survival!

This analysis post is clear and logical, and has won the approval of most people in the alien community.

After Xu Yuan read this post, the expression on his face was a little subtle.

If the actual situation is really the same as what is stated in this post, then I am really in trouble.

Fortunately, I had no intention of stopping Master Tian from doing this!

Instead, he planned to cooperate with the Heavenly Master.

However, just in case, before the decisive battle on the Xilin Gol Prairie, he still needed to communicate with the old master in advance, lest the old master get jealous and kill himself as well.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan opened WeChat and sent a message to Zhuang, a sophomore in high school.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, help me check where the current mobile phone signal of Master Tian is? 】

[High School Second Zhuang in Northeast Region: (⊙o⊙)……]

[Make a wish at Kyoto Headquarters: Erzhuang, what does your expression mean? 】

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: _Brother Xuyuan, if I read correctly, Master Tianshi’s cell phone signal is right outside your door...]

At this point, the second-year high school student seemed to be running away, disappeared in a flash, and immediately shut his mouth.

Make a wish:? ? ? ?

Wait, outside my room door?

Xu Wan naturally had no doubts about Gao Erzhuang's investigation results.

Lao Tianshi is indeed powerful, but no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to defeat the high school sophomore Zhuang online.

And unlike Qu Tong, Master Tian doesn’t use any network equipment at all. Instead, this old man is an expert at surfing the Internet...

At least if you wish, you can always see Heavenly Master posting on Moments...

Wish-making didn't have time to think too much, because the next moment, there was a knock on his door.

"Dong dong dong..."

At the moment, Xu Wish could only bite the bullet and go to open the door.

When he opened the door, what he saw was a pair of bright and restrained eyes.

Gray beard, gray eyebrows, a Taoist robe...

It is none other than Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

"Master Tian..." Xu Yuan laughed dryly.

He really planned to communicate with the old master in advance, but he didn't expect that the old master would launch a surprise attack and come to his door himself!

It caught him completely off guard!

At the same time, Xu Yuan once again realized the terrifying power of the Heavenly Master!

In fact, up to now, Xu Yuan's strength has been several times stronger than when he first participated in the Luotian Festival.

But if Gao Erzhuang hadn't located Lao Tianshi's location through mobile phone signals, he wouldn't have noticed anything strange even if Lao Tianshi was standing outside his room!

But when Ding Shanan stopped him at the airport, he felt something.

In such a comparison, the verdict is clear!

The expression on the old Heavenly Master's face remained unchanged, and he made a wish and brought the Old Heavenly Master into the house.

He didn't speak until the old Heavenly Master sat down at the table.

"Make a wish... I heard that you were sent by the company to catch me, the old man?"

Make a wish:…

Xu Wan quickly poured a cup of hot tea for Master Tian with a playful smile.

"Master Tian, ​​the company's board of directors did say that, but with my strength, how can I catch you back? The company can't ask me to do something I can't do, right?"

The old Heavenly Master nodded, took the tea cup, and put it on the table instead of drinking it in a hurry.

"Okay, make a wish. Since you don't want to stop me from destroying Quanxing, the old man still owes you a favor and won't make it difficult for you. After all, I used strange methods in front of ordinary people and violated the company's policies. Rules. After I destroy these quanxings, I will go back to the company with you and let the company handle it!"

The old Heavenly Master took the initiative, with a smile on his face.

Xuanyuan was also overjoyed when he heard the words. The previous favor at Longhu Mountain finally came in handy.

At least at this point, my mission can be completed ahead of schedule!

There is no obstacle to the establishment of the inspection team!

The company's board of directors asked them to take the Master back, but they didn't specify a time to take him back!

"By the way, Heavenly Master, I have another question." Xu Wan said with an embarrassed expression on his face, "Have you ever been defeated?"

Heavenly Master:? ? ? ?

"No, what's wrong?" The Heavenly Master was a little confused. He couldn't figure out why Xu Wishong asked himself this. Could it be that he still wanted to do something with him?

"Since it's a sure-win game, it's easy to handle. I think you don't mind if I play Qiufeng next to you, right?" Xu Yuan spread his hands, "You know, I have some special abilities, so don't waste them on those all-round masters. Well!"

Wishing refers to the fact that after transforming into the god Taiyi Zhenren, one can obtain life cultivation from the dead strangers around him.

When Quan Xing was making a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, Tongtian Dai Lao Tianshi and Peerless Xiao Dai Lu Jin already knew this, so there was no need to hide it.

"That's no problem. Anyway, as long as you don't stop the old man and I will destroy Quan Xing!"

The Heavenly Master waved his hand and generously agreed to the wish-making proposal.

Make a wish and be happy.

Tongtiandai is online again!

You know, there are a lot of all-sex members coming to Xilin Gol Grassland for an appointment this time!

But at this moment, the old master's words changed. He pointed at the tea cup in his hand.

"Make a wish, old man, I have agreed to your request, so now can you explain to me why there are laxatives in this cup of tea?"

"Also, ask the little girl next door to you to stop first, otherwise after the poison is dispersed, there will be no living person left in this hotel..."

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