Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 121 Huh? Shall I catch the Heavenly Master?

Not long after Xu Yu left Ma Xianhong's cell.

A piece of news came out from the East China region that shook the entire alien world.

Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei has come down the mountain!

He left Longhu Mountain with his fourth disciple Zhao Huanjin.

It wouldn't be a problem if Master Tian simply went down the mountain. After all, Master Tian would go shopping and take a trip without violating the company's regulations.

What really shocked the alien world was what the old Heavenly Master did after he came down from the mountain.

He led Zhao Huanjin directly to one of Quan Xing's strongholds in the city without any concealment, and killed all the Quan Xing members in the entire stronghold!

Even those members of the All-Sex who were not in the stronghold did not escape.

Some full-sex members were walking on the street when they were suddenly chopped into charcoal by a bolt of thunder falling from the sky!

Wherever the Heavenly Master goes, there is no one left alive!

That was on a downtown street!

It was the Heavenly Master who took action!

The old Heavenly Master actually used thunder to chop all the members to death in front of ordinary people!

This undoubtedly violates the company's rule that aliens are not allowed to use their methods in front of ordinary people!

And that's not all.

The Heavenly Master directly took Zhao Huanjin to find Quanxing's power in the secular world and asked him to spread the word to the outside world.

"From today on, I, Zhang Zhiwei, will kill every one I see in Quan Xing!"

When the news of Master Tian's brazen attack on Quan Xing came out, it caused an uproar in the entire alien circle, as if a bomb had been dropped!

Although the old Heavenly Master announced the temporary closure of Longhu Mountain before going down the mountain, and only he and his fourth disciple Zhao Huanjin actually came down to take action, he is the current head of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and his status as a top one in the alien circle has already That’s enough!

Quanxing is an evil heretic organization that has been entrenched in the alien world for decades. Its influence and strength can also be called the leader of evil.

At this time, all the heads of various branches of Nadutong gathered at the Kyoto headquarters, and they were unable to handle this unexpected situation!

Moreover, no single branch can handle such emergencies alone.

To put it simply, they are not qualified to deal with the Heavenly Master!

Nadutong Company could only convene an emergency board meeting to discuss the matter.

As for the results of the board of directors' deliberations.

"Make a wish, the board of directors approved the proposal of the performance monitoring team, but there is a precondition, which is to let you bring Lao Tianshi back to the company. He violated the company regulations by using strange methods in front of ordinary people."

When Xu Yuan learned the news from Fatty Zhao, he was completely confused.

"Ah? Me? You want me to catch the Heavenly Master?"

I know the strength of the Heavenly Master when I make a wish, and it’s full of strength!

I'll catch the Heavenly Master with my head!

"That's it." Zhao Fangxu's face also looked a little ugly.

He didn't expect that the board of directors would actually put forward such a condition.

But he couldn't refute it.

After all, when you, Zhao Fangxu, proposed to let Xu Yuan be the leader of this supervision team to supervise each branch, did you have to prove that Xu Yuan has the corresponding ability?

Supervising each branch must at least prove that the ability to make wishes is stronger than each branch.

Then go and catch the old master who just violated the company's regulations!

Of course, the words used by these directors on the board of directors were not arrest, but bringing them back.

But there is no difference except that it sounds better.

This condition was put forward by Bi Youlong, a member of the board of directors, but it actually made sense. Even the chairman, Zhao Fangxu, could not identify Bi Youlong as the insider based on this. This condition was put forward to prevent the establishment of the supervision team. .

"Make a wish, or forget it for the time being. I'll find a way to find a way later." Although Zhao Fangxu's own strength is all based on the enlightenment splitting palm, he can also understand the gold content of the master's supreme strength.

What is the difference between asking Xu Yuan to catch the Heavenly Master and asking him to die?

The good old man Tianshi is already so angry that he used thunder in the downtown area. Do you still expect that the company's background can put any pressure on him?

Xuanyuan naturally knows this.

But after he pondered for a moment, he shook his head resolutely.

"No! Director Zhao, I still want to try it!"

If this opportunity is missed, we don’t know when the next time the board of directors agrees to set up an inspection team.

And who can guarantee that the next time the board of directors will not propose the same harsh conditions?

At least this time when facing the Heavenly Master, he still had some advantages.

"You..." Zhao Fangxu wanted to say something else, but when he noticed Xu Yuan's firm gaze, he stopped talking. "Then please be safe."

Wishing did not continue the discussion on this topic, but instead shifted the topic to Ma Xianhong.

"By the way, Director Zhao, Ma Xianhong just asked the guard staff to contact me. It seems that he has been shaken. I plan to advance the undercover plan before leaving Kyoto, and I also ask you to sign an order to move Ma Xianhong to the bunker. "

Mentioned Ma Xianhong.

Even if Zhao Fangxu trusts Xu Yuan again, he has to be cautious. After all, he is a dangerous person who can manufacture "nuclear weapons" at any time, and he is a factor that can really affect stability!

"Are you sure there will be no problems with Ma Xianhong?" Zhao Fangxu stared into the wishing eyes, "And we must ensure that the staff escorting Ma Xianhong will not have personal safety problems."


Make a wish and nodded.

If it were anyone else, they might not have any confidence in Lao Ma.

But I wish to believe in Ma Xianhong.

Lao Ma is by no means a bad person, and he has also taken measures to deal with unexpected situations to ensure that Ma Xianhong will never lose control.

"Okay! Make a wish. Since you can guarantee it, I won't ask you about your plan in detail. Remember, be careful in everything."

Zhao Fangxu personally signed an order to transfer Ma Xianhong to the bunker for the wish, and it was executed immediately!

On the other side, Ma Xianhong, who was locked in a cell, was pacing in the cell anxiously.

The less eager he was to make a wish, the more unsure he felt.

He is not worried about what the company will do to him. If he was afraid of death, he would have given up long ago. He is worried about losing the opportunity to find the truth!

He is now eager to confirm the memory he lost and what role his "sister" Qu Tong played in the fact that his Ma family has been hunted down!

If what you say is true...

As expected before making the wish, Ma Xianhong, a stubborn science man, only believed what he saw.

While Ma Xianhong was pacing anxiously, there was a sound of footsteps outside the cell.

Ma Xianhong perked up and shouted loudly to the door.

"Make a wish! Make a wish!"

But what Ma Xianhong didn't expect was that what he was waiting for was not a wish, but the company's staff!

"Ma Xianhong, because you have refused to explain, the company has decided to transfer you to the bunker. If you are wise, don't resist in vain."

There was not just one staff member coming this time, but three people in total.

Ma Xianhong was shocked.

He has also heard the legend of the company's bunker, and he knows better that as long as he enters there, he may never be able to make a wish again. As for finding the truth, it is even more impossible!

Seeing these three staff members surrounding them, how could Ma Xianhong not resist?

But it's a pity.

No matter how advanced he is in practicing the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, now his meridians are locked and he cannot use any of his true energy, not to mention the magical weapons he relies on. His combat power and physique are not much different from ordinary people. .

Under the "persuasion" of the electric batons in the hands of three staff members, Ma Xianhong quickly lost consciousness. Then he put on a hood, blocked his five senses, was tied to a stretcher, and was carried into a logistics truck and left the headquarters.

This process is what all personnel escorted to the bunker must go through.

On the other hand, Wishing also summoned all the pre-selected members of the supervision team in the group chat of the supervision team to prepare for the first mission.

Just after the logistics truck left the headquarters.

Two black commercial vehicles followed the truck at a distance.

The people sitting in these two black commercial vehicles were members of the inspection team.

Among the part-time workers, there is also Feng Zhenghao.

Only Tian Lao, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing did not participate in this mission.

This kind of small scene does not require Mr. Tian to appear, as for Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

Wang has also returned to the Wudang Sect to "visit relatives" and is not in Kyoto at all, so naturally he cannot be there.

Zhuge Qing was still receiving ideological education and training within the company at this time, and he was sweet with Fu Rong every day, but he couldn't come.

These two commercial vehicles were sponsored by Feng Zhenghao.

Although not all of them were present, these people were enough!

In fact, according to Xu Wish's original plan, even Feng Zhenghao didn't have to intervene, but Feng Zhenghao decided to join in the fun.

I made a wish and asked him to follow me.

The company's staff responsible for escorting strangers to the bunker are naturally not economical. If they were so easily tracked, the address of the company's bunker would have been exposed long ago.

But fortunately, they still have Gao Erzhuang with them. Gao Erzhuang directly invaded the commercial satellite above Kyoto and pointed out the way forward for them through the satellite.

He didn't appear in the sight of the escorts at all, and it was even less likely that he would be discovered by them.

On the way out of the city, Xu Yuan told everyone in the car about the contents of the mission, including of course his plan to have Ma Xianhong go back as an undercover agent...

When the temporary workers heard about the wishing arrangement, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

Is this guy who makes a wish addicted to playing Infernal Affairs?

When Biyou Village was first taken care of, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were asked to work as undercover agents under Ma Xianhong.

Now he plans to let Ma Xianhong be an undercover agent?

If one day in the future, Xu Yuan suddenly tells them that the company's chairman Zhao Fangxu is his undercover agent, I'm afraid they won't be too surprised...

Of course, what makes these temporary workers look weird is not just that they wish and want to be undercover, but that the next target they are going to attack turns out to be the escort vehicle sent by the company to the bunker.

A group of temporary workers from their company actually wanted to rob the company's escort vehicle, and it was also the escort vehicle sent to the bunker...

Hijacking the company's escort vehicle was truly an unprecedented experience!

Among the temporary workers, Liao Duoduo, the clarinet and even Lao Meng had been to the bunker, but they did not know the specific location of the bunker.

However, they all know the importance of the bunker to the company.

Feng Zhenghao also knew better. He was shocked by Xu Yuan's bold behavior!

Is there anything else that this guy wouldn't dare to do?

The inspection team hasn't even been formally established yet, and it's their first mission to do such an exciting thing. Who knows what more incredible things they will do after making a wish!

Feng Zhenghao felt old for the first time...

After following the logistics truck to the outside of the city, Gao Erzhuang observed through commercial satellites and determined that there were no other people waiting within a certain range of the surrounding area.

Xu wish and the others are now ready to take action!

Everyone wore black "robber suits" in the car to hide their identities.

The two unlicensed commercial vehicles accelerated their speed until they caught up with the logistics truck, and then the two commercial vehicles did not even slow down!

A group of temporary workers attacked the logistics truck directly from the car!

The clarinet took the lead. He fired two explosive rounds directly through the clarinet on his arm, blowing out the tires of the escort vehicle!

It's not that others don't have long-range attack methods, but the traces left by other people's long-range attack methods are easy to identify, except for this simple Qi Bomb, where the specific source of the attack cannot be distinguished.

Hmm... Sister Baoer can also use Qi bombs, but the power is a bit unsatisfactory. It's a bit too difficult for her to blow out the tires of the truck.

The logistics truck's tire suddenly burst while driving, and the vehicle suddenly lost control and kept rocking back and forth on the road.

The staff responsible for the escort also responded quickly. As soon as they were attacked, they sent a signal to the Kyoto headquarters for help, and at the same time prepared to fight back against the attackers!

However, the signal button on the logistics truck was almost pressed to pieces, but there was still no response.

The sophomore in high school took action!

Not only was the signal on the logistics truck cut off, all the surveillance videos along the way had been replaced by Gao Erzhuang according to the wishing plan!

The escort of the logistics truck suddenly felt his heart sink. These attackers were definitely prepared!

Just when they were about to fight back, their minds suddenly sank and their breathing became rapid.

As if drowning, he was breathing heavily, but his eyes were getting darker and darker, until he finally passed out completely!

It was Lao Meng who took action. He controlled microscopic bacteria to invade the bodies of these staff members, causing them to temporarily lose consciousness.

Until they passed out, the escorts did not see what the attacker looked like...

However, the out-of-control truck was still swaying forward under the influence of inertia.

Feng Zhenghao did not watch the excitement.

As he flipped his hands, he summoned several dark spirits. Under Feng Zhenghao's command, these spirits rushed to the front of the truck to intercept the out-of-control truck.

Feng Zhenghao is worthy of being one of the ten men. Although he was defeated by Zhong Kui, the spirit-detained general who made a wish, he actually used his incorporeal spirit body to forcibly defeat him without any restraint. Stopped the out-of-control logistics truck!

Only then did the two black unlicensed commercial vehicles stop, and the whole process took less than twenty seconds!

Even only four people took action in the whole process!

The temporary workers were not surprised by this. After all, they already had a good understanding of each other's strengths when they were performing the Biyou Village mission.

But this was the first time Feng Zhenghao witnessed these temporary workers taking action.

Although he had heard about the power of the company's temporary workers from side channels before, what he saw this time still surprised him!

Not only are these temporary workers powerful, but also because of their tacit cooperation!

Feng Zhenghao imagined that if he were their opponent, and on the premise that he would not take action against this existence that completely restrained the Lingshuang General, he might not be able to survive the siege of this group of temporary workers for long!

That's right, it's a matter of how long it takes to lose, not the probability of winning!

He is now very lucky that he has boarded the ship of the "Supervision Team". Otherwise, if this group of lunatics who even dare to rob the company's escort truck are targeted, I am afraid that the good life will not last for two days, but how many days will it last? It’s all unknown!

It’s not that the company’s escort staff are weak, it’s that these temporary workers are too strong!

After parking the car, Xu Xu got out of the car alone according to the previous plan, while the rest of the people hid in the distance together with the commercial vehicle.

Xu Yuan stepped forward and opened the truck compartment, and inside lay Ma Xianhong, whose five senses had been blocked.

After taking Ma Xianhong out of the car, Xu Yuan untied his restraints, took off his hood, and then helped him unblock his blocked meridians.

"Make a wish?"

As soon as Ma Xianhong regained consciousness, he saw Xu Wish's face, and his anxious heart suddenly dropped into his stomach, and he said quickly.

"I am willing to cooperate with you, but the company seems to want to transfer me to the bunker!"

Make a wish and nodded.

"I already guessed your decision, so I took action."

Xu Yuan said and pointed behind Ma Xianhong.

When Ma Xianhong followed the wishing eyes, he suddenly froze in place.

He could tell at a glance that Xuanyuan had robbed the company's escort vehicle!

"Are you crazy?" Ma Xianhong looked at Xu Yuan with disbelief, "You, a temporary worker from your company, robbed the escort vehicle of Nadotong Company?"

"I know, but I believe you, Village Chief Ma. Now that we are partners, let's talk about cooperation now!" Xu Yuan shrugged indifferently. "But who told you to say it too late? This is the only way to save you."

Ma Xianhong was silent.

He thought he was crazy enough!

He didn't expect that wishing would be crazier than him!

I simply owed Xuanyuan a huge favor!

The balance in his heart is now leaning more and more toward making a wish...

But in the commercial vehicle in the distance, the members of the inspection team were laughing crazy!

They were watching the scene through the satellite live broadcast of the second year of high school.

"Hahahahaha, by the way, everyone, does making a wish count as bullying an honest person?" Wang Zhenqiu laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

They all know the truth.

All of this is just a show performed by Xuanyuan and the company. It is not only for Ma Xianhong to see, but also for the insider hiding inside the company.

Moreover, with the high school sophomore Zhuang here, the company could not find any clues at all, and all traces along the way were clearly cleared.

Sister Baoer is not the only one who has rich experience in this kind of thing, they are also habitual offenders.

"No, Xu Yuan is just kidnapping Ma Xianhong morally." The black tube has already seen through everything, "Ma Xianhong is too honest, and he is being manipulated by Xu Yuan. I'm afraid Ma Xianhong will never be able to pay off this favor in his lifetime..."

Even though Ma Xianhong was once their enemy, these temporary workers have no bad feelings towards Ma Xianhong. The only drawback of asking for leave is that Ma Xianhong is too honest and simple, and has no sense of propriety.

Liao Duoduo silently continued to defend Luobo without saying a word. She didn't understand what moral kidnapping was. She only needed to know who she wanted to kill in her wish. This kind of thing was easier to understand.

On the other side, after Ma Xianhong was silent for a moment, tortured by the guilt in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said as if he had made up his mind.

"Make a wish, tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"But I promised you in advance that I will never betray anyone before I confirm the truth!"

Thanks to the boss of Yue Ye Qing Ren Wu for the reward of 300 book coins

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