Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 120 The Heavenly Master comes down from the mountain!

Faced with the sudden invitation to make a wish, Tian Jinzhong was a little stunned.

However, he did not refuse in a hurry. Instead, Tian Jinzhong only nodded thoughtfully after Xu Yuan finished telling everything about the supervision team.

"You young people are still amazing..." Tian Jinzhong sighed, "Since I have retired by faking my own death, I shouldn't be involved in these things, but if you invite me, I agree to join."

Tian Jinzhong's idea is simple.

The grace of saving life is greater than heaven!

Not to mention that making a wish really helped him live a new life!

Not only did it cure his physical disability, but it also allowed him to resume his spiritual practice.

The grace of reinvention!

He owed a huge favor to Xuyuan!

Both emotionally and rationally, he had no reason to refuse!

"Okay! Welcome Mr. Tian to join us." A smile appeared on Xu Yuan's face.

There was only one real reason why he invited Mr. Tian to join his inspection team.

That is the Heavenly Master "behind" Mr. Tian!

What does it mean to hold the emperor hostage to order the princes?

Of course, the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time and the road has to be walked step by step.

As for Mr. Tian to embark on the path of spiritual practice again, it can only be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

As a fellow disciple of the old Heavenly Master, Mr. Tian is not slow in his cultivation talent. Although he has been unable to move due to physical disability in the past few decades, he has accumulated a certain level of experience in practicing both static skills and golden light spells. It is not possible to catch up. Idiot's dream.

Of course, even if this is the case, the general situation does not require Mr. Tian to take action. The symbolic significance of Mr. Tian joining the supervision team is far greater than the actual effect.

After Mr. Tian agreed to his invitation, Xu Yuan did not hesitate, added Mr. Tian as a friend, and then also invited him into the group chat of the supervision team.

[Tian Jinzhong: Hello everyone...]

As soon as Mr. Tian joined the group chat and opened his mouth, the other members of the supervision team were stunned and fell into a dead silence.


At least when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain, the news that Tian Jinzhong was killed by Gong Qing, the head of Quan Xing, had spread to the entire alien circle.

A large-scale funeral was indeed held for Tian Jinzhong at Longhu Mountain.

Even Quan Xing was said to have been hypocritically asked by Gong Qing to wear mourning for three days...

As a result, he made a wish but invited Mr. Tian, ​​who was already confirmed to be dead, into the supervision team?

This is no longer a question of how shocking Mr. Tian’s identity is.

Instead, he made a wish and directly invited a dead person to the supervision team...

no. Brother, do you have such a wide network of contacts?

Is it really possible to go anywhere from heaven to hell?

Of course, except for Feng Zhenghao, who was an insider. When Feng Zhenghao saw this message on his mobile phone, he showed an expression that was exactly what he expected.

However, when the members of the supervision team thought about Chen Duo, who was now renamed Liao Duoduo, the shock in their hearts calmed down a bit.

But they thought of a deeper problem.

That is, as witnesses of Chen Duo's fake death and changing his identity, they can basically guess how stringent the requirements of the "substitute death technique" for making a wish are - at least one thing is certain, that is, they want to use the substitute death technique before the deceased dies. You must be present when making a wish!

Inferring from this, perhaps when Gong Qing, the acting head of Quan Xing, took action against Mr. Tian, ​​Xu Wish had already anticipated this step!

Thinking of this, the members of the supervision team couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines...

Could it be that Xu Yuan had already expected that an inspection team would be established when he held the Luotian Dajiao?

Even Wang Ye feels that if he only uses the word fate to describe the current development, it may be a bit difficult to justify...

And when the group chat was completely silent, Tian Jinzhong was also a little embarrassed.

"Make a wish, is this...no problem?"

Tian Jinzhong is not afraid that his identity will be known to everyone, but he is afraid that if his identity is exposed, it will cause trouble for Wishing.

Faced with Tian Jinzhong's concerns, Xu Wan just waved his hand.

"It's okay, Mr. Tian, ​​don't worry, they are all trustworthy people. They know what to say and what not to say."

Since the members of these supervision groups can be drawn into it by making a wish, they naturally know what to say and what not to say.

After a long time, Zhang Chulan, who was also a member of the supervision team, took the lead in breaking the silence.

[Zhang Chulan of North China Region: Master Tian, ​​is it really you? Are you really not dead? 】

Just through this text message, you can feel Zhang Chulan's eagerness across the screen.

[Tian Jinzhong: (smile.jpg) It’s me, Chu Lan, Master, I’m not dead yet...]

Xuanyuan did not interfere in the pleasantries between Zhang Chulan and Tian Jinzhong, the grandfather and grandson.

Because, at this moment, Fatty Zhao called him.

"Make a wish, you will go back to the company immediately..."

Fatty Zhao asked Xu Yuan to rush back to the company immediately on the phone and tell him something important.

As for the specific matter, Fatty Zhao didn't say much.

The purpose of making a wish to come to Tianxiahui has been achieved, so he did not continue to stay in Tianxiahui. He directly said hello to Feng Zhenghao, and then took Liao Duoduo straight to the company headquarters.

I originally made a wish and thought that Fatty Zhao was very efficient, and the proposal to establish the supervision team project had been approved by the board of directors.

But when he brought Liao Duoduo to Fatty Zhao's office, he found that this was not the case.

"Make a wish, see for yourself..."

Zhao Fangxu threw a pile of photos to him.

Make a wish and take the photo.

There were two corpses in the photo. One of them looked normal, but the death state of the other one was a bit horrific. His body was riddled with corrosion and was beyond recognition!

It was as if he had been tortured before death.

Behind the photo, there is a brief autopsy report.

One of the corpses was that of an ordinary person, whose identity has been determined. His name was Luo San, a habitual criminal who slipped into doors and picked locks. There were obvious mechanical injuries on his neck, and he should have been strangled to death.

And the other unrecognizable corpse is a strange person!

Guo Liang!

A fish that escaped during the Biyou Village operation.

Died from some kind of poison!

When Xu Wan saw this, he suddenly remembered what he had overlooked when he took Liao Duoduo out in the morning...

The bag of excrement at the door was stolen!

Who would have thought that someone would steal shit!

If you want to say that this matter has nothing to do with Liao Duoduo, even if you wish, you won’t believe it!

He quietly glanced at Liao Duoduo beside him with his peripheral vision, and saw that Liao Duoduo was playing with her mobile phone with an innocent face at this time, seemingly addicted to the game and unable to extricate herself, as if nothing had happened.

Make a wish now and definitely have something to do with Liao Duoduo!

But you can’t say this to Fatty Zhao!

"Director Zhao, this is..." Xu Yuan looked confused, "You don't think it was Liao Duoduo who did it, do you? Those temporary workers in other districts can testify that everyone gathered at my house yesterday!"

Zhao Fangxu waved his hand, his brows tightly furrowed into the character "Chuan".

"Of course not. I have confirmed this with other temporary workers. Liao Duoduo has indeed never gone out. I also asked people from the Lu family to help search for Guo Liang's memory, but his memory is completely blank. My name is That’s why you came here, what do you think about this matter?”

Xu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhao Fangxu's words.

Since there is no evidence now, it’s easy to handle!

What does it mean to mistake a deer for a horse?

"Director Zhao! I think this must have been done by the forces behind Ma Xianhong. They should have killed and silenced them to prevent Guo Liang from finding them!"

Xu Yuan did not hesitate to put a blame on Qu Tong!

In fact, it’s not entirely a scapegoat.

Why did Guo Liang steal the shit in front of his door for no reason? If it wasn't to find a way to rob Ma Xianhong, could it be because he wanted to have a midnight snack?

And the worst thing is that if Qu Tong hadn't taken action, Xu Wish couldn't think of any other way to clean Guo Liang's memory.

The Lu family? Not to mention the Lu family, even Lu Ci, that old mad dog, was not crazy enough to dare to reach into the company.

Making a wish has actually deduced the general process.

"However, Director Zhao... I think we can make use of this matter." Xu Yuan continued.

Director Zhao raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What do you think?"

"After Ma Xianhong was sent to the company headquarters, he has not cooperated and nothing can be found out. It is better to use this matter to instigate him..."

After Zhao Fangxu heard the general plan of making a wish, he unconsciously tapped the pen on the table and fell into deep thought.

On the surface, the current situation looks great, but in fact, because the insider in the company's board of directors has never been found out, he can't believe anyone except for making a wish.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Fangxu nodded with a serious expression.

"Make a wish, your plan is good, but the company can't do this kind of thing, you have to do it, but you have to remember one thing, once the undercover plan is exposed, the company will never admit it to the outside world."

Xuanyuan nodded and made it clear.

"But, Director Zhao, look at the supervision team." Xu Yuan asked with a smile, "Funds! The funds for this plan must not be paid openly..."

Zhao Fangxu:......

"Okay, okay, don't rush it! I will convene the board of directors as soon as possible to approve the project, but you should also be mentally prepared. If there is really an insider in the board of directors, this confidential project should not be passed so easily."

Zhao Fangxu glanced at Xu Yuan angrily.

When Xu Yuan left Fatty Zhao's office with Liao Duoduo, he did not immediately go to instigate Ma Xianhong. Instead, he found a deserted place and asked Liao Duoduo about the specific situation.

It was just as he expected.

Guo Liang's death really had something to do with Liao Duoduo, it was just that Guo Liang took the initiative to provoke them.

But if Guo Liang is dead, he is dead. It doesn't matter. Qu Tong can't escape suspicion anyway.

However, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong and put the blame completely on Qu Tong, Xu Yuan went to the morgue at the company headquarters before going to instigate Ma Xianhong, transformed into Zhong Kui through the wall, and completely absorbed Guo Liang's soul. , destroying corpses and destroying traces.

After making these preparations, Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo outside the cell where Ma Xianhong was imprisoned.

Xu Yuan handed over the permission signed by Zhao Fangxu to the cell guard, and then entered the cell unimpeded.

At this time, Ma Xianhong's Qi had been blocked all over his body.

He was completely uncooperative with the company's interrogation and wanted him to reveal the forces behind it, but Ma Xianhong just remained silent.

However, the company did not use force against Ma Xianhong and still adopted a gentle policy.

When Ma Xianhong heard the sound of the cell door being pushed open, he just thought it was a company employee coming to interrogate him again.

He was still facing the wall, not even looking at it.

"Don't bother, I won't tell."

But the next second, Ma Xianhong heard a voice that was very familiar to him.

"Village Chief Ma, long time no see. How are you?"

It’s a wish!

Ma Xianhong is very familiar with the sound of making a wish!

It was this bastard who made a wish and smashed his beloved stove!

Moreover, he sent two bastards, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, undercover in his Biyou Village to directly destroy his entire Biyou Village!

"Make a wish, you are also here to interrogate me? You have forced Chen Duo to death!" Ma Xianhong laughed angrily, "If it weren't for you, how could I be where I am today? Nadutong Company is stupid enough to think that I will follow you This enemy confesses?"

Seeing the rising anger of Ma Xianhong, Xu Yuan was not anxious. Instead, he sighed and sat on the stool in the cell.

"Village Chief Ma, don't get angry at me yet. I'm not here to interrogate you. I'm just here to talk to you. But before that, I plan to show you something."

Then Xu Wan handed Ma Xianhong the photos and autopsy report he had just received from Zhao Fangxu.

After taking the photo, Ma Xianhong's pupils gradually dilated, with a look of pain on his face.

He naturally recognized Guo Liang and even had a very good relationship with Guo Liang.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to kill Guo Liang to warn me?" Ma Xianhong raised his head and looked at Xu Yuan with hatred.

"Village Chief Ma," Xu Yuan said unhurriedly, "don't get me wrong, Guo Liang did run away, and please use your brain. If it was really Guo Liang who was killed by the company, is it necessary to tell you?"

I have to say that although Ma Xianhong's honesty and uprightness is stupid, it does save himself.

It is precisely because of this that the company evaluates him and feels that Ma Xianhong is not hopeless.

At least this person is not bad and has room for improvement.

Then Xu wishing told Ma Xianhong what he said to Zhao Fangxu again.

The most unclear thing is that Guo Liang's memory has been cleaned!

Ma Xianhong is just honest and upright, not stupid.

The first thing he thought of was his "sister" Qu Tong, and he knew Qu Tong's methods very well.

His rationality told him that Guo Liang's death was most likely caused by his "sister", but his sensibility made him refuse to believe this.

Seeing Ma Xianhong fall into silence, Xu Yuan did not worry, but continued to murder him.

"Village Chief Ma, as for what you said, I killed or forced Chen Duo to death..." Xu Yuan clapped his hands toward the door. "Then look who this is?"

Another figure appeared in the cell, and Ma Xianhong's pupils shrank instantly again.

Because it was Chen Duo who appeared in front of him!

"Village Chief Ma, we meet again." Liao Duoduo nodded to him.

"This..." Ma Xianhong was shocked and speechless. He heard with his own eyes that the temporary workers wanted Chen Duo to die!

"Village Chief Ma, don't be too hostile to the company." Xu Yuan did not explain too much to him, but took out another file bag that had been prepared and threw it to him.

"Although the company destroyed your Biyou Village, only two people actually died during the entire operation. The rest are now receiving transformation education from the company."

"One is Guo Liang, and the company did not do it, and the other is Zhao Guizhen. Zhao Guizhen's information is here. See for yourself whether he should die?"

Ma Xianhong was silent for a moment and flipped through the files.

In this file, all the crimes committed by Zhao Guizhen are recorded.

After learning the truth, Ma Xianhong was shocked again.

Again, although Ma Xianhong has no sense of proportion, he is not a bad person.

"Zhao Guizhen..." Ma Xianhong's voice was a little dry. After a while, he uttered a sentence, "He really deserves to die!"

"This is what you call equality for all."

Biyou Village was founded by Ma Xianhong, and he still valued his former companions very much.

At this time, as Xu Wan continued to throw out various irrefutable evidences, the balance in Ma Xianhong's heart was also constantly tilting.

"As for your original purpose of building the Slimming Furnace, as far as I know it was to retrieve the lost memories, but have you ever thought about why all your previous memories were lost? And you know best what the core of the Slimming Furnace is. , that thing is definitely not something that can be created by a magic machine. Is the real function of the self-cultivation furnace just to transform ordinary people into aliens?"

Wishing for a series of soul torture combos, directly broke through Ma Xianhong's psychological defense.

The process of asking for answers is the most fatal.

It's not that Ma Xianhong is mentally weak, otherwise he wouldn't have persisted until now under the company's psychological offensive interrogation.

In fact, every word of the wish struck a chord in Ma Xianhong's life, and Guo Liang's death had already made Ma Xianhong suspicious.

Once suspicion arises, a crime is established.

Not to mention that many of Qu Tong's behaviors are really unexplainable in Ma Xianhong's view.

The only reason that keeps Ma Xianhong from completely turning to making a wish now is that his "sister" Qu Tong has taken care of him for so many years.

"How do you prove that what you said is true?" Ma Xianhong made his final struggle in silence.

But it was beyond his expectation.

Instead of giving him any explanation, Xuanyuan just shrugged.

"I really can't prove it, but you can check it yourself." Xu Yuan stood up and walked out the door. "If you figure it out, you can find me through the staff outside."

Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo out of the cell without hesitation.

As the door of the building closed again, Ma Xianhong froze in place.

The more confident Xu Yuan appeared, the less he could doubt what Xu Yuan said.

Is there really something wrong with "sister"?

Was Guo Liang really killed by his "sister"?

After making a wish and taking Liao Duoduo out of the cell, he was already sure that Village Chief Ma would eventually agree to "cooperate" with him.

The rest is just a matter of time.

From the perspective of making a wish, Ma Xianhong is not a bad person. He is just a pure science and engineering man who only thinks about technology.

If the function of the self-cultivation furnace is really just to transform ordinary people into aliens, then maybe Ma Xianhong can really become the "originator of open source code" in the alien world in this world!

And for such people, what the truth is is important!

And letting him check the truth himself is far more convincing than telling him through other people's mouths.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

However, the reality was exactly as Xu Yu expected, and Ma Xianhong's psychological defense even collapsed earlier than he expected!

Just that night, Ma Xianhong conveyed his request to the jailer to see him again.

But what Ma Xianhong never expected was that Xu Yuan told him to wait because he was not free now.

Because just this afternoon, something big happened that shocked the entire alien world.

Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei...

Going down the mountain!

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