Because the "live broadcast" in the commercial vehicle is achieved by Erzhuang through commercial satellites, you can only see the picture and not hear the sound at all.

Next, the members of the inspection team in the business car could only see Ma Xianhong's shocked expression as he made a wish, as if his world view had been reshaped, and then he kept nodding.

After that, Xu Yuan took out his mobile phone again, let himself and Ma Xianhong appear in the camera at the same time and recorded a video.

Finally, before Ma Xianhong left, Xu Yuan took out a black sphere and threw it to Ma Xianhong. Ma Xianhong then bowed his hand to Xu Yuan and disappeared into the night.

It wasn't until Ma Xianhong completely disappeared from sight that Xu Yuan waved in the direction of the two commercial vehicles and called everyone over.

"Wish, what did you just say to Ma Xianhong?"

As soon as he returned to Xu Yuan, Wang Zhenqiu couldn't wait to ask Xu Yuan.

It can be seen from the excited expression on his face that this guy is just watching the excitement and doesn't think it's a big deal.

"It's nothing, I just told Lao Ma how to be a qualified sixth child." Xu Wan also chuckled softly, "By the way, I will help him lock the memory anchor point."

The members of the supervision team present did not understand the last sentence of the wish about memory anchors, but they did understand the previous sentence about how to be a qualified sixth child!

There was a strange look on the faces of everyone present.

Make a wish to teach Ma Xianhong to be the sixth child?

The person hiding behind Ma Xianhong may have really suffered...

After this period of contact, they all almost understand the way Xu wish works. He is a guy who cheats people without paying for their lives...

Tsk tsk, that honest village chief is probably gone forever!

No one asked in detail. Since the wish was not given in detail, there must be a reason for it.

But on this point, everyone really thinks too much.

I didn’t go into details when I made my wish, just because it would be troublesome to say it.

To put it simply, he just asked Lao Ma to go back and play a game of duplicity and secretly investigate the truth.

According to the speculation of the wish, Qu Tong needs the self-cultivation furnace not to mass-produce an army of aliens, but to become an immortal or to live forever!

Anyway, no matter what your plan is, Ma Xianhong’s self-cultivation furnace is an indispensable part!

As long as they don't break up with each other directly, given the importance of Lao Ma's exclusive Slimming Furnace to Qu Tong, Qu Tong will not do anything to Lao Ma, and she will not even take action against Lao Ma's memory!

As for the progress of the self-cultivation furnace, Lao Ma became much more cautious after learning about Zhao Guizhen's deeds.

When studying this kind of thing, isn't it normal for the progress to be slow?

proceed if you can!

As for memory anchors, that's even simpler.

In order to prevent Lao Ma from having his memory wiped away by Qu Tong, he recorded a video and hid it in the wishing place. As long as he sees the video, he can remember what he wants to do at any time.

Qu Tong's hands are indeed very powerful, and his ability to manipulate memory and change cognition is indeed buggy.

Even the Samadhi True Fire that makes a wish can only guarantee that one will not be manipulated by Blue Hand to change his cognition.

But Xu Wan never intended to compete with Qu Tong in manipulating memory and cognition from the beginning...

Use force to suppress others!

So what if Qu Tong knew her plan? Would she be able to completely eliminate Lao Ma's self-cultivation furnace, or would she dare to come out and confront Nadutong Company openly?

Yao Xing Society is just an intelligence organization, not a terrorist organization...

"Eh? Make a wish, what is that iron ball you gave to Lao Ma at the end?"

Wang Zhenqiu suddenly thought of something again and asked.

"It's just a gadget. It belongs to Ma Xianhong. It might be smoother for Ma Xianhong to take that gadget back."

In fact, the iron ball that Xu Wish finally threw to Ma Xianhong was the core that he took out after smashing the self-cultivation furnace.

Because the identity of the mole has not yet been determined, Xu Wish did not hand it over.

He also opened the iron ball and found a disgusting lump of meat inside.

Xu wish has been researching for a long time, but apart from the fact that this core can move Qi, he has not found anything. After all, he is not the right professional.

In the end, he could only stuff the piece of meat back again and give it back to Lao Ma, asking him to take it back as a "certificate of submission" to increase credibility.

As for how Lao Ma ran away, it can naturally be attributed to the core. His Qi was blocked, but the core could still move Qi for him!

Now that he has put back the hook of Ma Xianhong, it will be up to him whether Qu Tong will make the move first or whether the insider in the company will show his weakness first!

But for Wishing, the most important thing next is how to complete the preliminary task of the "Gang Founding Order" - to bring back the rampaging old Heavenly Master.

Now that the drama is over, it's time to retreat.

But before the inspection team left the scene, in order to complete the show, they not only carefully cleaned up all the traces left on the scene, but also asked Sister Baoer to cut the logistics truck into three sections.

Under the power of "Okamoto 001", this logistics truck is like butter meeting a hot knife, extremely smooth.

The entire scene looked extremely tragic. As for the three staff members who were still unconscious, they were placed in a haphazard manner in the nearby weeds by Xu Wan and others, without creating the illusion of a lucky escape.

Feng Zhenghao's mouth twitched as he watched from the side.

He didn't know why, but looking at the techniques of these people, he always felt that they were particularly skilled at framing things...

After doing all this, the members of the supervision team got back into the commercial vehicle and disappeared into the night.

Of course, they did not let go of the last flaw, leaving the task of destroying the corpses of these two unlicensed commercial vehicles to President Feng.

As a new business upstart, Feng Zhenghao naturally had no problem if he wanted to make two unlicensed commercial vehicles disappear completely and quietly.

Now let alone the insider in the company, even if Di Renjie was still alive, there would be no trace of it!

All the members of the supervision team also said goodbye to Wishing respectively. Today is their last night at the Kyoto headquarters. Tomorrow they will follow their respective leaders back to each branch.

But Zhang Chulan pulled Sister Baoer to stay until the end with a hesitant look on her face.

"Zhang Chulan, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Chulan with some doubts.

"Make a wish, do you think my master will not be in danger? He wants to fight all the members of the All-Sex alone..."

Zhang Chulan hesitated to express his worries.

Make a wish:…

Zhang Chulan, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Will the Heavenly Master be in danger?

You might as well worry about whether I'm in danger!

In fact, this is also the worry of most people in the alien circle. They only know the title of Lao Tianshi, but they have no idea of ​​the specific combat power of Lao Tianshi.

In fact, many people in the alien circle forum are not optimistic about Lao Tianshi's revenge action when he goes down the mountain. The comparison of the number of people on both sides gives them the illusion that Lao Tianshi will receive a box lunch.

But Xu Wan knew clearly in his heart that when the Heavenly Master came down from the mountain, he was not collecting lunch boxes. He was clearly going down the mountain to distribute lunch boxes...

"So, what are you going to do, Zhang Chulan?" Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Chulan funny.

"I think if I tell my master that Master Tian is still alive, he will stop." Zhang Chulan finally stated his purpose.

"Zhang Chulan, regarding Mr. Tian, ​​I will naturally tell the Heavenly Master when the time is right." Xu Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Chulan, "If you dare to do anything, think about the consequences yourself..."

The existence of Mr. Tian is an indispensable part of his plan, and Zhang Chulan must not be allowed to cause trouble!

Liao Duoduo also heard the unkind tone of the wish. She was more direct and summoned a ball of poison in her hand, looking at Zhang Chulan expressionlessly.

At this time, Sister Baoer realized something was wrong in the atmosphere.

"Eh? Eh! Eh..."

Feng Baobao's eyes kept wandering between Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan, and for a moment he didn't know which side he should stand on.

But just when the atmosphere among several people was tense, Zhang Chulan suddenly smiled.

"Damn it, you, the team leader, won't let me say it, so why don't I say it! Why are you making it so scary!" Zhang Chulan stood up with a smile and pulled Feng Bao'er out of the door, "Let's go, Bao'er. Sister, we are going back to North China tomorrow, but we don’t know anything.”

Xu Yuan said nothing, and just watched Zhang Chulan pull Feng Baobao and completely disappear out of the door.

Only then did Xu Yuan pull Liao Duoduo back to sit on the sofa.

"Liao Duoduo," Xu Yuan said with a gloomy face, "Be careful of this guy Zhang Chulan in the future. Don't believe a single punctuation mark he says."

"Oh, I didn't believe it at first. He doesn't look like a good person."

Liao Duoduo nodded in understanding, then took out her cell phone and continued to defend the carrot.

Make a wish: ...Yes, it’s useless to tell you.

How could Zhang Chulan really want to inform the Heavenly Master? What he said just now was clearly asking for a favor from him!

If he really wanted to inform the Heavenly Master, why would he need to ask for his own opinion?

It’s not like Master Tian doesn’t have a mobile phone. It doesn’t even take him ten seconds to send a message.

Now, if you do this, you won't let him say it!

In the future, if I really have to wait for the day when I can’t cover up what happened to Sister Baoer, I will be even more embarrassed to stand by and watch!

***, I was tricked by this grandson!

On the other side, Zhang Chulan, after leaving the villa where she made a wish.

As he pulled Feng Baobao back, he whistled and seemed to be in a good mood.

It's exactly what I wished for.

He just makes a wish in a routine.

He really didn't know whether it would be dangerous for the master to go down the mountain to challenge Quan Xing.

But just because he doesn’t know doesn’t mean others don’t know either!

The fact that the old Heavenly Master came down from the mountain to take revenge caused quite a stir in the alien circle, and naturally Master Tian Jinzhong also heard about it.

However, Master Tian Jinzhong did not express the slightest sign. From that moment on, Zhang Chulan could be sure that his master would not be in any danger!

Master Tian Jinzhong is his own master's junior brother. Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the relationship he has had for so many years. If Master Tian is in danger, will he turn a blind eye?

He made a wish deliberately.

Although Xuanyuan had told him before that Sister Baoer was also his friend, Xuanyuan would not stand idly by if there were any difficulties.

But Zhang Chulan felt that it would be safer to let Xu Yuan owe a favor.

In other words, only in this way can he feel more at ease!

Zhang Chulan naturally knew that he might not be liked by others, but for Sister Baoer, he didn't mind being a hated person.

After Xu Yuan scolded Zhang Chulan's grandson in her heart, her anger subsided a lot.

Then he and Liao Duoduo packed their luggage together.

Because now I have Ma Xianhong's bite bag, I naturally don't need any inconvenient things like suitcases. I can just stuff it into the bite bag, which is very convenient.

Wishes also gave Liao Duoduo a bite bag, allowing her to use it freely.

The latest flight to Xilin Gol Prairie is tomorrow morning, so the two of them can only wait until tomorrow morning before setting off.

Wishing has a rough plan in mind for the preliminary tasks of this "Gang Building Order". If nothing unexpected happens, there shouldn't be much of a problem, and there may even be a lot of gains!

According to the currently known information, among the members who went to Xilin Gol Prairie to challenge this time, there were still a few who had a hard time.

It just so happens that these few tough encounters should also provide me with some new world compatibility and lottery opportunities...

Speaking of world compatibility and lottery opportunities, Xu Wan glanced at his golden finger panel.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 41%]

[Number of draws: 0 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhuang Zhou, Yang Jian, Taiyi Zhenren, Jiang Ziya, Daji, Nezha, Mengqi, Nuwa, Mozi, Master Luban, Luban No. 7, Milady, Liu Chan, Sang Qi]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak, Extreme Shadow·Running Wolf·Star Spring, Nightmare Fang, Prophecy of Time, Book of God-Eating Gods, Clothes of Broken Cocoon, Red Lotus Cloak, Bath of Fire Wrath, Anti-injury Thorn Armor, Mask of Pain, Breath of Ice, Famous Sword Commander, Boots of Calmness, Frost Invasion, Lightning Dagger, Blade of Sanction]

During the last battle to save Chen Duo, the last chance to make a wish was completely consumed.

As soon as he returned to Kyoto from Biyou Village, he had been busy at the company and had no chance to collect new world compatibility and lottery opportunities.

As he has gained more and more world-fitness, the growth of world-fitness is getting slower and slower.

This time the heads of various regions gathered at the Kyoto headquarters, but they couldn't provide themselves with a hint of world compatibility!

The benefits that can be obtained by continuing to guard the Kyoto headquarters have almost reached the bottom.

But now, as long as the supervision team is successfully established, the sky is as high as the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump!

As a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, if you want to move around the country, you need a suitable reason, right?

The title of leader of the inspection team is perfect, and travel expenses can be reimbursed!

After Xu Yuan reported her plans to travel early tomorrow morning to Zhao Fangxu, she fell asleep with longing for a better future.

And Zhao Fangxu on the other side.

Although it was late at night, he was still sitting in the company's conference room.

Another urgent meeting of the board of directors!

"The company's escort vehicle responsible for escorting Ma Xianhong to the bunker was attacked by a mysterious person on the way. Ma Xianhong was kidnapped. What do you think?"

Zhao Fangxu's face was gloomy, and he seemed to be really angry.

There was also silence in the conference room.

Seeing that no one answered, Zhao Fangxu slammed the table and said angrily.

"Everyone knows the confidentiality of the bunker. Now that Ma Xianhong can be kidnapped halfway, it means that there must be a spy planted by this force in the company! Check! You must find out the results for me!"

When Zhao Fangxu said this, he looked at board member Huang Boren.

"Old Huang, you are usually responsible for the affairs of the bunker, and you are responsible for investigating the bunker."

Huang Boren's face was full of panic. He was about to wave his hands, but he closed his mouth under the gaze of Zhao Fangxu.

It won’t be over next time.

Zhao Fangxu turned to look at Bi Youlong, another director.

"Bi Youlong, you and Huang Boren should also investigate together to find out where the news leaked from and where Ma Xianhong has escaped now. You must get to the bottom of it for me!"

Bi Youlong seemed to be lost in thought. Zhao Fangxu's order made him stunned for a moment, and he said subconsciously.

"Ah? I'm responsible? Normally, shouldn't the temporary worker Xuanyuan be responsible for this?"

Mentioning this, Zhao Fangxu's face finally darkened completely.

If his performance just now had elements of acting, then he is really a little angry now.

"Bi Youlong, you still said that Xu Yuan should be responsible? Didn't you suggest that Xu Yuan go and capture Lao Tianshi back to the company to prove his ability? Xu Yuan will set off to find Lao Tianshi early tomorrow morning!"

Bi Youlong:......

After the board meeting, Zhao Fangxu returned to his office.

He naturally knew that Ma Xianhong was kidnapped by Xu Yuan.

And most of his performance at the board meeting was naturally staged.

However, Zhao Fangxu did not have the habit of letting his men work hard, he just sat back and enjoyed the success!

The inspection team of Make a Wish is out looking for insiders, and he can't be idle in the company!

According to previous judgments, if there is really a mole within the company's board of directors, it must be among Bi Youlong or Huang Boren!

Now asking them to investigate this case together is forcing the mole to make mistakes!

The more you do, the more mistakes you make. As long as you make some moves, sooner or later your flaws will be revealed!


Zhao Fangxu also read the investigation report on the scene. The wish was very clean and he couldn't find any clues.

No matter how hard Bi Youlong and Huang Boren checked, they were destined to never find Xu Yuan!

Just like other inspection teams before after learning of Make-A-Wish's plans.

No one could have imagined that the person who "robbed" Zou Ma Xianhong would actually be a temporary worker at the Wishing headquarters...

Moreover, he personally captured Ma Xianhong not long before he made the wish...

As for Wishing, the incident of Ma Xianhong being kidnapped is destined to be an unsolved case.

The only way to know the truth is from Qu Tong, and the insider shouldn't be so stupid as to jump out on his own.

Early the next morning, he rushed to Kyoto Airport with Liao Duoduo, preparing to catch the earliest flight to Xilingol League.

The old Heavenly Master did not conceal his whereabouts along the way, and rushed to the Xilin Gol Prairie in a swaggering manner.

Even this hot-tempered old man did not go to the appointment because he was afraid of Quanxing people, so he stopped by several Quanxing strongholds along the way.

It's just a pity that the members of Quanxing are not stupid. After knowing the direction of the Laotian Master's movement, the strongholds along the way have long been deserted!

The Heavenly Master didn't kill them all right away. If Quan Xing didn't keep the appointment, it wouldn't be too late for him to come and kill them one by one!

Wishes here and Liao Duoduo also boarded the plane after going through the security check and went straight to the Xilin Gol Prairie.

It has to be said that Fatty Zhao works very efficiently. In less than a day, Liao Duoduo's new identity has been entered into the household registration system.

And just after Xu Xu and Liao Duoduo boarded the plane, a piece of news spread inexplicably among the alien circles, and it quickly dominated the alien circle forums, making everyone aware of it.

"The champion of Luotian Dajiao and the temporary workers of Nedutong Kyoto headquarters have set off to Xilin Gol grassland to capture the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei..."

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