Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 108 Do you call this car cracking? It was obviously a corpse cut into thousands of pieces!

After making a wish to leave Wang Ye's record on the fragments of the self-cultivation furnace, he did not immediately go to join the other temporary workers.

Instead, he found a ruins in Biyou Village and hid temporarily.

It’s not that I wish to be the sixth child here.


In order to successfully complete the demolition of Biyou Village, he sent out all the mechanical servants born from the ruins of Ruhua to help Village Chief Ma clean up the remains of Biyou Village.

So I wish to remain the god Milady...

If those temporary workers, especially Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan, were to see him like this, they would probably become the laughing stock of his life.

In order to avoid killing them and silence them, Xuhui decided to touch the fish for a while before going out!

This is also good for them!

However, just when I made a wish to fish.

Wang, who had successfully driven away the villagers, also touched the yard where the self-cultivation furnace was stored.

Looking at the debris everywhere and the broken cultivation furnace, Wang Ye was not surprised at all.

After all, he knew that the task of destroying the Self-cultivation Furnace was taken over by Wishing, and it was not difficult to destroy the Self-cultivation Furnace with the strength of Wishing.

Wang did not turn around and leave, but kept rummaging for something among the broken pieces of the self-cultivation furnace scattered all over the place.

After a while, Wang Ye finally found his target.

A broken fragment has the words carved on it before making a wish - "The one who destroys the furnace is the King of Wudang."

A sneer appeared on Wang Ye's face.

snort! I knew it!

Make a wish for this scammer!

Fortunately, I am not a vegetarian either!

Wang also began to write and draw on the fragment again.

When Wang Ye turned around and left with satisfaction, the message on the fragment of the self-cultivation furnace suddenly changed to - Zhuge Qing, the one who destroyed the furnace!

As for the four words "Wudang Wang Ye" before, they have been crossed out by Wang Ye. However, after all, the Slimming Furnace is made of metal, so even if it has been crossed out, if you look carefully, you can vaguely see the four words "Wudang Wang Ye". word.

And after Wang also left.

Another figure visited here furtively.

It's Zhuge Qing...

After Fu Rong succumbed to the wealth and wealth offered to her by Lao Meng on behalf of the company, Fu Rong followed Lao Meng's request and went down the mountain to find company personnel at the foot of the mountain to confess and get leniency.

Originally, Zhuge Qing was supposed to go down the mountain with Fu Rong, but after all, Zhuge Qing still couldn't let go of the two brothers, and finally chose to stay on the mountain to fight against the enemy with Xu Wan and them.

Last night, Wang Ye went to watch him and refused to let him practice Shen Ji Bai Lian. He not only beat him several times, but also told him his plan to make a wish to these temporary workers today.

Zhuge Qing then came to the courtyard to check.

And the result was exactly as he expected.

He took the blame!

Zhuge Qing sneered.

"Old Wang, Old Wang, I am the first to know about making a wish! When it comes to deceiving people, I have learned more than you!"

Zhuge Qing once again wrote and drew on this fragment of the self-cultivation furnace.

In the end, the sentence pattern of the "message board" of Slimming Furnace became——

The one who destroyed the furnace is King Wudang (crossed out), Zhuge Qing (crossed out), the company makes a wish!

Being a brother is in my heart. When my brother is beaten, I pretend to be deaf!

Now the loop is closed!

Xu Wan didn’t know that under some kind of wonderful brotherhood, the truth had been exposed on the message board of Village Chief Ma.

Zhang Chulan on the other side was not having it easy either.

He was assigned to hold Ma Xianhong down as the first step, and then create opportunities for others to create chaos.

Even though Zhang Chulan saw that the situation was not good, he ran very fast, and Ma Xianhong was attracted to Wang Zhenqiu with a mean look and hatred.

But Village Chief Ma still didn't let Zhang Chulan go.

He sent the black puppet out to hunt down Zhang Chulan!

This is why Xu Yuan did not encounter too much resistance when he destroyed the self-cultivation furnace. They were all miscellaneous soldiers who looked like flowers.

Although he didn't know why these temporary workers suddenly attacked the entire Biyou Village, he knew that they must have something to do with Zhang Chulan!

Just do it to Zhang Chulan!

The black puppet is the latest combat puppet developed by Ma Xianhong based on the Ruhua and white puppets.

No matter the power, speed or sensitivity to Qi, it far exceeds any old puppets such as Ruhua and Baidu!

The body also replicates Ding Ziheng's Ghost Shadow Walk, Bi Yuan's Ghost Gate Needle and...

Chen Duo’s original Gu!

Even Zhang Chulan, who had mastered the Golden Light Curse and the Five Yang Thunder Techniques, was powerless when pursued by the black puppet.

Even unexpectedly, Zhang Chulan fell into the trap!

The original Gu engraved on the black puppet was injected into his body!

In an instant, Zhang Chulan finally realized the value of the "Gu Body Saint Boy"!

It's just a replica of the original Gu, not even half as powerful as the original Gu!

Zhang Chulan could only feel that his body was getting heavier and heavier. Even if he forced himself to hold his body and used the Five Yang Thunder Method to wreak havoc in his body, he could not completely remove the original poison!

In the hazy consciousness, Zhang Chulan inevitably felt some regret in his heart.

The plan last night didn't say that my life would be in danger if I just dragged Village Chief Ma away with words!

broken! The poison has reached the Dantian!

I'm going to die...

However, Zhang Chulan’s life should not be cut off!

There has been no movement on the Qi Ti Yuanliu that Feng Baobao passed on to him on behalf of his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi.

But after Zhang Chulan lost consciousness after the poison entered his body, the source of Qi Body was activated!

A pair of eyes emitting blue light slowly opened inside Zhang Chulan's body...

At the same time, Xiao Zizai also completed "elegant eating".

In order to commemorate this hearty meal, he specially made the patient Daochang Zhao into a "human scorpion" and packed it to take with him.

When Xiao Zizi walked into Biyou Village carrying the "Human Scorpion", he encountered the only remaining resistance.

A group of villagers from Biyou Village who are all strangers.

The strength of these people was pretty good. They were not driven away by the air strike from the Blowfish airship, nor were they burned away by the fire set by Sister Bao'er.

"Don't even think about getting past us!"

These villagers stood in front of Xiao Zizai extremely firmly, with tense postures, as if they were ready to take action at any time.

Xiao Zizai was also very distressed.

But what troubled him wasn't that he couldn't defeat the villagers in front of him.

But worry...

You will eat your fill!

Uncontrolled eating may lead to loss of appetite.

Xiao Zizai threw the "Human Scorpion" bag into the open space in front of the villagers.

"Everyone, are you sure you want to do this?"

Xiao Zizai stretched out his hand to hold the frame on the bridge of his nose.

"Of course! The village treats me well! We swear to live and die with the village..."

The villagers' answer remained firm.

Just at this moment, the packaging bag of "Human Scorpion" fell away, revealing Zhao Guizhen's head and his bare spine contained in the bag.

All the flesh and blood on the spine was removed.

There was silence in this scene.

"...Haha, haha, haha." The villager who just took the lead suppressed the turmoil in his stomach and laughed a few times, "But then again..."

And Ma Xianhong has been chasing Wang Zhenqiu.

After making a wish and breaking into the courtyard with the flower dolls, he sensed that there was a fight taking place in the courtyard where the self-cultivation furnace was stored.

The importance of the Slimming Furnace to Ma Xianhong goes without saying.

But Wang Zhenqiu, who had been running away with his head in his hands, went out of his way and entangled Ma Xianhong.

Even though Ma Xianhong was dressed in divine attire, he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the two chairs in front of him!

After the two struggled for a while, Wang Zhenqiu suddenly gave up.

Ma Xianhong didn't have time to think too much, and immediately rushed towards the yard where the self-cultivation stove was stored at full speed!

In fact, it is not very accurate to say that Wang Zhenqiu was being chased by Ma Xianhong just now.

A more accurate statement would be that Ma Xianhong was controlled by Wang Zhenqiu from beginning to end.

This was true from the initial pursuit to the sudden attack later!

Wang Zhenqiu had already guessed when he passed by and made a wish that he would definitely destroy the stove. This was part of the temporary worker plan.

And when he saw Ma Xianhong suddenly turning around and leaving, he was basically sure that Xu Wish had already started destroying the stove.

Naturally, he couldn't let Ma Xianhong go back to do bad things at this time!

Fortunately, I got a glove from Xia Liuqing before that can amplify the Divine Mask technique!

It was enough for him to withstand the pressure of Ma Xianhong under full firepower for a while!

However, Wang Zhenqiu became more and more frightened as he fought. Ma Xianhong was just like the Duobao Taoist in myths and legends. There were all kinds of magic weapons emerging in an endless stream. If he hadn't practiced hundreds of arts and had gloves to increase his combat power, he would have been used as something other than a temporary worker. People really may not be able to hold on!

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Ma Xianhong who turned to flee and did not chase him. Instead, he hung behind him and walked in the same direction.

Next, is the last step of this operation!

The car splits and the horse crashes!

The yard where Ma Xianhong stored the self-cultivation stove was the place where he planned to gather and start work last night!

Ma Xianhong went straight to the yard.

He didn't even take action against the mechanical servants he met on the road who were demolishing Biyou Village.

No need to think.

These mechanical servants that function similarly to their own dolls must be the work of Make-A-Wish!

After all, among the temporary workers now, the only one who can be associated with weapon refining is Xu Yuan!

The sophistication of the mechanical servants made it impossible for Ma Xianhong to think of anyone other than making a wish!

The guy who made a wish is a "master of weapon refining"!

Normally, he would still be interested in studying these mechanical servants and looking at the works of the master of weapon refining, Xu Yuan.

But now he has no such leisure!

Your own precious stove is more important! That was the stove I rebuilt based on new ideas during the day!

But when Ma Xianhong came to the yard, what appeared in front of him were only scattered and broken remains like flowers, and the broken self-cultivation furnace all over the ground!

Ma Xianhong's body couldn't help but tremble.

He was angry!

If you arrest Chen Duo, then arrest Chen Duo. Although I don't agree with you arresting Chen Duo, but you just smash my stove?

Is there any necessary connection between these two things?

Until now, the honest and honest Village Chief Ma still hadn't thought that the main mission of this group of temporary workers in Biyou Village was not to capture Chen Duo alive. That was just incidental.

The real mission is to run towards his self-cultivation furnace!

Ma Xianhong was trembling with anger as he stepped forward to check the pieces of the stove.

He saw the "message board" at a glance.

Although there are two traces drawn on it that are difficult to see clearly.

But he understood what was on the message board.

Those who destroy the furnace, the company makes a wish!

Ma Xianhong, who was so angry that he didn't even care about why the "criminal" left a message at the crime scene, couldn't help shouting to the sky.

"Make a wish! You are not human! I want you to die! Ahhhhh..."

The shrill howl once again spread throughout Biyou Village.

However, poor Village Chief Ma is obviously having a bad time.

When a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will clog his teeth.

Because right after he screamed.

Two figures jumped in from outside the courtyard wall, one was short and stooped, and the other was strong and tall. Then, with a lot of anger, this short and stooped figure stepped forward and kicked Village Chief Ma in the face.

The second half of his howl was directly pushed back into the bronchial tubes.

At the same time, a roar with a strong theatrical tone sounded.

"Thieves, they robbed my gold and phoenix, but they also want to kill my disciples!"

"Suffer death!"

The one who took action was Xia Liuqing, who had just healed his injury.

Xia Liuqing's face was covered with a mask representing the door god Wei Chigong.

Obviously, Old Man Xia has activated the Divine Mask, and it is still the second stage!

At this time, there was another figure standing next to Old Man Xia.

Dressed in a dark green combat uniform, he held two short blades.

It’s none other than the Immortal Thief Barron of Liuku!

In fact, not long after making a wish and leaving, Old Man Xia called Barron for help.

Because of Quan Xing's previous actions to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain, although Barron did not agree to join Quan Xing, he also became friends with Old Man Xia in the process.

As soon as he heard that Old Man Xia's wife had been kidnapped, and he happened to be near Liupanshui, Barron rushed over immediately.

Although the temporary workers did intentionally clean up the traces behind them, in the eyes of Barron, a master of wilderness survival, there are still traces to follow!

After meeting up, the two followed the traces left by the temporary workers to Biyou Village.

When the two arrived at Biyou Village, it was just the time when they made a wish to summon the puffer airship to bomb Biyou Village and create chaos.

Xia Liuqing and Barun took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into the village.

The original plan of the two of them was to rescue Grandma Jinfeng first during the chaos, but they searched almost all the houses in Biyou Village and found no trace of Grandma Jinfeng.

I finally came to this yard to look for it.

Just then I heard Village Chief Ma’s roar.

Xia Liuqing was already angry because of the abduction of Granny Jinfeng. Now that he heard that the leader of Village Chief Ma wanted to kill Xu Yuan, the old man who had already made up his mind to retire finally couldn't hold back and exploded. .

The two most important people in his life have been targeted by Ma Xianhong!

A golden phoenix, a direct disciple makes a wish.

No matter how good-tempered he is, he can't bear it!

He kicked Village Chief Ma directly at him!

If there is a way, nothing can be written without coincidence.

However, Ma Xianhong did not have this awareness.

He was stunned by the sudden attack.

He didn't know the foreigner Barron, but he knew Xia Liuqing.

I also know the relationship between Xia Liuqing and Jinfeng.


I have returned the wish to Grandma Jinfeng!

Why did you hit me?

If you want someone, you have to go and make a wish!

Village Chief Ma...

Why is such a miserable word...

The other temporary workers in the company also solved their respective opponents.

After Zhang Chulan passively activated the Source of Qi Body, the black puppet who was very difficult to deal with just now was dismantled into parts by him in three strokes.

Although Zhang Chulan didn't know what changes had occurred in his body, after regaining consciousness, he guessed that it must be related to the source of Qi Body left to him by his grandfather.

But now is obviously not the time to explore the reasons.

From the angry roar of Village Chief Ma just now, we can guess that the plan to destroy the self-cultivation furnace must have succeeded, which made Village Chief Ma so angry.

Although he couldn't figure out why Village Chief Ma stopped abruptly in the middle of his roar, what needed to be done now was the last step of the plan!

The car splits and the horse crashes!

Zhang Chulan immediately rushed to the location where the self-cultivation furnace was stored according to the plan he made last night.

The same is true for other temporary workers in Biyou Village.

Village Chief Ma's roar was like blowing the clarion call for a decisive battle.

I can only make a wish while hiding among the ruins.

He also heard the roar of Village Chief Ma, and he also knew that Village Chief Ma must have discovered the self-cultivation furnace that he destroyed.

But what puzzled him was that he clearly left Lao Wang's name on the "message board". Why was Village Chief Ma so sure that he did it?

But that's not important.

Xu wish felt the demolition progress of the mechanical servants, and the entire Biyou Village had been almost demolished.

He simply detonated all the mechanical servants in advance.

"Boom boom boom..."

Continuous explosions came from every corner of Biyou Village.

Biyou Village, which was already riddled with holes, was completely wiped out!

After detonating all the mechanical servants, the wish also canceled the transformation of Milady.

His attire finally returned to normal.

Xu Wan walked out of the ruins where he was hiding and rushed towards the yard where the self-cultivation furnace was stored.

After this demolition of Biyou Village, Xu Yuan discovered that although the mechanical servants summoned by Milady consume a large amount of energy, the advantage is that those mechanical servants do not need to expend their own energy when acting.

On the contrary, it allowed him to relax and recover at the side.

After the recovery period during the demolition, the wishing state has been adjusted back to its peak again.

Even Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing are not part-time workers.

He also rushed towards the yard after hearing Chief Ma's roar.

Although they are not temporary workers, they are also aware of the contents of the temporary worker action plan.

Both of them knew in their hearts that the real decisive battle was coming!

But that wish-you-damned roar also made the two of them smile knowingly.

Just after everyone arrived at the courtyard where the meeting place was.

There was a little weirdness on their faces.

Because at this time Xia Liuqing, who was wearing a door god mask, and a foreigner were besieging Ma Xianhong together.

The appearance of these two people was completely beyond the expectations of other temporary workers.

Village Chief Ma...

Putting aside the relationship with the self-cultivation furnace, the two days of getting along made all the temporary workers feel that Village Chief Ma is actually a pretty good person...

Why do you offend people everywhere?

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the people present.

A total of six temporary workers from the six branches and the headquarters were on site to fight Ma Xianhong.

In addition, there are two non-staff members, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

Now add Xia Liuqing and the foreigner.

Exactly ten people.

At this time, he was the only one on Ma Xianhong's side.

If you beat one out of ten, you're going to beat the shit out of the village chief?

Although the nature of his self-cultivation furnace is serious, it seems that it is not that serious...

"Brother Guan'er, I think the name of this operation is a bit inappropriate." Wang Zhenqiu looked strange, "I think it should be more appropriate to call it torn into pieces or broken into ten thousand pieces..."

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