Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 109 I want to fight ten! One dozen, no one made a sound

Chapter 109 I want to fight ten! One dozen at a time without making a sound...

"Ahhhh, ahhh! Make a wish! I want you to die!"

The moment he saw the wish-making road, Ma Xianhong couldn't help but burst out the anger he had accumulated for so long.

Not only is his stove broken, the village is gone, even the black puppet was killed by Zhang Chulan in some unknown way!

He ignored the attacks of Xia Liuqing and Barun at all, and blasted all the offensive weapons on his body towards the wish in one breath!

But it's a pity.

Making a wish is not a one-person battle.

Since Ma Xianhong took the lead, it was impossible for others to just sit back and watch.

All the temporary workers, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing all attacked Ma Xianhong!

"Haha! Today, the three of us, master and disciple, are fighting side by side! Let's take down this thief together! Let him hand over Jinfeng~"

Seeing Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu appear at the same time, Xia Liuqing was not surprised but happy, and continued to attack Ma Xianhong with a strong drama tone.

When Wang Zhenqiu heard what Old Man Xia said, he hesitated to speak.

If he remembered correctly, on the first day he came to Biyou Village, Village Chief Ma returned the wish to Granny Jinfeng.

It was just that Xu Yuan considered that there might be danger in Biyou Village, so she did not release Grandma Jinfeng from the sac...

But in the end, Wang Zhenqiu still did not tell the cruel truth.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the beating Village Chief Ma received earlier be in vain?

Forget it, getting beaten is like herding sheep anyway, whether it is a sheep or a group of sheep.

Village Chief Ma will be beaten on both sides, so don't worry about these details.

The temporary workers all took action.

Xiao Zi struck out with a merciful palm towards the soul-shaking bell floating next to Village Chief Ma!

Successfully blocked the Shaking Soul Bell.

The clarinet also stepped forward and joined in the close attack on Ma Xianhong.

Feng Baobao dug out another production tool somewhere and slapped Village Chief Ma hard on the head!

Zhang Chulan raised his hand and struck Kong Crying in the sky with a thunderbolt from his palm.

As for the honest man among the temporary workers, Lao Meng.

He controlled a large number of birds to fight with the flying insect weapons released by Ma Xianhong.

Barron was also beside Ma Xianhong, with the dagger in his hand flying, heading straight for Ma Xianhong's vitals!

Although Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing always say that making wishes is a deception, they actually do it when something happens.

At the same time, Fenghou Qimen and Wuhou Qimen were opened, and they attacked Ma Xianhong with all their magic!

Even Ma Xianhong himself didn't think of it.

He had just made a move against the wish, and ten people had joined forces to attack him!

The furious Ma Xianhong wanted to be like Master Ye in the movie, shouting something heroic.

"I want to give ten..."

But reality is not about making movies.

Before Ma Xianhong could finish shouting, the clarinet's attack was coming!

The clarinet punched Ma Xianhong on the chin.

A layer of light curtain also appeared on Ma Xianhong's body at the right time.

Three jewels!

The light curtain indeed blocked the lethality of Black Pipe's punch.

But it also made Ma Xianhong shut his mouth.

And Xu Wish was not idle either, he activated the Divine Mask.

In order to prevent accidentally injuring his teammates, the targets he chose to transform into gods could only be melee heroes.

Otherwise, according to the spell strength attribute he has accumulated now, it would be enough for any teammate to take a hit.

They don't have Ma Xianhong's magical outfit!

Seeing that Wang Zhenqiu, who was from the same school as him, chose to play the role of the god Nezha.

Xuanyuan also showed a smile and chose the [Unruly Flame Spear - Nezha] as the target of becoming a god!

Two Nezha, one blue and one red, reappear in the world!

Ma Xianhong is very strong!

Especially as the inheritor of the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, he had accumulated a full set of divine outfits with sufficient preparation!

Flying Insect Magical Weapon - a flying magical weapon that looks like a fly. Not only can it play a surveillance role, but it is also highly poisonous!

Although a single flying insect weapon is very fragile, there are many of them.

Three Jewels - a defensive weapon with self-healing ability, high-end goods.

Wu Doukai - a black armor that can cover the whole body, and its defense is strong enough to allow Ma Xianhong, the weapon refiner, and Black Guan to compete in a close fight!

Soul Shaking Bell - a golden bell-shaped magic weapon that can launch an attack against the soul. The effect is similar to Xiao Xiao's breath blowing, which was a player in Luotian University!

Crying in the sky, swallowing beasts, Liuhe beads, flower dolls, white dolls...

Ma Xianhong was still able to withstand the siege of a group of temporary workers!

However, he can certainly resist temporarily with his powerful defense and attack power as well as various advanced magic weapons with different functions.

But he could clearly feel that the Qi in his body was being consumed rapidly!

These high-level magic weapons are powerful, but they also cannot escape the rules of use of the magic weapons.

It also requires qi consumption!

If he continues to consume it at this rate, he may not be able to hold on for long!

Temporary workers can, after all, this is a ten-on-one battle!

Fortunately, Ma Xianhong had already made sufficient preparations for this situation to nip it in the bud.

Swallowing beast!

As Ma Xianhong threw a black iron ball with flashing red lines into the air.

Ma Xianhong can feel that the Qi in his body is rapidly recovering!

The Swallowing Beast can absorb the opponent's energy and any moves composed of energy.

And as Ma Xianhong's energy recovered, the temporary workers once again felt Ma Xianhong's tenacity in the fight!

Others don't know what the iron ball is, but the wish is very clear!

"Sister Bao'er! Get rid of that iron ball in the sky! That thing can help Ma Xianhong recover!" Xu Yuan took the time to shout to Feng Baobao. "Blow it up!"

"Oh well!"

Feng Baobao didn't have any feelings about the stolen Qi being sucked away by the swallowing beast.

However, she still jumped out of the battle group according to the wish's instructions, and her whole body lay on the iron ball.

The closer it is to the Swallowing Beast, the more Qi the Swallowing Beast can absorb, and the higher the efficiency!

The terrifying suction force instantly sucked away a large amount of Qi from Feng Baobao's body.

But Feng Baobao still had an indifferent expression on his face, and even had the mood to hit the swallowing beast twice with the production tool in his hand.

Seeing this scene, I was extremely envious of Xu Wan.

Feng Baobao has the body of an immortal. Although he doesn't know where he got the body of an immortal, he knows one thing.

Feng Baobao's energy... is unlimited!

If I could have unlimited Qi, I would have turned into the goddess Nuwa long ago!

First issue [Command·Destruction] to recover the debts from a country that was living a good life for burning and killing people on its land decades ago.

Then fast forward to “I don’t eat beef”!

Point wherever you are dissatisfied on the entire map!

But it is a pity that even if Feng Baobao wanted to, she could not lend her Qi to Make a Wish to transform the goddess Nuwa...

Moreover, high-level magic weapons like the Stealing Swallowing Beast, Wishing to Learn through Master Lu Ban’s passive knowledge of weapon refining, are exclusive magic weapons that belong exclusively to Ma Xianhong, the inheritor of the Divine Machine Hundred Refiners!

You can only practice your own equipment for your own use!

There is no way to make the wish card bug!

Even other practitioners who have practiced the magic machine cannot use it.

Otherwise, Qiu Rang, one of the top weapons, would have been obtained long ago!

Ma Xianhong doesn't hold back on those subordinates who have superior skills!

Ma Xianhong, who was under siege, originally kept a sneer on his face when he saw Feng Baobao's actions.

Want to support the thieves?

Dream on!

On the contrary, in the initial stage, it directly helped Ma Xianhong to fully restore his Qi, making his magic weapon even more powerful!

But as its own energy level returned to full, the Thief Swallowing Beast was still devouring Feng Baobao's energy.

The swallowing beast actually inflated like a balloon filled with water!

Seeing this scene, Ma Xianhong was really panicked!

Could it be that the black-haired girl could really burst the Swallowing Beast?

That is a high-level magic weapon that I spent a lot of effort on, so don’t really break it!

Ma Xianhong wanted to attack Feng Baobao, but other temporary workers would not let him do so.

Making a wish also instantly changed the target of becoming a god into [Peace Watch - Mozi]!

The cool mecha immediately attracted the attention of everyone present!

No man can resist a cool mecha!

Just like the large Gundam that made a wish to be destroyed by that piece of shit sent by Quanxing to recruit him!

Even Feng Baobao, who was lying on the swallowing beast, looked at the wish with a look of amazement!

"Wow, what a cool robot..."

She is now even more convinced that the wooden tablets she picked up from the worship hall are treasures!

There are so many treasures in Xuanyuan, isn't it even more valuable that he can catch his eye?

The reason why I chose to transform into Mozi was to make a wish.

Not for anything else, just for Mozi's control!

As long as the stealing beast is dealt with, it is only a matter of time before Ma Xianhong is captured alive!

No matter how powerful your advanced magic weapons are, don't they still need to be activated by Qi?

Ma Xianhong doesn’t have unlimited Qi like Sister Baoer!

"Everyone, get out of the way and let me take a shot!"

Xu wish roared and then faced Ma Xianhong.

The other temporary workers had already recognized the strength of the wish. As for the two "brothers" Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, they knew how deceptive the wish was. They had already run away as soon as the wish came out. So far away...

Wang Ye is still very impressed by the "self-explosion truck" that he made a wish on Longhu Mountain...

Who knows what he's going to do this time!


【Machine heavy artillery】

An energy cannonball was fired from the chest of Xuyuan's mecha!

It directly hit Ma Xianhong who was unable to dodge.

Ma Xianhong didn't really care at first.

After all, he has regained his full Qi, and each magical weapon can exert its maximum power, and from time to time, he can use the magic machine to control the physical objects, which can also make these temporary workers in a hurry.

So what if I let the wish hit me?

But when this [organ heavy artillery] hit Ma Xianhong.

Ma Xianhong immediately froze on the spot.

It's not because of the power of this machine-heavy cannon. Although the power is good, there is no problem in carrying this round with the help of the Wu Doukai and the three orbs on his body.

But because.

He...can't move!

Ma Xianhong froze in place, but he was not idle when making a wish!

He immediately continued to aim at Ma Xianhong, preparing to fire the second [organ heavy artillery].

Because the attack is launched through an external object like a mecha, the mecha's endurance is naturally stronger than the meridians in the human body.

So the cooldown time is also extremely short!

In addition, wishing has now accumulated a cooldown reduction of 65%...

Village Chief Ma didn’t use the boots of resistance!

Tsk tsk.

What happened next was a bit tragic.

When Village Chief Ma had just recovered from the immobilizing effect of the first shot, the second shot of the wishful [Machine Heavy Cannon] arrived again.


Village Chief Ma froze on the spot again.




The successive [machine-heavy artillery] made it difficult for Village Chief Ma to move even an inch.

Even more disgusting than facing Mozi in the game!

After all, there is an upper limit on cooldown reduction in the game, and Mozi also has magic ball equipment.

But making a wish is different. Every shot of [Machine Heavy Cannon] carries the power of ice, fire and even lightning.

The beating made Village Chief Ma feel ecstatic!

And Village Chief Ma could only watch helplessly as the Stealing Beast was blown up like a balloon by the energy sucked out of Feng Baobao's body!

Ma Xianhong looked at Xu Wish and wanted to cry without tears.

He remembered that he made a wish yesterday and wore this armor and claimed to be his ancestor...

If you have this ability, you should have told me earlier!

Why did you smash my high-end stove!

I just made it today!

And under the bombardment of Wish's heavy artillery, other temporary workers were also secretly frightened.

Make a wish...

What the hell kind of ability is this? I’ve never seen it before!

But then they looked at Ma Xianhong with pity.

In any case, Xu wish and they are not enemies, and their relationship is very good. There is no need to worry that Xu wish will use this method to deal with them.

But Ma Xianhong is the master of suffering now!

How to describe this picture?

From other people's perspective, Xu Wisheng's beating of Ma Xianhong is like a grandfather beating his grandson, without saying a word.

Do not fight back when hit, do not retaliate when scolded...

"Well, make a wish..."

How about great mercy and compassion?

Even Xiao Zizai couldn't stand the sight of Ma Xianhong's current miserable appearance, and couldn't help but remind him.

"Make a wish. The goal of our operation is to capture him alive. Don't really beat him to death..."

Make a wish and nodded.

"Well, Brother Xiao, don't worry, I know."

Then, he shouted to Ma Xianhong.

"Village Chief Ma, if you agree to surrender, just shout and I won't beat you!"

"Boom!" Another [Machine Heavy Cannon] shot.

Ma Xianhong:......

I want to surrender!

But you gave me a chance to speak!

Now Ma Xianhong can't even open his mouth, let alone fight back!

After wishing to be "humiliated" for a while, Ma Xianhong almost figured out that there was really no need for him to continue to resist.

The ability to make wishes is really disgusting!

Can't move at all!

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing both looked at Ma Xianhong with pity.

Apparently, there is now a new village chief Ma added to the "Roster of Make-A-Wish Victims".

But compared to what happened to Village Chief Ma, making a wish to deceive them before was really nothing!

Wang Zhenqiu also got together with Xia Liuqing and Barun.

Barron looked at the wish that kept firing cannons with a face full of shock, and then spoke in slightly unfamiliar Chinese.

"Xia, you said he is your student?"

Xia Liuqing's old wrinkled face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"Hey! Barron! I've told you many times, I'm not a student, I'm a direct disciple!" Xia Liuqing grinned with only two teeth left. "I just like to see you gringos like you have never seen the world!"

Although Xia Liuqing said this, she was also a little shocked in her heart.

Make a wish, this brat is getting stronger and stronger now! The control effect of this method is simply outrageous!

Fortunately, he is his direct disciple!

Wang Zhenqiu on the side also fell into silence.

If it's one-on-one, with just this control method, Wish can basically be invincible!

After making a wish for a long time, he finally stopped what he was doing as if he didn't realize what he was doing!

"Hey, Village Chief Ma, look at my brain, I forgot that you can't speak!" Xu Yuan put on an annoyed expression, "Now I'm giving you the chance to surrender, you have to seize it!"

Ma Xianhong had long been overwhelmed by the wish. Now that he could speak, he quickly expressed his attitude.

"I surrender!"

The current development has doomed me to be unable to recover. Rather than continue to torture Wish, it is better to surrender as soon as possible!

Xu Yuan smiled, not surprised, and said hello.

"Come on, Lao Qing, go and seal Qi for Village Chief Ma!"

In fact, Xu Wan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After all, he was not infinitely powerful. The [Machine Heavy Artillery] that had just been launched had already exhausted the energy reserve in his body. Although the remaining energy could still be used to fire a few rounds, it was of little use.

Now that Village Chief Ma has surrendered, everything will be fine!

However, Xuhui has not completely relaxed his vigilance. Instead, he has been secretly targeting Ma Xianhong with [heavy machine guns] to prevent this honest man from committing fraud!

Zhuge Qing didn't understand why he made a wish to give Ma Xianhong Feng Qi.

But he still walked to Ma Xianhong.

"Brother Zhuge, you..."

Village Chief Ma looked at Zhuge Qing who was close at hand, his eyes full of disappointment and confusion.

"Brother Zhuge, I have lost now, but I don't understand why you want to deal with me with the people in the company. Am I not treating you badly?"

Ma Xianhong fell into a state of doubting life.

Zhuge Qing looked at him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, Village Chief Ma, you are indeed good to me, but..."

Zhuge Qing said while using means to block the Qi in Ma Xianhong's body.

"I'm sorry, I'm undercover."

"I didn't have a choice before, now I just want to be a good person."

Ma Xianhong: ...Would it be more appropriate to say this on the rooftop?

When the Qi in Ma Xianhong's body was completely blocked, he staggered up from the ground.

At this time, he is no different from ordinary people.

Ma Xianhong looked at the completely destroyed Biyou Village and the remains of the Self-cultivation Furnace not far away.

Suddenly, I felt sad and tears welled up in my eyes.

His miserable experiences over the past two days kept flashing back in his mind...

From the beginning, the breeding pigs were slaughtered, the ancestral tablets were stolen at night, and now the stoves have been smashed, and I have even been arrested...

Zhang Chulan is also a bastard!

Eat the nephew, drink the nephew, eat, drink and have fun and beat the nephew, after beating the nephew, smash the stove...

Ma Xianhong's tears couldn't stop streaming from his eyes.

He staggered towards the remains of the self-cultivation stove, picked up the fragments from the ground, and picked up a roll of transparent tape from the side, which Zhang Chulan had left before, trying hard to restore the appearance of his precious stove.

He kept mumbling something.

"Brother feels a little bitter. Bilian said he was my uncle. I provided him with food and shelter. He brought people into the village to block me. He beat my villagers and made me pigs, smashed my stove and destroyed my house..."

The fragments of the stove in Ma Xianhong's hands have become a unique accompaniment during the collision.

Everyone present couldn't bear to look at Village Chief Ma who was in a trance.

Village Chief Ma is indeed, it’s too tragic, don’t be crazy...

At this time, Sister Baoer, who was straightforward by nature, took out a big bag and a gilded Ruyi from nowhere.

"Make a wish, please teach me how to use this wishful thinking, I brought you a treasure..."

Sister Baoer took out two wooden tablets filled with the power of faith from the bag, and stuffed them into the wishing hand without any explanation...

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