Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 107 Waving is not a rejection, but Brother Xiao doesn’t need to say anything

Ma Xianhong looked at the devastated Biyou Village and let out a heart-breaking howl.

Then he raised his hand and threw out a magic weapon to attack the culprit in the sky - the pufferfish airship!

This magical weapon looks like a dancing lion's head. After it is taken out, a shock wave hits the puffer airship.

Ma Xianhong was almost driven crazy!

From yesterday, all the breeding pigs were slaughtered, to all the ancestral spirit tablets being stolen in the middle of the night yesterday, and now almost the entire Biyou Village has been destroyed by bombing!

Originally, in order to avoid conflicts with the temporary workers of those companies, he had been quite tolerant, but now he really couldn't bear it anymore!

This is a village that I built brick by brick!

So this time when he used the Sky Crying Roar to attack, he didn't hold back at all and directly used all his strength!

The shock wave from Kong Crying Roar even caused a large number of ripples in the air!

But when the shock wave passed, Ma Xianhong almost dropped his jaw.

Because the funny puffer airship in the sky didn’t suffer any damage!

Still throwing down puffer grenades of the same shape one after another, while flying forward slowly!

Ma Xianhong still refused to give up and launched several attacks using Kong Crying Roar again!

But the result was still the same, and Ma Xianhong even seemed to see a mocking smile on the ridiculous pufferfish airship.

This made the anger in his heart even stronger!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective against the pufferfish airship, and Biyou Village had been almost bombed, there was absolutely no value in saving it.

Ma Xianhong turned around and went back to the room to find Zhang Chulan!

"Zhang Chulan, you'd better give me an explanation!"

He is upright and honest, but he is not stupid!

Zhang Chulan suddenly came to him today, talking nonsense and saying a lot of useless things.

If he still can't guess that Zhang Chulan is here to hold him back, then he is really stupid!

But when he returned to the room, Zhang Chulan was nowhere to be seen. He only saw a brand new roll of transparent tape placed on the table where he had just been sitting.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Ma Xianhong looked up to the sky and roared!

He suddenly felt bad!

He felt like he was going to be furious.

rat! He even killed someone and was heartbroken!

Damn tape! Damn homophones!

When Ma Xianhong ran out of the room to attack the puffer airship in the sky.

Zhang Chulan had already anticipated that the situation was not good.

After all, the continuous explosions outside like firecrackers cannot be faked!

Therefore, he chose to run away at the first opportunity!

He is here to hold Village Chief Ma back, not to challenge him in a duel!

Now that other temporary workers have succeeded, why don't you run away and wait for Village Chief Ma to settle the score with you?

But before leaving, he still followed what he had said to him as a wish.

A roll of Scotch tape was left on the table.

Not long after Zhang Chulan ran out, he heard Village Chief Ma's roar.

The resentment in the roar soared to the sky.

He couldn't help but shrink his neck, and then walked faster!

Zhang Chulan knows the inside story. The murderer who caused Lao Ma to lose his immortality last night was Sister Baoer...

Now that Village Chief Ma is angry, it would be better for everyone to go shoulder to shoulder.

And just when Zhang Chulan held Ma Xianhong back and made a wish to bomb Biyou Village.

Other temporary workers also found their opponents.

After Feng Baobao drove away the villagers of Biyou Village, he approached Qiu Rang.

The two sides only missed each other for a moment during the battle.

Qiu Rang's gilded Ruyi has already arrived in Feng Baobao's hands.

"Hey! Sure enough, the wish did not lie to me, this Ruyi is indeed a treasure!" Feng Baobao looked at the gilded Ruyi in his hand with surprise on his face, but when he turned around, his face turned into confusion.

"But how do you use this thing? Why doesn't it respond..."

After Qiu Rang saw this scene, he stiffly touched the back of his butt.

Sure enough, there was nothing behind his butt...

Qiu Rang was still unwilling to give up and touched the whole back of his butt before finally realizing the reality with despair.

"Sister Bao'er, you see you can't use it anyway, why don't you give it back to me..." Qiu Rang kept smiling.

"No!" Sister Bao'er shook her head firmly and stuffed the gilded Ruyi in her arms. "If I don't need it anymore, I'll take it back and smash the walnuts to replenish my brain!"

Qiu Rang:......

In fact, Feng Baobao was thinking about making a wish at this time.

If you don’t know how to use it, you can go and make a wish!

He made a wish and told himself to seek revenge and let this person pick up the treasure he didn't want!

You should know how to use this thing!

Of course, Feng Baobao still knows some things about the world.

Naturally, she had no intention of going to Xuanyuan for help empty-handed.

How about giving two tablets for making wishes as gifts?

Although she still hasn't figured out the purpose of those tablets, there must be a reason for Village Chief Ma to have a separate room for storage!

It’s definitely a baby!

Lao Meng also found Fu Rong.

To be precise, they should have found Fu Rong and Zhuge Qing.

Zhuge Qing accompanies Fu Rong, whose face is bruised and swollen as a result of paying homage to the king last night.

Lao Meng stood in the way of the two of them.

"Fu Rong, I'm sorry, I can't let you go because you were entrusted by someone else!"

When Zhuge Qing heard what Lao Meng said, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

That guy who made a wish is just cheating, but he really does get things done!

He originally wanted to pull Fu Rong out of the quagmire of Biyou Village, but even after his earnest persuasion, he could not convince Fu Rong.

Zhuge Qing, who was proficient in picking up girls, naturally knew that he could not fight forcefully at this time, so he accompanied Fu Rong to act together.

However, even if Lao Meng blocks Fu Rong now, Zhuge Qing is still worried that Lao Meng will hurt Fu Rong.

"Get out of the way, old man!" Fu Rong held a kitchen knife and was about to use her sword skills.

"You forced me to do this!" Lao Meng also refused to give in.

"Daxin Bank Credit Card 500,000! Guangfa Bank Credit Card 200,000! Jiaotong Internet Loan 150,000! Next Day Pass 5,000..."

Lao Meng read Fu Rong's bill loudly and excitedly, as if he was planning some big move!

The effect is indeed remarkable!

Whenever Lao Meng read out a debt, Fu Rong's tense expression became even more depressed!


Critical hit!

The end!

Zhuge Qing was dumbfounded on the sidelines.

Fu Rong......

Owe so much money?

Although he is the eldest son of the Zhuge family, and the Zhuge family is not short of money, his own consumption level is not that high!

"Fu Rong, a master of swordsmanship, owed a huge sum of money because of her previous scumbag boyfriends, and was forced into Biyou Village by debt collection..."

Lao Meng looked at the sluggish Fu Rong, with a hint of confidence in his eyes. He imitated Xiao Zizi and pushed up the round-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

But it's a pity.

From appearance to temperament, he and Xiao Zizi are two extremes.

"Ahem, Fu Rong, if you are willing to cooperate with the company, the company can repay these debts for you and help you restore your credit record..."

Fu Rong was completely defeated!

Wealth cannot lead to sexual immorality, power cannot lead to subjugation.

But wealth can be surrendered!

"Okay! I am willing to obey the company's arrangements..."

Fu Rong collapsed on the ground with her head downcast.

The clarinet on the other side also found his opponent.

Hari Chagai and Zhong Xiaolong.

Hari Chagai found a way to deal with it after experiencing several "fancy" attacks before.

That is to act together with Zhong Xiaolong, who practices the magical power of snapping fingers.

One far and one close is reasonable.

But it's a pity that their opponent is a clarinet.

In terms of long-range attacks, the black tube on the black tube's arm completely surpasses Zhong Xiaolong's magical ability with a snap of his fingers.

As for close combat...

Poor silly Hari Chagai was beaten into a pig's head again...

Who would have thought that the black tube with amazing long-range attack power actually acts like a limiter...

Make a wish here.

After a short period of practice and the rejuvenation effect brought by the equipment, he finally adjusted his condition to the peak again.

Then he walked out of the woods and saw the devastated Biyou Village.

Even he himself didn't expect that Luban No. 7's ultimate move [Air Support] could have such a significant effect!

Of course, the main reason is that the streets and buildings in Biyou Village are only made of ordinary materials, and there are no protective shields or other measures in the entire Biyou Village.

The destructive power of [Air Support] is powerful, but it is only powerful in terms of destructive power on the terrain.

For Shanggenqi and the masters of Biyou Village, they will not just stand there and wait to be beaten!

The first temporary worker I met after making a wish was Xiao Zizai.

But Xiao Zizai didn't come by himself.

But with another unexpected person.

Or rather, carrying another unexpected person.

Zhao Guizhen!

At this time, Daochang Zhao, who had rebelled against the Qing sect in Maoshan Mountain, had been beaten into a puddle of mud by Brother Xiao. All four of them had been beaten to comminuted fractures by Brother Xiao and could not move.

"Wish! I'm looking for you!" Xiao Zizai greeted Xu with a smile.

"Brother Xiao, this is..." Xu Yuan glanced at Zhao Guizhen, who was being held in his hand, with some confusion.

In fact, all the temporary workers knew very well that Brother Xiao came to Zhao Guizhen just to "enjoy delicious food."

But now Brother Xiao not only didn't start the meal, but also brought this guy to find him?

"It's like this. Make a wish. As long as someone dies, you can improve your cultivation level. Moreover, this guy has practiced evil skills and accumulated seven evil spirits. You can also absorb the resentful spirits on your body, which can be considered as a salvation for those innocent people. The dead souls..."

After Xiao Zizai's explanation, Xu Yuan realized why he brought Zhao Guizhen to find her.

Brother Xiao is waiting for him to have dinner together!

Make a wish and be greatly moved!

"Wishuan, what do you think? Let's have dinner on the spot?" Xiao Zizai asked Xuanyuan with a smile.

But it was beyond his expectation.

Make a wish but waved your hand to him.

Brother Xiao was stunned and couldn't react for a moment.

Didn’t everyone obviously agree on this before...

"Make a wish, you..."

"Waving my hand is not a rejection, but Brother Xiao, you don't need to say anything!" Xu Yuan said righteously!

"Zhao Guizhen! He is such a vicious person! Not only did he refuse to surrender in the face of the encirclement and suppression, but he also dared to take the initiative to fight back at us! We had no choice but to kill him on the spot!"

At this moment, Xu Yuan's face shone with light.

The light of righteousness!

I, Brother Xiao, am such an easy person to get along with, what kind of good person could I want to kill?

"Make a wish," the smile on Xiao Zizai's face became even wider, "I really saw you right, you have Buddha nature!"

"If the evildoers are not eliminated, it will be difficult to obtain the true scriptures. If the karmic obstacles are not eliminated, it will be difficult for the common people to obtain it."

Xu Yuan said casually and modestly.

Zhao Gui was really dumbfounded when he saw the smooth flow of Xu Yuan and Xiao Zizai.

Temporary workers at these companies…

Are you really not a magician?

With all the talk of merit and Dharma, you are doomed?

Zhao Guizhen's survival instinct made him struggle to escape.

But at this time, his limbs had already been interrupted by Xiao Zizai, and he lost his ability to move. Even his mouth was stuffed with rags by Xiao Zizai.

Xu Wan switched between the two heroes Taiyi Zhenren and Zhong Kui one after another, and together with Xiao Zi, they ate up Zhao Guizhen.

Once again, a small amount of cultivation has been improved, which is better than nothing.

At the beginning, Zhao Guizhen committed seven murders in succession, and it was also because of his cultivation. Now his death has also turned into the cultivation of making a wish.

This can be regarded as the law of heaven is clear, retribution is not satisfactory, and reincarnation happens in the dark.

However, regarding Brother Xiao’s next “Human Scorpion” five-star set meal, Xu Wish is a bit unimpressed.

He won't be merciless when killing mission targets or enemies, but the meticulousness of handling food still makes him a little uncomfortable.

Making a wish is not really perverted after all.

"Brother Xiao, you are busy first, I will go to the village to see how they are doing."

Xu Yuan took the initiative to bid farewell to Xiao Zizai.

And Xiao Zizai did not force others to do anything.

As soon as Xu Yuan stepped into Biyou Village, he saw Wang Zhenqiu running towards him with a mean smile on his face.

And there was another person behind him.

It was Village Chief Ma who was burning with rage from his hair to his heels.

Obviously, after Wang Zhenqiu dealt with the fairy boy Liu Wukui, he somehow bumped into Village Chief Ma again.

Village Chief Ma, whose anger level was already maxed out, met Wang Zhenqiu, who was born with a sarcastic face. Coupled with Wang Zhenqiu's some tricks, Village Chief Ma's anger was naturally attracted to him.

I originally made a wish to see the two chasing after me, and I was already ready to take action.


Wang Zhenqiu and Village Chief Ma both ran past him at lightning speed, but neither of them paid any attention to him, or even looked at him!

Making a wish was inexplicably awkward.

Of course, he had to admire Wang Zhenqiu's ability to draw hatred in his heart.

The absolute number one MT in the Chinese server!

But since Village Chief Ma is chasing Wang Zhenqiu, he should be able to do other things...

for example……

Go and destroy the Slimming Furnace!

By the way, let’s take another look at what the damn meat core in the Slimming Furnace is!

Last night, Zhuge Qing had informed the temporary workers of the latest location of the self-cultivation furnace through Wang Ye.

It's in the big house at the east end of the village!

Although Biyou Village is now riddled with holes due to the bombing of the puffer airships, it is beyond recognition.

However, it is still very simple to distinguish between east, west, north and south.

Make a wish and go straight to the east end of the village!

Soon he arrived at his destination.

A yard that is still intact.

Among the devastated Biyou Village, this courtyard is particularly eye-catching.

After all, this is an important place to store the self-cultivation furnace, so Ma Xianhong naturally took protective measures.

Even the bombing by the puffer airship did not cause much damage to the compound.

Make a wish and walk towards the yard.

Of course, the closed gate cannot stop the wish-making process.

Wishing only punched out, not even using the godhead mask. The solid solid wood door shattered into two halves amid the lightning, fire, and frost.

And just after making a wish and stepping into the courtyard.

In an instant, many flower-like dolls jumped out from all directions in front of him.

Ma Xianhong is not stupid. The Self-cultivation Furnace is the important place of Biyou Village. After last night's "careless loss of ancestors", Ma Xianhong left a large number of Ruhua dolls in this courtyard as a defensive force.

Prevent the thief who stole the ancestral tablet last night from targeting this place again!

These mass-produced Ruhua dolls all have the same shape.

With a pale face and dressed like a maid!

It looks really breathtaking at night!

Especially when there are so many flowery dolls all staring at you intently.

It makes people unconsciously think of those paper figures displayed in funeral supplies stores...

Ma Xianhong's plan was good, but he encountered Xu Yuan, an opponent with no moral ethics.

It doesn't feel like making a wish.

In terms of quantity? I seem to have a "doll" myself!

According to his estimate of Wang Zhenqiu's strength and Ma Xianhong's strength.

Although Wang Zhenqiu couldn't beat Village Chief Ma who was dressed in a magical costume, it was not an easy task for Village Chief Ma to deal with the second chair in a short time.

Anyway, the last step of the action plan agreed upon yesterday was for all the temporary workers to besiege Ma Xianhong together, just in time to wait for others to defeat their opponents and then go together to besiege Ma Xianhong.

Since there was no rush, Xu Yuan activated the Divine Mask.

This time, the target he chose to transform into a god was [City Builder - Miledy]!

One, two, three...

Three robots fell from the sky and crashed into the group of flower dolls!

From this point you can see the difference between the mechanical servants summoned by making a wish and these mass-produced flowers.

The damage caused by the mechanical servants falling from the sky directly tore several mass-produced Ruhua into pieces!

At the same time, on each of these mass-produced flower-like "wrecks", a mechanical servant crawled out...

In an instant, the three mechanical servants just summoned turned into nine!

[Mechanical Servant (Passive): Units killed by Milady or mechanical servants will summon a new mechanical servant on their corpses. 】

And what happened next.

It completely explains what magic means to deal with magic.

Although these mass-produced Ruhua come in a wide variety of styles, almost every structure of the body has been utilized to the extreme by Ma Xianhong, including hooks, locks, firearms, and hidden weapons!

But how can ordinary soldiers beat the artillery car?

The mass-produced Ruhua is simply unable to compete head-on with the mechanical servants in terms of strength.

As the mass-produced Ruhua was continuously killed by mechanical servants, brand-new mechanical servants crawled out of the bodies of these mass-produced Ruhua.

Ma Xianhong stayed in this courtyard as a human wave tactic with the power of his hand. In less than five minutes, all of them were "turned" into his own by the wish!

After cleaning up all the mass-produced Ruhua, Xu wish looked at the mechanical servants in the yard and thought for a moment.

Then with a wave of his hand, these mechanical servants were distributed throughout Biyou Village to carry out demolition work.

Since it has been demolished, it should be demolished quickly.

Otherwise, we will have to trouble the staff of the South China branch later.

And the wish came to the self-cultivation furnace.

A strange looking stove.

Although the self-cultivation furnace was also made by Village Chief Ma using the magic machine to refine it.

But the value of the Slimming Furnace is focused on functionality, not defense.

Ma Xianhong had never expected that such a day would come.

Xu Yuan just punched a few times at the self-cultivation furnace with all his strength, and the self-cultivation furnace was smashed into parts!

Among these parts, he saw the spherical core at a glance.

He stepped forward and picked up the core of the Slimming Furnace. After trying it a few times, he found that the metal shell of the spherical core was very hard and could not be opened in a short time.

So Xuanyuan didn't hesitate any longer. He stuffed the spherical core into the capsule that Wang Ye had obtained from Ma Xianhong before.

I will study it carefully after I capture Ma Xianhong alive.

Later, Xu Wan was about to leave the yard.

He suddenly remembered something, walked to the pile of fragments of the Slimming Furnace with a wicked smile on his face, and picked out the largest fragment from it.

I wrote, drew and carved a line of words on it.

"The one who destroys the furnace is the King of Wudang!"

Um! Lao Wang has been working with these temporary workers for so long. There is no credit but hard work, right?

You have to let the company know if you have any merit! You have to work on the surface!

Be brothers in our hearts!

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