Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 731: I got a mask at the beginning


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关键 This key promotion bureau actually encountered two tearing goods, which really made people irritable!

Many people play games not to play games at all, or to retaliate against the society. Anyone who chooses to start the game can be scolded. ¤ Website URL: ¤

In this case, Yu Luosheng will also retire directly, playing is a waste of time.

I just can't retreat.

If he retires, he will score the points again, and then play in the promotion game. At least 4 rounds of meows will be played, and the speed of 4 rounds will be more than two hours. Time is money.

"Fuck, fight!" Yu Luosheng gritted his teeth and never retreated! Withdrawal in the US service is still more severe. God knows that the four innings can be promoted. If the promotion fails, the penalties will be deducted, and then 50 points will be deducted. If you win a game with only ten points, it will take longer. "Niu B, boss you Niu B, you dare to play such a game!" Lin Dong immediately gave thumbs up to Yu Luosheng.

Li Tuchuan, who was reading the newspaper, glanced at Yu Luosheng, and his eyes looked a little more interested.

Yu Luosheng this guy is also very interesting. In the case of others, it must be retired directly. After all, this kind of bureau cannot be saved by the immortals. Yu Luosheng dare to fight like this!

"If you can win, I will not refuse you to ask me to bring tea and water." At this time, Zhang Aijing, who was sitting on the sofa sorting out the player's information, did not look up.

的 The guys in the team are particularly lazy. They want to drink water and don't want to move their positions. They always silently wait for the two women, Zhang Aijing and Dai Lan, to make tea and boil water and add a sentence: "Help me get a cup."

At the beginning, the two women were still in the way. Later, they were all like this. Just like serving a group of masters, Zhang Aijing and Dai Lan resolutely resisted the improper maid, so now no one has this treatment.

洛 Yu Luosheng heard Zhang Aijing's words, his eyes lit up.

Yu Luosheng belongs to the kind of lazy person who wants to drink water, but the water is not in his own hands, and would rather be thirsty. There is a girl who makes a good call, very good!

"Come, come, our boss is going to play a double-deal game, and bet quickly, rich money, money, self-sale, and chrysanthemum ..." Lin Dong said only in fear of the world.

来 "Come on, I squeeze a pack of cigarettes!"

"I press a skin!"

"I pressed a pack of tea!"

"I pressed a collection of Iijima Ai Collector's Edition ..." Yu Luosheng listened to the sounds from all corners around him, and his forehead was covered with black lines. This group of guys, how free is tm!

Uh ...

At the time of the coax, Yu Luosheng had already begun to select candidates. Since this is the revenge of the Social Bureau, the hero of Yu Luosheng really has to hold something to stand the scene. The question is, what heroes can sustain this situation, because they must be prepared for 1v5 ... Oh, no, 1v7. Definitely not working, it's too brittle, five people on the other side are going to kill you, no matter how good your equipment is, it's useless. What about ap? AP can't do it either. AP can't demolish the tower. It can't be demolished without killing many people. "Raven, Raven can be 1v5," Li Tuchuan suggested lightly. "Prohibited." Yu Luosheng said with a grin. Raven is a very good choice. Give him some heads in the early stage, and you can snowball in the back, directly 1v5. Ripven was banned by people here!

I really **** up, to let Yu Luosheng know who these teammates are, be sure to let Lin Dong black out their numbers, then melt the rune skin and hang up to plastic 5! "Take Tailong? Kill every minute?" "Taylor 1v5 is also difficult." Yu Luosheng said. Tailong skill cd is a bit longer, and it will be dead if the enemy is retained after a set.

"Jacks, absolutely brutal!" Da Luo said.

"No." Yu Luosheng rolled his eyes. Yu Luosheng, the hero of Jax, did not play well. More than a hundred heroes, after watching it for a long time, Yu Luosheng didn't know who to choose. What heroes have the ability of 1 dozen n? In addition, this hero not only needs to have the ability to kill in the early stage, but also needs to have a powerful combat ability in the later stage. Jax belongs to this kind of hero ... Unfortunately. "Ad hero, skills cd short, strong in the later period, not weak in the early period ..." Yu Luosheng searched as much as possible, and suddenly a ray of light flashed in Yu Luosheng's mind.

You are the one!



Wu Yusheng finally chose his hero, and he felt a little relief at this moment.

咦 "Oh, this is good!"

"Boss, are you a hero? When did you secretly practice?"

"Yes, this hero can play!"

图 Li Tuchuan glanced at Yu Luosheng's choice.

In fact, in terms of selecting people, you can see how deep a person's understanding of the game is. Li Tuchuan has been thinking about what Yu Luosheng will use to save the world ... It turned out to be the extremely hot new hero of the singles recently-Storm Sword Hoyaso! Sword Swordsman Yasuo, ad in the middle, weak in the early stage, but because of the existence of passive shields, it is still not lacking in combat effectiveness, its skills cd is very short, e skills and q skills and no cd, plus its own flexibility, single Strong killing ability, high, is indeed the best choice for this situation!

The question is, will you Yu Luosheng use it?

Everyone knows that Yu Luosheng is very good at playing singles and playing wild, but it seems that it is very rare for Yu Luosheng to play the Sword Sword Hero.

The hero of dysentery sword hero is hard to play, and the operation difficulty should be beyond the blind monk ...

普通 For ordinary players, if you play a hero for 100 games, you basically have the essentials. If you are proficient, you need 300 games, and for the top game, you need 1,000 games.

What is the concept of 1000 innings. If you play 3 heroes a day, you need to play for a year.

英雄 And the hero of the blast Fenghao belongs to 100 innings. You are familiar with the skills, 300 innings are basic, and 1000 innings are proficient.

The difficulty is quite high, and the operation is ever-changing. Players' personal strength, teamwork awareness, speed operation, and overall situation are very high in order to truly achieve excellent results on the professional field.

It's a pity that Li Tuchuan hasn't seen a few Yasuo to meet these conditions so far, even if he is like Adams, he said that the hero of Yasuo is not good.

Yu Luosheng hit Yasuo, Li Tuchuan's first reaction was: This product will hang out!

Uh ...

When the time counted down, Yu Luosheng actually silently prayed when he finally entered the game, praying that his other two teammates would choose to retire.

Obviously, this place in the United States is unpleasant. When it is necessary to have quality, it is particularly unqualified. When it is not necessary for him, he is particularly good, and he will never die!

In the end, Yu Luosheng still entered the game where the two Yankees who were escorted by two sprayers were added to the difficulty.

"Zhang Aijing, pour a cup of coffee, I want to lift the twelve points of spirit." Yu Luosheng called.

"You haven't won yet." Zhang Aijing was too lazy to lift her head.

洛 Yu Luosheng reluctantly, just about to get up to make a cup of coffee, suddenly a pair of fair hands soaked in milk appeared in front of Yu Luosheng, a cup of steaming coffee with creamer was placed in front of his table.

Seeing hands is like seeing people. These hands are definitely not Dai Lan. Dai Lan's hands are painted with nail polish. The eye-catching is to make people forget the fine fluff on her fingers.

It is impossible for Zhang Aijing, she is still sitting on the sofa like a lazy lady.

Are you Xia Yingxing?

I'm not right, her hands are in line with this fairness and jade slip, but Yu Luosheng remembers that she wore a single ring to show that she didn't like someone to chat!

"How are you!" Yu Luosheng suddenly turned into a surprised expression of Zhou Xingchi's sign shrinking back.

"Can't I be here?" The big wave rolls, a delicate and beautiful face, and the electric eyes that seem to smile.

"Of course, you should tell me." Yu Luosheng smiled.

"Yiqin, don't be too kind to him. This guy Yu Luosheng has a lot to do. If you do something for him once, then you will take care of it." Dai Lan said angrily.

Yu Luosheng really did not expect Yiqin to come over suddenly, think about it too, she is very familiar with the people here. "Focus on it. If you lose, invite us to dinner." Yiqin pushed the cup in front of Yu Luosheng. "OK."

Yu Luosheng felt the full energy transferred from the cup, and the whole person also seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and had 12 points of spirit.

I just ...

As soon as Wu was on the line, Yu Luosheng found that her family's violent loli Jinkes had run in front of her, and then walked under the enemy's defense tower in front of the enemy's single fire man. The opposite fire man suddenly broke down, this little loli sent here ...-! !! It didn't arrive in a minute, and it was sent out directly. This 1l is really a little smasher who talks about honesty, and says get away! 4l is also a hard gas, followed immediately to the defensive tower in the middle road, the opposite fire man suddenly happy.

幸福 It ’s really too happy to come too suddenly. If there is a free start, this game will basically win.

Yu Luosheng is two teammates who are standing on their own middle tower and watching each other ...

Relax your mindset, be calm, be calm, and let the old well stay calm!

"Repair Repair"

Within a few seconds, under the tower where Yu Luosheng stood, a teleportation light fell ...

It turned out to be the resurrected Rolli, this product was just sent a blood, not to mention, after the resurrection, it was even delivered!

"Oh, you have to send it to the next path ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Huo Nan 1 is going to give a big stick, and I still have a woolen yarn." Yu Luosheng couldn't bear it. A **** scolded.

The opposite Fire Man Brand was really unhappy, and made more than 800 yuan in vain.

The people on the enemy side saw that there was a fool in the middle to give people their heads.

I sent three waves, and the two seemed to yell at each other again. The entire chat window was full of their English. Yu Luosheng only understood the words of those family members, and the others didn't understand anything, it was probably very high-end.

"Huo Nan started with 5 assists and 1 assist. What else do you play, Yu Luosheng?" Lin Dong said.

Wu Yusheng is also speechless. Sure enough, for a while, the fire man who didn't appear on the front line went home and gave out his equipment. I directly gave a 1350 block clown mask to the opposite fire man. Do you dare not increase the difficulty of the game like this? ?

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