Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 730: Bronze is as difficult as the King's Bureau

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There was no accident in the second match with Australia. ◎ Literature Museum W ◎

Australia changed hands in the middle of the second inning, but still could not resist the aggressive killing of King Yan Luo.

The good news is that their mid laner has at least not seen a terrible record like Philip

After losing two games, the Chinese team naturally successfully advanced to the next theater, which was also the battle in New York.

后 After the game, the players did not stay in Australia and flew directly to New York to meet with the big troops.

The house in New York is big enough that the entire Chinese e-sports team will not appear crowded after moving in.

"Look at it, the game is in the New York Times." Lin Dong took a newspaper full of English and went into the hall.

家伙 This guy is wearing thick pajamas, a pair of cotton wool slippers, holding a newspaper and drinking a cup of hot coffee, which made the team members from Australia who had just been in the dust all the time imbalanced. These guys came to the United States to enjoy life.

"Well, you can go to your house first and adjust the time difference." Li Tuchuan said to King Yan Luo and others who salute big bags.

After saying that, Li Tuchuan also took the newspaper that Lin Dong read.

Sure enough, the New York Times has published about the L game.

The New York Times is a world-class authoritative media. I do n’t know how many people, companies, and projects broke my mind. I want the last newspaper. Unfortunately, in the United States, except for football, baseball, and basketball, I am afraid that there is no world sport in this newspaper. Appeared on it.

"One out of every 100 people in the world is an L player ..."

"The number of active online users each month has approached the figure of 100 million, and the population of a country in France also looks like 70UU million. L is really going against the sky now." Li Tuchuan said to himself.

E-sports existed before and there were worldwide competitions, but it was always a piece of sand. No game can truly lead the tide of e-sports for all.

The fist company's L did it. Without this game, e-sports would not be able to achieve this kind of development, and it would not be possible to gradually become a game that the world media such as the New York Times are paying attention to.

"Adams, known as the giant god, is about to fight a world war with Pluto Yu Luosheng, who has won the world championship, in the Alpha Arena in New York. We have to say that this time the US national team should meet a real strong enemy. Captain Adams also said This game should not be as smooth as before ... "Li Tuchuan knew that the group of silks around him did not understand English, so he deliberately read them all.

"Hey, Yu Luosheng, you're in the New York Times." Xie Lianda slapped Yu Luosheng on the shoulder.

洛 Yu Luosheng is paying attention to playing the auxiliary octopus monster.After being shot by Xie Lianda, his little hand shakes, his skills are crooked, and he misses a good opportunity to take three kills.

Yu Luosheng turned his face resentfully, staring fiercely at Xie Lianda.

Boy, do you know how difficult it is to win three kills as an assistant?

"Yu Luosheng, you're in the New York Times." Li Tuchuan put the newspaper at Yu Luosheng's table.

"That is still the blessing of Adams. Adams is very insidious. He holds various opponents in the media and in interviews. When the game is won, he is very modestly dressed. HR said modestly, good luck, good luck. If the student is the kind of student who pretends not to review before the exam and cries after others to comfort him, and the results are higher than anyone else when the results come out, "Yu Luosheng said disdainfully.

Obviously, the New York Times is reporting on Adams and has little to do with himself.

"You're right, haha." Li Tuchuan immediately laughed.

图 Li Tuchuan and Adams have been around for a few years, and Yu Luosheng uses "study" to say that Adams Wen's appearance and the belly under the appearance are not excessive.

Of course, Li Tuchuan didn't say a word, that is, you Luo Suosheng is not a good bird, and the bad water in the stomach will not be less than others Adams.

Wherever e-sports are good, most of them have 10,000 minds in their hearts 婊.

"Then he will be down in the next week's game, so you will be in the New York Times. Microphones from all over the world will be handed to you." Lin Dong said.

"You come, you will also play assist anyway, next week you play, I will give you the opportunity to publish a newspaper." Yu Luosheng said very politely.

Lin Dong will generally talk about this thing, but to Adams?

I said lightly, anyway, Yu Luosheng felt that the odds were very low.

图 Li Tuchuan himself also said that this time he came to the United States for special training 丨 let Chinese players feel the style and style of the LP team. Although the LP is not as powerful as the Korean OG, the overall strength is also the world's leading.The most important thing is that the L environment here will be much cleaner than that in China. There are too many directors and actors in China, so that the strongest king group Many of the strength rankings are doped with moisture, and the ladder on the American side will be much better.

Yu Luosheng played on different servers and gradually learned some rules.

Because of the large number of domestic servers, although Ionia in District I is the strongest, it is really annoying to queue up. The higher the segmentation, the harder it is.

Then there are some players in order to get some rewards, in order to let some friends be kings, there are too many components to play, and the kings group is particularly difficult to score. It was impossible for the actors to play, and the entire ranking. I feel bad.

Also, everyone's ID is seen through, and when they are selected, they are targeted into dogs, which is sometimes very disturbing to play.

Therefore, everyone will now choose to play in Hanbok or American clothing.

When he came to the United States, Yu Luosheng finally abandoned the Hanbok account and went directly to greet American friends.

Now Yu Luosheng is not too mixed in Hanbok, the ID is easily recognized, and there is a lot of resentment after recognition, so that Yu Luosheng can't score well, so he hit that number to the most. After the strong king group, Yu Luosheng would not accompany the fans to play birds.

Playing the trumpet is actually a very interesting thing. There is no such thing as a peak of strength in the game of L. The strength is invincible, because even if one of the strongest kings falls into the bronze group, the overall strength of the teammates is slightly behind. It can't save the whole situation.

Yu Luosheng is not very fond of playing in the bronze group. The strength of the bronze group is a little lower. If Yu Luosheng goes to play, 95% will win. At this time, it is interesting to be fun at 5%. The situation has arisen.

So what exactly is this situation?

Like now

"Do you understand what IL and HL say?" Li Tuchuan glanced at Yu Luosheng's interface and said lightly.

Yu Luosheng shook his head. The first and fourth floors are not talking about game terms, they are more like two acquaintances communicating with each other about trivial things in life.

"Oh, are you playing the bronze group?" Li Tuchuan asked.

"Yeah, I plan to spend one week hitting this number to the strongest king." Yu Luosheng set a great goal for himself.

It is quite possible to play the strongest king in the country in a week. The finals are all won. In the end, more than 20 games in a row are basically platinum, and then the diamonds are skipped. Wang Zhe gave it down.

In this short time, Yu Luosheng usually doubles up. There are too many situations where teammates in the national service are offline, and teammates spray each other. There must be someone to support the scene.

But this time, Yu Luosheng scored in the more difficult US service.

Yu Luosheng's own number is platinum. I haven't played any more for the time being. This number is Xia Yuli.

This woman is too lazy to do it.Yu Luosheng sincerely invites her to wash North Korean sticks with herself and then pedal in North America. Who knows that her number was the strongest king last season. ID is known by countless people. To play a new number.

New number, just new number.

As a result, new regulations are now in place, and players who differ by one rank cannot be double-rowed.

Yu Xia Yuli threw a bronze trumpet to Yu Luosheng, and asked Yu Luosheng to help her get gold, and then double-ranked with him to kill the strongest king in North America.

The desperate Yu Luosheng gave Xia Yuli a free rehearsal.

Speaking nonsense, Yu Luosheng found that he hadn't contacted Xia Yuli for a long time, and didn't know where the woman had gone.

I mentioned her. Yu Luosheng couldn't help but worry about the judgment of the World E-sports Association and the Olympic Organizing Committee. In case they banned female players, their team really lacked a strong assistance.

"You're helping Qianmeng?" Lin Dong gathered up and asked.

"Well." Yu Luosheng nodded.

"Advise you to retire this game." Lin Dong looked at the game interface and said.

"Why retreat?" Yu Luosheng asked puzzled. I have a good lineup here, with meat, control and output.

"HL was consoling IL if he was in a bad mood after playing the game and wanted to go back to his mother's room to feed." Lin Dong pushed his glasses like Conan, who was righteous, and then continued, "IL is telling HL that his sister is in He eats hot dogs under his chair, so he will play games and be distracted. "

"Fuck, no, my bronze promotion to the bronze I promotion can't be retired." Yu Luosheng stretched his chin.

If you retire in the promotion match, you will lose.

Damn, there is not much difference between the American Bronze Group and the Chinese Bronze Group, all of them are strong kings. When they were banned at the beginning, they sprayed directly. Why did they do this ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ others in your team Seems to be more open-minded and not meaning to retreat, I advise you to retreat directly, it is better than wasting time. Lin Dong said.

"Mom, I also think that when I accepted this number, I lost one round in the promotion game. If I retire now, it means that the promotion failed, and I have to play a lot of games. How can I have that time here? "Yu Luosheng said.

"Then you hit it, laugh and see if your Pluto is here, why not?" Lin Dongchi laughed.

After laughing, Lin Dong added to Yu Luosheng: "Now that HL and IL have reached a consensus, which roughly means that the upgrade version is similar to who sent us who is the son in our national service torment party."

Lin Donglin gloated aside, Yu Luosheng's face was dark.

Sure enough, some people have said the most famous saying, playing bronze is as difficult as hitting the king, because you can't guess what the players in these two segments are thinking

"I can only bite my head"

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