Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 732: Blast Yasuo, 3 in 3 out ...

Yu Luosheng was crying a bit. The hero of the fire man was originally a relatively strong online player with a high base damage, which was a mage with a high outbreak in the early stage.

The opposite method wears a mask directly. It is estimated that a flame of fire rubbed his body and lost a quarter of blood. If he was stunned by his flame mark, he gave a set of skills, and directly two-thirds of the blood would be No more.

What's even more disgusting is that the clown mask has added blood, which makes the early fire man very difficult to kill. I really don't have to think about the fight, and kill the small crispy skin of Yu Luosheng in minutes.

As soon as Huonan arrived online, he seemed to see that the little Yasuo opposite wanted to resist, so he deliberately stopped and quickly typed a line on the public screen.

Yu Luosheng glanced at it, all in English, and didn't know what the guy said.

"Boss, he mocks you and asks you to just hang the spring and wait, or you will be baked in minutes." Lin Dong jumped out and translated.

"Go while you go, don't block my screen." Yu Luosheng said impatiently.

A cat who meowed, and the fire man opposite did not know that it was in the American mountain stream, and even the famous e-sports Pluto dared to ridicule and became impatient.

See if I don't cut you off and make you a bronze group guy mad in front of me

Oops, oops, it hurts ...

Yu Luosheng took a careless move and was burned by the fireman's flame on the opposite side, not only the passive wind shield was gone, but his health was also dropped by a quarter.

This hurts ...

Alright, you are a father now, can I stay away from you?

A good trick for masters to rookie is to grab the level.

Masters often know how to count, and at the moment of their upgrade, they suddenly make trouble, forcibly exchange blood or kill.

Originally, if it was normal to match a fire man, Yu Luosheng would use Yasona's flexible tower to shuttle between the soldiers. Once the fire man's key skills were avoided by himself, he would go up immediately. Playing a set, the fire man has no way to face a flexible hero like Yasuo.

It is a pity that in the case of sending five heads, Huo Nan's level has risen much faster than Yu Luosheng.

So the most basic level of hope is directly destroyed ...

"Yu Luosheng, I think you are still waiting for the jungle to support you," Xie Lianda said.

"There is a hairy jungle," Yu Luosheng said unhappyly.

The jungler came to support, and now the jungler is scolding in the spring, the length of the curse is almost turning into a micro-speak.I really don't know what else can be done in English except for those Fak, Snow, and Bichi. Scolded.

Without playing field support, Yu Luosheng had to face this well-equipped fire man alone.

In fact, Yu Luosheng was also anxious at this time.

There are three people on my own side, each of whom is on a line. Now three of my teammates are basically pressed under the tower. It is not very dare to come out. If you can't open the situation earlier, it will become more and more difficult to fight in the back. .

The problem is, let alone save his teammates, he now has some small difficulties to deal with this fire man.

High level, well equipped, but this North American bronze feels a little stronger than Chinese bronze, at least the skills will not be flung

"Wait 3, wait 3" Yu Luosheng said to himself silently.

Suffering painfully to level 3, Yu Luosheng glanced at Huo Nan's level, which is also level 3. There is no lead over himself.

I glanced at these long-range soldiers who were messy in front of him.Yu Luosheng first appeared indifferent, and suddenly cut off when he was recruiting.

In the posture of the sword dagger, as the protagonist of Rurouni Ken's heart, Sword Sword stepped on the soldier's head with a wooden puppet.

Fire Man Brand was very calm, and gave Luo Luosheng a p flame to burn.

The effect of flame incineration is similar to that of ignition, and it is a directional skill. Yu Luosheng naturally cannot dodge.

Seeing that his body was ignited by magic, Yu Luosheng was extremely fast, one sword plus one stroke, and the sword flashed, quickly stealing less than 200 HP of the fire man Brand.

Fire Man Brand was standing there, with a contempt in his eyes for the clown jumping clown.

A clown mask is in hand. The fire man equipped in the early stage is basically invincible. Your little Yasuo with a Dolan sword going out is a little mouse without any combat power.

"First reward you with an ignition, and then give you a mark of flame. If the mark stuns you, give a pillar of flame and fire, and let you go home to do your homework directly." Fire Man Brand smiled with a sinister heart.

Flame Mark

The fire man's hand showed the release of the turtle-style qigong, and a hemispherical flame was suddenly sent from the palm of the hand. The flame basically flew towards the front door of Yu Luosheng.

If he is struck by this mark of fire, Yu Luosheng's Yasuo will be stunned in place, and the fire damage caused by this skill stack and the passive damage of Fire Man Brand are extremely considerable. It is estimated that the equipment can completely take away Yu Luosheng's Yasuo.

Yu Luosheng's eyes were extremely focused, and his eyes kept staring at the hands of Fire Man Brand

Fire hero Brand will have different gestures to release different skills.

When the Fire Mark is released, he will show Turtle Qigong moves.

When the pillar of fire is released, he pats his hands to the ground.

When the burn is released, his hands will open.

And when the p big move is released, the fire man will have a jump action ...

At this time, Yu Luosheng must see exactly what skills the fire man released. If it is the flame mark, then it means that Yu Luosheng will choose to continue playing. If it is a flame of fire, Yu Luosheng will immediately use the honest roll back.

Close up, gather, to launch ...

It ’s Turtle Qigong

Yu Luosheng saw the movement of Huonan within a few seconds, so he made the next judgment at that moment.

Yu, that is, do you know how long I've endured you? ?

Yu Luosheng pressed his finger quickly and pressed it.

On the screen, I saw that the flexible Yasuo body suddenly wore from the front of the fire man behind the fire man like the wind ...

And just after Yu Luosheng's windbreaker swept across the front of the fire man, the fire man brand launched a hemispherical flame, which is the mark of the flame

It is this skill that Yu Luosheng wants to avoid. He is the horrible dizziness of the fire man. Once he wins this dizziness, Yu Luosheng will surely eat the next skill of the fire man. No doubt he will die in all three skills

Fortunately, Yu Luosheng avoided it directly with his chic operation, and saw the flame mark thrown by Flame Brand on the air.

Behind Fireboy Brand, Yu Luosheng quickly drew his sword and gave Fireboy Brand a sword

"Damn flea, rat"

Flame Brand was like a giant. The rat under his irritable feet rushed from the front to the back, so he slammed the ground angrily, almost releasing a giant pillar of flame under his feet.

The flaming column of fire showed a ring, and suddenly burst open half a second later, soaring into the sky.

"I know you have to give skills." Yu Luosheng grasped the opponent's heart, cut off the opponent's sword and immediately ran away, avoiding the fireman Brand with a common position. Road flame pillars.

Three skills dodged two, and Yu Luosheng naturally would not let go of this arrogant guy. After a series of post flashes and ordinary attacks, he forcibly killed about 40% of the fireman's health.

It is also the fire male clown mask that has made a success. Under normal circumstances, Yasuo's set of repeated strokes has to kill half of the mage's blood.

Fire Man Brand started to retreat, Yu Luosheng found that he could not catch up, and immediately used the last enemy soldier to return to a safe place and distanced him from Fire Man.

"Hateful thing" Fire Man Brand was so angry that he was beaten up so much blood.

At this time, he saw Yasuo receding, and immediately re-pressed before using the hand attack to consume Yu Luosheng's blood.

Yu Luosheng saw that the fire man came forward again, with an old fox smile on his face.

Step forward and cut.

Step forward before cutting.

Yu Luosheng's Yasuo suddenly changed his hexagrams. He just took the look of taking advantage of the cheap, but suddenly used the newly appeared enemy soldiers to move continuously.

Yasuo, like a gust of wind, passed through the two soldiers, and once again appeared in front of the fire man Brand.


The blade of Yu Luosheng's hand did not know when a whirlwind condensed. As Yu Luosheng stepped forward and cut and used the post flash together, Sword Sword Master Yasuo was using the soldier to pounce on the fire male Bran When you were in Germany, you swept a full arc with your sword.

Where the blade edged, the blade was split and the hurricane surged.

Fire Man Brand has no time to react, and is swept by this blade and wind

The slammed fire man suddenly became Yu Luosheng's sandbag, and Yu Luosheng cut two swords in a row ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yu Luosheng's position was very delicate, not just standing on the spot and attacking the enemy with a sword. While attacking the enemy, he also walked to the position where the enemy was about to escape ...

Therefore, when the next sword d was finished, after Yu Luosheng finished the sword, he killed Brandon, who had about 30% of his health.

Fire Man Brand has less than 30% of his blood.

This blood volume can obviously kill. If you continue to chase down and ignite a sword fq, it will just take away the five-headed guy named Fire Man Brand.

However, Yu Luosheng is very clear that he must not chase anymore, because Flame Brand's skills are basically cooled ...

Generally, players who are not calm will subconsciously fight when they see that the enemy's blood is low, but they never consider what will happen next.

Yu Luosheng thought everything very clearly when he attacked. If he watched the fire male Brand with less than 30 health left and continued to pursue, then he will directly eat the set of the opponent's face. Fire skills.

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