Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 137: Takamagahara

A big question mark appeared on Chiyo's head. She didn't leave the room at all but made a noise. As a result, the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai was so frightened that she turned her head and ran away. This...

The courage is too small.

She carried out a new round of contempt for Wu Mian, just because of the sound, the other party was really the first person.

However, if he just leaves like this, it will be a little difficult, and the next plot will not go on. Yiyong has not yet established with Tanjiro...

Chiyo just blinked his eyes, and Tamamo-mae had already rushed out holding the sun blade.

I have to say that the other party really deserves to be the big monster Yuzao Qian, and that speed is not nonsense at all.

Tomioka Yiyong just felt a flower in front of his eyes, and when he came back to his senses, there was already a figure fighting with the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.

It seems a little unrealistic to say that it was a fight between two people.

It has to be said that Tamamozen really deserves to be a big monster who has experienced a hundred battles, not the kind of incomparable who only develops offline.

Oni Mai Tsuji is very timid, and after being hunted down by Chiyo and Tamamo for nearly a thousand years, he is even less timid, so every time he develops and goes offline, he must bring his most powerful Twelve Ghost Moon. .

The current role of the twelve ghost months is completely different from the original, and they have become the personal bodyguards without misery.

Looking at the new faces in front of him, Chiyo sighed heavily.

How should I put it, she used to think that Liuyan, Tong Mo, and the third brother were quite good-looking as the twelve ghosts, but now the newcomers are too unattractive.

For the sudden appearance of the four twelve ghost months, Tomioka Yiyong raised the sun blade in his hand. He just carried out the task conveyed above, saying that he was asked to protect a family of ordinary people who would be attacked by ghosts, but he did not expect it. Not only the four Twelve Ghost Moons were attacked, but also the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai, who could cover the sky with one hand.

"I really don't know what to say with four winding ghosts. Brother Wu miserable, do you want to change your winding again?"

After flying out a sunken sword, Chiyo walked out of the room with a sunken sword in each of her left and right hands. Because her back was facing the light, no one could see the expression on her face. But from the tone of her voice...

In fact, she's quite condescending.

The reason why a person can pretend to be coercive is because she has the qualifications to pretend to be coercive. Chiyo feels that she and Tamamo-mae are the only ones in the world who have this qualification.

No miserable match? He got a few.

Her disgust for Guiwu Tsuji no miserable can be said to be ready to express, if it wasn't for Gao Tianyuan who has been protecting the other party, this guy would have gone to the ghost lamp to report.

"Four twelve ghost months, friend, are you in charge of one?"

Now Tomioka Yiyong has become a water column. Although the rabbit is still alive, the powerful plot still makes him a water column.

When the shoji ghost encounters a column-level swordsman, there is only one way to die, but the shoji ghost is different. As long as they don't meet the shikigami of Chiyo, then they are little experts who can go to heaven and earth.

"Miss Chi, Chiyo?"

After becoming a pillar, Tomioka Yoshiyoshi met the real Saki, and only through the explanation of the other party did he know that he met Chiyo during the final trial.

It's the Chiyo who made ghosts terrified.

"There are very few chances to meet a stringed ghost, so I will save one for you to practice your hands."


Chiyo has always been a person who does what she says. Since she promised to give Yiyong a training hand, she really rushed towards the three twelve ghost moons with two sun-shaped knives.

Let you experience it!

What is despair! !

brush brush --

Three knives went down, and three heads slowly fell from their necks. These twelve ghost moons are not like the six eyes in the original plot. They have lived for a long time and are not afraid of beheading. They are still newcomers. A little sloppy.

Chiyo's neat technique and Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, who is playing indiscriminately between the enemy and the enemy, can be said to form a sharp contrast. This is probably the crushing of strengths.

Feeling that the other party would not be killed for the time being, Chiyo took out the needle used to draw blood and ran directly towards Wu Mian.

Now she is just like the crocodile teacher who ran towards the reader with a tachi, she has no heart! ! !

When he saw Chiyo rushing towards him, Wu Mian felt that he was afraid that he was not finished. The strong fear made him use all his strength to push Tamamo before, and then continued to turn around and run.

"You want to run after pushing our family together so vigorously? You are too naive, little brother Wu miserable."

Chiyo's fluttering words blew into Wumisui's ears along the cold wind, and the next second he felt that the other party was directly riding on his neck, and something was pierced into his skin.

"You should thank Gao Tianyuan for keeping you alive until now."

The strong fear made Kiwu Tsuji Wumei's feet soften, and the whole person knelt in the snow. He turned his head tremblingly, and saw Chiyo and Tamamo holding the sun blade in front of him and looking at him with a smile.

The only thing that made him feel strange was probably the glass tube in the other's hand, which seemed to contain his own blood.

Although I don't know why the other party wants his blood, it is obvious that the current situation does not allow him to think about this unimportant matter.

"Hehehe, it looks like we are going to decide the winner here today."

Even if you are at a disadvantage, you must not lose in momentum!

Oni Mai Tsuji, who has always been adhering to this idea, strongly supported the start of a new round of pretense, but it was obvious that Chiyo didn't care about his pretense, and even chose to ruthlessly expose it.

"That's right, but I don't think it's convincing for you to say something like that on your knees."

Up to now, this guy is kneeling on the ground and shaking his legs non-stop.

Chiyo felt that he really looked down on the other party before. Originally, he ate the fake cyan flower in order to lead the other party to keep looking for him. .

If this guy is killed here, does that mean the plot is over?

The wisteria flower and the sun wheel knife have no effect on Wuxian. The only thing that is useful is the sun. The big deal is to tie Wuxian here until the sun comes out.

After the idea came to him, Chiyo really did what he said, and so far Taka Tianyuan has not come out to stop it, which means that the other party has no effect?

Just took out the rope, but Gao Tianyuan reacted before Wuxian did not react.

Boom! ! !


Tamamo-mae, who had been observing the situation here, immediately discovered Gao Tianyuan's intentions and dragged Chiyo, who was about to be **** with a rope, directly to his side. Almost instantly, the big lightning hit the place where Chiyo was standing before. .

Needless to say what this already means.


Staring at the place where Wu Mian was kneeling before for a few seconds, Chiyo took down the rope extremely calmly, and then took tragic revenge on Gao Tianyuan. Probably this night, he would bombard Gao Tianyuan with lightning and thunder without stopping.

The thunder was still ringing, and the lightning almost illuminated the entire mountain as if it were daylight. At a distance of more than ten meters, she saw the volunteers who were still fighting with the Twelve Ghost Moon.

In the few minutes that she left, Tomioka Yiyong had begun to be at a disadvantage. After all, the other party was the ghost of the Twelve Ghost Moon.

The knife went up and down, and in the blink of an eye, Chiyo directly solved this guy.

After being cut off by Gao Tianyuan, her mood can be said to be extremely bad, and she directly took out the abandoned child who was left behind.

It's not that Gao Tianyuan didn't take action, but he has been observing her actions. As long as it doesn't endanger Wuxing's life, the other party doesn't care about anything, but once they find out that they want to kill Wuxian, they will quickly take action.

Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Mia, they are all main characters of Demon Slayer, so many things must be done according to the plot, and they cannot die early or leave the plot.

"What happened to Nezuko?"

Chiyo and Tamamo-mae looked at the room with serious expressions. No one else was injured, but only Nezuko's shoulder seemed to be scratched by claws, and there were traces of bleeding.

This is impossible, the four twelve ghost months have no chance to come into contact with Nezuko.

"It was the black-haired man who injured Nezuko."


It is the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.

After the lightning hit Takamura, Onimatsu Tsuji was teleported here and scratched Nezuko.

Will become a ghost, Nezuko will still become a ghost according to the plot.

Because of the trembling hands of angry Chiyo, she thought she could successfully deviated from the plot, but now it seems that as long as Gao Tianyuan is there, it is impossible for the plot to go completely deviated.

"Yiyong, I leave it to you here."

She decided to change her plan and stop staring at Onima Tsuji Wumai, that guy would not pose a threat to her, but Gao Tianyuan, who could pose a threat.

After giving all the Shikigami outside the order to return to the Ghost Killing Team, she turned to look in front of Tamamo who was standing beside her, "Juju, it's time to take revenge for my death by lightning."

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and your revenge has a thousand years."

During the Heianjing period, Chiyo was directly killed by Taka Tianyuan with a thunderbolt, which caused her to miss the precious experience of spending childhood with her two children, and after that, Taka Tianyuan repeatedly prevented her from killing Wu miserable. This is already a deep resentment. .

Today, according to the plot, Nezuko will soon become a ghost, which is the last straw, and successfully made Chiyo have the idea of ​​​​turning over the high sky.

Whether this Gao Tianyuan is the Gao Tianyuan in the Onmyoji or the legendary Gao Tianyuan is unknown to her. She only knows that her opponent this time is Mikiko: Amaterasu the Great God, Tsukiyomi, and Susano.

No matter which one they meet, it will be a fierce battle, but now she has to fight with each other.

Now she is completely fearless, she can't possibly die, she is a citizen of Datian Chao, and has been sheltered by the gods of Datian Chao, how could she possibly lose in this.

After learning Chiyo's thoughts, Tamamo Mae would of course stand by her, and he also didn't think they would lose.

The story of Onmyoji before Chiyo Crossing hasn't explained Gao Tianyuan clearly, but what should come will always come, it's just a matter of time.

The author has something to say:

Let's deal with Gao Tianyuan first.

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