Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 136: slip away slip away

Chiyo has three big swords pinned to her waist. These are specially made Japanese swords. No matter how you live for so long, you have to be equipped with a few good swords. The ghosts who have died under her sword for hundreds of years are really real. There are countless.

Perhaps the breath and expressions of the two were not the same as usual, which made Tanjirou look back at the two of them several times. He felt that his pace was not slow, and usually few people could keep up with his pace, but now the two seem to be casually keeping up with their pace, which is indeed surprising.

"I'm really sorry, I usually have blood clots at the speed of my walking, so I walked at this speed without realizing it, and you can still keep up..."

No, the two of them can keep up with themselves.

Tanjiro is a gentle good boy, really a good boy, even so, I have to apologize to them.


Such a little angel would be treated like this by the heartless crocodile teacher! Really heartless!

Chiyo stretched out his hand and wiped his face, almost weeping on the spot, "It's okay, Tanjiro, I can understand your feeling that you want to go home quickly, so it's okay to leave quickly."

She once again showed a very understanding side of herself, which is why many people who are not familiar with Chiyo speak highly of her.

As a strong person, both she and Tamamomae can control the changes in the aura around them at will, which makes Tanjiro, a person who relies on the nose, unable to distinguish anything at all.

Seeing the other person's moved appearance, Chiyo wanted to tell him that even if he was flying, there would be no problem at all.

In the original plot, Tanjiro was stopped by an uncle who lived in a wooden house at the foot of the mountain on his way home and let him stay at home for one night. If there is no such uncle, then the protagonist has really achieved the achievement of group destruction.

"There will be ghosts at night, so you can stay in the house for one night temporarily."

"Ghost? What the hell?"

Looking at Tanjirou with a confused face, Chiyo sighed heavily. To be honest, when she first watched Ghost Slayer, she felt that this uncle looked more like a ghost than Wu Misao.


She wants to apologize to this uncle here! A very sincere apology! She shouldn't judge people by their looks!

"It's a man-eating ghost, but that kind of thing is afraid of wisteria flowers. I lit the wisteria flower incense lamp here, so don't worry about this problem."

When Chiyo said this, she pointed to the lamp that Tamamo had been holding in front of her hand. She put a wisteria flower fragrance in it, and the scent would keep wafting as long as the lamp didn't go out.

Tanjirou stretched out his hand and pinched his nose. He finally understood what was going on with the strange feeling before. It turned out that the other party was holding a wisteria flower incense lamp just now.

No, why are Yoko-san and Shinichi-san so clear about ghosts? Do you even know what ghosts are afraid of?

"Uncle Saburo, I still have a little wisteria flower fragrance here, I'll give it to you."


Chiyo generously gave the wisteria fragrance to Uncle Saburo, but both Uncle Saburo and Tanjiro looked at the wisteria fragrance in each other's hands with good expressions.

What I said was that there was only a little left, but I always felt that the aromatherapy in the other party's hand could be used for several years.

Saying goodbye to the uncle, the three continued to advance in the snow. The sky was completely dark, and they could only rely on the weak light of the lamp in front of Tamamo...


Chiyo took out the [Adventure model! The searchlight with ultra-long standby, ultra-large capacity, and ultra-long range], Tanjiro even thought he saw the sun when he pressed the switch.


This is too dazzling.

Tanjirou felt that his eyes were about to be blinded.

However, due to the existence of this searchlight, they returned home quickly, and the arrival of Chiyo and Tamamomae was warmly welcomed by the Kammen family.

This family is really hospitable, and even those children are very fond of Chiyo. To be able to start with such a cute child, Guiwu Tsuji Wumisian is really not a **** human being.

Wu Miserable can only appear at night or when there is no sun. It is a good time for him to come out on a snowy day like the present.

Kammen Tanjuro's health can't be said to be very good, but it can't be said to be very bad. Tamamo Mae will hang his life with such an expensive one. It's no problem to live for a few more years, but just don't do any strenuous exercise. .

After the old doctor Yuzao gave him a pulse, he made some adjustments to his prescription. After telling the other party to take the medicine on time, the two decided to go down the mountain quickly.

This [hurry] is just that they acted in a hurry. In fact, Chiyo didn't even think about going back from Tanjiro's house tonight.

As soon as the door was opened, the snow was almost rushing in. It is very dangerous to walk at night in such a heavy snow day. What's more, they only have a few sun knives in their hands except for a lamp, which does not seem to be possible. Equipment for night travel.

"Mr. Shinichi and Miss Yoko will stay here tonight."


What a rare opportunity this is!

Chiyo almost screamed out in her heart, but even so, she frowned in embarrassment and thought for a few seconds, "Today, I had to ask Tanjiro to bring us over to see Mr. Tanjuro's body, I thought today In the evening, I can go down the mountain in the dark, but who knows that such a heavy snow has suddenly fallen, and it would be too much trouble for you to live here again."

"Look at what you said, Miss Yoko."

So under the half push of Chiyo and Tamamo, they are considered to live in Tanjiro's house.

If it was just a simple stay, it would be fine. The key point is that these two people began to sit on the tatami and wipe the knife!

One or two wipes are endless!

"Wow! Miss Yoko is holding a sword?!"

Tanjirou's eldest brother, Takeo Kamado, was very interested in the Japanese sword in Chiyo's hand. The whole person came over, and his eyes were even flashing with excitement.


How should I put it, Chiyo suddenly had the idea of ​​​​training the opponent to become a member of the Ghost Slayer team, but this idea only appeared for a moment. other surprises.

"It's a tachi, but Takeo, you are still young. If you play with a real sword at this time, you may be injured. You can ask Mr. Tanjuro to give you a wooden sword."

Chiyo's official age is still 16 years old, only three years behind Tanjiro, who is 13 years old, so the few people chatted together for a long time.

"Tanjirou, it's getting late, Hanako and the others are going to bed."

Seeing that she was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, Chiyo took out a large piece of wisteria flower fragrance from her pocket, "Let's put this on."


Although he felt that the ghost mentioned by Uncle Saburo was very fantasy, he would rather believe it if it was there or not, so he was very obedient and lighted the aroma.

Now it is certain that tonight is the beginning of the plot, Chiyo can't fall asleep at all, so after turning off the lights, she kept her eyes open and stared at the dark ceiling.

Tamamo-zen noticed from her breathing that the other party hadn't slept, so he patted her hand in the dark to signal the other party to be calm.

"Relax, what should come will come, we just need to be ready until then."

When he said this, his voice was very soft, but Chiyo could still hear it clearly. Although it was not wrong to say so, but...

"But Juju, I really lost sleep."


It's alright, some things are treated as if he didn't say anything.

I don't know how long it took, Chiyo finally fell asleep, and was about to fall asleep in a daze, and suddenly noticed the aura of the Oni Samurai.


correct! It was the big idiot who appeared. Although the breath was still weak, she was sure that the idiot Wumisi had come over!

Yuzaoqian also discovered the fool at the same time. Both of them quickly hid their breath, for fear that after Wumao found out that they were here, they would not be able to come back, and there would be no way to continue going down for many things that followed. .

Chiyo and Tamamo-mae, who were guests, were arranged to live in a relatively inner room, so if they looked at the door from the door, they might not have noticed the situation on their side at the first time.

Silently crawling out of the quilt, Chiyo folded the quilt very thoughtfully, and placed all three Japanese swords on her lap. She is now waiting for Tanjiro to knock on the door of Tanjiro's house.

Come on, come on~

She not only sensed the aura of no misery, but even felt the aura of Tomioka's bravery.

I'm coming! Yiyong comes with the bond between him and Tanjiro!

Thinking of this Chiyo suddenly became excited, but she soon discovered something.


Wait a minute, it was because of the sincere feelings of Tanjiro and Nezuko that there were many things that happened in the end.

Mom, Mom, Mom!

what to do? How to do this? !

The plot is about to start, and Chiyo suddenly remembered that if he was so involved, there would definitely be a lot of changes due to the butterfly effect.

Sensing that Chiyo's breathing was a little chaotic, Tamamo patted her on the shoulder as comfort, "It doesn't matter, since we've come this far, we can only bite the bullet and go on, as for other things, we can only rely on Gao Tianyuan to let the plot unfold. Get back on track."


That's right, why did she forget Gao Tianyuan, but the other party always wanted to let the plot continue normally.

When the two of them were talking, Wu Mian was already slowly pretending to be coercive, and even prepared to pretend to be coercive again. After all, he always appeared in the state of such a cold boss when he was developing offline.

Before entering someone else's house, garbage like Oni Mai Tsuji Murai will not hesitate to knock on the door or go in directly. Chiyo knows that the plot has begun when she hears the screams outside.

As soon as the screams sounded, Yi Yong rushed over as a righteous man, and the next question is probably dozens of rounds of battle, but...

Sorry! ! Yi Yong, you are not the protagonist! You can't beat a big dog at all! !

Tomioka Yiyong just stopped Oni Mai Tsuji Mimi's attempt to attack Tanjiro's family, but he still only got a second.

Before the pair of ghost hands could move next, Chiyo threw out the sun blade in Chiyo's hand, and it was a coincidence that he cut a big hole in Wu's clothes. When I poured it in, it felt very cold.

"We haven't seen you for a long time, so you stay safe for so many years, little brother?"


Oniwu Tsuji Wumiseng froze first, then turned his head and ran.

The author has something to say:

No misery: slip, slip, slip

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