Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 138: Ou Huangqian is back!

Gao Tianyuan can't stay, even if Japan loses gods, what will happen to the chaos, Chiyo doesn't want to take care of it, the big deal is that the gods of Datian·chao take over.

It will take some time to summon all the shikigami scattered all over the place. She and Tamamo hurried back to the ghost killing team first, and they need to make a very detailed plan to overturn the high sky.

The curse of the Sanyashiki and their family also became like this because they were cursed by the so-called gods. If Gao Tianyuan solved it, it would leave them relatively more time.

"Chiyo, do you really want to do this?"

Saki had an ominous premonition when she saw the return of her good sister. If it was normal, this guy would smile like a flower when he returned after completing his purpose, but this time it was very different.

Could it be that this time the target mission has been hung up?

When the other party proposed to overthrow Gao Tianyuan, she even confirmed that the target person had already hung up.

"Well, I have to do this, but like you and Yaozai, they are ordinary people. This time I will definitely not call you, but I will bring all the shikigami."

Her shikigami has been able to catch up with an army, and it's the kind of army that leaves nothing to chance!

She wants to bring her army and let Gao Tianyuan!



Do not!

pregnancy! !

Seeing Chiyo who was suddenly excited, Saki reached out and patted her shoulder, "Be realistic, sister, I'm really worried about whether you can defeat God as a monster."

That is God!

"What are you afraid of, in Onmyoji, the **** of Gao Tianyuan is also a shikigami."

and many more?

and many more!

If it is said that the **** of Gao Tianyuan = Shikigami, doesn't that mean that as long as Chiyo empties the card pool, everything will be solved? The gods of Gao Tianyuan have become her shikigami, so why are you afraid of being disobedient?

However, Chiyo's plan is not what Saki thought. It would be too simple to just empty the card pool. What she has to do is to blow up Gao Tianyuan, and there will be no such place as Gao Tianyuan in the future.

Chiyo raised the corners of his mouth very slowly, and smiled extremely brightly. This smile made Saki feel that things were not simple.

"I'm going to let them call me Daddy."

"Brother, I'm afraid your grave grass will be as tall as mine by this time next year."

Oh, she's not angry. After all, she knew that the other party was worried about her, so she pointed to the backyard happily, "Sister, did you see it, there are more than a dozen of your graves there."

So far, Saki has died many times, and each time she has a grave on the back mountain of their house, which also causes her to have more than a dozen graves behind her.

Feeling severely injured, she threw herself into the arms of Doji Ibaraki, "Ibaraki, look at Chiyo! She bullied me!!"

Saki was there chattering endlessly, which made Ibaraki Doji look up at Chiyo and Tamamo who were sitting across from him with a subtle expression.

"I said Chiyo..."

"Huh? Isn't Chiyo telling the truth?"

Ibaraki Doji and Tamamo Mae, the two wife-guarding madmen, are considered to be on the bar. They used to often compete with each other to see who is the most powerful. Chiyo can still remember that they were fighting every day when he first crossed over.

"My God, did you see a fight when you came back? That counts as me?"

After hearing the call, the first group to rush back were Shuten Douji and Otengu. After all, they had the right wings, so it was necessary to be the first to rush back.

Compared with Shuten Douji's spectator mentality, Datengu sat next to Chiyo very calmly and explained how many times, "Chiyo, I really didn't use my wings to fly back this time."

"Hey, how many years have I not seen Datiangu, your Dapeng spreading its wings?"

Chiyo shook his head regretfully when he said this, without the slightest sense of urgency that this place was about to become an Asura field.


The big tengu didn't want to say anything, and even wanted to stay in the corner.

"Well, if you have a fight, go to the courtyard to fight. The broom **** has just cleaned it. If it messes up, it will cry."

Anyway, there is nothing special about waiting for the shikigami to come back. It's okay for everyone to relax together. After all, they will have a big battle soon.

Picking up a cup of hot tea, Chiyo took a sip very comfortably.

The reason why she summoned all the shikigami so fearlessly was also because she knew that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai would not come out again for a short time after what happened last night, and even the twelve ghost moons were wiped out by her. took four.

Not exciting?

It can be said to be very exciting.

"Just now, Jiutun and Datiangu have just come back. The rest of the people don't know when they will come back. It will take some time to start the plan to overturn Gaotianyuan."

Already prepared for a long-term battle, Chiyo seemed a lot more relaxed. "How should I say, as for Wu Miserable, I will temporarily hand it over to the members of the Ghost Killing Squad."

Glancing at Chiyo who looked like an uncle, Saki also sat beside him with a cup of hot tea.

To be honest, the two of them haven't been as comfortable as they are now for so many years. It seems that everything has been busy since they learned about the ghost dance and Tsuji no miserable things. They are busy killing ghosts and catching Wu miserable.


Ghost dance Tsuji Mimi is really a dog, Chiyo is not a human, but Wu Mian is a real dog.

After drinking a large sip of tea, Saki let out a sigh of relief.

"so comfortable."

"Yeah, until Gao Tianyuan and Oniwu Tsuji are resolved, then we will be comfortable in the future."

Because it was too comfortable, the two of them almost fell asleep comfortably, but the movement of Tamamo Mae and Ibaraki Doji not far away was so great that they had to open their eyes again.

Okay, it's impossible to want to sleep, and now I can only continue to be mentally active.

"By the way, if you want to defeat Gao Tianyuan, are so many people enough? What do you need me to do, Chiyo?"

"You don't have to do anything, you just need to guard the Ghost Killing Team here. I can continue to summon if there are not enough people."

"Sister, have you forgotten, your card pool is already crooked!"

Oh yes, her card pool is indeed crooked, and it is still the kind that is crooked to no end.

Since Naraku was summoned, the next card pool seemed to be possessed, and all kinds of people were sent over, such as Six Eyes, and Tong Mo and Third Brother.

Scared, really scary.

Reaching out her hand and scratching her head, Chiyo sighed heavily, but even if Kachi was crooked, she still needed to be summoned.

"That's right, sister."

Chiyo sat up with a thud, looked at Saki beside him with fiery eyes, and suddenly began to approach him maliciously, "Sister, you and Ibaraki have been together for so long, why hasn't your stomach moved?"

It's really been too long, their love flowers are about to give birth, why hasn't their good sister moved at all?

Unscientific, this is very unscientific.


Saki, who was a little embarrassed, rushed over and began to pull Chiyo's face hard, "Let you say it! Let you say it! Believe it or not, I scratched your face?"

"Hahahaha! I also care about you, sister, don't do this!"

Just as the two were making a fuss, several shikigami sent out by Chiyo had returned, and each one looked like a spring breeze, which made people wonder whether they were sent out to kill ghosts or out for other livelihoods. .

"Chiyo, why are you calling us back in such a hurry?"

Glancing at Yaodao Ji who was standing next to her, Chiyo directly turned over from the tatami, and sorted out her clothes that were a little messy because of the trouble just now.

"Well, it's a very important thing. After everyone is here, I will talk to you about the next plan."

Chiyo has already said so, but Yao Dao Ji and the others didn't say much. After all, Chiyo made a decision, and they just need to follow the arrangement as Shikigami.

It's been a long time since I returned to the Ghost Killing Squad to take a good rest, and they were preparing to take a good bath during this time.

After receiving Chiyo's call, the shikigami came back from all over the country, but it took almost a week until everyone was there.

"Hey - to be honest, I don't know who is who with so many people, and I don't even know who I summoned, otherwise I'll get a registration book here?"

Looking at the dozens of shikigami in front of her, Chiyo felt that it was really too difficult for her. She had acted impulsively several times before, which directly caused the number of shikigami to rise.

I'm sorry, her brain capacity is not enough, and she can't remember how many shikigami she has summoned, not to mention that she will have to do several consecutive draws.

After scratching her face, she finally brought out a notebook and wrote the words one by one, and her hands were shaking a little after writing.

What was she thinking in the first place?

Glancing at the crowd in front of her, she looked up at the sky again, and laid down a particularly thick barrier. Ordinary physical and chemical attacks could not break through, and even people outside could not hear what they said inside. what is.

"The thing is, I called everyone back because there is a very important thing to do next."

Her paintings have always been very good. Before the return of Shikigami, she painted a few portraits without misery. "Our goal now is not this person, but Gao Tianyuan."


She didn't expect her goal to become so fast, Shuten Douji and both of them looked confused.

They all know that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is a jerk, but why did they suddenly mention Gao Tianyuan?

"How many of you have been persecuted by Gao Tianyuan, let's talk about it, and it is because of Gao Tianyuan's existence that we have been unable to kill without misery, so now we must solve this problem fundamentally."

As the person who summoned them, Chiyo would do whatever she said, so even if they wanted to do something as big as Gao Tianyuan, they all said they would obey each other's arrangements after being stunned for a few seconds.

That's good, then the next step is the tense and exciting part of summoning the shikigami.

Seeing that Chiyo was going to draw another ten, Tamamo didn't want to stop her.

The author has something to say:

coming! Tens of tense and exciting draws!

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