Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 118: Why are you still not dead?

This guy Jiguo Yansheng is quite difficult to evaluate him. He is a good person, but the bad things he does make people want to kill him, but if he is a bad person, he has joined the ghost killing team for a while to kill him. ghost.


Right now, she only thought that this would make Chiyo feel better, she twitched the corners of her mouth to try not to be so angry.

"This is Yuanyi's brother? Since we joined the Ghost Killing Team, we are a family."

Well said, but in fact, what Chiyo is thinking in her heart, only she and those who know her well know the truest thoughts in her heart now.

I'm a mother, and now they say they are a family, but if the other party does something to betray them, don't blame her for being rude.

Oh, what she has to do is to squeeze out all the value of Jiguo Yansheng's use.

None of the swordsmen who awakened the stripes lived past the age of twenty-five, and Jikuni Iwakatsu was afraid that he would not live to twenty-five years old and was jealous of Yuichi, so he finally accepted the invitation of Oni Mai Tsuji.


She couldn't mention it, she felt like she could get angina when she mentioned it.

Anyway, if Guiwu Tsuji is a dog, then Jikuni Iwakatsu is a dog.

Wait, that's not right.

She shouldn't use a dog to describe each other, this is completely trapping her own species, and her son-in-law is also a dog!

Well, in the future, I will use the paramecia to describe it.

Paramecium has no brains and is a waste.

"Although you have been a swordsman before, our ghost killing team is not an ordinary swordsman. Those who have just entered the ghost killing team must undergo some training first."

Having said that, she smiled even more happily.

That's right, you need to train for a while.

To train this kind of thing, she has to come in person, after all, she attaches great importance to Jiguo Yansheng!

Yes, that's right, she must pay attention to each other.

For Chiyo and his party, Jiguo Iwakatsu can be said to be very familiar with the other party is the famous witch Chiyo, and even his father has a respectful attitude towards her.

But such a powerful witch is so familiar with her younger brother.

Okay, the lemon juice is sour again.

This guy is no longer the reincarnation of Lemonade, he is simply a big Lemonade himself, squirting out some lemon juice from time to time.


Chiyo suddenly felt that it seemed a bit wretched to say that, what is squirting lemon juice, it sounds like people wanting, but it is very appropriate to describe Jikuni Iwakatsu, it is completely a walking lemon.

"You are actually quite good, and you can be said to be outstanding among the newly recruited players."

After opening a small stove for Jikuni Iwakatsu alone and training like a devil, Chiyo spoke earnestly and earnestly about life with the other party.

"I think now you should be able to carry out the final test. It's not real skill to talk about on paper. We have to pull it out for a real battle."

To be honest, after hearing Chiyo's words, Jikuni Iwakatsu suddenly had an ominous feeling for some unknown reason, but he felt that he should not be stumped by the other party's position, so he simply put his heart into it. Deep doubts dispelled.

That's right, he trusts this witch Chiyo very much.

But unfortunately, Chiyo is destined to live up to the trust of the other party.

In the ghost killing plot, the final trial was on a mountain full of wisteria flowers, and they stayed for seven days and seven nights before entering the ghost killing team. How many children died here one after another, which gave her a little inspiration.

This is also the tradition of the Ghost Killing Team. Although she doesn't know when this tradition started, she can definitely learn from it.

After discussing with Yukiya Zaiyashiki, who was about to die, Chiyo waved his big hand and asked Shikigami to go out and catch a few ghosts to play with.

Ghosts about to be arrested: "..."

Shit, they cracked.

Dozens of ghosts were neatly placed on the mountain full of wisteria flowers, and Chiyo, who was standing in Yamaguchi, started painting cakes for Jikuni Iwakatsu with great anticipation.

"I believe in you, I believe in you very much. I think that with your ability, you can definitely kill the ghosts inside. You don't need to stay in it for long enough, you only need to kill seventeen ghosts."

She almost gave him a wave of rainbow farts, and she almost blew him into the sky.

Doesn't this person think that he is powerful, so let him see what it means to be someone outside of people, and there is heaven outside of heaven.

If we can survive, then let's continue to care for each other well, if we don't survive...

Oh, then it's better not to survive.

Sending the other party into the mountain, Chiyo began to pay attention to it from a distance. To be honest, she even had the urge to deliberately attract ghosts to Jikuni Iwakatsu.

This guy just died.

"You have a lot of resentment for this guy."

Whether it's Kiwu Tsuji no miserable or Naraku, Chiyo's resentment has always been deep, Tamamo before just thought that the other party was very disliked by what these two guys did as villains, but now it seems that it is not only the case.

What is the situation with this Jiguo Yansheng? It's just a worthless lemon essence, why do you take it so seriously?

Tamamo-mae frowned and looked at Chiyo who was shaking his head, and he admitted that he was sour.


I used to be very concerned about Onikiwu Tsuji and Naraku, but now there is another Mikuni Iwakatsu, which is very arrogant.

Chiyo! You wake up!

Tamamo Qian was screaming silently in his heart, but he suddenly felt that the silent shouting in his heart really couldn't express the mood that was obviously comparable to that of Lemonade, so he reached out and tugged at the other person's hair.

"Chiyo, if you hate this Jiguo Yansheng, you can kill him, you don't have to treat him so hard."

The focus of Tamamo before's words was "hard work", and after hearing his words, Chiyo also turned his head from watching Jiguo Yansheng being beaten, "Juju, are you jealous? It's not good to be jealous with a dead person. , it would be too cheap to let him die so easily, this guy, and I will kill him only after I have squeezed all his value out."

She is really an elf ghost, her eyes have always been on these guys, please call her Zhou Papi Chiyo thank you.

Although Jiguo Yansheng is indeed very capable among other people, he is just a very ordinary human now. It is completely impossible to kill so many ghosts by himself. Even if Chiyo draws a big piece of cake for him, he There is no way to escape from the siege of ghosts.

Chiyo has been watching, so she won't save him now, if she saves this guy, she will be blind to the ghost she let Shikigami catch with all her efforts.

"Yeah, why is the sun coming out?"

Time flies very fast when watching the fun, and I haven't seen what happened. The sun rose not long after that, and those ghosts who were planning to eat Jiguo Yansheng all hid their shit.


There is still a chance for him to breathe, which is really unhappy.

Looking at Chiyo's tut-tsk-tsk appearance, Tamamo-zen suddenly felt that this guy might have misunderstood the point. He promised to squeeze out the other party's use value, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt like he wanted Jiguoyan to win here. Just got killed?

"Ah~ I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while."

Chiyo, who was almost ten years old, rubbed her eyes and closed her eyes against the chest in front of Tamamo. There was a faint floral fragrance on the body of their family Juju, not the cheesy rouge gouache fragrance.

Wait, rouge gouache?

Women's clothing boss!

How could she forget that Juju is a women's clothing boss! The big guys in women's clothing all have to wear makeup!

Chiyo, who had already closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up, raised her head quickly and put her head next to Tamamo's face, observed it very seriously, and even rubbed her face with her hand, "Oh my god, get together. , you really are a natural beauty, you don't use rouge gouache at all!"

As a women's clothing boss, I really disagree with this.


I really envy the other party. When she thinks of this, she reaches out and touches her face. She doesn't know if she will be as good-looking as the other party when she grows up. If she can't, she will curse.

Of course, these are not the main points. The point is that the other party, as a man, is much more experienced in dressing up than she is. The outfit she is wearing now was chosen by Tamamo before.

Yes, yes, after all, the other party has been a woman for hundreds of years longer than himself.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little distressed, and even wanted to cry.

"Juju, I will also be a delicate woman in the future."

"Exquisite woman? Let's talk about it when you grow up."


What the fuck?

This is very excessive. You can eat food indiscriminately but not talk nonsense. Such words will hurt her young heart. Who knows why she has not continued to grow after so many years.

After the puffed up, Chiyo still arched into Tamamo front's arms, and at night she had to see how Jiguo Yansheng turned into a dog~

After the sun went down, Chiyo and Tamamo before ran to the mountain to start the front row to watch, and even started preparing to set up a small barbecue to cheer each other on.

Come on~

Ollie give it!

It has to be said that this Jiguo Yansheng really deserves to be the most hated Wu Miserable subordinate to the end. His vitality is strong to a certain extent, and even at this time, he can survive in a desperate situation.

He is really a man of brains. He laid a lot of traps during the day when the ghosts didn't appear. Although he couldn't let the opponents die, he could limit their movements to a certain extent, and he was fully rested. will give them their last ride.

Seeing Jiguo Yansheng humming and humming really killed seventeen ghosts, Chiyo was so angry that he was eating grilled corn in a good mood, but now he jumped up with anger.

"Really! How did he come out so easily!"

so easy?

Tamamo before glanced at Jikuni Iwakatsu, who could almost be described as seriously injured, and looked at Chiyo with a very subtle expression.

Surely this is easy?

According to the severity of this guy's injury, he may not be able to get out of bed if he doesn't lie in bed for ten days and a half months, but it is obvious that Chiyo is not very satisfied with this result. In her opinion, this person should be hurt more seriously. .

"Miss Chiyo, I've been recognized, right?"


Seeing that Jikuni Yansheng, who was seriously injured, was still struggling with the issue of approval, Chiyo nodded impatiently, "Ah, that's it."


so troublesome!

The author has something to say:

Hey, do you think the next step is to continue with the main text, wait for the main text to finish writing the extras, or do you want to post some extras now? The extras are the stories of other couples of CPs!

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