Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 119: Yuanyi, why are your legs shaking?

Why did Jiguo Yansheng live so long?

This was something that Chiyo couldn't figure out and wanted to verify all the time. For the first time, she had verified by asking the other party to kill seventeen ghosts, but she thought too much.

This is probably an unkillable cockroach, which makes people feel that they can have myocardial infarction in minutes.

Knock the fuck! Knock the fuck!

Jiguo Iwakatsu returned to the maternity house with the seriously injured Jikuni Iwakatsu. Chiyo returned to the room angrily, but she had to let her firefly grass treat her.

"Just treat it simply, don't be too careful."

Shikigami all know that Chiyo doesn't like Jikuni Iwakatsu, although it looks like they are a family with each other, but that's just superficial.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Holding his big dandelion, Yingcao laughed so happily, in fact, besides milk people, his favorite thing was to beat people!

Seeing that this little guy may have misunderstood what he meant, Chiyo pulled him back again, "I didn't ask you to hit him directly, I told you not to heal all his injuries, do you understand?"


So after an hour, Chiyo finally realized what happened to Hotaru's understanding. She even wanted to reward this guy with a small red flower. He can be said to have done a very good job in completing the task.

Jiguo Yansheng has broken arms and legs. If the ability of Firefly Grass is used, he can heal the broken place in minutes, but...

This little guy simply bandaged the opponent's fracture, which means that although Jiguo Yansheng's vitality is very strong, he still needs to rely on his own ability to grow good hands and legs.

"Although you are injured, the training cannot be stopped. I am very optimistic about you, so I am very harsh on you."

Chiyo is talking big nonsense with her eyes open here, but no one feels that something is wrong. After all, she is also very strict with Enichi, but there is still a big difference.

Being harsh on Yuanyi is to hope that he can be stronger, so that he will have a better chance of winning in the fight with ghosts and will come back alive. As for being harsh to Jiguoyansheng, it is all because he wants to toss him if he is not pleasing to the eye.

Since this guy can only be spread out on the boat for the time being, Chiyo didn't pay too much attention to him, just let Onikiri continue to instruct him on swordsmanship. Now she has more important things to do.

Yu Duo has been pregnant for more than seven months, and the due date seems to be less than two months. As a Chiyo who has given birth and delivered several children, she can be said to be very experienced. She started to control Yu Duo's diet, so she specially bought an electronic scale to start recording each other's weight.

The most taboo for pregnant women is to be overweight or eat too many sweet things during pregnancy, which will cause the child to grow too large and cause dystocia during delivery.

In the original plot, Udo and the child were both killed by ghosts and should not continue to live. Now Chiyo not only rescued her, but even protected the other party. It is impossible for ghosts and thunderbolts to appear again, so the only way to With the lives of her and the child, only dystocia is left.

In fact, giving birth to a child is a very dangerous thing. Once the uterus shrinks well, it will really bleed and kill people. So for this Chiyo, I even found an experienced midwife early and bought some shrinkage from Hyundai. Gongsu and saline came back, waiting to come in handy when Yuduo gave birth, and blood transfusions could be carried out together at that time.

God, she's such a clever little devil.

"Tsk! You didn't seem so nervous when I was born, did you?"

Seeing Chiyo rubbing her hands nervously, Saki groaned in anger. As the best sister, the other party was so sad for her that she wanted to squeeze a few crocodile tears on the spot, but she didn't wait for the Tears were squeezed out, and people were mercilessly pierced through the heart.

"Sister, please be sure to put on your face. I bought your diapers and milk powder for you, and I even changed your pants myself."

"Okay, shut up."

So far everything has been normal, Jiguo Yansheng has been under his own surveillance and there is nothing out of the ordinary, and Yuanyi has successfully taken a big step in swordsmanship, and successfully awakened Zebra, and in the Under his influence, all the other swordsmen awakened Zebra.

Because he knew the plot, Chiyo knew very well that Jiguo Yuanyi was the only swordsman who could live past the age of twenty-five, and the others around him did not live to be twenty-five in the end.

These children are all Chiyo watched as the backbone of the ghost killing team, and when she thought of their future fate, she could not wait to scold Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable.

Before she scolded, Jiguo Yuanyi avenged herself first. Although the sequence of the plot has changed a bit, the one who should come will always come. The strength can be completely independent. Yuanyi met someone who went out one night. Ghost dance Tsuji was not miserable, and the most pleasant scene happened.

"He blew himself up? Did he really blow himself up?"

After hearing Yuanichi's report, Chiyo was stunned. She knew what it meant to be a self-destruction at this meeting, and she went out with the other party. After listening to the description of the client, she didn't know what she saw with her own eyes. See makes people feel happy.

"But I'm sorry, I couldn't kill him."

For the fact that he couldn't kill Kiwu Tsuji no tragic, Yuanichi expressed great guilt. He felt that he should have killed that guy, but such a good opportunity was wasted in vain.

Seeing his self-blame, Chiyo patted him on the shoulder unconcernedly, expressing comfort, "It's alright, although I already reminded you that he might explode into so many pieces, but after all, you can't make it in time. The reaction is understandable. The only person who can do such a rude operation is that guy."

Really, it's great that Jiguoyuan can do this, and because of his role, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai has been living like a rat crossing the street for the next few decades.

"Yu Duo's due date is less than a week away. You can stay with her this week. Your brother is so powerful that he can kill ghosts."

After trying many times, Chiyo chose to kill this time. This is not very useful. It is completely suitable for Jikuni Iwakatsu, a lemon essence. She almost started to blow rainbow farts around this guy.

He is amazing, he is very powerful, after such a long period of training he can completely stand alone, those ghosts are really frightening to him!

"Now that Yan Sheng is a very qualified ghost killer, I can leave things to you with great confidence."

"You can rest assured!"

Look, after just a few words of praise, this guy can't wait to fly to the sky. For this kind of master who is full of half a bottle, if Guiwu Tsuji Wumisian can take a fancy to him, it will really be fatal.

Yan Sheng is good, Yan Sheng is wonderful, Yan Sheng's mother's croaking.

Anyway, these two people are only nineteen years old this year, and there are still a few years before the age of twenty-five. These few years may be relatively stable. The closer they are to the age of twenty-five, the more anxious Jiguoyansheng will be. At that time, the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable will take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

It is impossible to enter, it is absolutely impossible to enter, just because this guy's strength and mentality are all miserable, he will feel sorry for his face.

What can make Jiguo Yansheng float like this is that he can almost kill all the ghosts he encounters now, so he feels that he is super awesome, but he doesn't know about all the ghosts he has encountered. It was Chiyo who carefully selected all the weak ones, who could kill anyone with a knife.

It's really hard for myself, and I have to blow rainbow farts every day.

He waved Jiguo Yansheng away, and Chiyo turned around and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace, "Tsk! If it weren't for the fact that he was alive to make Yuanyi feel better, he would have stood shoulder to shoulder with the sun long ago. already."

Jikuni Iwakatsu is the ancestor of Wuichiro, and she has to make sure that this guy has left a child, otherwise the subsequent plot may not be able to continue.

"I have investigated before and he has left children in the country, so even if he dies now, it's ok."

"It's okay, I won't live for a few years anyway, but having a child at a young age is really declining."


Tamamo-mae's wish for Chiyo is really that he will help the other party to realize whatever it is, but only in the aspect of Wu Miserable, he has no way to fully demonstrate his awesome skills.

It's too much, this ability to show yourself as a husband in front of your wife is a good opportunity to promote the relationship between husband and wife, and the result is all messed up.

He was very angry.

"Don't be angry, I'm still worrying about how to round up the plot. If it is extinct, the ghost extermination plot will not go well."

Oh, yes, and make sure that Enichi and Tanjiro's ancestors can be good friends, and can give each other both the breath of the sun and the earrings.

Damn, she's really hard.

Too **** up.

What's more, Yu Duo suddenly started to have stomach pains when he was still six days away from the due date. This child who can inherit the breath of the sun and become a descendant of Yuichi is about to be born. This child can be said to have pinned all of Chiyo's hopes. Now her whole heart was lifted.

The surrounding of the house has been covered with enchantment, and it is impossible for lightning or ghosts to fall from the sky, unless it is a guy who has a brain and does not want to live.

But even so, Chiyo was still very flustered, and the whole person paced back and forth outside the house.

No, she is more nervous now than when she gave birth to a child. She was never so nervous when she gave birth to a child.

"Juju, you set up another barrier, I'm afraid it won't be enough."

Compared to her panic, Tamamo-mae seemed very calm, and Chiyo was suddenly unhappy when she saw him like this.

"Juju, you shouldn't be so calm, you should be as nervous now as I was when I had a baby, hurry up! Hurry up and get nervous! Imagine that your wife is giving birth to a baby!"

She stretched out her hand and pulled Yuzao's front, only to see the other person's face bewildered.


Why do I always feel like something is wrong.

"Chiyo, you don't have to be too nervous, I believe Yuta is fine, and it's my wife inside."

Looking at Enichi, Chiyo's expression was very subtle, "Enichi, you are so nervous that your legs are shaking."


The author has something to say:

Jiguo Yansheng is suitable for killing, he can't change the six-eyed

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