Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 117: Following the country rock wins? arranged

Saji's younger brother was born, and this time the family finally had a boy to inherit the family business, and finally a boy could inherit the curse of premature death.

I'm sorry, as long as one thinks of maternity house, the first thing that Chiyo thinks of is that they have handsome guys and beautiful women, but the handsome guys are the kind of handsome guys who are not in good health and will not live long.

Looking at the newborn boy, she shook her head regretfully.

There is no way, this child still can't live to be thirty years old, she doesn't dare to **** people from ghost lanterns, she always feels that the consequence of robbing people is that she may be taken away.

The old witch who has been reincarnated several times is also afraid of death, especially afraid of falling into the ghost light's mobile phone. That guy's S level is no different from Sebas.

In contrast, it turned out that their family gathering was so much better that I didn't know how many, and they were not S at all!

After blowing on Tamamo before, Chiyo gave the baby a bottle of milk powder that had not expired. Kagome still had less than a year to come back. The milk powder Saki didn't use either, so she could drink it directly for the baby. Good.

So far everything seems to have returned to normal. Miss Zhu Shi is working on a method to turn ghosts into humans after asking for the curse of no misery. For this method, she plans to travel abroad and will send them letters every once in a while. Reported peace, but the culprit Wu Miserable was very calm, maybe because he was afraid of him before, and he needed to hide for a long time.

Oh, what a piece of junk.

Chiyo did not slacken his education to Enichi after his free time. He was the first person to discover the breath of the sun, which also led to a sharp rise in the force of the Ghost Killing Team, and then the Wu Miserable subordinate was killed by the Ghost Killing Team. Relentlessly fucked.

What the hell!


Leaning on his chin with his hand, Chiyo looked at Enichi, who had grown a lot in front of him. If you count the time, he is almost fifteen years old now, and He Yuta also has some small signs.

Yuduo will be killed by a ghost during childbirth. She is not sure whether Gao Tianyuan will take action this time. If he does, she will definitely not let him go.

Damn, when she was about to have a baby, the other party was smashing down one after another, and now she is going to throw down one ghost after another?

Thinking of this, she sighed heavily.

Looking down at her body when she was still a child, she sighed again. It had been several years since she had changed from a baby to a child in a fit of anger, but she hadn't grown any longer in these years.


When will she be able to live a little adult life with Juju? Even if she is so thoughtful, Juju doesn't have any idea of ​​​​starting with children!

Oh, she's going to make trouble, she's really going to make trouble.

Chiyo scolded and rolled a few times, but when she saw Yu Duo walking towards her, she quickly got up and sat up.

Sometimes you still have to maintain the image you should have, after all, in their eyes, you are omnipotent.

"What's wrong with Yudo?"

"No, nothing..."

The little girl stumbled when she spoke, her eyes involuntarily glanced at Enichi, who was still practicing swordsmanship not far away, and Chiyo, who noticed this, slowly raised the corner of her mouth.

Look, this is the love of childhood sweethearts, the sweet and sour love of two people makes people feel happy when they see it.

She is a CP fan of these two people. If there is no accident, maybe Yuanyihui and Yuduo will live happily ever after, with many children and grandchildren.

But everything has changed dramatically because of Kiwu Tsuji Wumai, and because of this guy, Udo and the child all died under the ghost's mouth.

Damn it, Chiyo suddenly **** herself off, and she wasn't too **** off.

No, she absolutely can't let go of that shit!

"Burn me where he lives! Make him homeless! Make him have to keep looking for a place to hide!"

Chiyo conveyed her strong will to the aunt who was monitoring Wumei, and she hoped that the other party would let Wumei completely lose her place to live.

That's right, it's best to burn the place where he lives in broad daylight, so that he can stand under the sun and hang up completely.

Seeing Chiyo so excitedly talking about **** Oni Mai Tsuji, even the brows on her face showed how happy she was now. Naraku, who was standing next to him, chose to remain silent. He suddenly felt that it was nothing to be a so-called shikigami. Not good, at least it doesn't have to be really miserable like that ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.


So it is no wonder that the other party is called this name, the original name already hints at the final outcome of this guy!

Very good, he suddenly felt that his name was very good, both forceful and not implying his tragic end.

On the other side, after receiving Chiyo's task, the aunt completed the task very quickly, and burned the place where Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable hid was so that nothing was left.

Suddenly homeless and miserable: "..."

Knock your mom!

Knock your mother, can you hear me!

Guiwu Tsuji Wumian suddenly felt that he was really miserable, the kind of misery that makes people cry when they heard it. He suddenly couldn't understand when he started to be so miserable.


Wait, he doesn't seem to have a bad time.

When I was in the Heian era, I just became a ghost. At that time, I could be said to have been beautiful for a while, and people were terrified. As long as I walked, there were no people who were not afraid of me. Then when did this happen suddenly? of?

Oh, I met that **** witch when I was going to Kyoto to find the cyan other side flower.

That's right! That's when I met her in Kyoto in the Heian period!

My miserable life started when I met that witch! If she hadn't suddenly shot herself, this wouldn't have caused what happened later.

Back then, the witch was struck to death by lightning, and it had nothing to do with him, but since then, Yuzao has been unwilling to forgive him, and even nearly killed himself several times.

What did he do wrong? He was treated like this without provoking the other party. Isn't it too much?

Since then, this guy has been living a life of displacement for three years, but this does not mean that the speed of his development and offline will slow down.

Three years is not long or short, and it is enough for Yuanyi to successfully practice the breath of the sun, and Chiyo thinks it is not wrong at all. The speed of killing Oni is almost straight-line approaching the speed of Oni Mai Tsuji's development off the assembly line.

It seemed that there was something wrong with the number of his subordinates: "..."

Knock your mom! ! !

Under the auspices of Chiyo, Yuanichi and Yuta got married, and soon the little girl became pregnant. For this little life in Yuta's belly, Yuanyi and Chiyo were very much looking forward to it.

Kagome has returned from modern times, and the Bone-eating Well can continue to be used again, so there is a place to buy children's clothes and milk powder.

"Why do I feel like I've been raising kids for so many years?"

"Isn't that true? Not only me, but also my cheap brother was brought up by you."

Saki, who was almost ten years old, sneered beside her, but Chiyo threw a ball on the spot and she couldn't say anything.

"I said that you look very much like a mother's jealous mentality when she has a second child. Did you forget that when I changed your diaper, you..."

Before Chiyo's words were finished, Saki threw her another ball, mainly because this topic reminded Saki that Ibaraki-doji had helped him change his diaper when he was completely unable to control himself when he was a child.

She really didn't want to experience this feeling again, but as a result, this guy kept talking, she would be angry! She really gets mad!

"Don't be like this sister, you should treat your brother well, his life is countdown since he was born."

This is not wrong at all. The men in the maternity house almost never lived past the age of 30, and Saki's current father's health is getting worse day by day, which makes her even suspect that one day the other party may have a bad cough and go straight to it. The younger brother will carry the entire family and the ghost killing team.


This is really cruel.

"But you are immortal. If you are here, you will definitely help my brother and the next generation to take good care of the Ghost Killing Team."

"Sister, you [immortal] really hurts my heart."

As long as the ghost dance and Tsuji are all miserable and blatantly swaying, their ghost killing team's life is relatively leisurely. Enter personnel.

Now some departments of the Ghost Killing Team are getting more and more perfect. From selection to distribution, they have begun to take shape in the Taisho period. If they really fight with Ghost Kill, they can actually be tied.

The Breath of the Sun has indeed improved everyone's strength. The next step is to ensure that this will continue to be passed down. Chiyo once wanted herself or Shikigami to try to learn, but after learning she found that she really couldn't compare to those Marys. Mistress Su, there is no way to be omnipotent, so it seems that all hope can be placed on the child in Yu Duo's belly.

Yuduo was at the maternity house to raise the baby with peace of mind, while Yuanyi took the members of the ghost killing team to fight outside to kill the enemy.

It has been several years since the last time Wu Miserable appeared, and Chiyo pinched her fingers and felt that the other party might soon come out and mess around a little bit. This time she was going to give the opportunity to Yuan Yi. If possible, it is best to directly Let the other party blew up and hang up.

She thinks very well, and even always does psychological construction for the other party. She must not be soft-hearted when she encounters a dog who has no misfortune. Yuanyi also promised well, but who knows that sometimes the plot does not follow the order.

While Chiyo was delightedly waiting for Yuichi to tell her the good news of Wu Miserable's self-destruction, she waited until the other party brought back her brother Jikuni Iwakatsu.

That's right, right, it's the jealous Jikuni Iwakatsu who is very jealous because he's afraid of death and he won't survive until the age of twenty-five.

She was able to break Brother Guang and Brother Guo, who were still children, back into good socialist youth, but this guy has been hacked from the inside to the outside, and he can't be broken back.

The whole face of Chiyo, who was quite happy at first, collapsed, and she is a little puffed up now.

Okay, Jiguo Yansheng, right?

She arranged it.

The author has something to say:

Chiyo: Jikuni Iwakatsu, your account is gone

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