Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 116: giant · no miserable · dragon

Chiyo has already arranged roles for everyone, he is the protected princess, Wu Mian is the dragon who is going to rob the princess, and Juju and the others are the knights who protect the princess.

The force value of the three parties is very high, but relatively speaking, the princess and the knight are much more powerful than the dragon, and the dragon will be beaten with blood every time.

There is also a sister above Saaki, this guy is a serious five-year-old child, and it is when he likes to listen to stories.

Since the other party likes to listen to stories, Chiyo will often tell them stories, and the most frequently told stories are about the princess dragon or something.

Ju · Wu Mian · Long Tian Tian is thinking about Gong · Chiyo · Lord, and he will appear every once in a while to take away Gong · Chiyo · Lord, but every time no matter how well prepared he is, he will be taken away by Gong · Chiyo. ·The Lord and the knights fought hard.

"The dragon will beat him once he sees it! I whipped his dragon tendon to use it as a skipping rope!"

Speaking of this, Chiyo suddenly stopped, and thought for a few seconds with a subtle expression. Why did she always feel that this episode seemed to be Nezha and Prince Long?

"Sister Chiyo, shouldn't we be merciful if we encounter this giant dragon in the future?"

The five-year-old sister above Saki looked at Chiyo with a naive face. She could really be said to be a child who could teach her. She only told the story for a long time, and the other party was already very knowledgeable.

"Yes, you must not be soft-hearted, you must cut his tendons~"

Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai, who started looking for Chiyo's traces, shivered all over, and he suddenly had the illusion that he was being targeted.

Taking his subordinates, he first looked behind him to make sure that no one was following him before he continued to move forward with his subordinates, while Miss Zhu Shi, who had been talked to by his aunt alone, just gave him a particularly indifferent look, saying nothing. He didn't say that he would continue to follow the other party and start on his way.

After learning that Oniwu-Tsuji Wumai had already taken action, Chiyo also set off from the Sanyashiki house with people. This time, it was not for the purpose of destroying the opponent, but just to exercise Enichi's swordsmanship and weaken Oniwu-Tsuji Wumai's. strength.

Saki continued to stay in the Ghost Killing Team, with Seimei, Brother Guo and Brother Guang in charge. With the strength of these few people, he was not worried that anything would appear near the Ghost Killing Team. If it appeared, there would be only a dead end.

Recently, there happened to be a summer festival in a nearby town, Chiyo changed into a kimono with cherry blossoms on a white background, and directed his shikigami and servants to stay away from him, "Only Enichi, Naraku and Juju are left, everyone can enjoy enjoy the summer festival.”

This time, the information revealed to Oni Mai Tsuji Mimi is that she came out to play with very few people, and it happened that this town was holding a summer festival, so she stayed here for a long time.

In order to pretend to be more realistic, she scattered her shikigami throughout the town. If she really finds out about Oniwu Tsuji Wumai, she can completely surround the other party in a short period of time.

Because he mainly wanted to train Enichi, Chiyo kept him by his side, and it was certain to keep Tamamomae, but keeping Naraku here really made others feel a little bit puzzled.

"Chiyo, are you sure you don't need us to accompany you?"

Shuten Douji looked at Naraku, who was standing beside Chiyo, fiercely, with a posture that if the opponent dared to move, he could kill this guy, which made Naraku dare not move at all.

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move, really don't dare to move.

"Chiyo, let us accompany you."

Even the Orochi Yachi, who has never been very talkative, has been dispatched. It can be seen that their resentment towards Naraku is really deep, which makes Naraku dare not even speak rude words.

But he didn't dare to say nonsense doesn't mean Chiyo didn't dare. The little girl was wearing a kimono and had two **** on her head. The whole thing was a cute child who couldn't put it down, and this cute child was full of nonsense.

"Look at Naraku-chan, this is my preference for you."


Naraku didn't want to talk, and even wanted to leave.

Shuten Douji & Orochimaru: "..."

OK, they cracked.

Now that everyone has taken the task and dispersed, then it is time to test the acting skills.

This kind of thing can only happen once a year in the summer festival. If you don't enjoy it to the fullest, how can you be worthy of them coming out this time?

"Yuanyi, fishing for goldfish is still a ring, you can play with whatever you want, and the goldfish you catch can go back to Yuduo!"

"Really? Then I want to fish for goldfish! Yu Duo likes goldfish very much!"

"Come, come! Let's be together!"

It was about preparing to let Yuan Yi fight the giant dragon, but now both of them squatted in front of the stall and started to fish for goldfish, and the more they were fishing, the more vigorous they were.

Tamamo took Naraku by the side and watched silently, occasionally handing over the money after the two of them had spent the money.

"Come on, Yuanyi! Goldfish are coming soon!"

Seeing that the paper net in Yuanyi's hand was about to scoop up the little goldfish, Chiyo was so excited that he began to applaud and cheer, and turned to find Naraku standing next to him indifferently. Are you not happy that the goldfish will be brought up soon?"

"...happy, I'm very happy."

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Naruo unwillingly pulled the corners of his mouth and started to applaud. Even if it was to give Chiyo a face, the most important thing was that if he didn't applaud, who knows what the result would be.

Originally, Yuanyi had a good chance of scooping up the goldfish, but some people just got so short-sighted and had to come over at such a time.

Looking at the paper net that was damaged by others, the expression on Yuanyi's face can be said to be extremely ugly. Chiyo, who was applauding next to him, his entire face collapsed, and he looked blankly at the standing behind them. people.

Oh, it's not very appropriate to say that it is a person, it should be said that it is a ghost.

This ghost is the subordinate of Guiwu Tsuji Wumai, and judging from the aura around the opponent's body, this guy seems to be a relatively powerful ghost under the subordinates of Ju, Wu Mi, and Dragon.

They finally hoped for these guys, but they didn't expect that the dragon did not do it himself, but sent soldiers over.

Chiyo reached out and patted Enichi's shoulder, who was not in a good mood, trying to make his voice sound less excited, "It's about time for you to play, come on~"

Before sending his men to touch the porcelain, Kibu Tsuji had already conducted some investigations. This time, there were only three people around Chiyo, and one of them was still a child who was not a threat. Although Chiyo had grown so fast in a short period of time, he felt a little bit. Surprised, but now the desire to catch the other party and eat her has gained the upper hand, making Ju Wu Mian Long no longer have the basic ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Maybe it was the reason why the other party ate the cyan other side flower. It really deserves to be the cyan other side flower. It has so many functions. Sure enough, he was not wrong. As long as he eats Chiyo, he can walk in the sun normally.

The giant cyan other side flower fan brother Wu miserable dragon has no basic judgment ability, he is a cyan other side flower blowing, nothing is better than this thing.

Looking at the person who was already a little stunned, Zhu Shi suddenly sneered, she could already predict that this guy would definitely do a big somersault on the hands of these people in front of her.

Oh, so she really expected it right.

Although there are only three people around Chiyo, the fighting power cannot be summed up in a simple way. At this moment, the giant dragon probably even has the heart to cry. Chiyo did not do it himself, and watched the whole process of the Shura Field.

Naraku and Tamamo-zen are responsible for cleaning up those unworthy guys, Yuanichi directly confronts Guiwu Tsuji no miserable, as the characters in this play fight each other, Gao Tianyuan can't control it.

Although Yuan Yi, who is only a teenager, is not yet the opponent of the giant dragon, but with his strength and explosiveness at this age, he still makes the dragon suffer a big loss. , and will not appear again in a short time, Miss Zhu Shi completely abandoned the dragon at this time.

"Yuanyi, you still can't beat the giant dragon, it seems that you still need to continue to work hard."


Glancing at the very noisy street not far away, Enichi turned his attention to Chiyo again. He actually wondered why the other party had to train himself to kill Oniwu Tsuji Wumai and wanted to kill him with her strength. Isn't that guy more than enough?

"Chiyo, you..."

"I can't kill him. At least at this point in time, I can't kill him. The only person who can kill him is you, so I can only hope on you."

As soon as Chiyo's voice fell, there were many fragmented fragments in front of his eyes. He saw Yuta lying on the ground covered in blood, and he also saw his brother with six eyes.


what are they?

Chiyo didn't tell Yuanichi that the things just now were what she wanted the other party to see. These are some of the things he would have experienced in the original story, because many things had already begun to develop in different directions due to his own intervention. But who knows if Gao Tianyuan will suddenly take action, if that's the case, then she will never stop there.

"You just have to remember that you can only protect the people you want to protect if you are strong."

Putting those words down, Chiyo walked towards Zhushi not far away. The other party is also one of the important characters. She needs to ensure that this branch line can continue without any flaws.

"Miss Zhu Shi, I wonder if you are interested in leaving with us?"

Now she is like a trafficker who likes to abduct and sell people. When she sees the person she likes, she will start to take him away, and even want to hide it.

"it is good."

Just as she thought, Zhu Shi agreed to her proposal without any hesitation.

The current Kiwu Tsuji Wumai is extremely weak. Although he did not explode, if he seizes the opportunity, Zhu Shi can still completely escape the opponent's control.

Thinking like this, Chiyo sent Shuten Douji and Yaqi Orochi to hunt down the giant dragon. They couldn't kill the other party, which might make the other party weaker.

"If you don't blow him into five thousand yuan, you won't come back."


Adhering to the belief of blowing the dragon into 5,000 yuan, Shuten Douji and the others set off with high fighting spirit. The consequence of this is that Guiwu Tsuji Wumisian almost jumped up and cursed his mother, which also successfully let Zhu Shi out of his control. .

After losing several generals and being bombed into many pieces, Kibutsuji Tsuji wanted to kill.

He cracked.

The author has something to say:

Chiyo: No misery, today you have to split!

No Misery: So shut up

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