Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 111: oh, poor ghost, poor nigga

Chiyo felt as if she was caught with a pigtail, and now she can be said to be very humble, and she didn't even dare to look up at Tamamo before.

Sure enough, these were all the faults of Kiwu Tsuji and his subordinates.

After thinking about it, in the end, she still blamed the whole thing on Kiwu Tsuji Wumai, and if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be ridiculed by Juju.

That's right, that's the fault of the doggy thing.

In order to make herself look more dignified, Chiyo kept a stern expression throughout the whole process. She looked at the people in front of her with a serious expression, and said like a little adult, "Kimono Tsuji Wumai must have experienced an unforgettable experience last night. One night, the sun is shining again during the day, it will definitely not be easy to find them, everyone take a good rest while the sun is not down, and we will go out to hide and seek with ghosts at night.”

Speaking of hide-and-seek, Chiyo, who was originally serious, suddenly laughed, and the laughter became more and more crisp. If it was really the laughter of a four-year-old child, it would be nothing. What kind of person was she pretending to be, and all the shikigami who had been with her for a long time silently twitched the corners of their mouths.

Anyway, I suddenly felt a little bit pitiful about the current situation of Mai Mai Tsuji.

It's really pitiful, letting Chiyo slip away like this, I always feel that although the other party is not dead, he has been severely traumatized mentally.

"You can't take pity on Guiwu Tsuji, that guy is so arrogant, otherwise, he won't be like that in the later stage of Ghost Extermination."

As long as he thought that this [Ghost Extermination] shouldn't be called Ghost Extinguisher, it should be called [Pillar Extermination], Chiyo couldn't wait to go up and tore the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable by hand.

Damn, she's going to tear up the devil.

"The other side flower, you first get me a cyan other side flower."

"Oh, that's fine."

Although she didn't know why the other party suddenly wanted a cyan other side flower, she still made a cyan other side flower for the other side.

Tsk tsk tsk, with this, she has the bargaining chip to pull hatred.

It's still a while before the sun sets. Chiyo disbanded many shikigami and servants, and in the evening, they gathered to go for a walk on the mountain to play hide-and-seek with the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.

Just when Chiyo and the others were very comfortable, Oniwu Tsuji was taking his subordinates carefully to the tree hole on the mountain. This was the place they finally found before the sun came up, at least it could completely block those annoying sunlight. .

Although the conditions were indeed a little more difficult, when he thought that he was about to find the cyan other side flower, he felt that these things were nothing.

As long as you can let yourself walk in the sun unscrupulously, it is not a thing to be unlucky.

At least until he met Chiyo, Kiwu Tsuji had a good mentality. After all, if there is a will, things will come true, and he has worked hard for hundreds of years. No matter what, it should be his lucky turn!

In some respects, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai can be said to be a simple group. In general, he is a fool and his methods are extremely cruel, but he is a big idiot at heart. the fool.

When the sun went down, the two groups of Chiyo and Oniwu Tsuji no miserable were all dispatched. The latter was looking for the blue flower, while the former was looking for the latter with the blue flower. It is said that the brave who meets the narrow road wins, and the two groups finally find the blue flower. meet everywhere.

At this moment, everyone from Chiyo is about 1 meter away from Xiaohua, while everyone from Oniwu Tsuji is about 20 meters away from Xiaohua.


Chiyo raised the corner of his mouth and grabbed the cyan other flower, stuffed it all into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

"Don't you want to find the cyan other side flower? This is it, but if I eat it, what can you do to me? Just a little bit~"

On the other hand, she even gave the other party a grimacing face.


Oni Mai Tsuji's miserable expression turned sluggish for a moment, mainly because he didn't expect Chiyo to make such a move, so it took a long time to realize what was going on.


What the **** is going on here?

"I'm going to kill you!"

The cyan flower that I finally found was eaten by Chiyo, and it was still the kind that was swallowed in one bite. Oniwu Tsuji Wumai felt that he was about to explode.

"Wow! He's going to kill me! I'm so scared~ Everyone hurry up~"

Chiyo giggled like a sick girl, and then moved his fingers to let the people standing behind him rush at night. Anyway, since Gao Tianyuan would not let Oniwu Tsuji be killed, he would eliminate most of his subordinates. And save him a dog's life.

Yes, there is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong with keeping his life, but he wants to sneak him into a dog.

Although using [dog] to describe Guiwu Tsuji Wu Miserable is an insult to the dog, and as a dog demon in this life, using his own race to describe the other party is also an insult to himself, but at this time, it seems that this is the only way to describe the other party.

Chiyo, who had already swallowed the cyan flower, felt that his behavior just now was also very dog, but there was no way, for a dog person, if he wanted to deal with him, he had to be a dog.

The taste of the cyan other side flower is actually not very good. Chiyo regretted it after eating it, but there was no way. Now that he has come this far, he can only bite the bullet and eat it.

While chewing, she watched as Shikigami and servants unilaterally slaughtered ghosts in front of her.

Since it had been explained to them before that they couldn't do anything to Guiwu Tsuji, they surrounded this guy and almost wiped out more than half of his men.

This is more sultry, very sassy, ​​sassy.

In fact, Chiyo had already thought about this matter before. She couldn't let the other side flowers come out often, so eating the blue other side flowers in front of the ghost dance Tsuji Wu miserable not only caused a lot of hatred, but also Let the other party think that he is fully integrated with this cyan other side flower, and then his flesh and blood will be full of cyan other side flowers.

That's right, eating her will not only make her immortal, but also walk in the sun.


Come on!

Tamamomae would never agree to Chiyo's behavior of turning herself into a bait, so she didn't tell the other party about it at first, but when she ate the cyan flower directly, the other party was so angry that he almost jumped.

"what are you doing?!"

"I want to use myself as a bait. In this case, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai will always miss me. Even if I don't go to him, he will come to find me in order to walk in the sun."

The cyan other side flower is estimated to only exist in legends, otherwise this guy can't find it after searching for so many years, so she needs to make the progress of the whole plot move forward by a big step.

In any case, she was making Guiwu Tsuji Wu miserable have to keep an eye on her, and the other party had to think of her all the time.

And she can be regarded as giving this guy hope, after all, the cyan other side flower is here.

Tamamo before hugged Chiyo directly, and it was still a standard adult holding a child. Chiyo thought for a moment that he was an obedient and well-behaved little doll.


I really didn't expect Juju to be such a person.

It was a stark contrast where Oniwu Tsuji was terribly miserable over there, while Chiyo was giggling and giggling over there.

The two sides fought for about half an hour. Since there were several nurses here, everyone was almost uninjured. In contrast, the death and injury on Kiwu Tsuji Mumisi was very heavy, and they had to temporarily retreat.

The cyan flower that he finally found, he was eaten by Chiyo without touching it in the end. It was the kind that was eaten in one bite. The two people's Liangzi was completely **** at once, but Chiyo didn't care about it. She It still feels good.

Anyway, Gao Tianyuan definitely couldn't find anything wrong this time. After all, what they abused was not Guiwu Tsuji's body but his mind.

If you are cruel, there is nothing to say.

After being abused once, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai will stop for at least a few years to grow himself, and the most important thing is that he already has a very clear goal. As long as he eats Chiyo, he can be considered to have eaten the blue other side flower. .

It's more convenient to think about it this way, he doesn't have to look for traces of the cyan other side flower, as long as he focuses on Chiyo.

"This time, you are cruel!"

After saying such a sentence, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai turned his head and ran away with his few remaining men, Chiyo didn't even chase after him, but looked at their backs and felt a little disgusted.

"I think now Guiwu Tsuji Wumisi must be waiting to eat me. I really don't know what he thinks. After I eat this cyan flower, isn't it directly digested and excreted? How could it still be there? Staying in flesh and blood?"


For Chiyo's question from the soul, everyone chose to be silent, mainly because they didn't know what to say at all. This guy almost died.

With a big yawn, Chiyo stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, "But since Kibu-Tsuji Wumai has almost been resolved, let's start preparing for Naraku's side."

Hearing Chiyo's words, Tamamo-mae suddenly felt that Naraku, who she was eyeing for, was very miserable. The body that had been combined with many monsters before was directly blown up, and now it is estimated that it has just recovered a little.

"Are you sure you want to find him with such a large piece of Four Soul Jade?"

"I believe that you will definitely protect me and the Jade of the Four Souls."

Saying that, Chiyo held the jade of the four souls hanging around her neck, and blinked her eyes to look at Tamamo before, her eyes full of hope.

Seeing her like this, the expression on Tamamo-mae's face became very subtle, "You talk like this as if that thing is your child."

Having said this, he suddenly stopped, and then looked at Chiyo who was still rubbing his eyes with a particularly helpless expression. Was this his illusion? He always felt that he had raised a child this time?

Looking for a wife finally became raising a child, I am afraid he is also the first person.

At this time, Naruo, who had just come out of the mountain again, did not know that a huge jade of four souls was rushing towards him, and also his next life was as bad as Kiwu Tsuji Wumisi, and now he is only I can find some presence in Inuyasha and Kagome.

Oh, poor Naraku-chan.

The author has something to say:

fuck! Killing me! Chiyo, you are so rude!

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