Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 110: i am a dog

Just drinking the other side of the flower and drinking it into this dog virtue, Chiyo felt that this is absolutely not allowed to go out to pick up guests...

Nonsence! No, go out and fool the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, so I'm afraid it won't kill people.

Chiyo glanced at this peach wine barbecue or something, and almost cried on the spot.

Oh day!

So what to do now? She can't change the other side into another flower for the other party!

"What to do? What to do? What to do now?"

Looking at the other side flower who was still hiccups, Chiyo once again realized what it means to drink a mistake.

After sending rounds and rounds, she suddenly had a sudden inspiration.

"Oh my God! I didn't think about it so much before!"


Regarding her behavior when she was in a convulsion for a while, everyone else expressed the right to remain silent, and they just listened silently by the side.

It has been said before that there is a cyan flower in Kyoto, but this rumor has never said where the cyan flower appeared, such as which mountain in Kyoto.

Almost all of the ten kilometers around Kyoto are mountains. If you want to find it, you have to find it one mountain after another. Even if Guiwu Tsuji Wumai came with a large group of men, it would have to be searched from mountain to mountain. So this world must have taken a long time, and she is not worried about the problem of revealing the stuff tonight.

And the most important thing is that no one knows when the cyan other side flower appears, maybe in the first half of the night, maybe in the second half of the night.

"Oh my God, how can I be so smart, I really praise my wit!"


Listening to Chiyo's praise to himself, the others expressed their silence once again. Sure enough, at such a time, Tamamo-mae appeared, and it felt that the other party could solve Chiyo's stinky shame.

Whether it was a shikigami or a Servant, they all looked at Tamamo before in silence, only to find that the other party went crazy with him.

"What you said makes sense. Now that it's cold, let them look for it in the mountains."

Chiyo's subordinates can really be said to be the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers, and they can make anything they want.

For example, the thick fog that can make people lost, or the big sun that appears after a cloudy and rainy day, or the sudden drop in the weather, or the rain or something.

So everyone was eating a small barbecue at Inari Shrine, and occasionally played their skills, which directly caused the ghost dance Tsuji Wumisian who brought people over and the offline he developed almost to cry.

Although ghosts are generally not afraid of cold or rain, nor are they afraid of thick fog or anything, it does not mean that they have no heart!

Originally, it was already very miserable for everyone to travel thousands of miles to find the cyan other side flower, but when we arrived in Kyoto, we realized that there are really too many mountains. I dare not speak, after all, my big boss is next to me.

At this time, it really is the time to show everyone's cohesion. As long as they are united, there is nothing they can't do. At least half an hour ago, they all thought so, but after entering the mountain, the weather suddenly became strange.

First, a thick fog suddenly appeared, so that they didn't know where the north, south, east, and west were at all. They finally found the direction. The temperature suddenly began to drop. . Of course it's nothing, and what's even worse is that it starts to snow!

What kind of monsters and ghosts are there in this capital, and one night can almost experience all of spring, summer, autumn and winter?

It's not raining season now, no one would think of bringing an umbrella at all, even if it was as expected, Guiwu Tsuji no miserable would have thought it would be like this, so unsurprisingly, he was drenched. Soup chicken.

When the ghosts tried to pass through the thick fog, Chiyo and his family were eating a small barbecue. When the ghosts turned into dogs, Chiyo was still eating a small barbecue. When the ghosts were frozen into dogs by the heavy snow, Chiyo still In eating, in short, tonight is a sleepless night, and the next day is a good day with the sun shining brightly.

The seemingly calm ghost dance Tsuji no miserable: "..."

Mom **** and wants to eat people.

When the sun is shining, as a ghost, you must hide until the sun goes down.

Chiyo can't keep the sun from going down for a long time, or the world will be in chaos.

Getting up from Tamamo before, she rubbed her eyes and yawned along the way.

She glanced at the person who had a small barbecue yesterday, and it could be said that she was very bald.

Everyone fell asleep like this, and they didn't quite know what kind of obstacles they gave Guiwu Tsuji no miserable last night.

Rubbing her eyes, Chiyo stepped forward with her short legs and ran outside the shrine. When she saw the big sun outside, she knew that the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai must be hiding.

Damn, everyone said that drinking is a waste of time. I didn't expect that if you eat barbecue, you can also delay things.

From this mountain in Inari Shrine, you can see several surrounding mountains. After seeing the surrounding situation, she stretched out her hand to cover her face and almost cried on the spot.

The sun was shining brightly, and several nearby mountains were actually covered with a thick layer of snow, which was nothing, and now the snow had begun to melt and freeze.

Oh, she suddenly felt that Guiwu Tsuji and his friends must have been particularly miserable last night.

I'm sorry, although she knew that the other party was really miserable last night, but she still wanted to laugh very much, she was just so gloating.

Now that it's daytime, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai must have gone into hiding, and it will definitely not be easy to find him, so he will have to wait until night to play a cat-and-mouse game with him.

Turning her head to look at the people who were still lying on the ground, she sighed heavily.

The power of this peach blossom wine seems to be so great that it can bring down so many people, not even their family gathering.

As the only person who was not drunk, Chiyo climbed up on the stone pier of the Inari Shrine with his short legs, and just swayed his legs and looked at the people who were still sleeping on the ground.


It's too bad for these people to be able to let the peach blossom wine go down.

She took a pot of peach blossom wine in her hand, asked a few questions, and finally put the wine aside.

This wine is really too strong, and after a few smells, I feel dizzy. No wonder Juju didn't let her touch this thing last night. If she did, she might not be able to sleep.

After shaking his legs for more than ten minutes, the people on the ground finally moved.

Yuzao was the first person to get up. He held his head and slowly sat up from the ground. He subconsciously touched Chiyo in his arms, but found that the person in his arms was gone, which made him still a little awake. completely awake his mind.


"I'm here!"

Chiyo originally wanted to jump off the stone pier, but just after making preparations, he suddenly stretched out his hand towards the other side, "Juju! Hug!"

There's no way, now she just wants to act like a spoiled brat, and if she grows up in the future, she won't be able to hold her in this gathering.

Tamamo, who was completely awake, stretched out his hand and hugged Chiyo off the stone pier, and by the way, he swayed, "Well, you do seem to be a little heavy."

"Wow, believe it or not I bite you?"

Speaking of which, Chiyo showed her teeth towards the other party, and the result was that the other party rubbed her hair with great force, "You can almost bite me."

"What? What do you mean?"

Soon she understood what the other party meant, because after smelling those peach blossom wine, I suddenly started to feel dizzy. Why does this thing have so much stamina?

call out-

I still remember that Tamamo once said that Chiyo's reincarnation this time was a Shiba Inu, but I never found the feeling of changing back to its original form. Chiyo had always been a human before, but suddenly she turned into a dog. She really didn't know how to change her body, but who knew that she would change back to a dog just because she smelled a few peach blossom wine?

She really turned into a dog in front of Tamamo before watching a good show, a soft dog with white flowers.

"Hey hey? Why did it become like this?"

"Because of this peach blossom wine, why do you think I'm the only one sober up now?"

Yesterday, Yuzao just drank a few sips of peach blossom wine and fell asleep for almost a night, not to mention other people.

"My God, the power of this peach blossom wine is too great, but when will I be able to change back?"

Originally, she was already a four-year-old child, and she was already very imposing. If this made them see herself as a dog again, it would be even less majestic.


This is really too much to cry, especially if Jin Jingjing sees it, even if it won't be laughed at for a long time.

Tamamo-mae seemed to be in a good mood, and hummed Chiyo a few times, "Don't worry, you'll change back to human form before they wake up."

"Juju, why do I always think you seem to like playing with dogs like this?"

"Oh, this is your illusion."


Sure enough, it's a man's mouth that deceives people. One side says that he doesn't like to play with dogs, and the other side is still touching her.

This guy! It's too much!

After becoming a puppy, Chiyo had a mouthful of good teeth. She turned her head and gave her family a mouthful. In an instant, a row of small teeth marks appeared on the other party's hand, but in a blink of an eye, the teeth marks disappeared completely. not see.

Gee! This is the healing power of the Great Youkai.


But what Tamamo-san said was not wrong at all. As expected, Chiyo returned to her original appearance before the others woke up, which made her jump out of Tamamo-san's arms and ran to the mirror to take a closer look. Make sure you're really back to the way you were.

"Okay, since I've changed back and everyone is waking up, let's discuss how to deal with the ghosts of Guiwu Tsuji Wumisian."

When it comes to the ghost clan, Qian's expression becomes very subtle for a moment, mainly because the name [ghost clan] makes it seem like the non-mainstream killers.

"By the way, all those peach blossom wines are put away. If you can't take them out in the future, don't take them out."

When everyone finally gathered around to discuss things, Chiyo raised the issue of handling the peach blossom wine very seriously, and after listening to her words, Tamamo before covered his mouth with a fan and laughed, while his laughter It can be said that it caused Chiyo's dissatisfaction, she turned her head and glared at the other party fiercely.

"Drinking mistakes!"

"Yes, drinking is a mistake."


Damn, very annoying.

The author has something to say:

Chiyo: Although I am a dog, Juju you are a real dog.

Tamamo-mae: Just a little!

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