Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 112: I wish you all the years

When Chiyo led the mighty towards Naraku, the other party was carrying out a new round of abusive actions against Inuyasha and others in Bailing Mountain.

Too much no, ask too much no.

When I watched the original plot, Chiyo thought that Naraku was very arrogant, but after the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, Naraku-chan looks much cuter, people just want to get the jade of the four souls, and from the number of murders He is much cuter.


The Sevens thing this guy did too much.

"Let me tell you, Naraku-chan is going too far! In the matter of the seven-man team, he's so stupid!"

Chiyo once again used "dog" to describe Naraku. Tamamo has fully realized what kind of adjective this "dog" is. Anyway, it will definitely not be a good word. If it is a good word, this person will definitely use it for him. on the body.

That's right, he felt that if it was a good word, Chiyo would definitely use it on himself, he was just so narcissistic.

Seemingly aware of Tamamo-san's true thoughts, Chiyo, who was still complaining about Naraku, suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a particularly tangled expression, "No, Juju, why do I think you seem shameless?"

Saying this doesn't seem to be enough, this guy even really took advantage of the fact that he was in the other's arms and stretched out his hand to squeeze Yuzao's face.


As expected of a beauty, even her skin is so good.

Since she became a child, she has rarely acted so intimately with each other, for fear that this guy might turn into a beast and eat her with a loud roar.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed Yuzao's face again. In the end, Chiyo's hand was directly pulled down by him, "Okay, even if I am a beast, it is impossible for me to do something to a child."

"Hey, so I don't have the desire to let you do it anymore?"


Holy crap, does this person actually listen to people?

Ignoring Tamamo's obvious beeping expression, Chiyo still hugged the other person's neck with a groan, "But Juju, although we are not human, Naraku is a real dog, and Kiwu Tsuji is number one. Dog, then this guy is the second dog, and we can't take him lightly, let alone show mercy to him."

"When did you soften your heart to the two of them?"

Whether it's cutting off Naraku's new body, or eating the cyan flower that Onibu Tsuji Murai finally found, what this guy does is really more than a show, Tamamo-mae thinks that if They are these guys, and they will probably be **** to death before being killed.

While thinking so, he reached out his hand to cover his chest.

No, he is distressed.

"Juju, you don't have to do this. I'm only angry with the two of them. I will definitely not be angry with you."

"Then I'm really going to be happy."

Speaking of Tamamo before, he forced the corners of his mouth, trying to make himself look happier, "Look, I'm laughing."


This laugh is better than crying.

Now that Inuyasha's plot has progressed to the second half, the seven-member team felt particularly aggrieved when she first watched it, and the people who had already died were resurrected by Naraku-chan...

Wait, what's wrong with ghost lights?

Very good, I'm afraid Naraku-chan's account will be gone again.

If she said, she was referring to if, if I could bring Ghost Lantern to see what Naraku-chan did, wouldn't the Inuyasha story end at 32 times the speed?

At the beginning, she did show the other party that Naraku-chan has a lot of dogs, and the other party also taught Naraku-chan a lesson, but who knew that this guy didn't stop for a long time and started to make trouble again.

"Juju, do you have a way to call out the ghost lantern? You have been away for so many years in the past few hundred years. You should be able to call out the ghost lantern, right?"

"Am I a summoning formation?"


This ghost lantern is haunted all day long, and no one can really call him out of hell. This guy disappeared after he took Kikyo away. It is still more difficult to find it.

Chiyo boss pouted unwillingly, and now they can only rely on themselves.

In fact, it's nothing to rely on yourself, after all, Naraku-chan can't make any big waves now.

Originally, she jumped to the ground to use a method to call out the ghost lantern, but after thinking of this, she let Tamamo before hold herself in an angry manner.

"Gather! Hug"

Originally, it was nothing, and she even wrapped around the other's neck in a daze.

In fact, there are not many fragments of the Four Soul Jade in Naraku-chan's hand, and even less after she gave seven to the seven-person team. If she can get all the seven fragments, the Four Soul Jade can be collected within a short distance. Complete is not far away.

Just after wrapping her hand around Tamamo's neck, Chiyo suddenly sniffed, her whole body stiffened a lot, "I, why do I feel like I smell something?"

She sniffed again and found the smell familiar.

Almost in an instant, something seemed to flash through her mind. She is now a dog demon, and her nose is very useful. Isn't this the smell of Aihua and the others?

Before her hand was taken off Tamamo's neck, Aika and Sesshomaru could be said to have fallen from the sky.



May I ask what should I do if my son, daughter, and son-in-law see that they are acting coquettishly with each other's father?

In the end how to do? Very anxious to wait online.

Chiyo took his hand down silently, making himself look particularly serious.

"I didn't expect you to come here too, how are you doing recently?"

"I snatched a few pieces of the Four Soul Jade from that guy from Naruo."

She took out a piece of Four Soul Jade tied with a red rope from her neck, and Aika handed it to Chiyo. To be honest, when she saw such a piece of Four Soul Jade, she suddenly felt that it might be in Naraku-chan's hand. There are not many pieces left, and it is very likely that the few pieces left in the hand are all used for the seven-man team, thinking of a complete turnaround or something.

Oh, it's impossible to turn things around, absolutely impossible.

Seeing that the Jade of the Four Souls had become much more complete, Chiyo raised an eyebrow at his handsome son-in-law, "Isn't Sesshomaru disdainful of collecting fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, but why are you still collecting so many?"

"It was Aihua who was crying and screaming and insisted on keeping the Jade of Four Souls, which is why it is what it is now."

Yu Yi can be said to have shaken out all the scandals of Aihua, and the other party jumped up and down to hit him with anger. As for Sesshomaru, he stood beside him without saying a word. After all, there seemed to be no one around him. easy to deal with.

"No, where is the dog general?"

When he came out of the village before, General Inu didn't follow him. Chiyo didn't see General Inu on Sesshomaru's side. Could it be that the other party went to Inuyasha to support him?

If this is the case, with the powerful support of General Inu, Naraku-chan's life must be difficult these days.

"General Inu has gone to his second son. After all, compared to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha hasn't fully grown up yet."

Aihua blew a wave of Sesshomaru's rainbow farts as if nothing had happened. In fact, it's not scary to blow rainbow farts alone. I was afraid that even my mother-in-law would blow my son-in-law's rainbow farts together.

Nestled in Tamamo-mae's arms, Chiyo and Aihua started blowing rainbow farts, completely forgetting the existence of Tamamo-mae and Yui. As men who still exist in the family, they feel that they seem to be ignored.

Originally, the family should have enjoyed drinking and talking when they met, but after all, it is time for the plot, and there is a plot character beside them, so even if they don't take the initiative to move forward, the plot is rushing to find them.

"Why do I seem to smell wolves?"

Now the plot point is probably that there are evil ghosts coming out to eat monsters, and the wolves of the calamus have to start fleeing. As a result, Chiyo now encounters a wolf who seems to be covering the others from leaving, and also encounters Steel Fang.

"Ah, he's actually injured? Can Papa Grass heal him?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

It's good to have a nurse by your side, all trauma seems to be no problem at this time.

Chiyo appreciates the wolf demon Gangya very much, but the other party is not familiar with him, so after saving the wolf, they will move in the direction they thought they were good at before. After all, they are not familiar with the wolf. The most important thing is The wolf looked as if he had something important to tell Gang Ya, so they wouldn't join in the fun with each other.

Chiyo's team really consisted of old people, women, children, etc. They were definitely not as fast as Steel Teeth when they marched. No deal.

"Who the **** are you?"

Oh, this little wolf cub is still entangled in who the other party is. This kind of studious spirit is desirable, but it seems a bit unreasonable at this time.

Chiyo clapped his hands to attract the attention of both of them, and when he turned around, Steel Teeth found that the other party had blocked his nose with a towel.

"Why are you in this state?"

"This guy is a member of the seven-person team, but he was forced to wake up by the dog Naraku-chan with the jade of the four souls after being dead for many years. "

Speaking of which, Chiyo was so choked that she almost cried, she stretched out her hand and scratched her face randomly, and she said another sentence that made the fierce bone explode directly.

"He's the weakest of the sevens."


When Fierce Bone let go of his steel teeth and was about to attack Chiyo, Jin Twinkle killed him with a single move, and took out the jade of the four souls from the opponent's head, but the expression on his face when he took it down was one of disgust.


"Don't be so disgusted, there will be more of this kind of thing in the future, but Naruo-chan is tentacle-like."

Put away the Jade of the Four Souls, and smash Chiyo’s savage Meteor Hammer into pieces. The bumblebees with Naraku-chan inside will never let them take the Jade of the Four Souls away.

The seven-man team eliminated one so quickly, which is reasonable, and the next six are the remaining six.

Chiyo turned his head and glanced at the group of people standing behind him, thinking that these people were enough.

When all the Four Soul Jade Fragments in Naraku-chan's hand are in hand, the other party will no longer be able to get swayed.

"You...how do you know so much about this guy? Who are you?"

Steel Teeth, who finally reacted, got up from the ground. At first, he was stunned, but he soon realized that something was wrong with the person in front of him.

"Of course I know the plot, and most importantly, I'm Sesshomaru's mother-in-law, and Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's brother. Who do you think I am?"



It's kind of deadly.

The author has something to say:

Chiyo: Naraku-chan, I wish you a long life.

Naraku-chan: Fuck!

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