Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 109: I heard you want to pick me up?

"Everyone is happy to make money, and peace to make money, let's discuss what matters, don't fight and don't curse."

After watching the whole process, she stretched out her hand to stop the battle unilaterally. She felt that at least two of the three would listen to her.

It turned out that she overestimated herself very much. After she jumped out, Tamamo-mae clipped her under her arm very easily.

Yep? ? ?

Let's have a good talk, shall we? Don't be so hands-on, it's a bad influence.

Chiyo looked at Tamamo before with a smile, but the other party ignored her at all.

Oh man, that's a bit too much.

She feels that she has always been a good-natured person. Of course, the premise of this good-natured is that everyone is obedient, and the whole family is the best. But if someone is disobedient, especially if she doesn't listen to her, then it will be over, very over. .

After giving up the struggle, she silently looked at the three people in front of her.

"Don't listen to me anymore? Do you want to go to heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"


As it turns out, Chiyo's pose now looks remarkably like take-off among the few of them.

"We have only two enemies, Naraku and Kiwu Tsuji, so what's your situation now?"

The current Chiyo can be said to be painstakingly explaining the pros and cons of the matter to a few people. At this time, she can be said to have realized what it means to be an ear.




But even if it is terrible, there are things that should be done.

Finally broke free from under the arm in front of Tamamo, Chiyo straightened his clothes in a serious manner, and put his hand in front of his mouth and coughed a few times, "Cough, anyway, that's the way it is. It's the most important thing for everyone to be united now."

As she said that, she glanced at Juju and SP Tamamo before, and after thinking for a few seconds, these two guys agreed with what she said quite seriously.

Okay, now it seems that Juju and auntie are better to talk to, as long as they convince Jin Shao.

"So what do you think of Jin Ling?"

"What is your name, this king?"

Oh ho, now back to the question, Chiyo blinked and almost laughed.

"Golden Shining, how's it going?"


She felt that Jin Twinkle wanted to hit people very much now, but with the strength of this guy, it didn't seem easy to hit her in front of so many shikigami, and she was still the opponent's master, so she wouldn't want to hit her. possible.

"It's our nickname for you, and you see how realistic it is."


So far they have wasted a long time on this, even if she is a dog demon now, it does not mean that there is such a long time to waste now.

Very good, now they finally focus all their attention on Naraku and Oniwu Tsuji no miserable.

Reaching out his hand and clapping, Chiyo raised his head proudly, "Okay, let's discuss the next things carefully, for example, where is the right place for the other side of the flower to appear.

"Everyone talks about what they think."

She felt that at such a time, everyone should brainstorm ideas, otherwise it might be too narrow to rely on his own ideas.

Tamamo-mae, as the commander of the entire team, touched his chin very seriously and thought for a few seconds, "If you really want to release the other side flowers, you can do it in a sunny place."


This idea can be said to be very good, although Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is looking for the other side of the flower, but he does not know some of the habits of the other side of the flower, and he doesn't know where the blue side of the flower grows.

Thinking of this, Chiyo laughed even more happily, she grabbed the hand of the other side flower, and explained it to the other party in a very sincere manner in an old mother's tone, "Oh, my dear other side flower, from now on you will be the cyan other side flower. , remember?"

"Remember, remember."

The other side of the flower almost cried to Chiyo on the spot. The expression of this guy can be said to be very scary. It was a very excited expression, and even his eyes were shining.

Seeing that the other party agreed to her proposal so well-behaved, Chiyo nodded with great satisfaction, and was almost so excited that she burst into tears.

Half a month later, there was a rumor from Kyoto about the [Blue Other Shore Flower]. For example, if this thing is used as medicine, it can live forever, and if you make a wish on this thing, it can be realized. In short, it is as ridiculous as it is.

Oniwu Tsuji Wumai heard about it in the place where he was hiding, and it can be said that his eyes were brighter than Chiyo.

found it!

He has found it!

He finally found the cyan flower that he had been looking for for five hundred years. As long as he had this, he could walk in the sunshine like a normal person and live forever.


According to rumors, it seems that everyone sees the cyan flower in the daytime, which means that this kind of flower only appears or blooms during the day.

Saying so seems to be the opposite of Epiphyllum. If this appears during the day, it will be a bit difficult to handle.

But even if it is difficult, and it is not clear how reliable this rumor is, so he needs to send someone to go there and investigate.

But this is a terrible task, after all, the cyan other side flower only appears during the day, and for a ghost, sunlight is a very deadly existence.

It is absolutely impossible for the boss to find it by himself. He is very afraid that he will die before he succeeds, so it is very important to develop offline at this time.

Chiyo, who had already set up an ambush near Kyoto, suddenly regretted it. She didn't seem to let the rumors say that the other side of the flower appeared in the daytime, otherwise they had been waiting here for almost a month, and the ghost dance Tsuji Wumisi would not come.


I'm afraid this guy is not stupid now, this is the cyan other side flower! !

Cyan! He's been looking for the one for almost five hundred years!

Seeing that Chiyo's mood was a little irritable, Tamamo before wanted to comfort her, but found that this guy had already started biting his hair.

Ok? ? ?

"what are you doing?"

She took the hair in front of Tamamo from her mouth, and Chiyo slapped her mouth a few times. She should be glad that she washes her hair every day at the gathering, otherwise she wouldn't be so blatant to stuff the other person's hair into her mouth.

"I can't help it, I'm just too anxious. Who knows that this ghost dance Tsuji Wu Miserable won't buy it. It's been so long that he hasn't come yet."

Feeling Chiyo's anxiety, Tamamo Qian stretched out her hand and rubbed her head, and was about to comfort her when Jin Jingjing let out a barbell-like laughter.



No, if this guy has to say something, it is really what the Internet says about the gangster. When others say something, they always have to say a few words, and if they really do gang up, the other party will gang up even more.


Chiyo was so close to swearing, how could he summon Jin Twinkle? Although it can be said that the combat power has improved a lot, but in daily life, it is really killing people.

Turning her head to look at the servants, she suddenly felt that she was not easy to handle with so many servants.

Not only is it difficult to deal with, it seems that he has also summoned a few servants who are easy to fool, such as Black Joan of Arc, and Jin Sparkle, for example.

Thinking of this, she directly covered her face and began to cry aloud. It was so difficult for her.

If it's just simple and difficult, it's okay, but it's mainly too difficult.

As it is now, the rumors about the cyan other side flower have been spread out, but she has not seen the shadow of ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, she has already led people to live near Kyoto for almost a month to squat every day, the result no use.

"Although this cyan flower is very rare, and it is impossible to meet it, but if it keeps appearing during the day, it would be too unfair for ghosts, otherwise the other flower will work hard and be on duty at night. "

The other side flower who was forced to work overtime at night: "..."

The other side of the flower feels that she is really suffering and can't tell. She has been as admirable as the flowers in the Flower, Bird and Fish Market for a month, and now she is not only forced to open during the day, but also there at night. wait.

She will cry, she will cry on the spot.

In order to fight for her due interests, the other side of the flower particularly euphemistically asked whether she could go home and sleep occasionally one night.

"If I don't sleep every night, I think my dark circles will be very serious."

Speaking of which, she also reached out and touched her face, "I've been outside in broad daylight recently, and I feel like I'm all in the dark."


No, why should a flower care so much about her appearance?

But it's true at first glance. The cyan other side flowers that were originally dressed up are now drying up to become black side flowers.

Thousands of representatives glanced at the other side of the flower delicately, and then looked at the people around to join in the fun, and finally jumped out of anger, "You! Yes! It's just you! You are not allowed to look like a good show with me here, Now go outside and say that all kinds of cyan flowers are actually blooming at night!"


Whether it is a Shikigami or a Servant, they now feel like they are illegal people who post small advertisements. Every day, in order to catch Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable, they distribute leaflets in Kyoto, inviting more people to see the cyan flowers blooming in the night. .

"Wait, Chiyo, am I a short-lived?"

The other side of the flower suddenly questioned her own attributes, why did she open at night? Isn't this robbing a short-lived job?

They can't grab jobs and grab men between their sisters, they will be beaten.

"No, Epiphyllum blooms at night, you bloom day and night."



I really want to scold people.

"Chiyo, you don't understand the normal life that an employee needs."

Chiyo seriously thought about Higanana's demands, and finally felt that it would be good if the rumors spread. It would be good to wait until the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable came. Higanaka was in the post, so they were very leisurely for the next ten days. They were eating hot pot at Inari Shrine when they were leisurely until Oni Mai Tsuji came.

When I returned to Kyoto, I would definitely have to go back to the place where I lived before. Everyone was very happy drinking peach blossom wine and eating hot pot. As a result, at this time, I suddenly heard that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai was heading for Kyoto with his men. It seems to be preparing to pick up the cyan other flower.

After drinking too much, the other side of the flower hiccups and staggered to stand up, "Hiccup! Who?! Who is going to take me away?"

Seeing such a flower in the other side, Chiyo twitched the corners of his mouth.

Afraid it's not over?

The author has something to say:

The other side of the flower: I heard you want to pick me?

No misery: scum! ! !

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