Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 108: Ou Huang can't breathe

If I had to describe it, then Chiyo really started dancing next to the summoning formation like a great dancer, mainly because there was no way to describe her excited heart at this moment.

She actually summoned the other side of the flower. No matter how you look at it, it is a happy thing. I think she was still imagining that she could summon the other side of the flower. At least this can attract the mentally retarded ghost dance Tsuji no miserable. After all, the other party Been looking for the cyan other side flower.

Looking at the other side flower in front of her, Chiyo turned around happily.

No, there is no way to describe my excitement now in words.

The arrival of the other side of the flower can be said to be a good start for Chiyo, she has a feeling that the next nine shikigami should not make her particularly troubled.

for example……

for example……

For example, twice, Chiyo finally scratched his head.

If I remember correctly, she once said that she wanted to empty the Onmyoji's card pool, and she also said that she wanted to empty the sword man's card pool, and felt that it was an accident that she had summoned Black Joan and Karna. , but now it seems that this accident is really an accident.

She is not Fujimaru Rika, she is not Gudazi!

She was startled and even looked at the back of her hand, wondering if there was something on it that shouldn't be there, otherwise why would she summon the cave king?

This is the cave king!

Since she didn't know the world of the waste dog as well as Onmyoji, she stared at him for several seconds before realizing that this guy was the Earl.

The summoning formation was still running, Chiyo didn't have time to say hello to the earl, and was almost blinded by a dazzling golden light.

Oh, her old swan, guess who she summoned?

Now she really wants to stop the summoning array, the first three can make her so frightened, not to mention the next seven.

Thinking back to what the man said when he summoned this guy in the waste dog, Chiyo felt that his luck had come to an end.

Mom, she has summoned Glitter!

Mother! Did you see it? These are the tears she shed for the tragic ending of Kibu Tsuji!

In the future, this guy will not be called Guiwu Tsuji no miserable anymore, and it would be very miserable to change his name directly to Guiwu Tsuji.


After Chiyo laughed a few times, Jin Shining also opened his eyes and said his first words.

"Hahahahaha, you dare to summon this king? Your luck is over."


Damn, it's better to take this guy back, if he is really allowed to stay here, I'm afraid that I won't be mad every day.

The summoning formation in front of them is still spinning endlessly, and each shikigami or Servant even has to turn around for a performance after coming out.

If she was really playing the game, Chiyo would definitely press [Skip] now, but now the situation is a little different, she can only watch everyone's performances when they come out with great patience.

In addition to the first three exciting shikigami or servants, the fourth is Ramses II.



Now Chiyo is full of the word [fuck]. Before she knew that she was Emperor Ou, but now it seems that she is not just a problem with Emperor Ou.

Because she was too surprised, Chiyo took a few steps back, and finally leaned on Tamamo's front legs to stabilize her small body.

Mom, this is really scary.

The first four of the ten draws came out so many shikigami and servants that made her stupid, then the next six...

For example, Gawain, Wang Hassan, for example, Jiujian.

Terrible, very terrifying, she now even hopes that the three who come out at the back only need to be ordinary.

Well, it's pretty common.

Medicine salesman, Yamakaze and Kaoru.


Now she really wants to summon an N-level shikigami, can you?

Just ask if you can?

Chiyo felt that she was just around the corner from emptying the card pool. She waved her hand and asked her what else was scary?

After emptying this card pool, she would go to another card pool to dig it out. Anyway, she took hers, and in the current form, Gao Tianyuan couldn't control his own card pool.

Now Chiyo's shikigami and servants are divided into two piles, one pile is Itchy Shikigami and swordmen, and the other pile is the waste dog servants who accidentally opened another card pool last time.

Looking at these guys who were divided into two camps, Chiyo was a little flustered.

Can these guys fight? Are you sure it won't fight?

There are a total of eight people on the Servant side, but the number of Shikigami and Swordsman on the side is really huge.

Chiyo, who had already started catching three card pools, scratched her head a little baldly. She suddenly didn't know what to say, especially in the face of Jin Twinkle and the others, these guys were very difficult to deal with.

But even so, she still has to explain everything to a few servants, and then she will have to take people out to fight monsters and upgrade.

"That's how it happened, so what we're going to do is..."

Having said this, she suddenly stopped and smiled very happily.

After the other side flower was summoned, she had already thought of this plan.

Since Guiwu Tsuji is miserable and has been looking for the cyan other flower, although the other side flower in their family is not blue, it is more than enough to fool this cowardly thing.

She plans to let the other side of the flower wander somewhere regularly, and then spread some rumors about the appearance of the blue other side of the flower. The ghost dance Tsuji is very miserable. Hearing this rumor, he will definitely come over to find out the truth.

Oh, now is the time for the good drama to begin.

After all, they are always looking for the tragic trace of Guiwu Tsuji, and it is a national search. The most important thing is that this time she is a dog demon, and she has lived a very long time. She can play with this guy for a few minutes. Centuries are not a problem.

Originally, Japan's territory is relatively small, and such a purposeful search will definitely meet it, so when Oniwutsu appears miserably near the other side of the flower, they will show up and beat each other, although they can't kill him, but they can't beat him. It's also good to play for a while and not reappear.

Chiyo shared her plan with Yukiya Yashiki, and the other party was silent for a while and finally agreed to her proposal. After all, it seems that there is really no better way to do it under the current situation.

"Oh, if you think about it that way, I'm really a smart and witty person."

Chiyo once again expressed her admiration for her ingenuity. She felt that with her ingenuity this time, if she couldn't make Oni Mai Tsuji cry so badly this time, then she would be sorry for today's ten consecutive draws.

This is so special that Ou Huang's ten consecutive draws, let's see what she has drawn?

Recalling the scene of the ten consecutive draws during the day, she felt that Ou Huang was nothing more than that.

It had already been decided before that a group of people would be guarding the maternity house with Seimei and the Yuan family brothers, but now seeing Chiyo, he was not very at ease to keep these people.

A few of them are not fuel-efficient lamps! Who knows if he will blow up this place when he goes out!

After roughly counting the number of shikigami and servants who wanted to go out with him to travel all over Japan, Chiyo almost covered his face and cried.

Mom, even if she has reduced the number of people as much as possible, why are there still so many people.

Reaching out her hand to cover her face silently, she almost burst into tears.

Ten consecutive draws are really cool, but I keep pumping all the time, but after I'm done, it's really terrible.

"Well, okay, let's go out with so many of us."

Chiyo, who is a hard worker for Jin Shining, did not look at Jin Shining's expression during the whole process, nor did he listen to what the other party was saying. After all, the other party is a rich master. He usually spends enough money and has high-quality material conditions to live. He may not be able to adapt to being suddenly summoned to the Warring States Period.

When she thought of this, she became even more bald, "Everyone should be wronged first. I have a lot of money, enough for us to stay in a better hotel on the road."



After hearing Jin Jing's humming, Chiyo almost burst into tears. In fact, she did put her whole body into Tamamo Front's arms.


Just now she even thought that she might be beaten by Jin Jing!

"You seem to be afraid of the male Servant summoned today?"

Chiyo's attitude towards Jin Shining was wrong at first glance, so after everyone left, he asked Chiyo who was still in his arms, only to hear the other party humming and chirping.

"speak politely."


Finding that Tamamo's tone was wrong, Chiyo no longer hummed, and explained Jin Shining's matter in a very simple and concise manner.

"Juju! You must believe me! I don't have any idea about Jin Shui unless I kill myself!"

In order to show the strength of what she said, she also nodded vigorously.

Really, everything she said was true, she was about to show her true heart to the other party.

She didn't know what grievances she thought of, but in the end, she burst into tears.

"I'm so miserable! When I was playing with waste dogs before, all kinds of kryptonites came out, and Jin Shining finally came out to cultivate bonds, and ended up running to Ping'an Beijing!"

Whoa! Her gold glitters!

Although she has no idea about Jin Shining, this is really sorry for the gold that she paid to draw cards!

What's even worse is that because I don't know much about Jin Shining, I only know that the other party may be vicious and not easy to get along with.

Knowing Chiyo's troubles, Tamamo-mae was like an Aladdin lamp that would grant wishes for someone with a predestined relationship, and patted Chiyo's head very kindly, "It doesn't matter, if he bullies you, I will help you. "


So on the next journey, Chiyo was able to realize the help that Juju said in his mouth. This guy's vicious tongue is also fatal.

Oh, what's even worse is that Aunt SP followed the gathering to talk about the golden glitter, and the three of them can be said to be very incompatible now.

Sitting in the middle of the three, Chiyo silently stretched out her hand and covered her chest.

Jin Twinkle may not be able to control his mouth sometimes, and occasionally he will use the second-level taunting skills at her. At this time, Yuzao's calf-protecting skills broke out, and even SP's aunt also broke out. this skill.

Boo! She is so heartbroken! She was so heartbroken that she wanted another ten draws?

The author has something to say:

oh my gold glitter

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