Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 107: Oh! The other side flower big baby!

It's normal for children to spit or something, but it's a bit too much to spit alone.

Chiyo pinched her fingers and counted that she had been spit out three times. Although it was nothing to be spit on by a child, but when she was teasing Yuuki, she was spit out, and it really made people feel angry. .

We are all good sisters, and we must get along well at this time.

Even though she was spit on her face, Chiyo didn't get angry, she just wiped her face with a towel, and then smiled happily and took out the diapers and baby clothes she bought to Yuuki, who was lying on the bed staring blankly. Look.

"Little Yuuki, look at it~"

As she spoke, she pulled out different sizes of diapers, "Look, this is a diaper you can wear now, this is a diaper you can wear after a while, there are sizes from M to XL~"


Yuuki, who was lying on the bed, could be said to have a peaceful face, and when Chiyo came over, she vomited again.


This time, Chiyo can be said to have been prepared for a long time. When Yuuki vomited, she suddenly backed away, directly avoiding the right saliva attack.

"Slightly slightly~ You can't vomit me~"

Tamamo-mae had been silently witnessing Yuuki who was so sullen from the side, and now Yuuki is still a small baby, it is impossible to jump up from the bed and hit someone, but it does not mean that you can walk in another year or two. Chiyo can still be so shy when dancing.

"Look, this is the little baby clothes I bought for you~"

For a child's clothes, the crotch of the pants was open for a while, so Yuuki was so angry that she spit there again.


She didn't know how to speak, so she could only use this voice to express her dissatisfaction, which made Chiyo smile even more happily.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

After practicing swordsmanship, Yuan went all the way through this room, and saw what was happening inside the room from the open door. The laughter made him take a few steps back.

Scary, really scary.

Now Chiyo's daily fun is only to tease Yuuki like this, and they say that children must be teased like this every day to grow up healthy.

"That's why, Yuuki, this is also for your physical and mental health."


lies! It's all nonsense!

After rolling her eyes, Yuuki closed her eyes and prepared to go to sleep. She didn't want to pay attention to this person anymore.

After teasing Yuuki, Chiyo obediently climbed up on Tamamo Mae, grabbed his neck firmly with his hands, and yawned by the way.

"Juju, I'm sleepy!"

Chiyo's body is also a small child, so sometimes she can't control her schedule and rest. She must have an hour nap every day, and it's the kind that Tamamo Mae accompanies her to take a nap.

In short, since her reincarnation this time, Yuzao has found that she has also developed a habit of taking a nap, and what is even worse is that this guy is no different from his own child, and he has to pat him to sleep.

He stretched out his hand and patted Chiyo's shoulder again and again. He watched Chiyo's eyes slowly and slowly closed, and finally fell asleep.

After Chiyo fell asleep, Tamamo Mae also closed her eyes.

Today's days can be said to be very comfortable, so comfortable that my body feels a little rusty.

An hour later, Chiyo opened her eyes very punctually. She blinked and stared at Tamamo who was lying beside her. From this direction, the other party was really beautiful, and she was so beautiful that she would cry directly.

What to do, such a good-looking person actually belongs to her, and she actually took him down.

Leaning in the other's direction, Chiyo slowly raised the corner of his mouth.

In fact, she also knows that she has been too slack recently. She lives such a comfortable life every day. She really doesn't feel any nervousness. There will be a big somersault because of slack.

"Juju, are you awake?"


"I suddenly felt that we should actually rush to the front line now, just like in the Ping An Jing era before, so as not to let our skills become unfamiliar."

This is indeed the case. She has not used her spiritual power for a long time. She feels that she is about to forget some spells, which is a bit scary!

Touching Chiyo's hair, Tamamo before sighed, "It's okay, go if you want."

"Hahahaha! Do you think so too? Let's talk to Koya when we find time, and Yuichi will stay here for the time being."

Yuanyi is the key to the breath of the sun, and the crocodile teacher is not a human being. Yuanyi's life is too tragic. If you can, Chiyo really wants him to live this life in peace.


It doesn't matter if Guiwu Tsuji is not a human being! Why is the crocodile teacher not human! Is he a crocodile? !

With a snort, Chiyo turned around and slammed the bed board a few times with his own small fist.

"Guiwu Tsuji no miserable! Your account number is gone! It's gone! I'll let you go offline immediately!"


It seems that in front of Tamamo, this guy is afraid that he has been so angry that there is a problem in his head, and it seems that this problem can only be solved by Oniwu Tsuji Wumai.


It's true that he used to have a rival in love, but he really didn't expect that his rival in love in the end was likely to be the ghost dance Tsuji Wumisui, who had been chasing and killing him for nearly five hundred years.

Originally it was a guess that he came up with, but he didn't expect this guess to really startle him.

If Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is really his rival in love, then there is no need for the other party to live.

Guiwu Tsuji, who was in the distance and didn't know that he was assigned a role again: "..."

Seemingly aware of Yuzao's strange thoughts, the expression on Chiyo's face became very subtle, "Juju, don't think blindly, if Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is your rival in love, wouldn't I be dying? "

Although Guiwu Tsuji Wumisian's appearance is really good, but what the other party has done is indeed very attractive. I think she and her friends were jumping around and scolding this guy one or two, and then they talked about the other party. The appearance is very good, and the ghost dance Tsuji in women's clothes is very good.

"There's nothing wrong with it, anyway, our purpose is to kill him."

Now that he has made up his mind to go to the front line, Chiyo's speed is very fast, and the next day, he found Yukiya Maiyashiki and talked to the other party about it.

If you go to the front line, you can not only help control the number of ghosts, but also help Kagome and the others to collect the jade of the four souls.

The other side knew that Chiyo was going to leave with the shikigami. Although Yuuki wanted to say something, but because she was only one year old, she couldn’t even speak. .

"Ah, there's no way, now that guy Guiwu Tsuji Wumisi is still making his own subordinates, I have to go out for a walk, otherwise my skills may rust."

"Yeah yah!"

"Don't worry about my safety, everyone is here."

Having said that, she stopped and thought for a few seconds, "Or else, I'll leave a few more shikigami to stay in the delivery room."

The headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad has always been a very hidden existence. The ghost dance Tsuji Wumai has been looking for many years and has not been able to find it. It was not until the beginning of the Taisho period that the headquarters was found, which also led to the death of many people. Just in case who knows if this guy will be found at this time.

"Chiyo, are you going out?"

Yuichi has also seen the horror of ghosts. After he came to the location of the Sanyashiki family, he really lived a comfortable life for a long time, so long that he almost forgot that the outside world was full of ghosts, and Chiyo suddenly mentioned that she was leaving today, which reminded him of how the village was when it was attacked by ghosts.

"Yes, there are too many people who have been ruined by these ghosts. What I can do is to make the probability of this kind of thing happen less."

Chiyo knew that she was not very good at talking, but she felt that if she used her true feelings to teach Fate One, the other party would definitely understand what she wanted to express.

At least that's what she thought, and the other party is someone who sees everything very clearly, so she should be able to know that she's not lying.

Yuanyi fell into silence after listening to her words, and finally took the tachi on the side and ran to the training ground to find Purgatory Flower to train. There is clearly a tendency to surpass her.

The so-called afterlife is also completely dreadful.

It was decided that she would go to the front line the next day. Chiyo drew a summoning formation in the courtyard that night. She thought she had a large number of shikigami before, but after allocating it like this today, she realized that it was not too many. So get ready for another ten draw tonight.

Chiyo sighed as he looked at the already drawn summoning formation.

"I am very fortunate now that this is a big difference from card games, that is, the shikigami drawn is not repeated, otherwise it will really cost me my life."

This time the shikigami was summoned with the idea of ​​strengthening the team, so Chiyo didn't have much thought about who would be summoned.

That's right, as long as there are more people, she has no desires.

Standing up and moving his shoulders, Chiyo started another ten draws.

No one knew what kind of shikigami would come out, so they all looked nervously at the magic circle that had started to turn red, especially the members of the ghost killing team, who had never seen the scene of the witch and the onmyoji summoning the shikigami. , so one or two came together to see what was going on.

For the first time being surrounded by so many people, Chiyo did not have stage fright, and still recited the spell step by step, and the next moment was to witness the miracle.

Rubbing her hands together, she is now quite nervous, not because she is afraid that she will act or something, but suddenly afraid of what she will do if she attracts some terrible shikigami.

But the summoning formation had already started, and she couldn't let the summoning formation hold back.

"Forget it, at this time, it's better to calm down."

After doing enough psychological construction, Chiyo looked at the summoning array calmly, and when the first shikigami came out, she screamed out in shock.

"The other side of the flower!! Ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, you old dog is finished!"

The author has something to say:

Whoa! My Spring Festival holiday is over! I just received a notice that everyone in the hospital has to cancel the holiday and go to work in advance! Whoa! ! Cry out loud!

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