Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 106: I want to buy children's clothing!

Chiyo can't see Enichi now, mainly because the other party is really too cute, and people can't control their hands that are about to move when they see it, although they are much shorter than the other party, but this is not enough. It prevented Chiyo from trying so hard to reach out and pinch the other's cheek.

"Juju, pick me up quickly."

After discovering that she couldn't do it with her own abilities, she turned her idea on Tamamo before, but of course this was rejected by the other party.

"I reject."


Oh! Juju no longer loves her, no longer loves her completely! Otherwise, how can you treat yourself like this?

Chiyo held her chest in pain and even trembled in her hands because of the pain, "I've fallen out of favor! Hey!"

As the center of the Asura field, Yuan Yi felt that he didn't want to talk much, and he was even a little scared.

That's right, it's really scary.

So far, Enichi has only been sent to Zaiyashiki. Chiyo did not force him to train with the members of the Ghost Killing Squad. He was only occasionally helped by Purgatory Flower to learn about swordsmanship. If he could at least have a few years of happiness. childhood.

But when it comes to this purgatory flower, Chiyo found that this is really the ancestral hair color and the hair style that is obviously fried. Whether it is the elder brother hundreds of years later or the current purgatory flower, it is really obvious at a glance. is a family.

Oh yes, and their ancestral laughter.

However, the laughter of this purgatory flower is somewhat restrained. After all, she is a girl, and it seems that it is not enough to laugh so boldly.

"I have to say that Yuanyi is indeed very potential. If he joins the Ghost Slayer team when he grows up, he will definitely be very powerful, really powerful."

Purgatory Flower collected her own brain, and in the end, she could only describe it as "powerful". She had a hunch that when this child grew up, she would definitely bring the Ghost Killing Team to a new height.

Hearing Purgatory Flower's words, Chiyo blinked his eyes and nodded in agreement. According to the original plot, it was indeed Yuanichi who created the breath of the sun by himself, which finally improved the overall combat effectiveness of the Ghost Killing Team to a great extent. The only one who forced Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable to the point of nowhere.

Oh, if you look at it now, she's also the one who pushed Kiwu Tsuji no miserable, and more than once.

After the death of Yuichi, this ghost dance Tsuji Wu miserable took Yuichi and his brother to kill all the descendants of Hi no Breath. The loss of Hi no Breath can be said to be a big loss for the ghost killing team. Chiyo felt that it was necessary to ensure that Hiro Breathing can be passed down, if you can't directly kill Kiwu Tsuji Wumisui, but it still seems very possible to crush the opponent's intention.

"This kid is bound to develop a lot."

Yuanyi, who was praised, stood silently on the side, mainly because the current situation seemed a bit strange. If it was only purgatory praising himself, it would be quite understandable, but Chiyo was obviously like a child, so Is it really okay for the old **** to praise him?

Because Guiwu Tsuji Wu Mian has not blatantly made waves now, but the other party is still secretly creating his own subordinates to find the cyan other flower for himself. If his subordinates die, he will die, but he has only one. If your subordinates die, you can still make them again, but if you don't have it, you really don't have it.

In view of the fact that the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable has disappeared now, and there is nothing powerful about the ghost who comes out for a few walks, the pillar of the ghost killing team will only come out when the ordinary members can't solve a ghost.

this day...

It seems kind of boring.

This is not false at all. If it wasn't for Gao Tianyuan to stop him, Guiwu Tsuji Wumai might not really survive the arrival of the Taisho era, and because of her intervention, the strength of Guiwu Tsuji Wumei's men is not as good as before.

I can't think about it, as long as I think of Chiyo Takatahara's anger, I can't wait to go out directly. Everyone is like [three times a day] and so on. When she comes to her place, she uses cannons to bomb Takaten every day. It turns out that a bombardment has become her daily task. , She felt that one day, because of her unremitting efforts, Gao Tianyuan would be directly blown out of a hole.

Since the Heian period, she first fought with Gao Tianyuan, and then with Kiwu Tsuji no miserable. These two guys can be said to be her own rivals. As long as she is still alive, she must fight each other to the end.

Thinking of this, Chiyo waved her little fist, and the expression on her face was serious, maybe it was because the expression on her face was too serious, and Yuzao, who was on the side, hugged her directly.

Chiyo, who is just four years old now, is a young child, and Tamamo-mae holding her looks like a father holding her daughter to others.

Speaking of this, Chiyo felt that this picture was probably the picture of gathering together to take care of two children when he died for the first time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is said that Juju is a person who loves his wife and loves his children. Now it seems that this is the case."

Speaking of which, Chiyo put her arm around Tamamo Mae's neck even harder, making it seem like she could be snatched away by others if she got together at home, but her words also made Tamamo Mae very proud." Well, I think that's who I am too."


It's over, this person has already started to collapse the character design, and even people don't know what to say.

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Chiyo didn't say anything about being in each other's arms, anyway, at least they still have some leisure time now.

"That guy Naraku seems to be chased by Inuyasha and wants to cry now. It's like leveling up against monsters. Clearing the boss is full level from the very beginning, and the protagonist is a rookie who just left the novice village. After the monsters have been upgraded and grown, this clearing BOSS has also completed the task he should have."

In a short while, Naraku will be completely solved by Inuyasha and Kagome, as well as the social cancer of the Jade of the Four Souls.

and many more! After the end of the plot, the Bone-eating Well disappeared for three full years, which meant that she could not go to the modern age through this well for the past three years!

Omg! She finally got a little bit of a relationship with Hyundai, why did it end so quickly?

Happy days are really always short, how many times did she go back?

He took off the more than half of the jade of the four souls from his neck, and looked at this round thing with subtle expressions. If it wasn't for Cuizi's soul fighting here, she might really have destroyed this place directly. thing.

Thinking of her as a person from another world, is she really afraid of the Jade of Four Souls? If she is really afraid of the other party's retribution, she will take this to the site of Datian Dynasty to destroy this thing.

"Ayu Ayu, what is your wish?"

Chiyo stroked the incomplete Four Soul Jade with her little hand, trying her best to put a very friendly smile on her face, knowing that she was really asking what the other party's wish was.

Hearing her question, Shuten Douji suddenly appeared next to her, "The wish of the Jade of Four Souls is probably to put it together."

It’s okay not to mention this, Chiyo felt like she was full of anger when she talked about it, and she wanted to spit out the jade of the four souls. In fact, she really spit it out.

"Ahhhh! Fuck it! Put it back together? I won't put it..."

Speaking of which, she stopped. Who knows if the jade of the four souls, which is not fully spelled out, can hear what she said. At this time, it is better to pay attention to some things. She can't say some things, as long as she arrives in her heart. .

The Jade of the Four Souls is absolutely impossible to keep, but I don't know whether to deal with the other party by myself, or to follow the plot.

Glancing at the jade of the four souls again, Chiyo put it into her clothes out of sight.

"Shuten Douji, I give you a task."

If it's a single anime world, it's nothing, but now that Inuyasha is linked with the Blade of Demon Slayer, it is very likely that Naraku and Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai will also join forces.

If the two of them are separated, there is a way to solve it, but once they join forces, the bosses of the two worlds will be embarrassing them, and the most important thing is that the trump card in their hands is only the protagonist of the world of Inuyasha, the protagonist of Ghost Slayer. Only ancestors.

"Have a mission? I haven't done it for a long time, and I just took this opportunity to exercise my muscles and bones."

After hearing that Chiyo had a task for him, Shuten Douji was about to use the ghost gourd behind him to sing to the other party, but this time the task is not only for him, but also for a few other people.

"Bring a few more people. As for who to bring, it's up to you to choose. Your task is to watch Naraku, and don't let him and Oniwu Tsuji have any miserable intersection. If the circumstances allow, I have no opinion on killing Naraku. , but be careful."

In order to prevent her shikigami from being hurt by Naraku's dog, Chiyo even sent her right-hand man, Papa Grass.

"Whether it's Kagura or Kanna, don't be deceived by their beauty, you just need to know that they were all born from Naraku's tentacled body."


After Chiyo finished speaking, Shuten Douji almost spit it out. Originally, he was shouting about a small barbecue before, but now as long as he thinks about the appearance of the other party's tentacles, he will never want a small barbecue in his life.

Chiyo was not very relieved to leave the matter to Shuten Douji. She felt that the other party would definitely fight Naraku, but this was also the effect she wanted.

The matter on Inuyasha's side will be resolved soon, so she should hurry up and buy some diapers and small clothes for Yuuki. After all, there is no way to return to the modern age in three years.

"Juju, do you think this dress looks good? I think I look good in it too."

Chiyo has always thought that children's clothes are particularly good-looking. Children's clothes are exquisite and beautiful. This time, she finally caught the opportunity, how could she let it go?


Watching Chiyo start frantically trying on clothes, Tamamo before twitched the corners of his mouth.

This guy kept saying that he was here to buy things for children for Yuuki, but now he bought himself such a joyous thing, and the sofa beside him was already full of clothes to buy.

"looks good?"

"It looks good, buy it."

But that's what he said, buy, buy, buy if you like it.

After they bought it back, Yuuki didn't have a lot of things.

"It's alright, I won't need to get wet in a few days."

Yuuki lying on the bed: "Heitui!"

The author has something to say:

Happy New Year everyone! Be sure to stay at home and don't go out! be careful!

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