Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 105: Eunichi is so cute!

Gao Tianyuan didn't dare to make any movement now, because they suddenly found that someone below was holding a round thing at them, and from time to time, a few gun battles came over, and every time they exploded, they would not have a good life. .

Are you surprised? Surprised or not? Not irritating?

Chiyo bought a cannon directly from Hyundai, and successfully moved the cannon from the Bone-eating Well. Kagome was shocked when she saw this scene.

So how did this person directly take the gun from modern times? How big is the mouth of the Bone Eating Well? How did you manage to fit this gun?

"Of course, these are not problems. The only problem now is how to collect the other four soul jades, and then solve the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable."

In Chiyo's eyes, Naraku is not a problem. Since he can be beaten like that dog by Tamamo Mae, it proves that this guy is not very powerful, and from the current situation, it seems that they do nothing to Naraku. Things, this Gao Tianyuan will not care about them.

Look, Gao Tianyuan must be the mother and father of Kiwu Tsuji, otherwise why every time they want to do something to Kiwu Tsuji, these two thunders start to smash down desperately, needless to say Everyone knows who it was used to hit.

I can't think about it, as long as I think about this, Chiyo will pull the cannon over to teach Gao Tianyuan a lesson. She just said a word to Kagome and then bombards the sky again. She is completely rushing to let Japan. I went to a country that became a smog as soon as possible.

"Look, after the previous siege and suppression of Oni Mai Tsuji with the Ghost Killing Team, maybe this guy won't blatantly come out for a long time, but he will definitely continue to create a large number of ghosts. Competing with us, another point is to find the blue other side flower."

In order to be able to walk in the sun like a human and be immortal, Guiwu Tsuji can only find the cyan other side flower. Although this guy is currently hiding, but as long as he has not found the cyan other side flower, he will definitely come out. . Anyway, this time she lived a long time, the big deal is to spend some time waiting, and the most important thing is that she still has fate on her side, what she has to ensure now is that the breath of the sun can be passed on.

The ghost dance Tsuji Wumai only needs to pay attention to his movements at all times. The guns and guns that were obtained from Hyundai have been sent to the ghost killing team. There may be no way to have any lethality to ghosts, but it can improve the team members. In addition, in Chiyo's view, the wisdom of the ancients is not very low, and it is not impossible that the bullets and bullets made from the materials used to make the Japanese sword will affect the ghosts.

In this way, all she needs to worry about is the Jade of Four Souls. This thing is a living being. She is not the heroine of [Inuyasha]. It will be returned to Kagome. As the heroine, she must have many ways to solve this problem.

Chiyo briefly analyzed the current severe situation for others, and finally came to a conclusion.

"So next, Kagome and Inuyasha can use new weapons to destroy Naraku and them, then we will stay in the village or the main family of the maiyashiki as your strong reserve force."

Hearing Chiyo's words, Kagome slowly put a big question mark on her head, so in the end is this the arrangement?

"Then... in the end, are we going to solve the problem ourselves?"


Chiyo reached out and held Kagome's hand, and nodded with a very sincere attitude, "Kagome, although I appreciate your character, ability to do things, and way of doing things, this broken jade of four souls is your fault after all. When you have a problem, do your own business, don't always think about asking others for help~"

In her impression, the plot of this Inuyasha seems to be caused by accidentally shooting the Four Soul Jade to pieces at the beginning, and finally she can only start a journey to collect the Four Soul Jade fragments.

So the mistakes he made were to be solved by himself, and Chiyo felt that there was nothing wrong with this idea.

Looking up at Ergouzi who was still talking to General Canine not far away, she leaned in front of Kagome with a sinister smile and winked at him, "And I have a reason for doing this, no To disturb you and Ergouzi's two-person world, I don't want to be a big light bulb."

What she said is not wrong at all. If you bring her, it is equivalent to having dozens of high-wattage light bulbs at the same time, which can blind them all!


Since Kikyo was taken away by the ghost lamp last time, Ergouzi seemed to be a lot more honest, and he didn't say anything about those scumbag quotes.

It's okay not to mention this, Chiyo has a lot to say when it comes to this.

"Juju, you can't be like General Dog. If you do, I will definitely kill you."


Sitting on a large rock, she pointed to General Inu, not far away from Yuzao Qian, and spoke her heart out. Fortunately, General Inu and Ergouzi couldn't hear well even if they had good hearing. what two people said.

"Actually, I'm not saying that General Canine is not a good person. On the contrary, I think he is a good person and a good companion and leader, but he must not be a good husband."

On the premise of having a big dog after marrying Da Gouzi's mother, and seeing Er Gouzi's mother in the right eye, as a human princess, the other party is so willing to be the mistress of the marriage.

Don't say that true love is priceless. It's really uncomplimentable if you can't control your behavior as a mistress even when you know the other party is married.

"I'm actually a person whose three views are not normal. If I stand from the perspective of these two people, I'm really the hero and heroine of Crescent Moon, but I'm looking at it from the perspective of a bystander. I can help her scolding the dead dog general and the mother of the second dog, and maybe even beat the dog general."

When a man finds a mistress, he can't blame the mistress entirely, but men are responsible for more than half of the mistakes, so it's very obvious who is right or wrong in this matter.

Tamamo before stood silently without saying a word, he seemed to understand what the other party meant inside and out, so he stretched out his hand and rubbed Chiyo's hair, "Well, don't worry, I won't become a A man who steps on two boats like Admiral Dog."


Chiyo raised his head and blinked his eyes. After staring at each other for a few seconds, he suddenly laughed, "Ha~ it's okay, Juju, even if you really step on two boats, there is no problem."

Having said that, she smiled even more happily, and even almost laughed her Yahanako out.

Just looking at this guy's smile, Tamamo before felt that things would never be easy, but the result was nothing wrong with what he thought, and what Chiyo said next made him want to turn around and leave.

"If you step on two boats, I will kick you off the boat first and let you stay in the water for a while, and although you have found most of the mistakes of the mistress on you, the mistress is my fault. It will also be a good lesson.”


Look, he knew that he couldn't spit out any nicer words from the other party's mouth. If he hadn't already thought of it like this, he probably would have been out of breath.

Yes, he will surely die on the spot.

Chiyo didn't say anything after finding out that General Inu was looking in their direction. She wasn't the kind of person who would speak ill of others. She was just feeling it today. She was also very glad that the big dog didn't have heredity. To General Canine's emotional scum, or she might act directly for her daughter.

"Seshomaru is a good man, otherwise how can he be called a glamorous noble son?"

You must know that this Sesshomaru was her favorite life when she was a child. Now that her daughter has conquered her own life, it can be regarded as a fulfillment of her childhood dream.

Just looking at Chiyo's longing and unrepentant look, Tamamozen felt that he might not have guessed something, and he suddenly felt that his head was covered in green.

While thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and touched his head. He was very worried that he would touch the green color on his hand.

Noticing the other party's actions, the expression on Chiyo's face can be said to be very subtle. She was very unsure of why the other party acted like this, so she also looked up at the other party's head.

Well, fine, nothing weird.

In fact, Sesshomaru has always been her own destiny, and she fantasized about being with each other when she was a child, which means that she never thought that she would end up with Tamamo before.

correct! She hadn't thought about it at all.

Of course, this must not be told to Tamamo Mae, otherwise this guy may be **** off.

Kagome has been standing not far from the two, so she heard the words of the two very clearly, and now she can't wait to let herself forget what she just heard in minutes.

She didn't hear anything, really.

In fact, whether she heard it or not was not the point. Anyway, Chiyo didn't plan to say anything. After she sent them on the journey, she planned to take them to live in the maternity house and their house, so that on the one hand, she could better protect the fate. On the other hand, she can be regarded as the technical guide of the Ghost Slayer team.

The team led by Chiyo can be said to be very large, and fortunately, the production house can provide them with a place to live.

"Fortunately, you have to believe in a witch's sixth sense. I think that fate will be the key to defeating Oniwu Tsuji no miserable, but although we can't beat it now, we will definitely be able to beat it in the future."

Don't talk too much, Chiyo feels that even if he is, he really can't talk too much, otherwise he will be easily beaten in the face.

Yuanyi is just over ten years old now, the age when he likes to play, but after hearing that he is the key, Xiao Zhengtai raised his head and looked at Chiyo with a completely blank expression, "Huh? What's wrong with me? ?"

Looking at the other party's ignorant eyes, Chiyo suddenly covered her face, "Oh my God! Yuanyi is really cute! Ango is dead! Ango is dead!"

I don't know what to say: "..."

Yukiya Shiki, who was speechless and choked, said: "..."

Tamamozen didn't know what to say at first, but he turned his head and covered Chiyo's eyes, "Then close your eyes."


The author has something to say:

Edge one! ! ! Ah ah ah! ! Scream! ! Edge one!

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