Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 104: come on, hurt each other

Like night pearls or other jewels, in the Warring States period, it was really a lot of money, so Chiyo didn't have to worry about whether the money would be enough, she just had to go to a group of bandits to rob and it would be completely Get a considerable fortune.

Weighing the bag containing gold and night pearls, Chiyo nodded in satisfaction.

Oh, she is not very satisfied with this, but very satisfied.

If it was this amount, it would be more than enough to exchange for weapons. Although she didn't know the exact amount of money to exchange for this, it was not much different visually.

"Okay, these are almost enough. While Juju and I go to the modern age, you must protect the village. Little Sun and the others will continue to look for Guiwu Tsuji Wumai. If you find them, don't panic."

Now she can be considered to be smart, and she must not scare the snake, otherwise Gao Tianyuan will come out and make some troubles.

The brothers of Seimei and the source family can't use the Bone-eating Well, so they can only tease Yuuki at home.

That's right, now everyone is teasing her while Yuuki is still young, and that won't happen when Yuuki grows up, so do it now.

"You guys are having fun, you're all done when Yuuki can speak."


Before jumping down the well, Chiyo owed one more mouthful, because everyone's expressions changed after her words.

There's no way she's just so flat, every time she sees this guy's subtle expression, she's very happy.

She jumped into the Bone-eating Well with Tamamo-mae, with Kagome on the other side as support, and she even prepared modern clothes for Chiyo.

"I haven't worn modern clothes for many years, and I'm not used to wearing them all of a sudden."

Most of Kagome's clothes are small skirts that don't reach her knees. She hasn't worn such a short skirt for many years, and now she's not used to it.

Looking down at the little skirt, Chiyo deliberately tugged it down.

She is now wearing Kagome's childhood clothes, each of which is very delicate.

Tamamo Mae silently looked at her small skirt above the knees, and even prepared to pull the skirt down for the other party.

"Juju! Juju, don't pull down. If you pull me down, it will be very dangerous."

Chiyo was right at all, and if he continued to pull it like this, he would most likely pull the skirt off.

"Gao Wei, why don't you take me to buy clothes first, I have to buy some modern clothes for Juju first."

Now Juju's clothes can be said to be very eye-catching. If you walk on the road, although you can't attract people such as scouts, you will definitely encounter many girls screaming.

Well, yes, she didn't want other little girls to gather around their house, and she didn't even want those girls to see Juju's face.

"I'm going to buy him that hat, preferably a mask to cover his face."

While speaking, Chiyo stretched out her hand to cover her face, as if she wanted to block Tamamomae's face all the time. Seeing her like this, Kagome twitched the corners of her mouth and even took a big step back.

Look, this person's jealousy is really frightening, and he is even ready to block his face.

Turning her head to look in front of Tamamo who was still staring at her own skirt, Chiyo stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch the other person's hair, "Juju, we'll be back in a while."

"You always make me think I'm a dog."


Qian Dai was stunned for a moment, then pointed to Kagome who was standing beside him, "Don't say that, this guy next to me has a second dog."

Ergouzi really deserves to be an Ergouzi. His character looks really special. In the early stage, this guy was a scumbag Ergouzi.

Don't think about it, Chiyo's head hurts just thinking about it.

Yawning, she was just over a meter tall and followed Kagome to a nearby mall to buy some clothes.

"This Juju will look good in clothes, I bought it! I also bought this one!"

Chiyo is like a big local tyrant. As long as she looks at Tamamo before wearing clothes that will look good, she really buys it with a big wave of her hand. As Kagome who came out with her, it seems a bit terrible. Although she came out with Chiyo, she has become a laborer who moved things without buying anything.

Think of her as a young girl, why should she experience the job of being a laborer, and the most terrible thing is that she can only stare at the large piece of jade of four souls hanging around the other's neck.

Look, look, this is so irritating, this guy has almost half of the jade of the four souls hanging around his neck, just looking at it like this makes people feel very jealous.

Noticing that the other party had been staring at the Jade of Four Souls around her neck, Chiyo suddenly stretched out her hand to block Kagome's sight.

"It's not that I don't want to give this thing to you, it's mainly because it's very unsafe to be with you and Inuyasha, and it's easy to be snatched by Naraku."


Recalling that Naruo was beaten like a dog by these people not long ago, Kagome felt that this guy would never make waves for the time being, unless it was really desperate.

"Okay, it's safer to put it with you, Chiyo."

Chiyo is surrounded by Tamamo-mae and those shikigami. If Naraku can break through many obstacles and get the jade of the four souls around Chiyo's neck, it will be fatal.

While talking, the two of them walked around the men's clothing store again, making sure that they had bought almost all of them for Tamamo before before leaving satisfied.

Of course, it is Chiyo who is satisfied.

"Come on, come on, Juju try this dress on."

At this moment, Chiyo is like a mother who bought clothes for her child, she must let the other party try on the clothes.

"Yes, it's very good, it must be very handsome to wear it out."

Looking at Tamamo Mae who had already changed clothes, Chiyo nodded with satisfaction, so he handed the mask to him again, "Just wear this and go out together."

Tamamo's hair was very long in front of her, and she tied the other's hair high with a headband.

I don't know why she has always liked boys to tie up their hair, especially the kind of long hair. When she watched the anime, there was a male protagonist named Saotome with such hair. She almost screamed, but now she has How could she miss such an opportunity.

"God, it's so beautiful, so beautiful."

Her hands are very small, and Tamamo has a lot of hair in front of her. It would really kill her to tie her hair up, but even so, she was very serious about pulling up the other person's hair.

After tying her hair, she nodded contentedly, and even patted the other person on the shoulder.

After all the things are over, the next step is to exchange money to buy weapons. This kind of thing is not so easy to do.

Kagome and his family have been responsible for running their own shrines for generations, and it can be said that they don't know anything about the black market, so Chiyo and Tamamomae can only do it by themselves.

The two of them have been strolling around in a relatively small store, just to find a chance to meet people in the black market. Chiyo is not very familiar with this kind of thing, and Tamamo-mae is a big monster who has not lived in modern life at all. It is more difficult.

"Hey - it's really hard to spend money now."

They have the money in their hands and don't know where to spend it, which is horrible.

When wandering around blindly, you can always encounter some unexpected things, such as now, Chiyo found a person.

"Fuck! Juju, do you remember the spider spirit we killed together? It's the little spider girl who ate the Onmyoji."

That was a long time ago. When she was still the shrine maiden Chiyo, she was responsible for destroying the man-eating spider girl. This is the story in [Forgetting Spiders] that she is familiar with. At first, in order to avoid future troubles, she directly killed the spider. The woman was killed, and she did not choose to seal her in the book.

Now! !

She saw the reincarnation of the Lolita Onmyoji! It's the story that happened in modern times!

"Juju! Look! There! That guy is the reincarnation of Onmyoji!"

Chiyo pointed at Tamamo-mae, a man who looked very decadent not far away, as if he had discovered a new world. Compared to this guy, Tamamo-mae, who was also a lo*ic*n, was very pleasing to the eye.

"I'm not a lo*ic*n."

Tamamo-mae denied Chiyo's claim that she was a lo*ic*n.

He's not a lo*ic*n! She is definitely not a lo*ic*n!

Before looking up at Yuzao, Chiyo was stunned for a moment, then laughed like a fool, hahaha.

Mainly because Tamamo said that she was not a lo*ic*n or something, it was very interesting before, she wanted to laugh as long as she saw it like that.

But there is nothing wrong with laughing, but the reincarnation in front of her made her feel a little nervous.

That's right, it was blocked, very blocked.

If the onmyoji in the previous life was just a lo*ic*n, then this reincarnation is the representative of a scumbag. It is true that Spider-Woman killed the heroine, but the most disgusting thing is the behavior of this reincarnated scumbag.


This guy is just like a no-brainer, and finally made Spider-Woman look like the heroine.

"Damn, don't mention it, I want to kill him if I mention it now."

Although it wouldn't happen without Spider-Woman now, it's still very disturbing to see this guy's appearance.

"Okay, don't look at him anymore, didn't you mean to buy that thing called a gun?"

Seeing that Chiyo's eyes were all attracted to the man, Tamamo before stretched out his hand and pushed the little girl's head over, forcing the other party to look at him.

Well, this guy just has to look at himself.


Staring at the magnified handsome face in front of Tamamo, Chiyo almost rolled her eyes at the other party.

"Juju, I'm used to seeing your good-looking face. How can you stop looking at other people's faces?"

That Onmyoji didn't look as good-looking as Yuzao in her previous life or reincarnation, so she didn't bother to look at him.

Forget it, the plot has been changed anyway, so she shouldn't worry about this issue anymore.

After letting go of the reincarnation of the Onmyoji, the two of them hooked up with people in the black market very smoothly, and they also successfully purchased a batch of high-tech weapons.

Whether it will change history or not, Chiyo no longer cares. What she cares more about is whether she can directly hit Gao Tianyuan with high-tech weapons. Facts have proved that she is indeed planning to do so.

Seeing that Chiyo adjusted the new weapon to face the sky, Tamamo Mae chose to remain silent.

The author has something to say:

Gao Tianyuan will never let go

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