Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 101: you mom exploded

My God, how can Yuanyi be so cute?

Why did such a lovely person end up so tragically, his wife and children were eaten by ghosts, and his brother was always jealous of him, which caused a lot of things to happen later.

It’s okay not to think about this, but thinking of this Chiyo makes me feel particularly heartbroken.

Teacher Crocodile has no heart, right? He definitely has no heart, right?

Why can't such a cute character live for too long in the end, why does Kiwu Tsuji live for more than a thousand years?

From now on, don't call it the Blade of Ghost Slayer, let's call it Zhumie.


Yes or no?

The Rabbit was gone before, so let's not mention this.

In Jiuzhu, from the eldest brother onwards, it was like a jumping bean, and one or two were killed compared to Fa'er.

Is it fun to abuse readers?

Chiyo once wanted to send a blade to Teacher Crocodile, but after thinking about it, if she sent the blade and the other party destroyed all the pillars, then she really couldn't cry if she wanted to.

"Yuanyi is really amazing, I'll give you a little red flower."

Thinking that the other party was only about ten years old, Chiyo subconsciously felt that the other party was younger than her, so she directly handed him a small red flower she picked from the roadside.

As an elderly aesthetic, she almost put the little red flower on the teenager's hair.

I'm sorry, she suddenly got sick.

"Yuanyi has to keep going!"

Chiyo gave the other party a wave of rainbow farts, and let the little guy follow the poem to play a few games today. She squatted on the side and began to write and draw on the ground with a wooden stick.

Now that she has created a lot of hatred for Naraku and Oniwu Tsuji in front of the ghost lamp, the other party will definitely weaken the fighting power of the two for her, and the most important thing is that Naraku's new body has already shattered Tamamomae. It will take a long time to reassemble, as for the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable side, they are monitored by them.

"That is to say, for the time being, we don't have to think about the real situation of the gangsters, and now we can completely collect the four soul jade fragments while eliminating ghosts."

Chiyo felt that it was too difficult for herself. How could a shrine maiden who guarded Inari Shrine well become a shrine maiden who encircled the ghost Mai Tsuji and collected the jade of the four souls.

It was too difficult, she was really too difficult.

Thinking of this, she almost cried.

Tonero's blessing, she has collected more than half of the jade of the four souls now, and if she works harder, she will collect the whole of it. Then, as soon as the plot on Inuyasha and Kagome ends, she can concentrate on the siege of Oni Mai Tsuji no. awful.

"I don't know if our lovely Yuuki was born or not, and we will probably be in a state of wandering for a long time."

"So what can I do, wandering is wandering."

They have been wandering for hundreds of years, and Tamamo has long been accustomed to such a life. Since Chiyo decided to do things, he completely supports it unconditionally.

There must be a group of shikigami left in the village as a guarantee to protect the villagers, and the rest will wander around with Chiyo.

I was talking about wandering, but in fact, I just went to see if Yuuki was born and stayed at the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer for a while.

"God, the thought of seeing Yuuki just born makes me feel like I'm flying in the sky."

"You look so wretched when you rub your hands like this, like a wretched old man."

"Juju, it's not good for a girl to say that."


When Chiyo arrived at the maternity house, not long after Yuuki was born, her eyesight was not very clear, she could only hear someone walking in loudly.

Oh, look, she's reincarnated now. Last time she was reincarnated as Abe Yuki. I don't know where I've been reincarnated in this life, and I don't know if I can meet someone I know.

Hey, I don't know if I can meet Chiyo, but I suddenly miss her.

"Good sister! Good sister, I'm here to see you! Hahahaha! Good sister, don't roll your eyes!"


Hearing the laughter that could be described as wild, Yuuki spit it out.

I'm sorry, she took back what she said before. She really doesn't want to see the person named Chiyo now. This guy must be very proud now. After all, she must be very interesting now. After all, she is now vomiting and incontinent.

Damn, I want to hit someone.

"Hahaha, I know you really want to hit me right now, but you can't hit me~"

Chiyo sat on the head of the bed and started a new round of mocking mode at Yuuki who was still a baby. According to the trajectory of human growth, it would take her at least a year to walk.

She stretched out her hand and poked the corner of Yuuki's mouth, she successfully induced Yuuki's sucking reflex, there is no way this is a reflex unique to a baby, even if she wants to control it herself.

"Yuki, you are still too young, and I can't spend any happy childhood with you here. This time you were reincarnated in the maternity house of the Ghost Killing Squad. Although the boss has been monitored by us, this guy There are also many ghosts created, and I have to destroy them one by one."

What she said is right, time is money, time is life, she can't grow up with Yuuki here, after all, there are almost one-half of the jade of the four souls outside that she needs to collect, and there are so many ghosts. She comes to destroy.


Yuuki didn't know what to say, and more importantly, she couldn't say anything at all, she could only wave her small fists and babble endlessly.

It sounds so awkward, this guy is not his mother, it sounds too scary to accompany her childhood, and she is not a child at all, how can she still need to accompany her childhood.

After teasing Yuuki for a while, Chiyo decided to leave now. She expressed her desire to be alone with the newly born child of the maternity house as a witch, which is the best blessing for this little girl. But no one knew that she was unilaterally attacking Yuuki personally.

Now that Yuichi hasn't grown up yet, the breath of the sun has not been taught to the members of the Ghost Slayer team. In comparison, the current Ghost Slayer team's force value is still relatively low compared to the ghosts. Chiyo will also not be like this. The only way she can think of is to divide her shikigami into three teams, each with a nurse, and then organize these three teams into the ghost killing team.

"That won't work, don't you have no one to protect you?"

Regarding Chiyo's idea, Aunt SP was the first to object to it. He felt that this arrangement was very unreasonable. If it was divided like this, there would be no shikigami by Chiyo's side.

"It's okay, whether it's my own ability or Juju's ability, it won't hurt me."

Speaking of this little girl nesting in Yuzao's arms, she shook her head and stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around the neck of her own family. If it wasn't in front of her aunt, she would be able to use her face to get together with her. Face.

"Auntie, don't worry about me, we are still part of the ghost killing team, so don't worry."

This is really not to worry, the current head of Sanyashiki has assigned Chiyo and Tamamomae to team up with Yanzhu.

The last time Yanzhu of the Ghost Killing Squad was a boy from the Purgatory family, but this time Yanzhu became a girl.

"Yanzhu changed again?"

"Some ghosts are indeed stronger than the ghost killing team members, after all, the team members are human flesh and blood."

What Sanyashiki said is right, the members of the Ghost Killing Team are indeed inferior to ghosts in terms of force and health. Although Zhu is the most powerful existence in the Ghost Killing Team, the most powerful people will naturally kill the powerful ghosts. , and then take more serious damage.

This time Yanzhu was a girl named Purgatory Flower, who seemed to be related to the other party's family. This girl seemed very carefree.

"Hello! I'm Purgatory Flower, I need more advice in the future!"

Nestled in the arms in front of Tamamo, Chiyo blinked at Purgatory Flower, and then suddenly burst out laughing, "A lot of advice~"

In order to kill Guiwu Tsuji Wumai and his subordinates, how many girls like Purgatory Flowers were brutally eaten by ghosts in the end, the boss really wanted to see them.

"But now Guiwu Tsuji Wumai has been under surveillance by me. Do you want to organize someone to kill him? Because of Gao Tianyuan's force, I may not be able to help you kill him, and may even be a disservice."

Yes, if you can't kill yourself, then you can tell the ghost killing team about the trace of Oni Mai Tsuji, and let the other party kill it!

God, she's such a clever little devil!

Thinking of this Chiyo applauding her own wit, she just gave a suggestion. If the other party agrees, it is best. If they don't agree, then go to the Taisho era and let Tanjiro destroy the other party.

"Kimono Tsuji is no miserable? He must be killed! Only by killing him can all the ghosts be wiped out!"

For Chiyo's proposal, Purgatory Flower was the first to agree. As a Yanzhu, she can be said to be full of blood and want to kill the other party.

The current head of Sanyashiki thought for a few seconds and finally decided to agree with his Yanzhu's suggestion. Now that he has learned of the trace of Oni Mai Tsuji, he will definitely seize the opportunity.

Everything seems to be going very smoothly here. Chiyo even thinks that if his life is a novel, it is almost the end now. The protagonists work together to eliminate the big villain. To live happily together.

If possible, there will even be a long side story, she has already thought about what this side story is about, such as Yuuki's happy childhood.

How good, how wonderful, Chiyo feels that now he can enjoy the future.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that the future she imagined seemed impossible to happen at all. Ghost dance Tsuji Wumai had been hiding in that village and did not come out. She took the ghost killing team to the village, just to prepare for the daytime. kill each other.


The sun that scares ghosts did not appear today. It was a particularly cloudy day, and the sun did not appear at all.

Shit, I really want to hit people.

"It doesn't matter, even if there is no sun, he will not be able to escape with people like us."

It's not wrong to say so, but Chiyo feels a little sullen in her heart now. She feels that things are definitely not that simple. If it's the same as what she thinks, Gao Tianyuan will definitely not let Oniwu Tsuji Wumai die so easily.

Sure enough, when they stepped into the village, the originally cloudy sky suddenly became darker, and even began to flash and thunder.

"Lightning and thunder? Gao Tianyuan's mother exploded."

The author has something to say:


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