Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 100: hell treatment is good

Chiyo couldn't understand why Inuyasha was so obsessed with wanting to fight Ghost Light anyway, so he asked this guy if he was Ghost Light's opponent?

To know that this ghost lamp has lived for so many years, what can be used to describe its combat power? What to describe?

In the early days, whether it was Inuyasha or Kagome, the abilities of both of them were a bit crispy, otherwise they would not have been completely abused by Sesshomaru.

Headache, very headache.

Chiyo stretched out her hand and covered her face silently. She couldn't bear to see what the next picture would be like. In fact, she didn't want the relationship with the ghost lamp to become too rigid. After all, she might have more and more in the next days. She would also have contact with him, such as destroying Naraku together, so she didn't want to turn against him because of Inuyasha.

But now it seems that she can't stand by and watch a good show like a normal person. After all, Inuyasha is the second son of General Inuyasha. Even if General Inuyasha is really free for him, she can't really watch him being abused.

The most important thing is that the ghost lamp seems to be here for the Kikyo thing.

Online help, how to make the **** assistant's attention shift from his goddess to another place?

This is a century-old problem, she thought for a few seconds and finally decided to turn her attention to Naraku and Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai. After all, these two guys are also very arrogant. If you join the ghost lamp in the crusade team If so, then it couldn't be better.

"Master Ghost Lantern, do you know that many innocent people have died recently, all of which are dragging some guys' actions. Isn't this just adding to the workload of your **** workers, they are really bad!"

When Chiyo said this, she was filled with righteous indignation. Judging from her expression, it was conceivable that she was really heartbroken for this matter.

Ghost Lantern finally put down the mace in his hand, looked at Chiyo thoughtfully for a few seconds, and finally said slowly, "Why are you still alive."

! ! !

Why does this sound so harsh? !

Chiyo tilted his head to think for a few seconds, and finally felt that it was definitely not because he thought too much. The words were so harsh, and the ghost lamp really meant that.

Too much, this guy is really too much.

Reaching out her hand to cover her chest, she forced her to start a relationship with the other party. The big deal is to just fight directly, what's the matter.

"how do you say……"

No, she can't have a too stiff relationship with Ghost Lantern, if it's too stiff, it's not enough.

"It doesn't matter if I'm alive or not! What matters is that people are persecuting people everywhere! It's going to make **** a lot of work! Really!"

Chiyo very loudly explained her true thoughts to the other party. She looked like a flattering dog.

Looking at the appearance of the other party, Yuzao Qian was not happy, he didn't like the appearance of the other party.

"Juju, in the face of power, we have to choose to bow our heads. After all, this guy is the first assistant of hell."

You can't offend Ghost Lantern if you offend anyone, otherwise, it would be very fatal to take this guy's vengeance character.

Yes, she is not afraid of the actions of those dogs in Gao Tianyuan at all, but for ghost lights, it is really what they can do.

What's more terrible is that she needs to protect the goddess in front of such people.

"What caused all this was a half-demon named Naraku and a ghost king named Kiwu Tsuji no miserable."

"It's them all?"


The expression on Chiyo's face was serious, and it could even be said to be very sincere, so she had to hold her sincerity to show the other party that she was telling the truth now.

"The souls of those girls were also eaten by them?"



Can this guy speak so sharply?

How could this make her answer nonchalantly? How can you swear that these things are all done by Naraku and Kiwu Tsuji?

After being stunned for a moment, she nodded with certainty.

"Yes, it's them. Who knows why they eat the souls of young girls, but from what I know about them, Naraku is the best at doing this kind of thing. Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is just eating people, endlessly eating people."

Chiyo started to slap the blame in various ways, trying to throw the things that Kikyo did on Naraku. After all, the reason why Kikyo became what it is now, Naraku has 100% responsibility, and letting this guy take the blame is also absolutely okay.

"They are really going too far. They just kill people on the basis of their power. This increases the workload of hell, doesn't that mean they don't take **** in their eyes? Too much? Moreover, Gao Tianyuan is still chasing the ghost dance and Tsuji no miserable. When I want to kill each other, I will be frightened by the thunder and lightning in the sky."

It seems that in order to verify that what she said is very reasonable, Gao Tianyuan specially made a few thunders on a sunny day, while the ghost lamp weighed the mace in his hand against the sky, and suddenly snorted.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Did you see that, the ghost lamp shaking S actually snorted coldly!

Chiyo felt that she was afraid that it would not be over soon, but there was nothing wrong with her when she thought about it.

She is shameless, just because she is really thick-skinned.

Originally, Ghost Lamp had really believed her nonsense, but Kikyo's diligent dead soul worm brought fresh young girl dead souls to feed her, which exposed everything.


do not care!

She doesn't care!

Even if it is the other party's own goddess, she doesn't want to say anything more! What is this all about!

Thinking of this, she scratched her head in annoyance.

Look, Kikyo, who had just regained his fighting power, fought with Ghost Lantern. When he saw his first love fighting with others, Inuyasha, who had been abused by Ghost Lantern, rushed up.

It's over, look at it, there is the Shura Field again.

Chiyo no longer wanted to see what was going on over there, and she didn't plan to join in, she just silently nestled in Tamamo's arms and covered her face.

No, she definitely didn't want to see how that Shura Field ended.

"Chiyo, if you don't look at it, don't look at it, why are you strangling my neck like this?"

Tamamo didn't want to say anything at first, but now it seems that he has to say it. If he doesn't say anything, he may be directly strangled here by the other party in a long time.


Chiyo quickly let go of her hand that grabbed the other's collar, and helped the other party to sort out the messy clothes, "I don't know how Aihua and the others are now, but I think it's good for them. In terms of growth, you are a dog general, let your children know what it means to be outside people, and not everything will go according to their own ideas."

Ergouzi is still too young and impulsive, and he starts to do things recklessly and rushes forward. Didn't he see Kagome beside him so angry that he started to roll his eyes.

Although she had been shouting before that even if she didn't look at the outcome of the Shura Field, Chiyo still cared more about how her goddess would be dealt with by the ghost lights in the end, after all, she couldn't take it lightly.

But what she didn't expect, it seems to be starting to go in a direction she hadn't guessed.

For example, the ghost lamp is going to take Kikyo back to hell, and he said that he would take the other party back to investigate, but Chiyo thought it was very likely that he would be directly detained there as a coolie.

Given the fighting power of Ghost Lantern, even if the goddess Kikyo disagreed, it would not work. It was her fault to collect the dead soul of the girl. No matter what Ghost Lantern said at this time, it was very reasonable.

It can only be said that this is really worthy of being the first assistant in hell. In terms of emotional intelligence, this guy is a little crazy.

The conditions he gave Kikyo were [an unrestricted body] and [kill Naraku at will].

To be honest, even if the cold goddess Kikyo might not easily give up these two conditions, the conditions for the ghost lights to come out are really tempting.

"This ghost lamp now looks like an old fried dough stick. It really is someone who has lived for thousands of years. No one of us can match it."

Kikyo agreed to Ghost Lantern's proposal, and was poached and poached by Hell's superior recruitment conditions. Ergouzi inevitably fell out of love.

Gouzi will droop both ears when she is lost. After seeing Er Gouzi's ears drooping down, Chiyo turned her head to look in front of Tamamo, and blocked her words before she could speak.

"I don't have ears."

"Tsk! Isn't that a lot less fun?"


Chiyo felt that it was a bit too regrettable. If he couldn't touch his ears, the love and interest that many couples should have would be lost.

Thinking of this, she shook her head regretfully.

But so far everything seems to be going in the right direction.

Oniwu Tsuji was closely monitored by her, and Naraku was beaten so that he would not appear for the time being. Now they just need to hurry up to collect the jade of the four souls, and by the way, eliminate some ghosts scattered all over the place.

Oh huh, thinking about it this way, her time-travel is really worth it.

Holding the four-soul jade, which is almost a quarter of the size, Chiyo said that he would keep it for Inuyasha.

"I will not lose it. With the protagonist's ability, I think as long as I give this to you, you will definitely lose it, so it is better for me to take it."


For this, Inuyasha was the first to be unhappy.

Oh, since there is no way out.

Chiyo sat on the arm in front of Tamamo and waved a very cold hand.

"If you want to veto my proposal, then defeat my shikigami first."


Shit, that's too much in numbers!

Finally, after all the farce was over, Chiyo took her shikigami back to the place where she lived, and when she saw the children running in the fields, she suddenly remembered something.

"I seem to have forgotten Yuanyi."

Her face became a little ugly, and she didn't even dare to go home. When she left, she told the other party to swing her sword a thousand times a day...

Sure enough, after seeing her come back, Yuan Yi, who was two heads taller than her, ran over happily.

"Chiyo! I swing my sword seriously every day!"


Omg! How could she face such a serious and cute Enichi!

She completely forgot about the other party!

It's all her fault! She shouldn't be so halfhearted!

Whoa! Yuanyi! !

The author has something to say:

Eunichi is so cute!

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