Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 102: Big dog is forcing you to be a scumbag boss

The sky now is exactly the same as when Chiyo was hacked to death during the Heianjing period, which made Tamamo-mae and SP's aunt's faces very ugly.

Shikigami, who had experienced Chiyo's being hacked to death, was now unable to join the Oni Killing Squad in the battle against Oni Mai Tsuji, and all surrounded Chiyo's side, and no one knew whether the thunder would fall directly.

As Chiyo in the encirclement, she quietly raised her head to look at the sky, she didn't say much, just watched so quietly.

Even the little sun couldn't make the sky clear, and it seemed that Gao Tianyuan was ready to make a real move.

Chiyo suddenly became a little strange. Before, she was hacked to death to make the plot develop smoothly. She didn't say anything about it. Later, when she was a young onmyoji, it seemed that she didn't make much changes to the plot. This Gao Tianyuan has always been a few symbolic clicks, and it is not like today at all.


When she really pushed Guiwu Tsuji no miserable to a dead end this time, Gao Tianyuan gave up a little.

It's as if she is not allowed to let the plot die, which means that Kiwu Tsuji can't die right now.

Fuck, this guy is afraid that he is not giving money to the backstage, right?

Not far away, the members of the Ghost Killing Team are still dealing with the scornful boss, but because of the absence of the plot character, no one knows all kinds of breathing methods, and they are destined to be at a disadvantage.

Frowning slightly, Chiyo raised her head again to look at the dark clouds that seemed to be brewing in the sky.

The dark clouds formed a huge vortex just above her head. The center of the vortex was purple lightning, which seemed to be waiting for Chiyo to act.

As long as she moves, the purple lightning will come straight down in the next second.


In fact, Chiyo is not afraid of Gao Tianyuan, nor is she afraid of the purple lightning, but now she can't act rashly, she can't make Shikigami close to the center of the Shura field when Gao Tianyuan is eyeing.

"You...don't come near there."

If they are struck by that purple lightning, who knows if the shikigami will be struck, and if they are struck, the shikigami will definitely die.

Yes, it will definitely hang.

If Shikigami hangs up, she has no way to revive the other party, and she may even die completely.

When she thinks of this, she feels that Gao Tianyuan is more dog-like. In comparison, it is better to let Guiwu Tsuji Wumai go on like this until the beginning of the plot, which is better than putting her shikigami in danger.

But she was not reconciled, she was not reconciled to just watch all the things have developed here, but in the end, she had to watch the ghost dance Tsuji Wumisi be released from her own hands.

Seems to have sensed Chiyo's thoughts, the purple lightning in the dark cloud vortex above her head slashed directly in front of her, and in an instant, a large pit ten meters wide and two meters deep appeared, and the pit was blacked out everywhere. cigarette.

The soil has been scorched, and that person is even more so.

Gao Tianyuan will not take action against the ghost killing team, nor will he take action against the ghost dance Tsuji, because they are all plot characters and cannot be killed casually, but they are not!


Just because they are not plot characters, can they be killed casually?

Chiyo jumped in anger.

"Everyone backs up, and Juju leave me alone."

Rolling up her sleeves, she is really ready to work hard, and she doesn't believe that she can't escape these thunders with her dexterous posture.

Just after taking a few steps, she suddenly looked behind her with a subtle expression, "Forget it, everyone can attack from a distance, I think of a way to deal with Gao Tianyuan."

Saying that, she gave Seimei a wink, "I'm going to blow up the clouds above."

SP Inari God heard her words, the expression on his face became a little subtle, and it could even be said that he was hesitant to say anything.

She used to be from Gao Tianyuan, but now she is Chiyo's shikigami, and she has to face each other no matter what.

So for the other party's idea of ​​blowing up the clouds in the sky, she just glanced at the other party and chose to shut up silently.

She really can't handle it.

It's not that Chiyo didn't notice SP Inari's hesitant expression, but now she feels that she can't wait any longer in order to fully capture Onimai Tsuji no miserable.

With her and Seimei's abilities, she could definitely summon a big thunder and lightning to split the vortex above her head, but it took a long time to read the progress bar before that.

"Hana-chan! You must hold on to the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable!"

Ordinary members of the Ghost Killing Team are really not good at fighting. Even facing a very common ghost, they are either dead or injured, not to mention the incompetence in the face of Oni Mai Tsuji. In contrast, Purgatory Flower, who is the new Yanzhu, can keep up with her. The opponent fights for several rounds.

Seeing that the Purgatory Flower was slowly at a disadvantage, Chiyo and Seimei's progress bar had only read 60%, and then they had to chant a long series of incantations.

At this time, I am really afraid of mispronunciation. It is very likely that the skill of mispronouncing a word will not be the original meaning at all.

There was a lot of babbling on the side of his mouth, Chiyo's eyes kept staring at the Shura Field not far away, for fear that Purgatory Flower would be defeated before his ultimate move was out.

Finally, the spell was finished, and the progress bar for launching the skill was still a little short.

This thing is like a machine gun aimed at the sky. The recoil is very strong, and it directly makes Chiyo take a few steps back. Fortunately, Tamamo-mae supported her with his hands behind her, so she did not let her Ass sits on the ground.

"Hey! This thing has a lot of recoil."

Chiyo and Seimei's big moves formed a cyan and red lightning bolt, which could be said to be straight into the sky, like two **** dropped into a swamp, and exploded after more than ten seconds after being swallowed. Open, the dark cloud that had formed a vortex was blown to pieces, and if there were a few more lightning bolts, the dark cloud would definitely be blown up, but judging from Chiyo and Seimei's current situation, the progress bar needs to be read again.

"Help me up, I can go on!"

After breaking free from Tamamo's hand, Chiyo prepared to make another big move, but two white lightning bolts suddenly rose from the ground not far before her, which completely dispelled the dark clouds in the sky. Heavy damage, there will never be another wave in a short period of time.


Staring at the direction where the powerful spiritual power suddenly appeared for a few seconds, Chiyo felt as if there were two people looking at them in the same direction.


Is it someone you know?

To be honest, Chiyo had a very strong premonition that the person standing over there really felt like someone she knew.

She glanced at the dark clouds that had dissipated, and then glanced at the Shura Field not far away. She waved SP Ichimokuren and Hongye to that direction to see what was going on. The others were taken to the Shura Field by her. central.

With a forward gesture, dozens of people rushed over in a hurry, and instantly overturned all the ghosts who were in a stalemate with the ghost killing team members to the ground, and Tamamo Mae was already holding a knife and rushed straight to ghost dance Tsuji no. awful.

Since Chiyo is only four or five years old now, her height and arm strength are not enough for her to wield the sun blade in her hand, so she can only stand on the wall as a bystander to cheer them on, and even assist them remotely.

With the addition of Tamamo before, Purgatory Flower finally had a chance to breathe, and she is now losing too much blood.

"Papa Grass! Papa Grass, come here! Someone here needs your milk!"

As a person with four wet nurses, Chiyo can be said to be very rambunctious when it comes to nurses. She can guarantee that on the premise that Gao Tianyuan does not come out to make trouble, she will absolutely guarantee that the injured members of the Ghost Killing Team will be treated for their injuries.

As a ghost king, when his life was threatened, Oni Wu Tsuji no miserable summoned all his subordinates to stand in front of him, so as to create a chance for him to escape.

Knowing that she would be like a lost dog again like last time, Kibutsuji Tsuji looked at Chiyo with fierce eyes, as if she was going to kill her with her eyes.

With just such a glance at Chiyo's mind, the words "One Eye Ten Thousand Years" even appeared in her mind. She felt that she really fell in love with this guy and killed each other for almost five hundred years.

No, I really want to say that the one who has been chasing this guy, except for the ghost killing team, is Tamamo Mae. She just reincarnated every time she was like a female warrior who had been beaten with chicken blood, and she would not give up until she killed the other party.

But looking at this guy for ten thousand years, Chiyo felt that this was impossible, absolutely impossible.

But soon she found that the expression on the other side's face was not right, that kind of half-smile expression seemed to know that things would turn out like this, and she already had a perfect countermeasure.


This kind of expression makes it clear that it is the kind of person who knows that he has no way out, but has found a way out for himself.

As the ghosts around Guiwu Tsuji Wumai have been beheaded less and less, they have been surrounded by a small encirclement. If nothing happens, he will soon be killed by Tamamo-mae and Purgatory Flower. The sun blade kills it completely.

"Chiyo, don't you smell something strange?"

Standing not far away, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai suddenly said something very mysterious to Chiyo, and then she watched helplessly as the other party suddenly lit the firewood stack beside her, and the fire went up.

! ! !

"It's the smell of oil!"

This fire is no different from the fire in Kyoto at all. I already knew that Chiyo would bring people here. Oniwu Tsuji Wumai had already hidden oil in all the firewood stacks, and when he was forced into a desperate situation, he would destroy all the fire. firewood stack lit.

Ghosts are not afraid of fire, but the members of the ghost killing team and Chiyo's shikigami cannot easily break into the sea of ​​fire, and as long as the village burns, the villagers will definitely come out to put out the fire, and the scene must be very chaotic.

As Chiyo had guessed before, this was the second Kyoto fire, which caused Oni Mai Tsuji to escape accidentally in the chaos.


This time let him run away, with this guy's timid character, he will definitely hide for a while, so it seems that he will not come out again in a short time to find the so-called cyan other side flower.

But when it comes to the cyan other side flower, Chiyo feels that he can give the opponent a bait while emptying the card pool.

Oh, it looks like she's going to start a lottery campaign again, and if it goes on like this, there may be more and more shikigami around her.

Seeing that the surrounding villagers were anxious to put out the fire, Chiyo suddenly calmed down.

Well, she was in a hurry before. If possible, she needs to discuss the next things with the owner of the maternity house, such as arranging a powerful bait for the boss.

The author has something to say:

Recently, because of the three-dimensional things, I have been very anxious, so anxious that I can't write anymore, but don't worry, it has gradually improved.

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