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At the same time, Jiang Hao has opened a brief opening through super vision, super hearing, and perspective ability.

Know the new universe where she is.

Jiang Hao did not expect that he had e to Marvel universe.

And it seems that the Marvel movie universe.

At the same time, he also knew the people of the Aegis Bureau and Tony Stark on their way.

It is estimated that at most one minute, they will appear here.

Jiang Hao temporarily did not want to contact the people in the SHIELD because the Aegis Bureau represents trouble.

So he intends to leave here.

However, before leaving, the power of his horse spell allowed the streets and cars that had just had a car accident, and all of them returned.

After doing all this, he rose up and disappeared in front of everyone.

When the US team rushed to the Kun -style fighter, the on -site traffic had been recovered, and Jiang Hao people had gone.

"Furui, we are late, the person who walks out of the door has already flew away, his speed is fast, and he cannot track it at all.

"Captain, Captain, this group will follow me slowly.



Subsequently, the US team, Black Widow, and Eagle Eye returned to the Kun -style fighter.

Tony also returned without success.

He originally thought he had e fast enough, but the result was late.

When he returned to Stark Building, he asked Javis to search for Jiang Hao’s existence worldwide according to Jiang Hao's face.

Then there was no "May 40" to control Jiang Hao.

After all, even Jiang Hao people didn't know wherever they went.

Even if he wants to do, you have to find someone first.

And although Jiang Hao came out of a door, according to his appearance analysis, this person should not be an alien.

Since it is not an alien, it is impossible to do something that endangers the earth.

You can only find someone to find someone on the side of Nick Furui.

On the other side, the concave road is positive.

Because the car had recovered, Annie Philde had re -on the road.

But after just now, she has no mood to go out to take pictures now.

So she turned the car directly to the direction of the car, and the past.

She was driving, and she looked up subconsciously at the mirror in the car.

Suddenly noticed that I didn't know when I sat alone.

Annie was startled.

Stop the car directly to the roadside.

Then she turned slowly.

Seeing on the back seat, she was looking at Erlang's legs, and she was also looking at her Jiang Hao.

Annie's heartbeat at this moment, and people were panicked.

But she worked hard to keep calm.

"Don't be nervous, I am a Earth, not an alien, you don't have to be so afraid of me.

Jiang Hao looked at Anne, who was calm on the surface, and Annie, who was actually panicked.


Jiang Hao did left.

But his departure is just the surface.

In fact, he just left and returned.

Then he entered Anne's car.

Whether it is illusory and positive ability or wall technique, it can let Jiang Hao Shen enter the car in Anne unknowingly and let her discover


Similarly, Jiang Hao didn't want Annie to see her, and could also use stealth to make herself invisible.

Jiang Hao did not just e to Annie's car, but had been sitting in the car for a while.

It was just that he just revealed himself, and was discovered by Annie.

"You .... Who are you?"

"Wait, you are the guy who just came out of the door.

Jiang Hao was just wearing a robe, and his hair was also swollen.

At this moment, Jiang Hao was wearing a black casual outfit, and his hair became shorter and became three or seven.

Because of panic, she failed to recognize Jiang Hao for the first time.

But at this moment she looked at Jiang Hao's face a little.

He immediately recognized Jiang Hao.

After all, she was quite close to Jiang Hao before.

Jiang Hao's face was clearly seen.

It is the kind of handsome look at it, and the kind of unforgettable in my life.

"Yes, it's me. Jiang Hao smiled slightly.

Sunshine, handsome.

This smile also made Annie a little peace of mind.

The main Jiang Hao is a handsome guy and does not look like any bad guy.

If Jiang Hao is more ugly, she estimates that she has begun to find a way to escape the car and then call the police.

"You ... why are you in my car, I'm just an ordinary person."

"No, you are not ordinary, at least you are beautiful." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Annie Philde was stunned.

She is indeed a big beauty, and she was not praised as a student.

There are also many boys who chase her.

But the first time he was praised by Jiang Hao's handsome guy, it was the first time.

"That's it. I was actually chased by a powerful enemy. I need to find a place to avoid it for a while.

"And I can't show up outside, so I chose you."

"I?" Annie wanted to refuse.

Although Jiang Hao is very handsome, he is a super handsome guy, maybe it is good to have a beautiful encounter with him.

But she was more afraid of trouble.

So she actually hoped that Jiang Hao would leave quickly.

"Yes, rest assured, I can pay. '

Jiang Hao shook his hand.


A huge BRICS appeared in Jiang Hao's hands.

Jiang Hao directly handed it to Annie.

The latter stretched out subconsciously.

Then Jiang Hao let go.


BRICS is not light.

When Annie caught, she could clearly feel her heavy weight, and she didn't even hold it with one hand.

Must have two hands to hold it.

"This ... this is gold?"

"Yes, this is a piece of ten kilograms of gold."

"Please forgive me without banknotes, but I think I should prefer this better.

"However, if you think gold is difficult to trade well."

"I still have a sapphire here. '


Jiang Hao took out an egg -sized blue stone.

It is beautiful, so beautiful that people like it at a glance.

Annie believes that if this sapphire is auctioned, those damn rich people will not be in their hands.

Take it home.

"Just with my house for the time being, can I choose gold? Is the country not only this sapphire?"

Annie surprised.

She needed money, not only because she owed a large number of schools in the bank.

Because she also has a sister who needs a sum of money for surgery.

Because of no money, her sister can only rely on taking medicine to maintain her life now.

And her parents had to work hard for this.

As for her, sorry, she just graduated, and there was nothing to help them.

As for her money to buy a car, she did not take it for her sister.

She bought a second -hand car. This car just looks at the new. In fact, it is not young, and it es to the way.

Not clean, this is why she didn't buy insurance for the car.

And in the lighthouse country.

If you don't have a car, your travel and work will be very inconvenient.

This is why many lighthouse people buy cars as long as they have a little money at hand.

Because in the lighthouse country, you have no car, it is really inconvenient.

And now, as long as she let Jiang Hao take it to her house.

She can get the sapphire from Jiang Hao.

She didn't know where the sapphire Jiang Hao came from.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But it looks like it is extraordinary.

As long as she sells it, she can definitely get a lot of money. This money is enough for her to perform surgery for her sister, enough for her

Also clear your own student loan.

Even let her buy a house in New York.


"I choose sapphire, next, you can always live in my house, even if you live for a lifetime ...

Annie excitedly.

She returned gold to Jiang Hao.

Then holding the blue gemstone constantly playing.

She began to consider how to sell this sapphire.

Then enjoy your rich life.

It wasn't until a minute that she remembered that Jiang Hao's existence was still on her car.

This made her a little embarrassed.

"So what, what should I call you, sir."

At this moment, Annie was no longer afraid of Jiang Hao.

Even in her opinion, Jiang Hao was the angel who sent it from heaven to save her.

After all, Jiang Hao himself is not an ordinary person, it is no problem with angels.[014005111 064243291]

As for Jiang Hao, it is Asian or something.

She didn't care at all.

Who says that Asians cannot be an angel.

Before she heard people, she said that more than a hundred years ago, there was a person named Hong Xiuquan in the East or the second son of God, and it was obtained.

The pope was serious at the time, which showed that Hong Xiuquan was really the second son of God.

In this case, that Oriental is an angel, it is not surprising.

After all, the Orientals can be a child of God, and the angels naturally can be you.

"You can call me Jiang, or Mr. Jiang."

"Then I call you Mr. Jiang."

"Then Mr. Jiang, I can take you directly to my house, right?





"Then you sit well, I'm going to start a car."

Jiang Hao;


Annie's situation at this moment was a bit wrong.

Because she was too excited.

Although she tried to hide her excitement.

But Jiang Hao can still see that she is very excited and excited now.

But Jiang Hao can understand.

If someone suddenly sent him tens of millions before crossing, he might also look like this.

Fortunately, Annie was excited, but nothing happened on the road.

Jiang Hao went to Annie's house smoothly.

The place where Annie lives is located in the outskirts of New York.

It's close to hell kitchen.

The law and order here is not good.

Fortunately, it is not within the scope of hell kitchen.

The reason why Annie chose this is not her like this, but because the rent here is cheap.

The rent of the house in the hell kitchen is cheaper, but Annie did not dare to go to Hell 2.9 kitchen to rent a house.

Because people living in hell kitchen are either gangs or poor people.

When Annie didn't want to go out during the day, his family was patronized.

Or when she slept well at night, her family was broken into strangers.

In New York, the crime rate is not low.

It's better in the past two years.

Mainly, there is a guy named Night Magic, who will be active in hell kitchen at night, the worst criminals.

The reason why Annie was willing to let Jiang Hao e to her to live here is that she did need money.

The second is that she knows that Jiang Hao is not simple. If Jiang Hao lives here, she is equivalent to a strong bodyguard for free.

Of course, Jiang Hao's trouble or array is not turbulent.

But regardless of him, as long as she hid Jiang Hao a little bit, the trouble would not e to the door.

She forts herself so.

The reason why Jiang Hao chose an Annie Philde in many people there.

It is also because Annie Phil is almost exactly the same as Annie Hathaway.

When the Batman Dark Knight rose, the cat woman gave Jiang Hao a great stunning.

Making Jiang Hao has never forgotten it, it can be described as deep memory.

There are many version of Cat Woman, and Jiang Hao's favorite is the version of Annie Hathaway.

This is why Jiang Hao picks Annie Philde, even the names of the two are very similar, both of which are Annie.

Ps; The picture shows Annie Philde.Essence

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