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Rich and wealth will not return to their hometown, such as Jinyi Night Walk.The two were looking for the younger sisters to get together, and Jiang Hao didn't care.

novel b..

It happened that they were not around, and Jiang Hao could find a new girl.

There are not many other Hong Kong world, that is, the United States.

After a meal with Uncle A Xing's nephew, Jiang Hao left.

After helping Hong Guang win the name of the Asian Gambler.

Hong Guang did not unload the donkey, and the uncle and nephew got Hong Guang who promised their remuneration at the beginning, two thousand craftsmen.

As for the money that Axing won in the game.

All was donated by A Xing.

He can't spend money with special functions, otherwise he will be unlucky.

This was only discovered by A Xing later.

Because I won money in the casino that night, I signed an agreement with Hong Guang.

The uncle and nephew were unlucky on the way back.

Every time I win money, my uncle and nephew will be unlucky for a while.

Including Zhou Da's arrest, it is also because of luck.

However, Hong Guang promised to give the two 20 million, and the bandit area was weled by the time zone function.

So even if the two uncle and nephew took it, they would not be unlucky.

And A Xing's betrayal of Qimeng was also discouraged.

He intends to return to the north with 10 million of those 20 million and no longer stay on Hong Kong Island.

The remaining 10 million left is left to Zhou Da.

Before separate, when A Xing also asked Jiang Hao to return to the north, he must go to him to play.

Jiang Hao said with a smile.

After separating with Uncle A Xing's nephew.

Jiang Hao first called Le Huizhen and Huang Xiaoyan and told them that they would leave for a while.

Then opened the heavenly gate and returned to the world of Jiushu.

This time back to the world of Uncle Jiu.

First, after more than a month, Jiang Hao also missed the daughter.

The second is to bring them some modern appliances, snacks and clothing.

The third is to give them a bottle to the avenue to strengthen the strong body after the reinforcement.

Although the effect of strong body Dan is only useful.

However, the strong body of the strong body after being strengthened by the bottle of the avenue is obviously not within this range.

In addition, the space of the bottle of the avenue is very large. Although Jiang Hao brushed a lot of strong bodies on Le Huizhen and Huang Xiaoyan.

But these strong body Dan have basically been strengthened by Jiang Hao's bottle on the avenue.

Now, Jiang Hao is in a situation where there is no direction to strengthen.

It is equivalent to losing without strengthening, so Jiang Hao intends to strengthen them to the magic weapons and magic weapons used by the women.

Anyway, it should be strengthened.

Back to the cave space of Jiushu World.

Time left him, only one day.

Jiang Hao first took the gifts brought to the girls in her portable space.

Various beautiful modern clothes, stockings, high heels, and some modern beautiful decorations.

As for cosmetics, Jiang Hao did not bring them.

Because of their beautiful faces, these things are not used at all.

Subsequently, the strong body Dan was swallowed one by one.

That night, Jiang Hao naturally slept all night.

After brushing a lot of rewards, the system even rewarded him several bottles of strong body Dan.

In a blink of an eye, March has passed.

During this period, Jiang Hao often traveled to and from the world of Jiushu and Hong Kong.

But this time is no longer him alone, but with the women together.

Le Huizhen and Huang Xiaoyan have long been prepared.

So when I saw the women, I was not surprised.

The modern background of the port world makes the women feel very interesting.

When I just passed, I was very happy to play.

But after staying for a long time, I still feel that the world world is better.

So Jiang Hao returned to Dongtian World with the women.

This time, Le Huizhen and Huang Xiaoyan also followed.

As for the relatives of the two, they did not follow.

But Jiang Hao also sent two women, one bottle of strong body, and let them score their loved ones.

Although it is just an ordinary strong body, coupled with the spiritual symbols given by Jiang Hao.

It is enough to protect their families.

In this way, the two women can also follow Bai Rourou and Ren Tingting in Jiushu World.

And when the women cultivated.

Jiang Hao also opened the heavens again.

But this time, he opened a brand new world.

Lighthouse State, New York.


Time, 2013.

On the streets of Manhattan, Annie Philde was driving at the car.

On her co -pilot, a camera was placed.

That was her working partner.

She is a photographer who takes some photos to sell them to others.

Some beautiful scenery photos, or photos of superhero.

If she is lucky enough, take a picture of a superhero that is close enough, and Barisan Nasional can sell it in the newspaper a few hundred

Guan Yuan.

If she can take Tony Stark's photos, she can sell at least $ 2,000.

Because Tony Stark is very hot among superhero, or he is very popular.

One year ago in the New York War, for the first time, the Avengers appeared in the eyes of the world.

It was a group of humans with extraordinary power. They saved New York, saved the lighthouse country, and even saved the world.

Because they defeated the invasion of aliens.

In this war, wearing a cool war armor, at the last moment, sent the wooden bomb to the different space, so that New York was exempted from Muhai explosion

Tony was praised by a large number of platform people afterwards.

But unfortunately, whether it is a super rich or a superhero.

Tony Stark rarely appeared in front of ordinary people.

So it is difficult to take a picture of him.

Annie Phil is not hoping to take a few photos of a few superheroes.

She prefers landscape photos.

Although this is not very profitable.

But at least safe.

Because where the superhero appears, it often represents danger.

I was thinking about where to take pictures today.

Suddenly, a gate suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The door that suddenly appeared made Annie stunned.

Then she reacted. At the critical moment, she grabbed the steering wheel.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Go to the side.

But she forgot, this is the city of Manhattan.

There are also cars next to it.

She hit the steering wheel urgently, and the car next to her was too late to avoid.

Two cars hit directly together.

Then he hit the obstacles on the roadside and stopped.

Following all kinds of rear -end.

For a while, the entire neighborhood was extremely chaotic.

Some drivers who were not injured had e from the car.

Some are checking the damage of the car.

Yes, I looked at the sudden appearance of the door with a shocking expression.

Just in their shocking look.

The door was suddenly opened from the other side.

Then a long and handsome, handsome and handsome, appeared in their sight in a white robe.

Naturally, the people who e out are not others, it is Jiang Hao.[014005111 064243201]

When seeing a traffic accident outside, Jiang Hao was also stunned.

At the same time, you don't forget to put away the heavenly gate.

What is the situation?

Last time, there was no place where the heavenmen opened.

This time, Zhu Tianmen appeared directly in the middle of the road.

Moreover, Zhitianmen seems to have caused a traffic accident.

He could hear a lot of wailing and calling for life.

Seeking flowers ... 0

Obviously, some traffic accidents were injured.

The people around them basically can't see Asians, all white, black, and Mexican.

at the same time.

What happened here, someone called the police for the first time.

While the police received the alarm.

The Aegis Bureau also received the news.

Stark Building.

Tony Stark is studying his new -style armor.

Nick Furui called.

"Sir, Mr. Nick Furui of the SHIELD made a phone call, would you ask if you want to connect." Javis's voice sounded

"Take it." Tony didn't like the black braised egg.

But he also knew that the black braised egg would not call him when it was okay.

Calling him, 味 meant that something happened.

And it's still a big deal.

"Furui, what's the matter? I'm busy."

"Something happened, Tony, you may need you to go in the past."

"Can't you call Steve and Hawkeye to deal with it? I'm busy now." Tony said directly.

"Sir, a traffic accident happened ten kilometers away from Stark Building.

"The reason for the traffic accident was that a door suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, and the three men set out from the distance.

0 0

"This is the video at the scene." Javis's voice suddenly sounded again.

At the same time, he was also projected by a picture.

In the picture in the middle of the road, a simple metal door suddenly appeared, and then the accident occurred.

Open from another paragraph.

A man wearing a white robe came out of it.

Because the distance is too far, I can't see the appearance of the other party.

But in terms of body shape, the other party should be a man.

"It seems that I don't need to say, you already know what's the matter." Nick Furui's voice sounded again.

Tony frowned.

After a year ago in the New York War incident.

Tony has clearly knew that this universe is not just a civilization on the planet.

There are countless civilizations.

And many of these civilizations are stronger than the earth.


And they like aggression.

Tony, who was not safe to the earth, has been busy with his own war.

Because he has to prepare for the war that may e at any time.

There are also people he wants to protect on the earth.

"Okay, I'll go now."

"Captain them?"

"They are almost here."

"Well, I can get it right away, ten kilometers, I don't need to get in my Mark in half a minute."

"Javis, help me wear a armor."

the other side.

Looking at the car that was almost scrapped, Annie Philde was dumbfounded.

This is a new car she just bought. The main thing is that she did not buy insurance for her new car for some reason.

This also means that she will pensate without insurance panies.

And because of the student loan, she still owes a large amount of money in the bank.

The scrapped car also means worse.

Just now, after she turns, the car is not a big deal.

But the subsequent rear -end ending directly made her car scrapped.

If it weren't for her fast from the car.

At this moment, she was afraid that she would scrap it with her car.

And she placed the camera on the co -pilot, and naturally failed to escape the disaster.

Directly scrapped.

In such an accident, her loss was extremely heavy.

Especially without cars and cameras, this will greatly affect her life and repayment.

Ps; The picture shows Annie Phildel.Essence

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