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The space where Annie rented was not small.

There are more than 50 square meters.

There are two rooms, one bedroom, a living room, and a toilet.

As for the kitchen, sorry, no.

Annie cooks directly in the living room.

Of course, she rarely cooks.

"Mr. Jiang, the place where I live is a little small, so next, you can sleep first. As for my words, I can sleep on the sofa.




"Do you need to watch TV? I can help you turn on the TV. If you are boring, you can watch the TV first. If you are hungry, you should have some food in the refrigerator. You can put your stomach first.deal with.

"You can just watch TV by yourself, I'm not hungry now."

"Okay." Annie was relieved to see Jiang Hao get along well.

As for what she has to deal with now.

Naturally, I tried to sell the sapphire that Jiang Hao gave her.


Such a big, such beautiful sapphire, who wants to sell, she has to find a suitable buyer for it.

Ordinary buyers may not eat this sapphire.

And she was still staring at E for this sapphire because of this sapphire.

Annie first took a few photos for sapphire, and then returned to his room to take out the laptop and started to operate.

An hour later, Annie came out of the room with a headache.

She now regrets choosing this sapphire.

Because she found herself put sapphire on the Internet to auction.

No one is interested at all.

Either that her sapphire is fake, in fact, it is plastic, or she simply means that she is doing the picture.

There is no sapphire.

As for selling gems directly to the rich.

She thought about it, but she didn't know any rich.

This made her very distressed.

She 11 now regrets why she didn't choose that gold, although sapphire is more valuable.

But gold is obviously easier.

Just get the gold shop to sell.

However, she may pay a tax because of this.

But at least she can get money.

"What's wrong? Your expression does not look good.


"Yes, because I can't sell that sapphire."

Jiang Hao laughed.

"Maybe I can sell it for you, so how much do you want it to sell?"

Annie stunned.

"You mean you can sell it for me?"

"Of course, this is very simple, if you need it."

"Of course I need it, if you can help me sell it, I hope you can help me."

"As for how much you can sell, if you can, I think it can sell at least five ... no, three million dollars, if it can

I am satisfied with selling three million dollars."

Although this sapphire looks valuable.

But Annie's price of such things is not particularly clear.

Even if she just checked the relevant information online.

But the price of the gemstone is already very water.

She can be satisfied with three million.

This money was enough to give her sister for surgery, and she also lost her student loan.

And let her have a home in New York.

"Okay, then I go out, you wait for me to e back at home. By the way, what do you eat at night, I will bring it back by the way.

"Ah? So, I can do anything." Annie showed an embarrassing smile.

Now she is full of money.

As long as she has money, she does not eat today.

Excited alone is enough to make her feel hungry.

"Okay, then I look at it."

Jiang Hao picked up the sapphire and then walked into a black black hole in the shocking eyes of Annie, disappearing.

After Jiang Hao disappeared, the black hole disappeared.

Annie stepped forward and touched, and nothing could be touched.

If she didn't see her own eyes, she would never believe it, a black hole appeared out of thin air a few seconds ago.

She can be sure that the black hole was made by Jiang Hao.

But she quickly calmed down.

When Jiang Hao returned, she already knew that Jiang Hao was not an ordinary person.

She also prepared for this.

And she can feel that Jiang Hao will not hurt her.

So nothing is shocked.

the other side.

Stark Building.

Tony is continuing his research.

After the back was bent for a while, he felt a little sour.

Therefore, he straightened up and twisted, soothing his waist.

Then when he looked up, he saw a guy sitting on his sofa.

Strawberry washed with a small pepper, and ate there.

"Hey, guy, who are you? Why did you appear in my house and eat what I sent to me to prepare."

"Wait, you look familiar, let me think about, where I have seen you."

"Wait, you are the guy who came out of the door!"

After seeing Jiang Hao's face, Tony was shocked.

Subconsciously, you have to run to your armor.

"I don't need to be nervous about Tony Stark, I have been here for a long time."

"If I want to kill you, you are dead now."

"By the way, the reason why your housekeeper can't discover me is because I blocked him. This is the power of the fantasy side.

"Also, the strawberry tastes very good, very sweet, and also very fresh. Where can I buy it? When I leave when I leave

Can you bring another one back? "Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

Tony strives not to make himself nervous.

The person in front of you is definitely an extremely dangerous person.

After returning, he let Jarvis analyze Jiang Hao's speed.

The conclusion given by Jarvis is that Jiang Hao's speed has reached the level of light speed, and this may not be Jiang Hao

The fastest speed.

Yuguang Speed, what is this concept.

Such speed, if Jiang Hao attacked him, even if he put on the armor, he could not react pletely with Javis.

Tony frowned.

Then the expression on his face changed, and it became a smile.

"I'm not nervous, I just don't get used to someone who suddenly appears in my house."


"Is it the same as a black halogen? Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

It was reached.

Tony was stunned.

But soon reacted who was the black braised egg in Jiang Haokou.

Tony was secretly surprised.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Just now, there is still at this moment, all prove that Jiang Hao knows him very much.

He is now curious about Jiang Hao's origin.

"Are you an alien?" Tony did not answer what Jiang Hao just said, but asked a question.

"Do I look like an alien?"

"Say that, you are not."

Jiang Hao smiled.

"you guess.'


Guess I guess you guess?

Tony is very speechless.

But he knew that his life now is held in Jiang Hao's hands.

So even if he was unfortable, he could only hold his temper.

"This gentleman, let's talk about the purpose of ing to me." Tony was basically determined that Jiang Hao should also be the earth

Because Jiang Hao did not deny it, he asked him to guess.

In fact, it is disguised that he is not an alien.

Jiang Hao raised his hand.[014005111 064243391]

Put a blue gem on the table in front of him.

Tony's eyes also fell on the blue gem.

The gem is very beautiful, and it is not available, no,

"what do you mean?


"Just find a buyer."

"You e to me here just to sell this blue Da Ruan Yier?" Tony was stunned.

He originally thought that Jiang Hao sneaked into his house and was to force him to help him do.

Is this that?

When he said, he was a bit unacceptable.

He is a genius Tony Stark, the smartest person in this century.

As a result, Jiang Hao did not see his ability, but instead fancy his most inconspicuous advantages and rich.

How can this allow him to accept.

"Of course, this gem is very beautiful, isn't it appropriate to give it to a woman you like?

"I think if you have a girl you like, if you give her the gem, then she will definitely fall in love with you."

Tony Stark;

"I never need to spend money."

"But if you have no money, even if you are a forty -year -old woman, you won't want to look at you.





"Then you plan to let me buy it."

Now Tony just wants to quickly send Jiang Hao away.

"Eight million dollars, I think it should be worth the price.

"Okay, now tell me your bank account, I will transfer the money directly to you.

"I want cash, and it is not connected.





... ...


Tony took out his mobile phone and called his bodyguard directly.

"Harbin, help me get the cash of $ 8 million, don't connect, I want to send 167 as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will seek medical treatment."

Hanging the phone, Tony looked at Jiang Hao.

"Even a billionaire, his home will not have a lot of cash, you should not mind and wait."



"If you can, I hope to have another strawberry."

"Then you may have to relieve your key restrictions, I need to let people send it, if you want me to help you take strawberries, I

Tell you, think about it.Jiang Hao smiled.

"You can call your housekeeper."


"I am, sir."

"Let the little pepper send the strawberry sitting on the sofa."

"Sir, there are no people on the sofa.

Jarvis's voice sounded.



Tony was stunned.

Looking at Jiang Hao sitting on the sofa again.

"Javis, are you sure no one on the sofa?"

"Yes, doctor."

"Okay, let the little peppers get a copy, no, two strawberries."

"It is three copies, Tony, I said, I want to pack a copy and take it away."

"Three copies, Jarvis, let the small peppers send three copies."

"Okay, sir, I have notified Ms. Pots."

About two minutes later.

The little pepper came to the laboratory.

Push the door and walk in.

"Tony, why do you start to eat strawberries today."

Halfway, he noticed that three Jiang Hao was still on the sofa without pepper.

"Tony, you didn't tell me that you have friends today."

Little hot pepper said.

"Okay, little pepper, this guy is not an ordinary person, and he is not malicious, he does not need to call the police.

Tony naturally heard the meaning of the pepper.

It is 2013.

The plot of Iron Man 3 has happened.

Little pepper has formally established a relationship with Tony.

So the little pepper also lives in Stark Building.

And just below.

Just now, it is actually prompting Tony to call the police.

Because if Jiang Hao is a normal friend, the little pepper will be seen downstairs.

Ps; The picture shows Annie Philde.Essence

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