Chapter 9998 adds chaos

In fact, Feng Wenzhong and the staff had already discussed countermeasures on the road.

Do your best to fight, if the effect is good, then everything will be fine.

If you can't stand it, you can only sacrifice the sky blind to delay time.

Of course, he had already asked for help from the nearest Bingwang City and Snowy City, and even sent a help message to the Winter Academy.

Feng Wenzhong knew very well in his heart that unless it can be delayed until dawn, otherwise there will be no show at all.

On the other side, Yun Chujiu was contemplating a solution to the predicament.

When she was at a loss for what she could do, Ergouzi's voice sounded in her divine consciousness: "Little fairy, I want to report!"

Yun Chujiu was taken aback: "Report? Who are you reporting?"

A crowd of stupid cuteness suddenly came to mind, Ergouzi is about to sue again!

He must have rushed to the grass again, but I don't know what the complaint was?

Besides, don’t you make a mess when you sue it at this time? ! This is not like Ergouzi's style!

"I report the soul refinement fire marrow!"

The soul refinement fire marrow waiting to eat melon: "..."

It immediately became anxious: "Er Gouzi, you report me? I'm doing the right thing, what are you reporting me?"

Yun Chujiu also wondered, since he arrived in the cold valley, he has been very honest in refining the soul, so what should Ergouzi report?

Ergouzi snorted: "Little fairy, do you remember the first cold stone thrown out? You smashed that human-shaped fire puppet down at once. Do you know why?"

Yun Chujiu really didn't know the reason: "Why?"

Er Gouzi shook his head and said, "Little fairy, I can tell you irresponsibly, it must be the soul-refining fire marrow that has sent its parts out again!

Its split body can be invisible, and it likes to eat fire the most, it must have ran out to eat it!

It was precisely because it stole part of the fire around the fire puppet that the cold stone you threw out smashed the human-shaped fire puppet down. "

The Soul Refining Flame was furious: "You fart! You just slurp! I've changed myself a long time ago, and I've quit eating this kind of thing a long time ago.

I admit that when I saw that humanoid fire puppet, for a moment I really wanted to go out and have a look, but I didn't want to steal it, just out of curiosity. "

Ergouzi curled his lips: "Just curious? Who believes it! You must be greedy, and then secretly dispatched the split, so don't quibble!"

Refining the soul fire marrow qi was half dead: "I said that if you didn't eat it, you didn't eat it! The fire puppet is not surrounded by flames or fire marrow at all, even if I want to eat it, I can't eat it!"

Yun Chujiu was taken aback: "You said that the fire puppet is not surrounded by flames? What is that?"

She remembered the previous question, if the fire puppet was surrounded by flames, the gravel under the city wall should have been burned and changed color, but there was no change.

Soul Refining Fire Pulp gritted his teeth and said: "You promise me to punish Ergouzi to eat Chinese cabbage for a month, otherwise I won't say that I will kill you."

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

The soul-refining fire marrow exhaled, and then said: "I'm not sure what it is, but I think it should be similar to the puppet power of Fa cultivation.

Because I can perceive that the ‘flame’ surrounding the fire puppet and the spell seem to have the same origin. "

Yun Chujiu suddenly realized that those cultivation methods use puppet stones for cultivation, and puppet stones are the inner alchemy of fire puppets, and the two naturally come from the same source.

However, it seems useless to know this. Those Fa cultivators who deal with fire puppets all the year round must also know this.

(End of this chapter)

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